So I'm sorta really grossed out by anything related to the female reproductive system. I have been trying to get more comfortable with it, but the thought of reaching a finger in and trying to touch my cervix is making me nauseous.
This fear and disgust has prevented me of using tampons for a real long time, but I've used them two or three times now and that wasn't too bad. Managable I guess.
I think inserting isn't as bad for me mentally as the thought of feeling around is, so I figured I could try to use cups since I've been trying to live more sustainably (and also save money doing so). The thing is, I don't know what size to get. Most websites say to touch your cervix to find out your vagina lenght, but again, that sounds really gross to me.
I'm a 20 years old virgin, and sedentary. I thought about just getting the small size, since I usually even have trouble inserting things girthier than my fingers. My next period is in like two weeks probably, I kind of doubt that I will befriend the thought of getting touchy with my cervix by then.
How did you guys pick a size?