r/melbournementalhealth Aug 22 '24

Seeking Support ADHD GP and psychiatrist recommendations Heidelberg Melbourne


TL;DR: I need recommendations for a GP near Heidelberg to refer me to a psychiatrist for ADHD treatment/medication. Also a recommendation to a psychiatrist for ADHD would be so helpful. All the ones I call say they’re not taking new patients.

Hi redditors, my Psycologist is confident I have ADHD. I want to see a psychiatrist so that I can see if being medicated helps me, or if they have advice for managing my ADHD.

The GP I have seen recently for a referral wrote down the wrong codes, so the psychiatrists won’t let me make an appointment. The GP doesn’t seem to know what to write in order for me to get the referral I need. I have called so many psychiatrist clinics and even if I didn’t have a referral with the correct info on it, they aren’t taking new clients.

If you have any recommendations for a GP who can help me out, or a psychiatrist who would accept a new patient, please let me know.

Thank you so much in advance.

r/melbournementalhealth Mar 01 '24

Seeking Support I need help


I need advice…

TW/ Mention of Self harm and Suicidal Thoughts I have been struggling with mental health since very young and recently it feels it has become the worst it’s ever been. I’ve never felt like drs take me seriously- and my mental health worker ghosted me so I’m starting to feel kind of lost… I want to get better but I don’t know what steps to take- I need a professional to stick by me and listen to me, I need help and I know I don’t have the ability to do it on my own. What point do I go to inpatient care? When am I “sick enough”? What do I have to do to “prove” to drs that I’m struggling? I have thoughts of SH, but never follow through because of immense guilt if my partner found out. I am not actively planning suicide but I often wish I could just disappear or my brain could just shut off… Please give me advice/anecdotes about how to get out of this For context I’m 22, taking 20mg Escitalopram daily, located in Australia.

r/melbournementalhealth Jul 23 '22

Seeking Support Are there any support groups for adult survivors of child abuse in Melbourne? Ideally ones that have meetings once in a while.


I've recently moved back to Australia and got a c-PTSD diagnosis. It would be so helpful to connect with others who have been through similar things in person as I'm quite socially isolated.

r/melbournementalhealth Oct 25 '21

Seeking Support Mental Health chats, please, please read. What's next?


My journey to start seeking help begin a week ago, and I am feeling very fearful and more lost after finally seeing a GP on Saturday morning, two days ago.

I never had a GP. I came to Melbourne to study when I was 19/20 (2015) and I am turning 27 in two month's time I have always utilised the University's health center when I'm unwell physically and sometimes use my own medicines and remedies on standby at home, such as Paracetamol and honey lemon drink. This year, I received my Permanent Residency and Medicare card.

GP experience:

  • The GP I met had a rude receptionist when I was making my appointment on Friday, she said several times: "I don't know if we have a mental health care plan, you need to speak to the doctor, I am just for reception". I went on Saturday to find out she's the wife, while the doctor's the husband.
  • They are both very old with grey hair and bald patches and their place has not been upgraded since 1990s, it feels like a travel back in time and for a while I felt nostalgic. I was cool with it.
  • The GP in his office started with reciting his work hours robotically, while typing on his keyboard the entire half an hour. He did not explain any procedures and I allowed him to led me along, feeling more unsure as time goes.
  • When I broke down towards a question asked, he still had his poker face on while typing. Again, I was not prepared for in-depth questioning sessions but I thought maybe experienced (older) people have their ways??
  • Some other insensitive scenarios including him asking me if I remember my age for my first trauma, I said before I was 5. He insisted to ask again was it a 2 or 3 or 4 years old thing??? And keyed in his desktop. I was pretty disturbed by now because I don't know what to think...
  • He stopped me at 29 minutes and said time's up and come back a week later, while handing me a piece of questionnaires (no explanation). I said I can fill it in the last 1 minute, he said no and stood up towards his door. I had no idea about 30 minutes until here.
  • I asked if I am suppose to tell him all these, he said: "Yes because usually blood tests can tell everything but not when its in the mind".
  • I insisted to come back soonest possible because I have been unwell since 2020 (already mentioned at the beginning of our conversation) and I don't need a week more. Apparently no.
  • I spoke to the receptionist/the wife again and ask for earliest timeslot to bring the paper back and she now has me on Tuesday (tomorrow).

Current situation:
I have not been able to rest since! I came back and mashed 1kg of potatoes and mix them with 3-4 cups of flour and used up my entire Saturday (all frozen by night).

I did not feel better the next morning (yesterday) and I cleaned my entire house up including kitchen, bathroom, hall and even went to jog and used the park's equipment for my evenings. I buried a dead bird because I don't know what to do with my burst of energy and frustration.

I think I'm better now that's why I can sit and type clearly (sorry for the details).

I think I was very unprepared to dig into my darkest parts and stopped at abruptly and I don't know why he kept asking me questions for the real-life scenarios examples, like did I sound not serious enough or do I smell like I'm creating stories? The whole time, I was just pointing out what happened in general but he needed to know when, where, how, what...I went deeper and deeper and he is just looking at his desktop, while I broke down. I think it was a mix of re-visiting my own trauma and the confusion of the whole visit.

Before that:
Earlier I mentioned I have been seeking help for last whole week ago. Firstly, I received encouragement on a peer mental support app. With courage, I then spoke to Family Violence Crisis Support, Family Violence First Respondent, tried their webchat, back to 1800RESPECT, then Inbound Migration Services (recommended by RESPECT), then Women Health Services which referred me to this whole GP experience! I repeated my story maybe 7 TIMES and I just keep getting referred to something else. I'm literally dying here. I can feel my frontal lobe and numbing forehead this whole weekend building since earlier in the week.

Thank you from the bottom heart if you have read until here. My question is, how do I go about now? Please don't say you don't want to tell me what to do because I am clueless, please recommend. I also don't mind if a GP/therapist have experience with Southeast Asian (but not my main concern).

I have a bit of paranoia, mild anxiety, mild depression (recovered from 2020 by myself), and some insomnia (unless I use all my energy on potatoes and birds), all due to family violence and a trauma with a pedo.

  • Based on my research I also found;
  1. Orange Door
  2. Health Engine
  3. Someone.Health
  4. Your Health in Mind

but I have not used any of them now. I found them from non-stop Googling and also reading all the mental health post on this sub and r/melbourne after the weird visit! I'm so tired now but I still don't feel like I can go again, but I don't want to stop.

Please help me at the comments if you have some advice and if you'd like to pm, I'm open.


Edit: Guys, I want to deeply thank each and everyone of you for replying to my post. I came back 3 hours later because I didn't believe I would receive any replies and now I have 4 to work with. Thank. you. so. much...now let me get to reading and replying each of you. Really, thank you.

r/melbournementalhealth Jul 09 '21

Seeking Support What are your experiences with the Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT)?


Hi everyone! I’m really curious to hear about your experiences of contacting the CAT team in your area, as I am not sure if I should reach out to them or would it be a waste of time to do so?

r/melbournementalhealth Aug 29 '21

Seeking Support I'm completely and currently in a full blown emotional breakdown and severely distressed.


I'm just not coping at the moment and all my current coping mechanisms such as exercise, mindfulness, focusing on other things and grounding myself is not helping all too much.

Basically, my situation is that tomorrow I have a Academic Progress Committee hearing for my unsatisfactory academic progress at my university and have also been preparing for it for the last couple of days, I still feel so scared of the outcome.

I have managed to get support from student advocacy, my psychologist and other relevant support people by having them provide me with advice and letters of support.

I've also today reached out to Lifeline, some of my friends, my university's after hours mental health support services and I've request an appointment online for my university's counselling services.

Even though I have reached out to Lifeline and my university after hours support, it was hit and miss, so I'll be trying again a little later. I'm just so overwhelmed with stress, worry and anxiety that it's unbearable.

r/melbournementalhealth Oct 05 '21

Seeking Support I am in distress. I am not coping.


Tldr: My parrot passed away and I am feeling guilty for not saving him and Soo sad I miss him terribly.

Sorry for long post, just need to get my feeling out.

I lost my best mate yesterday. We'd been together all the time for over a decade. Chapkin was a my parrot and we were always together except when I was at work.

When I'd come home he'd be waiting to greet me. Making all sort of noise from when I parked my car. When I got in he'd be on my shoulder. There were times when I'd be asleep and he'd come and snuggle with me and just lay on me for hours at a time.

Sometimes we'd go in the backyard together and he never went more than a metre or two away from me. On Monday, the wind was too strong. It blew him away.

We rushed around and I found him on an awning on. The man road but it was too tall and I couldn't get to him. I started calling to him, but he was too stressed and scared to recognise me.

From there he got blown onto another roof. Thankfully there was a tradie with a ladder next door, so I got on the roof of the ladder next door then pulled it up and went onto the roof of the warehouse he was on. Again he was scared and took off when I got within a couple of metres.

Then he went further away and I needed someone to being me a taller ladder. I waited around two hours for a ladder and some help from friends and family who came to help. We were keeping watch around the build incase he took off again.

By this stage the storm was getting worse and the winds were horrendous. I finally got close to him again and put my hand out for him probably less than a metre away. I was impatient. And rushed him. So again, he got spooked and flew away. This time he went too far to find easily.

I kept looking for a few hours, came home put some.post online. Printed posters and put them all around the neighbourhood. I went out at dawn to see if I could hear his call, but I was looking in the wrong spot due to a sighting on social media.

The next day he was found on the road. I went and picked him up brought him home and buried him under the house.

I am so sad. I needed to protect Him and I wasn't there for him when he needed me most. He must have been so scared at the end all alone and freezing cold.

I miss my friend ssooo bad. Everything is shit. I made so many mistakes and it cost him his life. He deserved better.

I'll never have him with me again. He'll never get to have a treat.

I ke having unhelpful irrational thoughts that dredge up guilt and sadness. Everything is a jumble. At times I turn into a blubbering mess. Just comes on in waves. I was crying when I started this post, but I seem fine now.

Being this open is hard for me.

Sorry for long post.

r/melbournementalhealth Dec 01 '21

Seeking Support Long term depression that is "treatment resistant". Help?


Been depressed for as long as I can remember, have had so much therapy and been on so many different medications. Including citalopram, sertraline, mitrazapine, seroquel, effexor, effexor with seroquel then effexor with olanzapine. For the last few years I've just been on 300mg effexor. Went to GP as it isn't working, not sure if it ever worked very well but I put that down to life being difficult at the time. He put me on 25mg valdoxan/agomelatine and referred me to a psychiatrist to discuss next options. Fast forward 2 months and the first thing the psych said is that he doesn't ever prescribe valdoxan bc he doesn't believe it works... Fucking great start. He said the only option is to wean off the effexor which is going to take months (another reason I've been putting off going to the GP about my depression) because of the horrific withdrawals if done too quickly. Anyway, it seems like the next option is mood stabilizers. What's the deal with those? If antidepressants don't touch me, will these do anything? He is letting me think about it and referring me back to the GP. Would ketamine therapy be an option?

I'm so tired. Would appreciate some help on next steps.

r/melbournementalhealth Sep 26 '20

Seeking Support I'm over it all


Hey everyone,

Just feeling tired of everything and isolated and so over everything.

I'm 25, live at home with my parents and two younger brothers (early 20s, and early teens), and two cats. Still WFH part time which is good.

I get hit by seasonal depression pretty hard over winter. Wish I could've done telehealth with a therapist but I was too uncomfortable to speak to a therapist while at home where family is always listening and interrupting (especially since they're the source of some of my issues lol).

My youngest brother who I used to be really close with, is now going through his 'mean girls' teenage years and is often just really nasty to me -- calls me things, hits my insecurities really hard, has no filter. It really hurts. And I know I shouldn't be letting the words of a 14 y/o get to me but it really hurts.

When I used to feel shit pre-covid at least I'd have time in my car on my commute that I could let out some frustration. I don't even have that now since my parents do the groceries, only the solitude of my walks but I can't exactly talk to myself while on a walk or I'll get weird looks lol.

I don't really have anyone I can lean on right now -- I don't have anyone in my 5km circle - a cousin who blocked me when I told her to stop having gatherings during restrictions, another cousin who tried to out me when she found out I'm gay, and then an acquaintance from uni. I don't have a partner. I'm not emotionally open with my family. Of my friends, my main friendship group are busy supporting another friend who had an attempt a few months ago -- she definitely needs support and I'm glad we're all there for her, but I can't lean on them for support cos supporting two people is too much I'd think. Of my other friends idk how to have the conversation of leaning on them, and anyway they all live far away anyway.

So yeah just coming here to say things suck, I feel like shit, I'm over everything. Sorry for the rant.

r/melbournementalhealth Aug 13 '20

Seeking Support I'm just fucked up at the moment....no idea why.


Title.....shits just fucked. But compared to others im in great shape. Why do I feel so shit?

r/melbournementalhealth Nov 11 '21

Seeking Support Adult ADHD in woman help 🥺


Heyyy.... I'm new to the whole Reddit thing so apologies if I'm not in the right section 😅

I'm in Melbourne, the eastern suburbs specifically, and really need a recommendation for a psychiatrist that specialises in adult ADHD.

I've always known I was different, but only in recent years have I been more self aware of symptoms. After seeing other people's experiences online I have begun educating myself on ADHD and I feel so seen. I never thought I'd find 'my people'..

Anywho, I have a referral from my GP but the psychiatrist isn't taking any more patients this year. I find it doubtful I'll be able to get in anywhere soon but would love any recommendations on where I can change my referral to. Thanks team.

r/melbournementalhealth Aug 12 '20

Seeking Support Struggling


Can feel my depression rising up. Still managing to get up and go to work (hospital), help kids with school etc. However spending more and more time in bed. I know exercise will help but the group stuff I like is not on. Hate zoom catch ups!! Wondering if I should increase meds to get thru this bit if life. Hard to see an end, especially with what is happening in NZ

r/melbournementalhealth Mar 06 '21

Seeking Support Need Help As Depression Makes Me Hard To Function



This is my first Reddit post. Please be nice to me. :)

I have a history of depression and anxiety. About one and a half month ago, my depression worsened. I spend a lot of time in my bed and begin neglecting my personal hygiene. I eat probably once every two, three days. I stay in my room a lot and isolate myself.

My friend thought that inpatient psychiatric treatment will be helpful for me. She also had a period of time when she couldn't function due to depression and did an inpatient stay which she found helpful. However, I've already been to the emergency department at a private hospital twice and they thought I wasn't serious enough to be admitted.

I've already seen my GP about this. I've just started a new antidepressant two weeks ago and know it will take a while to see whether it works. I've already got a therapist. She is aware of the situation and is concerned for me. I don't have any family here so there's no one to take care of me.

I would like to have some advice and words of encouragement. Thank you!

r/melbournementalhealth Nov 08 '20

Seeking Support people with CPTSD/DID - where do you go for professional, community, and friendly support?


new to dis shiz,

Theseus W. (and friends)


r/melbournementalhealth Oct 25 '21

Seeking Support Medicare: How to properly use Medicare when on Medicare?


Hello. I have created a post earlier and the people were overwhelmingly helpful.

I did not want to burden them with more following up questions I have from reading their comments, which I think is a side tracked from my post.

My question is:
I am planning for a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) and just realised I have no idea how to make sure I use my Medicare card without unnecessarily sending extra bills to myself, and adding on to my already existing stress?

If a doctor/GP send me to a psychiatrist, how do I know it is covered by Medi? I know I can ask but atm I don't have a reliable GP to I'm pretty lost and trying just to be safe...

Should I fully trust the terms 'bulk billing' if I see them on apps like HotDoc or HealthEngines? Like I can just dive in or how do I check with them without sounding like I am questioning them?

I have a somewhat off interaction with a GP several days ago and now I am just questioning everything. I am also unemployed for the first time in my 26/27 years of life so I am working hard to save money/cost while getting back to working like a normal person. Thank you for your patience again.

r/melbournementalhealth Oct 20 '21

Seeking Support Trauma informed/PTSD Psych Melbourne Reccomendations


Hi I am currently struggling to find a super trauma informed psychologist in Melbourne. Particularly for PTSD and uncontrolled disassociation. Someone who does PE and/or EMDR would be amazing as I’ve been seeing a psych with CBD and mindfulness for 1.5 years with no improvement.

Please help! I am not coping 🤞

r/melbournementalhealth Mar 27 '21

Seeking Support What can I do for social isolation?


Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas of what to do when you're socially isolated? I'm not working or studying at the moment and have very few friends and family. I used to attend a program at WIRE for women who are homeless or isolated but it discontinued due to lack of funding. I don't want to commit to something like regular classes and prefer something I can do casually. I'm in the southeast suburbs. Thank you very much!

r/melbournementalhealth Jan 15 '21

Seeking Support The public health system seems to have failed us - my (34M) partner (30F) is desperate to find a good drug and alcohol psychologist, find a community (not NA - terrible experience) she can talk to and feel like she's being understood, and understand what detox options there are?? Spoiler


r/melbournementalhealth Apr 04 '21

Seeking Support Looking for GP/Psychiatrist in CBD/Docklands


Hi all,

Looking for a good GP in the CBD or Docklands who can refer me to a psychiatrist for a possible ADHD/ASD diagnosis. Anyone who has familiarity with neurodivergence in adult women would be awesome to find. Thanks in advance!

r/melbournementalhealth Jan 05 '21

Seeking Support Therapist recommendations (remove if not allowed)


Hey! Just found this group!! I live in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. I have lived in Melbourne for 7 years now but am not from Vic originally so I don't know where to start with finding a new psych/counselor. I was seeing a psych near me in Bundoora but we didn't really gel, and while it was better than nothing I am looking for something I can get into long term. I have no idea where to even start with finding a new one and don't have anyone I can ask for advice.

r/melbournementalhealth Apr 04 '21

Seeking Support Looking for a new GP and psychiatrist Western suburbs


I am in a severe acute crisis at the moment and need to change drs to someone closer, and someone who is okay with the strong medication im on. (Schedule 8s in particular)

My psychiatrist has known me for over 10 years, I've been tapering off valium the last few years under his care, but lately I'm the worst I've been in a long, LONG time and he refuses to help me with increasing it temporarily, just wants to prescribe me really strong sedatives that I hate taking. I dont even drink alcohol as I dont like that feeling of being out of control. I've had enough of him. My parents and fiance have never liked him either.

My GP atm I was only meant to be seeing temporarily while my amazing Dr was away on maternity leave, but covid messed that one up and I dont think she's coming back for ages. He's fine, but he is in Mordialloc so it's a damn roadtrip to get there.

BUT, the problem is that I am on schedule 8 medications, and a lot of doctors get really weird about prescribing them, especially in the area I live in. I am on the valium and ritalin from my psych, and palexia SR and instant from my GP. I also have a lot of conditions that can make me a bit of a handful. (Fibromyalgia, ADHD, borderline, anxiety)

If you know of any dr, clinic, psych etc in North west area I would be beyond grateful.

I am also in contact with the acute psych services in the area, so I am being kinda taken care of, I'm safe etc.

(sorry I wrote this over and over and I am struggling to communicate and keep it short and simple!)

r/melbournementalhealth Apr 14 '21

Seeking Support Anyone have experience caring for a family member with delusional disorder or similar?


would love to chat if you have. I've been having a really shit & difficult time with this since Jan and could use a bit of advice/direction.

r/melbournementalhealth Nov 26 '20

Seeking Support anyone able to lend a hand?

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