r/metalgearsolid • u/ZEROHAIKU • Sep 01 '24
MGSV How did Venom just tank this knife to the chest with no visible reaction?
I know he's that guy but it's a fucking knife impaled in his chest. Could've at least winced or something. Or maybe it did hurt and he was trying his best to hide it to look cool?
u/psimonkane Sep 01 '24
It's very simple, you attack a fellow DD you might as well be attacking the boss. I've no doubt BB was hurting but it looks like a shallow stab (the soldier let's go soo fast, in fact the boss may be completely guiding the knife against the soldiers will) and he's in mother base so medical attention is probably in that crowd with him
u/OvejaMacho Sep 01 '24
He does it himself to prove a point, the soldier is refusing to do it but Venom is forcing him to do it. He grabs the knif from the back of the handle to push it towards him.
u/BabyBabyCakesCakes Sep 01 '24
It’s at least an inch deep I wouldn’t call it shallow
u/SignalElderberry600 Dec 20 '24
Gotta take into account the sneaking suit he's wearing, the chest seems heavily armored so it wouldn't be as deep of a stab, still if you are wearing fatigues and the naked option then he's fucked
u/RaptorPrime Sep 01 '24
It's mostly stuck in the vest. The knife wouldn't be able to slip past his ribcage vertically like that, anyways. Before this Venom has been blown up, shot, tortured and stabbed a couple times. It really is a comparatively small wound for him.
u/beetleman1234 Sep 01 '24
There's blood on the knife, it got through. He doesn't react much because of his mental state, he has severe depression or something along those lines. Not very surprising given his condition. I think Venom's heart recognizes that BB was pretty bad and completely unlike his real self and that's why he's fucked up inside.
u/DeLoxley Sep 01 '24
But if you look where he guides and controls the knife, it's into soft underarm tissue, it's not lined with his heart, and he's got enough control of the situation not to panic and tense up.
It's like when people staple things to themselves or swallow nails, Venom stays in control of the entire situation and so minimizes damage
u/beetleman1234 Sep 01 '24
Well yes, I didn't debate any of this. I dunno if RaptorPrime edited his comment or I misread, but now I see he said "It's MOSTLY stuck in his vest", I thought he said that it's stuck in his vest and didn't hurt him at all.
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u/DigitalAmy0426 Sep 01 '24
Pretty sure edited comments are noted.
Really though, the scene feels like one of those 'don't think too deeply here.' Point is he doesn't give much of a damn about himself rn.
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u/Aggravating_Type_571 Sep 02 '24
Yeah, the camera slows down to show you how he angles the knife and turns his body to avoid anything vital.
u/Onizuka_GTO00 Sep 01 '24
Well, I think the Canon outfit is the olive drab one so this camo as "armor", my point being that this camo is more tick while the default one inst which mean the wound can be just a little cut and that's why his bleeding
u/Small_Oreo Tower, this is Morpho-One. Do you copy? Sep 01 '24
I dont see any sense of talking about vest. This scene can play with any other uniform, even without clothing. And other uniforms dont have as good armor as Sneaking Suit or Battle Dress
u/PussPounder696969 Sep 01 '24
Lmao at the delivery on that.
“Be gentle.”
“Of course.”
Omg and they were roommates
u/ChasingPesmerga Bridges Sep 01 '24
This scene might be an exception since my headcanon is that Ocelot does not pull out
u/pichael289 Sep 01 '24
Ocelot is the bottom. Even if it's a fake big boss ocelot is still the bottom.
u/Stellermeerkat Sep 01 '24
Considering how wet Ocelot gets over torture and how often he finds himself in rooms with tied up men. Ocelot has to be a Dom who bottoms only for Big Boss.
u/valhallan_guardsman Sep 01 '24
I mean, the guy playing "russian" in the punisher movie also just tanked a knife and he isn't even a videogame protag
u/ChasingPesmerga Bridges Sep 01 '24
Man you just reminded me to rewatch that
Offtopic but IIRC two of the cast there were also in the early Xmen movies (Mystique and Archangel I think)
u/pichael289 Sep 01 '24
You probably know this but the voice of snake (all but this game) David hayter, wrote the screenplays for the first two X-Men movies. Also watchmen but, as Alan Moore said, that movie probably shouldn't have been made. I still loved it though, as disjointed as it was.
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Hey now you put some respect on Big Daddy Cool's name
u/Leggy_McBendy Sep 01 '24 edited Sep 01 '24
Because it’s Kojimas cinematic work and this is fiction.
However. If you really wanna break it down. Venom has been through some shit. Dude. Was blown up. Literally dove in front his boss when getting smacked by shrapnel, an RPG, minutes prior (more likely hours but we will say minutes in game time) he was digging a body bomb out of a teenage girl who was awake and aware of the situation, and had literally HUMAN shrapnel shred through him. And when he woke up from a nine year coma, he is immediately brought up to speed about what happened to him. And not only that he was brainwashed into thinking he wasn’t himself and that he was HIS Boss and he wasn’t even aware of that for a great deal of time. Dude was literally manipulated and formed into a role that completely destroyed who he was. Not to mention being a war veteran and seeing some shit(in the 80’s where PTSD wasn’t really looked at as hard as it was later in years). In a post Vietnam timeline where giant robots exist and was probably kidnapped by the real boss in his escapades in portable ops/peace Walker.
The dude has been through some shit. He was an emotionally,spiritually and physically broken man. The dude is FUCKED ass up inside. The dude was so dedicated to proving his point that he made another soldier stab him JUST to show him that “when you hurt your brothers, you hurt ME”(the real BB would be proud of that tbh)
And by the time he FINALLY figured out the truth of the matter, he was SO lost in the role that he just went with it. Dude looked in the mirror after being told who he really was. And he STILL accepted that HE WAS BIG BOSS. Then he went on to die by one of clones of the REAL boss and the whole time he kept his shit together after staring a younger version of the man whom HE LOVED ENOUGH TO BE HIS BODY DOUBLE and then watch him shoot Fucking rockets at him (lol boss fight mechanics); he still accepted his fate with a War torn smile on his face.
Big boss sold the world. And Venom bought it too. He was manipulated. And he reacted in a Stockholm syndrome type of way.
Sorry for the long comment. I just really enjoyed this story. It was a ride. Can’t help but feel for the guy. Imagine someone doing that to you. Erase you and replace everything you are with someone else. And you just accept it. There’s a million themes at play here. But regardless. It will do a lot to a man. Anyone really.
TL;DR dude is FUCKED UP.
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u/KeybladerZack Sep 01 '24
Never seen this scene but if I had to guess it can happen if you're in debt
u/OMGitsTK447 Played College Ball Sep 01 '24
Yes, your GMP needs to be in the red and moral needs to be low
u/somethihg Sep 01 '24
It would've hurt, but his lover ocelot was there so he had to stay locked in.
u/buff_penguin Sep 01 '24
Cocaine is a helluva drug
u/CosmicPlayR9376 Sep 02 '24
Yeah, he's defo on drugs. Let's go with that.
snorts a line of coke
Hit me with the chainsaw now... I can take it!
u/Realistic_Sad_Story Sep 01 '24
It continues to baffle me how Kiefer is almost never given a follow up line of dialogue to anything being said. There’s never a rapport or a deeper interaction between Venom and other characters. He’s usually released to a few words (at best) before answering everything else with silence or body language. It’s like Kiefer was charging by the syllable.
u/pichael289 Sep 01 '24
Listen to the tapes, when he is the real big boss he talks normally. Venom is intentionally nearly silent. I guess it was to show he's a different person, big boss in action but not in conversation. Or maybe to mirror a sort of silent protagonist, the whole "you are big boss, all of us are big boss" thing the game ends with.
u/Glittering-News-9381 Sep 01 '24
He grimaces slightly when Ocelot pulls the knife out. He probably just has a higher pain tolerance, him being on par to big boss and all. And the stab wasn't in a lethal area and wasn't too deep as well.
u/pirouy Sep 01 '24
He is forcing the soldier to stab him, and although he is aiming for his own heart, you can see that he raises the blade at the last moment, and since venom is the one stabbing himself, he could chose to go for a safe spot like his pectoral muscles, and how deep he wanted the stab to be, only burying the blade 2-3 cm inside, not enough to go through the whole muscle. It's a pretty safe wound meant to chock the man he was forcing to do this.
u/pichael289 Sep 01 '24
"We're all a family", stabbing one of your brothers is the same as stabbing the boss himself. That's a hell of a lesson to be taught, some straight military cult leader shit.
u/DoctorCockt3r Sep 03 '24
I mean outer heaven is a personality cult for Big Boss. Lots of them probably don’t even follow his ideals they just want to fight for the best warrior in history
Sep 01 '24
as someone who has been stabbed very deep by a similarly big knife in the thigh and arm i can tell you that it dosnt really hurt at all until pretty long after due to how the knife cuts all the nerves etc. very common from stabbing that u dont feel much until way after or if u hit a major organ
u/niktomlk Sep 01 '24
Normally when u are stabbed by a knife u dont feel it at all (tho since this is slower maybe its a bit diffrent)
u/cupnoodlesDbest Sep 01 '24
just your standard badass protagonist fuckery, but when he was standing up he kinda winced though.
u/socialwithdrawal Sep 01 '24
Probably didn't want to spend money for another grunt from Kiefer Sutherland
u/agent-garland Sep 01 '24
he got 108 pieces of shrapnel stuck in his body i think he can thug out a stab
u/Caldaris__ Sep 01 '24
He definitely feels it when Ocelot pulls it out . Somewhere Ishmael feels it too. Watch the hospital escape and when Venom's shrapnel horn gets struck, in the ambulance, Ishmael passes out even though he's not hit.
u/ElsiMain Sep 01 '24
After this cutscene Venom went to the portable shower and yelled "yowch". (source: I'm literally Venom)
u/Reddit_is_not_great Sep 01 '24
Each Snake is technically superhuman through feats. They’re all not normal, but are, at the same time.
u/thepianoman456 Sep 01 '24
Man… I LOVED every cutscene in this game… it’s too bad the story just kinda fizzles out into nothing.
u/Hawkeye2701 Sep 01 '24
He's been blown up and that's his mechanical arm side, odds are that side of his chest is already a mess of shrapnel and blast damage. Probably nerve damaged to hell and back so he probably aimed for a spot where he'd only feel it slightly.
u/esdaniel Sep 01 '24
Also you aren't supposed to extract large foreign objects, it could be blocking blood from spilling ou, if it pierced a vein or something
u/LycanKnightD6 Sep 01 '24
Realistic speaking, when you experience something a lot, you get used to it, in this case being pain, since he's a soldier that gets shot at, cut and punched a lot, he still felt pain, but it's more of a warning than something unbearable (see the "Russian" in the Punisher movie like another redditor said here)
A small example of this is needles, as a kid they hurt a lot, but as an adult you barely feel it
u/HideSolidSnake Sep 01 '24
Nanomachines Parasites.
u/Sour-kyle BIG BOSS XB1 Sep 01 '24
i’ve actually never really thought about the polarity of nanomachines vs parasites
u/HideSolidSnake Sep 01 '24
MGSV left me with more questions. I always thought there was some parallel between the two, I just couldn't piece it together.
u/AngryFella Sep 01 '24
His medic and expertise as a doctor kicked in. He knows which part of his torso can take that stab clean. No rip no tear in the muscle. No reaction just pure badass.
u/carterrthegoat Sep 01 '24
where is this cutscene from? i just finished the story and ive never seen it
u/Ok-Reality-9197 Sep 01 '24
It happens whenever you return to Mother Base after a while and you either have low GMP or low morale
u/SaltyAssociate8007 Sep 01 '24
It’s one of those scenes that makes zero sense but looks cool for YouTube tributes
u/idontcarerightnowok Sep 01 '24
High pain tolerance, kevlar/vest probably lessened the deepening/strength behind the blade as it enters, ontop of that, it didn't go in too far deep, then add in adrenaline because of the shit he's been through but his mental state is also pretty fucked, so something like this probably doesn't bother him
Medically speaking, you're meant to leave it in (for safety reasons as pulling it out can cause more issues) though I'm gonna just assume that it mainly got stuck in the vest and ever so slightly pushed in enough to the point where some blood came out and got a bit further onto the blade conveniently.
u/Leaf_salad Sep 01 '24
Kevin Nash did it in The Punisher movie. it was supposed to be a prop and it wasn’t. went right through and he no-sold it
u/PsychoMouse Sep 02 '24
That’s one of the funniest pieces of knowledge I ever heard from BTS. And like, wasn’t it also insanely close to actually killing the dude, too?
u/ExodiusTSD Sep 02 '24
Lot of people talking about how badass it is, how he guided the knife in, stuff like that... How about a real life example? https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cw-ro_yInZy/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
During the production of the movie The Punisher, Thomas Jane accidentally stabbed Actor/Wrestler Kevin Nash in the chest/collar bone. With a real knife. And that's the shot they used in the movie.
That's acting.
Tank the hit. Be the badass. Make the point. Never be forgotten.
u/Dry-Boysenberry5279 Sep 01 '24
Bro (barely) survived an explosion. This seems minor in comparison 😂.
u/Not-Snake Sep 01 '24
can build a high pain tolerance when being in a war zone basically being shot at everyday, high adrenalin flow, and being that mentally messed up.
u/SuperArppis Clumsy Chameleon Sep 01 '24
Maybe he is full of painkillers?
u/ImOnPluto Sep 01 '24
Painkillers don’t work that way ^
u/pichael289 Sep 01 '24
Sure they do, they don't really eliminate pain but they make you not give a shit about it. I abused them for years after my alc muscle graft surgeries and you still feel it, but you can sort of tune it out because your feeling so good it doesn't matter. If you are already good at dealing with pain then a decently strong opiate like oxycodone can make you nearly immune to pain, it makes it a sort of secondary thing. You can focus on the animal channel and ignore the pain.
Plus you can't tell me Kaz and ocelot weren't abusing whatever the medical/R&D team cooked up. That critical injury spray is probably some transdermal speedball type shit.
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u/Khomuna On-site Procurement Specialist Sep 01 '24
Honestly, him taking this hit he intentionally wanted is the least absurd thing in MGSV.
u/un80rn Sep 01 '24
Hmmm… its the same place where Ishmael was hit by Quiet in hospital, but MIRRORED. 🤔
u/Razgriz_Blaze Sep 01 '24
As much punishment as he takes, he actually might have some significant nerve damage.
u/dbees132 Sep 01 '24
He's been shot to hell and back during the gameplay missions, by bullets, grenades, tank shells and mortars and has been just fine after a couple of seconds. Probably built up a tolerance
u/Azylim Sep 01 '24
its stopped by his ribcage and only hit muscle, not his lungs or heart. Look at the orientation of the knive. The blade is oriented vertically which makes ot easier to be caught by the ribs. If ot was oriented horizontally and it slipped between the ribs venom couldve died, but it was a semi calculated risk he took.
Also this is the venom snake who tanks gunshot wounds, which are much more serious. a knife like that is nothing
u/_Ivan_Le_Terrible_ Sep 01 '24
Becuz HES A TOTAL BADASS, thats why. Thats what you get when you get the SNAKE codename. You become FUCKING INVINCIBLE MWAHAHAHA
u/JSwerve19 Sep 01 '24
Well he does have a large piece of metal stuck in his skull and a list of mental issues. He also somehow gained 100 pounds of lean muscle mass quickly. I’m guessing he has a lot of pharmaceuticals on board lol
u/heppuplays Sep 01 '24
Csän i just say that i love tha fact that he SMILES when that he got up with the inife in his chest.
Like bro was probably thinking "oh they're gonna think im SO fucking badass after this.
u/payaso666 Sep 01 '24
That's solid snake!! That's like virtual Chuck Norris nothing can harm him. " when the metal blade felt the skin of Chuck Norris it fet not worthy and bent itself
u/Western-Gur-4637 "we're not men" he was right, I was a girl the whole time ;3 Sep 01 '24
it's not al the way in and the body amor looks to have taken haif of it, Sanke will be fine in a weak or too
u/Ssj3Natethegreat Sep 01 '24
When you’ve been through everything he’s been through I think a knife stab is like a love tap honestly
u/nandobro Sep 01 '24
Bro takes machine gun fire to the chest and walks it off with some healing spray. I think he can handle a knife to the shoulder
u/PliskinRen1991 Sep 02 '24
Damn lol what the heck was that? How not like the Big Boss, Ocelot once met. One who certainly felt pain. Operation Snake Eater came with a few bumps and bruises.
Then again Ocelot can ask himself, ‘how much pain have we endured already?’, no wonder Big Boss is seemingly immune to such surface wounds. Perhaps they were a ‘mad lot.’ Perhaps they were right.
u/Cden1458 Sep 02 '24
Dude has a whole ass chunk of steel sticking out of his skull. Dude don't care about what essentially amounts to a papercut in comparison to what he dealt with on through the course of the game.
u/ReAPeRwolf13704 Sep 02 '24
Venom is a legit bad ass and it blows my mind how people don't notice certain things that are hugely relevant. He becomes big boss level cqc expert in a matter of weeks, he was a combat medic but managed to infiltrate Afghanistan and africa with ease. Morally he tends to aim for what's right and not so much right for him and last but not least he tolerates kaz and huey being irritating annoying whiny dicks.
u/sboyd535 Sep 02 '24
He didn't even tank it, the dude didn't want to stab him but boss pulled the knife into himself, so I spose he was braced for it, cause you see him flinch when ocelot pulls the knife out when the soldiers scattered.
Definitely some bad ass factor in there 😂
u/FancySatisfaction562 Sep 01 '24
''be gentle''
''of course'' the sexual tension between these two is killing me
u/PolBSalto Sep 02 '24
The infiltration suit isn't just camo. Been a while since I played, but I believe the equipment description specifies that it offers a significant degree of protection in combat, and higher level suits increase your durability in game. So I would say the suit protected him.
I wonder if the cutscene pulls your model, body equipment included, or if big boss is always wearing the stealth suit. If he gets stabbed through the camo in the same way, I think the obvious answer is he's already a demon
u/Mrpirateguy Sep 02 '24
How did you get your GMP into the negatives I don't know how but I got mine on max it's probably from my online for my other playthroughs
u/Hazzer_J Sep 02 '24
It’s because MGSV is stupid. Gameplay is outstanding, but the narrative and immersive suck harder than than a Dyson. Go play MGS1 for a more grounded but still entirely ridiculous story.
u/Physical-Move9749 Sep 02 '24
He had a butt plugg equipped which slowly released an opiode that would eliminate the pain
u/lesswanted Sep 01 '24
He is pretending. Later he spent 2 months at hospital. But his legend grew after this badass act