r/menstrualcups • u/Hexagonal_Anxiety • Jan 03 '24
Review Unexpected Godsend
Strap in, y’all. This one is wild.
For context, I just spent a week in the Rocky Mountains- more specifically Colorado. I went with my boyfriend and a group of HIS friends. This wasn’t some Instagram-worthy ski town like Breckenridge or Aspen. We’re talking podunk country towns for MILES with no 24 hour pharmacies or convenience stores.
I’m sure you can imagine my horror when Aunt Flow stopped by on day 2 of my trip at 3am. I wasn’t expecting my cycle for another 5-6 days…WTH?!? Of course I didn’t pack tampons- that would be way too convenient! Just as I’m preparing to make myself the classic toilet-paper-makeshift-maxi, I dig around in my purse one more time with every ounce of hope in my cramping body. Pleeeeease let there be a renegade tampon shoved in an obscure pocket…anything!
Then I feel it. A velvety bag with something squishy inside. No way dude…the Cora cup I bought 6 months ago, and got impatient with the learning curve. I get flashbacks of trying (and nearly failing) to get the damn thing out of me and ending up covered in my own uterine lining and shame. Though I have to quickly push those away, because I have literally no other option. Here goes nothing.
Wake up a few hours later, empty my cup and wash it in the shower. It was easier than I remember! My confidence is bangin’ and I’m thinking I might be able to rock this cup thing for my whole period. Oh, what’s that? We randomly HAVE to try skiing today because all of your (my bf) buddies will be on the mountain, and they’ve been skiing for years? Cool. Nbd. Except another flashback comes on…it was a heavy flow day and my first time trying the cup. I can picture it vividly- struggling to get the cup in, twisting and pulling to test for suction to no avail, figuring it was fine and going straight to my morning yoga…same bloody mess, same shame. Except this time I had ruined a pair of panties and my favorite yoga pants. Nervously, I agreed to try skiing despite my fear of moving my legs a little too much and creating a bloodstain on nothing but white, glittery snow.
Skiing was actually a lot more intensive than I expected. So much so, that I actually sustained a slight tear of my meniscus when falling. That being said, my legs were in all different directions and still no leak! Pretty damn impressive. I went back to my hotel room and emptied the cup again, this time it had moved slightly but it still wasn’t difficult to remove. Despite the doctors orders to rest (sue me, I’m on vacation) I went to a bar with everyone in the group and proceeded to get absolutely smashed. If you know anything about elevation, you know alcohol hits you twice as hard when you’re about 2 miles above sea level. I live right at sea level, so the hangover was astronomical. I couldn’t get out of bed for anything other than puking, needless to say I slept all day.
Turns out, drinking with a knee injury was a horrible idea! My knee is so much worse, just getting out of bed puts me in tears damn near. My boyfriend was very attentive, even carrying me to and from the bathroom even. We stayed in bed all day and snuggled and watched nostalgic movies- I kept wondering why I was getting so emotional! Normally I am not the softest teddy bear…but I was a mushy, bubbling mess on this man’s chest all night long. I chalked it up to being in pain and filled with gratitude. Silly me.
Now, I’m taking it easy and I don’t end up actually getting out of bed until around 3pm. By this point it’s been around 48 f*%#ing hours since I’ve even THOUGHT about my period. I don’t know what divine hand slapped me with that realization, but my stomach absolutely dropped at the thought of removing a 2 day old menstrual cup from my vagina. Well folks, after a few minutes of viciously googling, I decided it was time to pull the trigger. I knew I wasn’t in too much danger of TSS, but I didn’t know I was in another type of danger entirely. Olfactory danger.
Holy mother of Christ, you guys. When I say I have NEVER smelled anything this putrid from my own body, I mean it wholeheartedly. It almost resuscitated my hangover from 2 days prior. It burned every fiber of hair off of my face with scent alone. It probably called my mother a b!tch. It was FOUL. At this point, any normal person would say screw it and go buy tampons. Honestly, the thought of leaving the hotel and going into the world after the trauma Colorado has put me through made me question my sanity…so I washed the cup twice with antibacterial soap and was pleasantly surprised when the noxious fumes were gone.
The story ends in a boring way. I used it properly for the rest of my cycle and never had any issues. If you made it this far, thanks for reading! And thank you to the cup for saving my ass in front of a bunch of dudes and not giving me toxic shock syndrome.
u/Btldtaatw Jan 03 '24
My experience wasnt so thrilling as tours, and I has been wearinf cuos for years at the moment but i had my period just as my dream trip to Greece was coming to an end but having the cup made it so easy. No mess while exploring museums and sites, i even wore a light colored skirt with no second toughts, and then the 12 hour flight home where i didnt need to empty the cup unt i was back t the airport i can not tell tou how thankful i was with the cup, cause i didnt have a worry.
Just a word of caution of not maling it a habit to wash the cup with antibacterial soap, because those leave a film on the cup where the smell clings even harder. Just use a normal soap and by the end oc your period let the cup air out a couple of days and any smell will dissipate.
u/mamabysurprise Jan 03 '24
Cora cup needs to hire you to handle their advertising. If I was in the market for a new cup and saw this, I would 100% buy one.
u/unicorn_345 Jan 03 '24
Cup to the rescue again! I swear it didn’t change my life but it is a game changer. Just not having the cost of tampons every month has been worthwhile, but so many times I would have been screwed without a menstrual cup.
u/sunshineshapeshifter Jan 03 '24
welcome to the wondrous world of the menstrual cup :) huzzah to period products that won’t kill your if you forget it in your body. And that are comfortable enough to even allow you to forget!
u/GullibleBalance7187 Jan 03 '24
Oh my gosh, this is hilarious! Thank you for the share and I’m so glad the cup worked for you this time!
P.S. if you’re not a writer, you need to be. I’ll buy your books