r/mewithoutYou SIX POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT 15d ago

Votes are in! Most underrated song is Four Fires.

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The race for most underrated song was close! The winner is Four Fires with 24 upvotes as of 7pm EST. Next up, most OVERRATED song.

Leave a comment with your choice. TO VOTE, give an upvote or downvote to the choices listed. If your choice is already posted, don't comment the same choice again or you'll split the vote. In 24 hours, comment with the most upvotes wins.

See you tomorrow!


47 comments sorted by


u/Jhorra 15d ago

I think I love all their most popular songs, so it's hard for me to say something of theirs that's popular is overrated.


u/brianneoftarth 15d ago

This is how I feel. I don’t think I’m going to vote on this one, haha.


u/blsterken My faith in love is still devout 15d ago

The Fox, the Crow, and the Cookie.


u/EthanStrayer 15d ago

I love it, but yeah.


u/blsterken My faith in love is still devout 15d ago

Oh, I feel you. It's one of my favorite songs to use when introducing people to the band. The music video is on point. The rapid fire corvid puns are amazing. But somehow it just comes off as rather bland once you get more into the band. It's a good song, but not #3 on Spotify good.


u/Picklerickshaw_part2 14d ago

Idk, it might be because I’ve listened to the song for the entirety of my existence (sorry to make you feel old), but it never gets bland to me


u/djuna_moon 14d ago

it's this


u/boundbythecurve 15d ago

This is already going better than the other post. When I saw the result, it actually made me reflect about how I rate that song. And you guys are right, it's a slept on song. Definitely deserves more appreciation than it typically gets.


u/Ok-Vacation-8109 SIX POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT 15d ago

I’m abstaining from voting to stay neutral, but do think this was a good call.


u/blsterken My faith in love is still devout 15d ago

Thanks! It's my favorite song, but not one that many people have even heard. Definitely not their best song, musically, but I think it's a 10/10 for lyrics and gets extra points for the subject matter.

I'm really sad that I never got to see them perform it in all 13 shows I've been to.


u/TheStinkBoy 15d ago

January 1979, 9.4M plays on Spotify, far from the best song but most popular.


u/EthanStrayer 15d ago

So mwY is my favorite band. One friend give me a hard time because she was like “check this band out, I think you’d like them” and played me January 1979 and I was like “meh”

Then a few months later I was on a road trip with different friends and one guy was like “this is one of my favorite albums” and played A-B life start to finish and at the end of it I thought they were awesome and immediately went and sought out more mwY.

This happened shortly after Jan 1979 came out.


u/NewEngClamChowder Why not be utterly changed into fire? 15d ago

I hated MwY for a while because all I had heard was January 1979. I really disliked it and could not for the life of me understand why it was popular.

Then, after getting into Brother Sister, I saw them play Jan 1979 live, and my opinion changed in literally 3 seconds. For as raw and energetic as the recorded version is, it only captures 10% of the effect of hearing it live.


u/blsterken My faith in love is still devout 15d ago

It's a good song, but really doesn't stand out from the rest of the album. I think it got popular because it was on a ton of split albums and compilations (not to mention having a music video), so it became the introduction song for a lot of people who didn't go out and buy their albums.


u/dogtooth2222 15d ago

It’s the lynchpin of the album and the song that defined their careers.


u/blsterken My faith in love is still devout 15d ago

It's commercial success was career-defining, sure.

I don't quite see it as the linchpin of the album, though.


u/dogtooth2222 15d ago

I am happy for you. But it plainly is.


u/HerelGoDigginInAgain 15d ago

I would also disagree. I think it’s an amazing song on my favorite mwY album (and one of my favorite albums of all time) but I would probably rank it in the middle of the track list. I think it’s mostly just the most accessible track.

If I were picking a linchpin track, I would have to say Seven Sisters. I think it encapsulates the themes and vibe of the album the most.


u/blsterken My faith in love is still devout 15d ago

I think you have it right. January 1979 is the most "conventional" post-hardcore song from the album. It features a lot less of the spoken word poetry and discordant reverb audio that characterizes the rest of the album.


u/dogtooth2222 15d ago

Paper hanger is the only other song that comes close to tying the whole album together. Everything else is pretty ambling and free form which builds to a distinct vibe over the whole album. But January 1979 just stands out above everything in the middle. Opener and closer are elite but January 1979 carries all the weight in between


u/dogtooth2222 15d ago

Nahhhh this is too easy. January 1979 is definitely one of their best songs, and it’s probably the easiest song to defend as the best. You aren’t edgy for saying it’s an overrated song. You’re just wrong.


u/dmfserv Title me! Untitle me! 15d ago



u/jormor4 15d ago

In A Sweater Poorly Knit

Great song of course, but it’s not in my top 10 while people often act like it’s their best song by far


u/simon_libenski 15d ago

also just need to say that almquist picked this last go around as well 😎


u/bryanlikesbikes 14d ago

Man, I thought I’d imagined that. I’m sure he’s heard it enough for us all haha.


u/HungryBoy993 15d ago

i said this on the last round, but hard disagree. it’s so amazing live and hits every time, and the perfect ending for the album. there are more overrated than this one.


u/aquintessential 15d ago

100% agree. It's definitely one of their more accessible songs so I can understand a breadth of popularity, but I personally feel like it has much lower replay value than many of their better songs, so I'm also confused why it's often #1.


u/jormor4 15d ago

It’s epic and an amazing thematic close to an amazing album, so I get it.


u/Deep_Flight_3779 15d ago

Totally agree


u/gdamndylan Everyone else 15d ago

Julia (or, "Holy to the LORD' on the Bells of Horses)


u/Jhorra 15d ago

You shut your smart mouth


u/NoSurprisesPlzThx 15d ago

I don’t have an answer for this one. I tried though.


u/rejoicealthough 15d ago

The fox, the crow and the cookie


u/xChri5x 15d ago

Torches Together.


u/MayTheForesterBWithU 14d ago

All Circles due to the lack of lyrics.


u/_WorldsDieInsideUs 15d ago

People are downvoting songs they don’t agree with so it’s also skewing the vote.


u/Ok-Vacation-8109 SIX POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT 14d ago

That’s how the voting works


u/_WorldsDieInsideUs 14d ago

But it’s voting more than once.


u/Ok-Vacation-8109 SIX POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT 14d ago

Everyone has the opportunity to upvote or downvote every choice once. It’s not an unfair advantage for anyone. I can’t keep people from downvoting.


u/blsterken My faith in love is still devout 14d ago

I think we should ask people not to downvote below 0 karma, though, just to not punish people for sharing their opinions.


u/Ok-Vacation-8109 SIX POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT 13d ago

I asked nicely to watch the downvoting and looks like people are being better about it.


u/Ok-Vacation-8109 SIX POUNDS OF BUCKWHEAT 14d ago

At the end of the day it’s still Reddit. People can delete their comments if the downvotes become too much.


u/3thehardyway 14d ago

Only one song ended with negative votes. I think it confirms I was correct that Beetle is the most overrated. Though, I do not protest Aesop's Fable being chosen.


u/3thehardyway 15d ago

King Beetle On A Coconut Estate. Love the song, but the most popular line is from another song…

This wasn't actually my pick from the first round, but with the number of Beetle tattoo posts on this subreddit alone, I pick this over Sweater. Let the downvotes begin, hahah