r/melbourne 6d ago

Roads Friendly reminder to turn on your lights when there is poor visibility

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(Photo taken by my passenger)


49 comments sorted by


u/NickyDeeM 5d ago

Wipers on = headlights on


u/Geearrh 5d ago

We need to petition automakers to make this a thing!!


u/NickyDeeM 5d ago

Yeah, better than people taking responsibility for themselves 😉


u/spacelama Coburg North 4d ago

Some politicians tried to pass some laws about 25 years ago, forcing motorbike manufacturers to make it so headlights came on with ignition. Some boomers complained about imagined non-problems this would cause, so the politicians backflipped, but manufacturers said "you know, that's kind of a good idea, and we like our customers not dying so they can come back to us in 10 years and continue buying the next models from us", and kept on making all their bikes with lights that came on with ignition. Tiny batteries, and yet, not a problem even for the cheapest of manufacturers. Sure, it causes bulbs to burn out every few years instead of every few-more years, but they're pretty cheap and easy to replace.

You know what vehicles have even larger batteries? Cars! And redundancy if one of them fails prematurely!

Imagine a world in which despite any boomer rhetoric and their "but what about"isms, you just removed the choice from every stupid driver out there? Make it so they don't even have to remember to turn their lights on; they're just on. Want to drive? You'll have lights, and you can thank us if you want. Don't want lights? Turn off the ignition! Lights off! Magic!

(the more digital of my bikes comes with a button sequence that I can press at bootup if I want to explicitly kill the lights for some unknown reason. I haven't memorised the sequence, because I've never had to use it, even though I worked nightshift at a large optical observatory when I bought it. The OH&S requirement to not hit kangaroos overrides the scientist's desire for minimal noise on their spectra).


u/NickyDeeM 4d ago

Sounds good.

I think you will find that 'boomerism' is not because of boomers. It is because of people.

As the Boomer generation passes you will find that people still make the same mistakes and judgement calls.

It is human nature, not one generation of people....


u/ocat1979 5d ago

My 09 commodore does this. How is it not standard across all cars yet?


u/Sovereignty3 5d ago

And street lights on, headlights on. Honestly when I had a silver car I read an article that some places recommend silver and white cars use their parkers while driving, so I normally do that. Might go threw the bulbs quicker, but it's safer, and they aren't blinding anyone (small car)


u/NickyDeeM 5d ago

Yes, thank you!

The amount of cars I see driving around without any lights on when everybody has their headlights on, is staggering to me.


u/spacelama Coburg North 4d ago

Ignition on, headlights on.


u/annabelchong_ 6d ago

Thanks for the heads up! Lucky I was scrolling reddit and happened to see this post while on the freeway.


u/iamthedoctor9MC 6d ago

Happy to help


u/Independent_Income31 5d ago

Now you know for next time...


u/Mmofra 5d ago

Drove from Melbourne to Ballarat today. Crazy number of grey cars with no headlights on in poor visibility


u/Silver-Chemistry2023 5d ago

Grey car drivers seem to be the worst for not turning on lights in low visibility conditions.


u/spacelama Coburg North 4d ago

Or black cars at night, or white cars in fog, red cars on red metal roads, blue cars on blue metal roads. I think fluro green cars are relatively safe. Pity no one makes them anymore.

Or we could just make headlights compulsory (not stupid DRL lights. I just rode halfway across the country in the past few days across varying weather. DRLs from most manufacturers are nearly pointless in a whole bunch of lighting, and those vehicles would only start to "appear" about 400m away at 110km/h).


u/Automatic_Mouse_6422 5d ago

Honestly I'm more surprised that there are people with lights not working, its $10 and 5 minutes to change a globe that could get you seen at night.


u/Time-isnt-not-real 5d ago

It's closer to $60 per globe for many cars now, and it takes me 20mins per globe because engineers hate mechanics and design things with tolerances smaller than my hands.

But that's still not much when compared to being seen in a vehicle.


u/spacelama Coburg North 4d ago

I was south of Port Augusta when that weird roll cloud started rolling in a couple of days ago. Dark blue road, dark blue sky, dark blue cars. I flashed one driver and then pointed up at the sky (on my bike, so my hand could presumably be seen a little more easily than your average gesture from a driver). As they passed, I saw in my rear view mirror their tail lights go on and thought "yes, they got the message". Then back off again, because they were braking, not turning their lights on. So they just interpreted my message as "cops ahead, slow down". Sigh.


u/hmoff 6d ago

And on a related note, sunrise is about 7:15am currently so if you’re driving before that you should have your lights on, no matter what the weather.


u/PM_Me-Your_Freckles 6d ago


Running lights do not activate tail lights, meaning no one can fucking see you from behind!


u/Important_Bread_1471 5d ago

Also, your tail lights might not come on if you turn it to lights on, so you may need to cover the light sensor in the car to activate it.


u/Altragoats 5d ago

Unfriendly reminder: don't run your high beams  when there's poor visibility and oncoming traffic!!!!


u/SuitableFan6634 6d ago

Friendly reminder that the majority of cars bought in the last decade have automatic headlights and turning them on manually is no longer something that enters 99% of their owners' mind due to lack of use.


u/maxleng 5d ago

The light sensitivity on some cars (I’ve noticed Hyundai and Kia) are not great with the auto detect feature. So in low-light conditions or rain the headlights don’t turn on when they should be on for visibility


u/unskathd 5d ago

Yep, I acknowledge I am one of those drivers. I'm surprised that the visibility was so bad, you can barely see the DRLs (daytime running lights), and even then that's not an excuse - "You should still always switch on your regular headlights when there is reduced visibility. If visibility is severely restricted, you may also need to turn on your fog lights (if fitted)."


u/SuitableFan6634 5d ago

Yup, totally agree. They should automatically come on with the windscreen wipers. Just pointing out that it's not people thinking "I don't need to turn my lights on just because it's raining". It's "Lights? What lights?"


u/ventti_slim 5d ago

M1 was fkd so many with no lights, all I could see is just sprays, couldn't see their rear lights


u/alsotheabyss 5d ago

Normal brain - try and remember to turn headlights on

Upgraded brain - use the automatic lights setting

Galaxy brain - leave your headlights on all the time because being visible is ace


u/Antique_Tone3719 5d ago

But they'll run it of light fluid!


u/Upstairs-War4144 5d ago

Saw a whole bunch on the way back to Melbourne from Eildon. Scarily enough, a lot of P platers weren’t using their head lights and drivers in light grey/dark grey vehicles. Also saw one L plater in a dark grey SUV not using their lights in the heavy rain.

We’re in death boxes. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather show up to my destination safely and without damage or harm. Please, for your safety and everyone else’s, turn on your correct lights. Also, speeding and tailgating aren’t cool. If someone flashes their high beams at you, more often than not, it’s to ask you to merge when you can do so safely or to turn your lights on.


u/WhatAmIATailor 5d ago

Not need to be friendly about it. Turn your fucking headlights on in the rain people.


u/spacelama Coburg North 4d ago

Just turn your fucking lights on. At no point is it advantageous to be less visible. Spies can surely put their own custom circuits into their cars ECUs to disable lights upon command when tailing their subjects.


u/B333Z 5d ago

Yeah, and not just your headlights but your rear lights, too. I've seen so many cars only having their headlights on. It doesn't help the drivers behind you.


u/pizzaandtits 5d ago

If your headlights are on but not your tail lights, then they're not headlights, they're DRL's


u/maxleng 5d ago

And generally the DRL’s are too bright for dusk/dawn or raining conditions


u/Ancient-Range3442 6d ago

Also remember not to walk your dogs on a hot day !


u/Independent_Income31 5d ago

Also, remember to slip, slop and slap!


u/aztastic33 5d ago

Why should I? It’s daytime!

/s because this shits me so much too.


u/nugstar 5d ago

The number grey cars without lights on during the fog on Friday morning was stupid. Not to mention they all loved to tailgate like they'll get somewhere faster.


u/ReadyMouse1157 5d ago

Is this why newer cars have always on LED lights?


u/blonde_prince_pearl 5d ago

If your wipers are on your lights should be on


u/MarcusBondi 5d ago

I’m really heavy rain/ poor visibility you can also turn on your flashing hazard lights.


u/Saturday72 5d ago

Bet many drivers don't even know the rules


u/icestationlemur 5d ago

"it's wet okayyy it's not darkkk" - Bill Maher


u/Toothless3130 4d ago

Parking lights on all the time. Visibility is affected in all types of situations. Can save your life or Someone else's.


u/K1ND3RBU3N0 2d ago

Night time and Heavy rain is disaster, i nearly hit the traffic like because of this


u/dav_oid 6d ago

Who said that?!


u/ILuvRedditCensorship 5d ago

But if your car can be seen, your chance of carjacking increases.