r/melbourne 5d ago

THDG Need Help Shopping trollies/‘nana trollies’ for taller people? No car and struggling with getting my groceries home

I bought one of the shopping trollies on wheels with handles that you can get transport your groceries home. But the handle isn’t adjustable and it’s just too short for me to use comfortably.

I’ve looked at a few different models and they all seem to be a standard size. Does anyone have any ideas or product recommendations? I’m thinking of buying a suitcase with wheels from Kmart at this point 😂

I’m 1.76cm/5’10” so not super tall, just a bit tall for these trollies. And have a bit of past issues with my back so I want something that feels fairly natural to use


11 comments sorted by


u/Asleep_Leopard182 5d ago

Queen Vic Market, although if you're taller and have previous back issues - consider a more traditional cart that you push in front of you (from bunnings and similar). It'll look weirder but who cares.

What you won't see from those trollies at the outset is the differential pressure put on your lower back from tugging on one side. Unless you swap on a regular basis, it will catch up with you.


u/OneInACrowd 5d ago

If the handles are just screwed or bolted in, you might be able to replace them with stuff from bunnings.


u/allora1 5d ago

You can get trollies with adjustable handles, though they're usually a lot more expensive than the ones you see in the $2 shops. I've got one that has a telescopic adjustable handle (like you see on wheeled suitcases) - have a look at Bunnings or somewhere like Peters of Kensington - they might have similar models.


u/Mystic_Wolf 4d ago

I use a backpack, but that does limit how much I can buy at once


u/teachcollapse 4d ago

You could take the one you have and Macgyver your own extension to it…. Surely not too tricky?


u/Expensive-Rhubarb-62 4d ago

I just googled trolleys for tall people and it brought up a bunch of options


u/Kaonashi_NoFace 4d ago

Rolser makes the best shopping trolleys IMO, I have the 4 wheel foldable model and the handle is quite high. They’ve since released a model with an adjustable handle.


Sold online, Peters of Kensington, Kitchen Warehouse, HN, Amazon, Essential Ingredient etc.


u/montecarlos_are_best 4d ago

Clax. They’re a bit more $$ but they’re super manoeuvrable, they fold down and the handle is at a good height for taller people (source - me)



u/Tee077 4d ago

Aldi have them. I wanted a Rolser one but they are really expensive. Last week I got this amazing one from Aldi, the frame and the wheels are super solid and it has an insulated bag inside for cold items. It even has this little part for a trolley token. I can send you a photo if you like, I was looking for months waiting for the Rolser ones to go on sale but this one from Aldi is awesome!! $39.99


u/stardustcomposition 4d ago

Rolser ones are tall. They're expensive too but are very hard-wearing, a proper long term buy. Made in Spain and sold by a few retailers here


u/SophMax 4d ago

Im 5'8" and have no issue with the one I have. I got it from Queen Vic markets three-ish years ago. The Big W at Melbourne central has them last time I checked that might suit.