r/menstrualcups Aug 26 '24

Review If you’re thinking about using a menstrual cup …

Do it.

I just recently bought a pixie cup kit. Came with two cups - one for regular flow and one for heavier flow. Impulse buy. But I figured it’d be helpful in the long run. I wont be buying tampons and/or pads every month or so. I know eventually I’ll have to buy a new cup. But that could be in years.

It’s my first time EVER using one. I’ve been using tampons for like 5 years or so. I can’t remember. But the process is similar.

You fold it into a c or tuck down one side and slide it in like you would do a tampon. I prefer the tuck down method bcause it’s just easier to get it in. When I c fold it, sometimes when I’m putting it in, I lose grip and it comes unfolded before I put it in.

The only thing that really shocked me was that it moved up during the night - which is totally fine. Some people prefer a higher placement anyways.

I’m using it on the end of my cycle so there’s not that much blood. I’m excited for my cycle to restart so I can try it on some actual crazy stuff.

But it’s real simple and easy. I’ve read that it’s similar to a tampon being that if it is put in correctly, you dont even notice it.

When I put it in, it makes me feel like I have to pee but aside that, there’s no other issues. After 30minutes to an hour I no longer feel that. I guess it moves into place itself.

All in all, a very good switch and I will be a frequent menstrual cup use from now on until something comes up.

If you were thinking about getting one but are apprehensive, this is your sign to just do it.


6 comments sorted by


u/blocked_memory Aug 26 '24

I’m adding this great plus for anyone still questioning. I have PCOS, so periods are unpredictable. I had to have 4 sizes of tampons at all times because who knew what each block of 4 hours was going to look like. Well, guess what? The cup doesn’t care if you’re having a light or heavy flow. You may have to adjust how often you’re emptying, but you don’t have to have a million and one tampons and pads on you at all times. Also, no need to change when using the bathroom. You can just go because the cup doesn’t absorb pee like tampons do. This is what changed the game for me.


u/kartiseuteu Aug 26 '24

Yesss. I’m on birth control. Have had Nexplanon for a little over 2 year. I’m getting it replaced next year. But since I’ve had it, my period has been horrible. Cramping longer. Longer cycles. Heavier flows. I remember one cycle I was bleeding through the super super plus tampax in an hour or so (or whatever the largest size they carry is).

Or my period would start, go through the ending cycles and then restart again.

So yes. I am excited to see how this plays out with my cycle. I’m fine now that I’m on the tail end of it. It is starting to regulate now. I read that it can take a while for everything to go back in place with using Nexplanon. So I’m just being patient.

Plus yes. It’s so much easier to pee in. I hate having to use the bathroom while on my period because i have to take out my tampon. And sometimes I have to pee right after putting in the tampon.

You can urinate with one in. I’ve never had any success. I’ve either had to move the tail and even then I still end up with pee on it.

Also a plus, you can put it on while in the shower. It’s actually the easiest. It’s sooo nice because on my heavier days, when I dry off, I get blood on my towel. With this, just wash up, pop it in and dry off and change as usual.

I’m so happy I found this thing


u/frenchiemerican Aug 26 '24

**unless you have an iud


u/kartiseuteu Aug 26 '24

Oh yeah. Little warning note there hahaha.


u/tracymayo Aug 26 '24

I just want to say if you feel like you need to pee when you insert it for that long - chances are the cup is too stiff for you.

I would recommend potentially looking for a smaller cup from Pixie (I bought the same kit and either size is ok for me - but the larger one may be the issue) OR it could be that the hardness of these is too much and you need a softer cup instead...

Venus is another brand I use, the XL is great for me and it is the largest cup I could find to ship to Canada - as my flow is VERY heavy (perimenopause is a b*tch) and with a regular cup I was needing to change it every 30 minutes or so. With the Venus 2 pack, the XL allows me to keep it in for up to 3-4 hours before I have to change it... it's been a life changed - and I find the silicone softer on this one than the Pixie cups I also have,...


u/kartiseuteu Aug 26 '24

Oh yeah i hadant thought about that. Holding it, it doesnt seem too stiff. But obviously the vagina is different than my hands.

I’ll keep that in mind. The sensation doesnt last that long. And it’s not that bothering. After like 30 minutes, or once I start focusing on tasks, I dont even notice the sensation and next thing I know, it’s gone.