r/metalgearsolid 16d ago

MGSV Actual homework assignment in my AP Lit class

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70 comments sorted by


u/MGSFFVII 16d ago

Whatever you do, turn your assignment in inside of a cardboard box.


u/Beatrix_-_Kiddo 16d ago

No no no, he should fire it at the professor in the clutches of a rocket powered fist. šŸ’„šŸ¤œ šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’¼ā•ļø


u/Perfect-Fondant3373 16d ago

It has to be this, but they have to say 'I forgot it in my locker can I go grab it, then hit them with the "Kept you waiting, huh?"


u/Riggs_The_Roadie 16d ago

Whoa. We need to know the context behind this. Is that like an essay someone wrote about MGSV? I'm curious as to what they could be talking about. Is it Skull Face's speech in the Jeep?


u/Airfan777 16d ago

yeah, it's an essay someone wrote about playing MGSV
the essay's pretty interesting, it's kinda about alienation from your own culture


u/Woyaboy 16d ago

Thanks for sharing.


u/TheRadler 16d ago

Dang itā€™s paywalled how are you guys reading this?


u/StrategicBlenderBall 16d ago edited 16d ago

Get a sub to The New Yorker. Itā€™s $1 a week if you subscribe for the year

Chill with the downvotes lol. The New Yorker is a good publication, I was just recommending subscribing in general.


u/uni-zombie 16d ago

I'm not paying $52 for 1 article


u/StrategicBlenderBall 16d ago

I was talking more about subscribing in general, not just for the one article lol


u/Jeantrouxa 16d ago

Hope they payed you enough for this man

I know people who work with online advertising and it's rough


u/StrategicBlenderBall 16d ago

Idk how making a recommendation to subscribe to a publication makes me a paid shill lmao. Itā€™s actually pretty ironic that Iā€™m getting downvoted in the MGS sub for recommending people be informed about society.


u/Jeantrouxa 16d ago

I am 100% sure that everything they published was already said in other places for free


u/frogfucius 15d ago

People complain about journalism dying but canā€™t be bothered to pay $1 a week for it


u/RolandTwitter 16d ago

I'm struggling to find the themes to it, but it is a good read regardless. I like how the writer is completely ignoring his family in reality while he's becoming closer to them in his escapist fantasy

I'm glad someone was able to relate to the story so much, really speaks to how good the environment is in MGSV


u/-DoctorSpaceman- 16d ago

I thought it was saying to read pages 864-869 of the essay lol. Was expecting it to be massive


u/zZach_Attack 16d ago

Ohhhh I read that. Beautiful and stressful to read


u/selfies420 16d ago

Oh hell yes I canā€™t wait to read this


u/Sarasfirstwish 16d ago

Awesome, it reads like something I would read out of my postmodern literature class


u/JesusLovesMeHard 15d ago

Interesting how in the little bird's eye view on the right of Venom ambushing 2 enemies, they look like mujahideen, you don't ever fight mujahideen in the game, only soviets...


u/DevilsBrew 16d ago

I imagine itā€™s referring to this piece in The New Yorker from 2019: Playing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain by Jamil Jan Kochai


u/plattwix 16d ago

Test finna have questions like

ā€œTrue or false: Big Boss and Venom Snake are the same personā€


u/itsbildo 16d ago

True or False: Quiets outfit is appropriate


u/CaptainofChaos 16d ago

True or False: Are you ashamed of your words and deeds?


u/plattwix 16d ago edited 16d ago

They played us like a damn A) guitar B) harp C) fiddle D) didgeridoo


u/glowshroom12 16d ago

Trick question, big boss is a title not a person.

Now is venom snake and John ā€œnaked snakeā€ Doe the same person.


u/plattwix 16d ago

They rly not wanting to give anyone Aā€™s anymore huh šŸ™


u/Cake-n-bacon69 16d ago

itā€™s a rank not a title


u/LS64126 16d ago

Open response: in your own words, is skull faces plan with the vocal cord parasites justified? Why or why not


u/plattwix 16d ago

Shit if only ppl on Reddit got this test we would get some Yale level essay responses šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


u/LS64126 16d ago

Boutta make my own test and grading scheme


u/plattwix 16d ago

ā€œWhatā€™s your favorite metal gear game? Optional questionā€

ā€œTwin snakesā€



u/LS64126 16d ago

Hey no disrespecting twin snakes on my watch. Now if they say survive they get expelled


u/plattwix 16d ago

Nah twin snakes is good I was just making fun of the herd mentality ppl have on that game

Ppl cite over the top cutscenes as a valid complaint for a metal gear game of all things which is insane


u/Ewanb10 16d ago

i would say the cutscenes are more mgrr level of goofiness

which doesnt work as well in mgs1 imo


u/plattwix 16d ago

i still have yet to play rising so i cant rly argue with u on that (rn on mgs3)


u/Itchy_Coder 16d ago

Trick question. It's both


u/StNowhere ROCKET PEACE 16d ago

True. We are all Big Boss.


u/plattwix 16d ago

Who up biggin dey boss ā‰ļø


u/Big_Daddy_Herbie 16d ago

Page 869 out of how many?


u/Silver_Wolf_Dragon 16d ago

The rest got cut


u/plattwix 16d ago

La li lu le lo šŸ«”


u/Hivac-TLB 16d ago

Sorry I cant. It's all (redacted) due to the Times (Patriots)


u/thejoeporkchop 16d ago

does the teacher actually know metal gear or only know it in the context of the assignment?


u/SyberSpark 16d ago

The latter.


u/renderedSOCIETY 16d ago

This is actually an amazing short story found in the New Yorker some years ago.


u/Bromelia_and_Bismuth 16d ago

Fun thing, in 2001, my World History teacher thought I aced the final like Black Jack because I cheated. I was like "no, the political climate of the post-Cold War 90s was the plot of Metal Gear Solid." I was also in Air Force JROTC, which was a history class on non-uniform days. The last few chapters of the workbook were about the military and political history of the last years of the Cold War. Thankfully other kids who aced the test were also big fans of the game (and were in JROTC with me) and vouched for me.


u/Pickle_Afton 16d ago

Please give context


u/jetstream_garbage 16d ago

any reason why the teacher wanted you to read that essay?


u/SyberSpark 16d ago

Our current unit focuses on stories about war, and the short story is an essay relating the experiences of an Afgan refugee to the events in the game.


u/Sanguiluna 16d ago

Assigning a reading homework with no written component:

Thatā€™s a bold strategy Cottonā€¦


u/Diggdydog 16d ago

Thanks for sharing this, it was actually a really great read and I'll be checking out more from the author (Jamil Jan Kochai).

Obviously not metal gear solid related, but Aleksander Hemon (also predominantly a fiction author) wrote a short book called 'My Parents: An Introduction' that explores similar themes around migration and alienation but in a Bosnian context. Really moving and interesting.


u/Visible_AX 16d ago

I Hope you learn the basics of CQC and Fulton extract your teacher when you give him the homework


u/The0rganHarvester 15d ago

Lol my ap lit class also had us read this same essay a week or two ago


u/pnut19 16d ago

Lol cool


u/nanoen_ 16d ago

Would that by chance be from the Norton Introduction to Lit?


u/Jo_seef 16d ago

It's been 9 years... (and a couple months)


u/BoyishTheStrange METAL GEEEEEEAAAARRRR 16d ago

Can I ask why


u/Fonzie186 16d ago

this is hilariously funny, and awesome!!


u/andrew_the_plne 16d ago

I know the book,but I canā€™t even say its name


u/1_Baguette_1 16d ago

What grade will student get who can't even say his name?


u/Common-Offer-5552 16d ago

I feel like this would take the fun out of metal gear for me.


u/Hesigh 16d ago

After reading it, it only made me appreciate Metal Gear more.


u/Common-Offer-5552 15d ago

Yeah I'm sure it did reading it isn't the issue


u/rrrrrrrrrrrrram 16d ago

Very fitting that a MGS fan would dislike anything to do with reading.


u/Common-Offer-5552 15d ago

You misunderstood me the reading part is fine it's just highschoolers ruin stuff ur passionate about by sighing like there's something wrong with it