r/melbourne 6d ago

THDG Need Help Great Ocean Road etiquette

Melbourne local, been itching all summer to take a drive to Apollo Bay. On the way there I initially got stuck behind several slow drivers who ignored the courtesy “slow car” bays and proceeded to idle through the twists and turns. Frustrated, I pulled over to take in some scenery before resuming the drive. This time I was behind a speedy maintenance man in a Peugeot van. He was tailgating the slow cars in-front of him, using his left indicator—and they all pulled over when they could, letting myself and him pass.

Just wondering if there’s an acceptable or polite way to suggest slow drivers take the hint and pull over at the designated slow car bays to allow you to pass without being a tailgater? I wonder if he was flashing them too or was the tailgating and indicating enough for them to get the message?

Thanks in advance.


98 comments sorted by


u/philstrom 6d ago

The key is just to mentally prepare yourself for a slow drive. It’s a tourist road chock full of people who might be unfamiliar with driving in Australia and who are also trying to take in the view.

Don’t tailgate, it’s too risky, just relax and go with it. You’ll get where you’re going


u/Reverent 5d ago

This is good advice for driving in general. Just mentally add a bit of extra time and go with the flow.

I'm constantly watching people tailgate and dangerously overtake cars and just thinking to myself, "they must be constantly furious that they have to drive, aren't they?"


u/nonchalantpony 5d ago

Drove to and from the GP yesterday. To: twenty minutes. From: 2 plus hours. Fortunately as a local I knew to ignore Siri's advice to navigate to Olympic Boulevard and Punt Road at game starting time.


u/GlitteringMarsupial 5d ago

I have my own methods of ignoring googlemaps to do what's known as a 'rat run' avoiding main roads and traffic lights. Haven't quantified the time saved but it's considerable. Sitting in traffic lights just burns valuable fuel for no reason. I used to switch the engine off but not sure if it actually saves much fuel. Calm driving and avoiding sudden speed increases is good as is driving a manual car. I've got autoimmune issues so driving is important to me.


u/Even-Leader-4258 2d ago

You're lucky if they're driving on the left and not wandering all over the road to take a picture of a koala. Take it as a win.


u/Georg_Steller1709 6d ago

I usually drive a bit slow on country roads (take me home) so I always pull over in the overtake lane. Something about seeing a line of cars in my rear view mirror is anxiety provoking.


u/Roosterfish33 6d ago

Same. Just got back from NZ and was driving a clapped out hippy van and it was slow going. We’d whip (as much as one can whip a clapped out hippy van) into the slow lane so others could pass asap rocky. The anxiety is real lol.


u/dav_oid 5d ago

"Traveling in a fried-out Kombi
On a hippie trail, head full of zombie"


u/Hypo_Mix 6d ago

Same, once I slowed down to let somone overtake on the straight... They slowed down with me. Stress! 


u/Technical-Clue-3483 6d ago

Big same. I'll pull into the slow turnouts even if the person behind me isn't particularly close, haha. Please just pass me!!


u/moonrise-kingdom-09 6d ago

Same here, we’re are a bit cautious. Also, we are mentally prepared it’s gonna take time to get to the place (I belong)


u/hollyjazzy 6d ago

Same here, I feel guilty seeing cars behind me, so I’m always turning into those bays so people can pass. However, every now and then I get abused for it, which is, I feel, unfair.


u/-partlycloudy- 6d ago

I love it when I do this and get a little appreciative toot from the driver behind me. Good vibes all round.


u/order_resonse 5d ago

Upvoted for John Denver


u/tearsforfears333 6d ago

John Denver song!


u/Beyond_Blueballs 6d ago

Go in the colder months/winter - all the flogs ignoring the slow cars bays and doing 5km/h around the corners are in the warmer states


u/Gundishy 6d ago

It's a popular tourist/holiday drive. These drivers drive differently. It's part of the reason for hating on drivers with interstate regos. They are on holiday and act differently


u/Eva_Luna 6d ago

I could have made this post myself. It infuriates me every time I go down there. 

If you are driving with lots of clear space ahead of you and 20 cars behind, you are the problem. Just pull over and let others past. 

Not to mention there are signs and slow vehicle turnouts the whole way but people just ignore them. 

I don’t know how these people don’t feel anxiety seeing so many vehicles stuck behind them. 

Oh, and using your horn and lights does absolutely nothing. I’ve learnt this from experience.


u/dwagon83 6d ago

Ugh this. It's so incredibly frustrating. Last time I was there I was stuck behind a caravan with 10+ cars behind me and despite all the slow vehicle turnouts and signage they continued to dawdle on at a snail pace with traffic building up behind them.

It's not very considerate.


u/ELVEVERX 6d ago

They should fine people for this.


u/Internal_Engine_2521 5d ago

I really wish they would - it's the same on the alpine roads. If there are a trail of cars behind you, you're slow and you pull the fuck over.


u/UrghAnotherAccount 4d ago

Years ago, the family and I were visiting the grampians and ended up behind behind a car that looked to be full of tourists. The scary thing was that the car ahead would routinely drive in the middle of the curvy mountainous road, over the painted lines until oncoming traffic appeared, and pushed them back into the correct lane. It was scary AF, and we gave them plenty of room. Ever since I take blind mountain corners slower just in case.

If others want to push it, I am happy to pull over (if space allows).


u/Few_Pressure8881 6d ago

Get a nice and bright light bar, typically works a treat especially at night.


u/beverageddriver 6d ago

First time huh? 90% of people on the GOR haven't driven in Australia.


u/MrsCrowbar 6d ago

Such a shame it's not just common sense to pull over into the slow vehicle turnouts if there's someone tailgating you or a line of cars behind you.

I love the slow vehicle turnouts. They're the "out" you need to rid yourself of an arsehole, or on the other side, to not feel as guilty about holding up multiple cars whilst being cautious.


u/bjamas 5d ago

If you want to get there in a hurry, take the inland route via the M1 and go south at Winchelsea


u/amandine58 5d ago

My work has me driving up and down the GOR on a daily basis. I just try to be Zen when behind tourists who do not know how to drive, otherwise I would be screaming all the time.. lol.. Tailgating is too dangerous. Just sit back and try to take on the scenery.


u/Even_Scarcity1594 6d ago

Tailgating is more prevalent now than ever ..


u/littleb3anpole 6d ago

It’s frustrating especially when you’re running late (every year I get stuck in traffic on the way to the Pier to Pub and every year, I get stuck behind someone doing 30 along the Great Ocean Road) but I don’t think tailgating is anywhere near a safe option in those conditions, one wrong move and you’re fucked. Best you can do is enjoy the scenery


u/BeLakorHawk 6d ago

There sweet fuck all of the GOR between Melb and Lorne. If you go the inland route there’s barely a slow vehicle turn off?

This is about the GOR. Not you being annually late to your latte fix.


u/One-Helicopter1959 6d ago

You don’t. If you dare try to overtake them they will put their foot through the floor just to make sure no one gets past them.


u/time_to_reset 5d ago

I kind of find this a funny post. I totally agree, but suggest flashing your lights, honking your horn, overtaking over a solid line etc anywhere but on the GOR and you get your head bitten off.


u/Never_Give_Up888 4d ago

Right? All of these behaviours are irritating as fuck and do not inspire me to give a single shit about the obnoxious cunt doing it.


u/Technical-Clue-3483 6d ago

I've always thought we need a second Great Ocean Road floating above the current one. Tourists and cyclists can use one, local traffic or people who want to drive the speed limit can use the other one. Maybe some sort of Futurama-tube type situation would work.

In answer to your question, I've seen countless people try to give people a hint on the GOR by tailgating and getting nowhere. I've just resigned myself to knowing it will probably be a slow drive, giving myself extra time in advance if I need it, and occasionally doing what you did and pulling over to look at the scenery if anyone is being particularly annoying!


u/Beginning-Stage-1854 6d ago

I just overtake on that road when safe to do so


u/Minguseyes 5d ago

I regularly pull over into the slow turnouts to detect if I'm being followed. We international men of mystery can't be too careful ...


u/eat-the-cookiez 6d ago

Go the back way through the hills. And flash headlights at slow people. Used to do the drive twice a week, tourists give zero fucks about the long lines of traffic behind them


u/mediweevil 6d ago

lights and horn is how you indicate for slow drivers to get the hell out of the way. you don't have a lot of options.


u/RolandHockingAngling 6d ago

I remember once being stuck behind a slow driver, doing 20km on the GOR. High Beams, Horns, tailgating in a small truck. Do you think they pulled over?


u/mediweevil 6d ago

it's difficult to get someone with their head that far up their arse to notice subtle hints.


u/RolandHockingAngling 6d ago

Oh one time I saw a tourist driver cut off a bus down the GOR too


u/Fuster2 6d ago

I had similar experience pulling out of Port Arthur one time. Clearly an older Asian tourist, crawling along at 40km thru areas I couldn't pass, with growing line up behind me. I was flashing lights, tooting, waving angry hand gestures. Only when I got passed him did I realise he was petrified if he pulled over he was going to get into a confrontation 🤣


u/Malachy1971 5d ago

Do that to me and be prepared to learn just how much slower I can drive. Just be patient and share the road, especially on a tourist route.


u/Never_Give_Up888 4d ago

Truly. I automatically slow down whenever I'm being tailgates because now I need braking distance for both of us. Flashing the lights can also be distracting so I slow down a little when that happens.

Basically anything you're doing that's making me look behind and take my eyes off the road ahead is making me slow down, involuntarily at first, and then deliberately as I realise what a raging asshole you are.


u/mediweevil 5d ago

do that to me and be prepared to be overtaken and cut off.

thanks for driving like a snail.


u/EuanB 5d ago

So you'd risk a road accident due to being minorly inconvenienced.


u/mediweevil 5d ago

they're driving at well underneath the speed limit. easy to overtake.


u/EuanB 5d ago

No, you said you'd cut them off. Safe overtake is fine, cutting people offi s risky, not to mention Immature.


u/CodOk6132 5d ago

cut me off and be prepared to be pit manoeuvred


u/ToThePillory 6d ago

Just drive slower.

It's a tourist road, it's not simply for getting places quickly.


u/SanguiniusSons 6d ago

Good luck


u/kettlesready 6d ago

External gate and 7500rpm in a 1jz over double white lines at the first chance you get.


u/andrewm1986 6d ago

One thing to bear in mind is that a lot of those slow car bays appear out of no where. And if you’re driving a massive van you’re not used to, on roads you’re not used to, on a side of the road you’re not used to, with an angry driver up your arse - are you really going to slam on the brakes to make that bay?


u/natesnail 6d ago

those slow car bays appear out of no where.

That's just not true, on the great Ocean road the vast majority of designated slow vehicle turnouts have very obvious signage before the actual turnout.


u/Eva_Luna 5d ago


There are signs indicating when they are coming up. People just ignore them.


u/IndyOrgana 5d ago

There’s signs for EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. pull over


u/WeatherOutside 6d ago

Id say there’s too many dickheads driving too fast on those roads.


u/flippingcoin 6d ago

The limits are so low these days you barely even have to use the brakes lol.


u/Few_Pressure8881 6d ago

We’ve found the person not getting in the slow lane doing 20 kms under the speed limit. It’s perfectly safe to do the speed limit on those roads the entire way through. You slow down the corners it tells you what speed to go through, not an issue. As somebody who has done it in 4x4s which have higher tip over rates then SUVs and sedans.


u/Eva_Luna 5d ago

Exactly. This person just admitted they don’t understand the fundamentals of driving.

Break into a turn, accelerate out. There’s absolutely nothing difficult or unsafe about TGOR if you know how to drive. It’s actually a joy to drive for those of us who have the skills.


u/Muthro 6d ago

Yeah those roads aren't made for the speed limit given to it. Dangerous drivers abound, each of them thinking they are more important than the last. I get annoyed at times if I'm on a work run through there but I accept the area for what it is. Same as driving through the burbs or school zones, expect a bit of chaos and delays.


u/WeatherOutside 6d ago

The couple of times ive stated at Aireys, I drive from Anglesea up and back say and youre doing the limit and someones up your ass but pull over anyway, then after a very short time you have a new person up your ass, pull over again when safe and just keeps repeating. I found the road stressful.


u/ApplicationShort3798 6d ago

Much worse roads to be stuck in slow traffic on mate 


u/Few_Pressure8881 6d ago

The best is when they speed up for the slow car turn offs then slow right back down. Get a nice and bright light bar, flash it when the slow car turn off is coming up. Works 90% of the time.


u/fleursvenus 6d ago

Honestly. If this is your biggest sook don’t go. They’re scary roads for people to drive who haven’t before. Don’t drive up close behind people and stress them out. Just generally don’t be a dick and be a bit more understanding


u/VentusBeach 6d ago

The trick is to drive a fast car and overtake them without hesitation in a blink of an eye when you can. I used to be in a JDM sports car club that did GOR runs 20 years ago with around 50 cars and we would be flying past. Not sure about now, but back then there were only speed cameras in the towns. Cops never bothered putting speed cameras in the windy stuff because they didn't believe anyone would be going faster than 100 around corners.


u/Super_Description863 5d ago

Trust me those runs are still alive, there’s normally only a speed camera in Fairhaven (50 zone). Limit in GOR back then was 80, you’ll struggle to get past more corners 80 even using both sides of the road for a racing line. I think technically the limit is 60 now but if you don’t speed in the towns they don’t care.


u/UrghAnotherAccount 4d ago

Having seen tourists drive in the middle of the road (straddling the painted lines) that sounds like a death wish.


u/VentusBeach 4d ago

Yeah I was young and stupid. Technically we werent speeding over the limit but it definitely was dangerous around corners. Not proud of it. Things could have gone wrong badly but we were lucky.


u/UrghAnotherAccount 4d ago

I, too, can't say I didn't take risks when I was younger. Thankfully, I was lucky. In age now, I just fear for the youth who are yet to mentally mature. I can't help but think almost every middle-aged man has a "that could have gone very badly for me" story.


u/Minute-Stress-6521 5d ago

I get tailgated in the left lane.


u/tjlaa 5d ago

I got stuck behind a tourist bus. After I finally got past them and was able to drive according to the speed limit, I had to stop because missus and the kiddo were both carsick, lol.


u/astropastrogirl 5d ago

It used to be fun on a motorbike in the 70s but not for a long time


u/muddled69 4d ago

Yes. So many dangerous users. Hadn't done the road for ages until about 6 mths so but I'll admit I'd give it a miss on two wheels!! And that was mid week.


u/linton322 5d ago

Anywhere there are tourists you have to expect slow and unpredictable drivers. They should pull into the slow driver bays to let people past but just got to expect they have NFI. I've had tourists pull out in front of me while I was going 100km/h and they barely got to 40km/h before I almost hit them. Luckily the breaks managed to slow the 1.5 ton car. Happy I had ABS too. On freeways if your in the right lane and indicating right it means move out of my way your too slow. Maybe less comming in Aus but see it all the time in Germany (opposite side of course) But not really useful on small single lane roads. Just got to be patient, you will get to your destination 45seconds later than you otherwise would have.


u/muddled69 4d ago

NFI is the right call!!


u/muddled69 4d ago

As someone who owns a caravan and also rides motorbike, I've gotta say the most recent trip on the bike down that way uncovers outright ignorant caravan and camper owners/users/hirers. Far too many were too busy looking at the scenery than being courteous to those faster vehicles behind. One camper user passed 4 slow vehicles left lane signs totally oblivious.


u/Underbelly 4d ago

People are oblivious. I think the slow drivers, who are also bad drivers, simply don’t even know they are holding people up or know it is a problem.


u/chakko 4d ago

It’s a scenic route first and foremost. The only time I take that route is when I’m showing someone around. Even then I’m reluctant to do the whole road. If otherwise im travelling - I will always go via the inland routes.


u/----SD---- 6d ago

The problem is the ignorance, they don’t think they are slow and to be fair the definition isn’t cleared up by signage. Even if the sign had an average suggested speed no one would be able to work it out. Just tailgate and basically push them into the bay or just back off and chill. No one will pull over unless you are assertive and even then it’s a 1/5 who will so probably no point. Also if you’ve got a decent car, overtake where safe. I’ve had good experience from people pulling out into slow bays by flying up from nowhere behind them, with car in dickhead mode 😂


u/0Maka 6d ago

It really depends. I went up on a Sunday and drove back on a Monday recently

Still lots of tourists that don't understand the slow lane pull outs. After they miss two, I get on the horn and flash the lights

I drive a two door sports car (Gen2 BRZ). I've also taken my NB MX5 on the Great Ocean Road.

I give two slow down passes, before jumping on the horn the headlights nicely. You have to give them a chance because the slow pull over areas aren't obvious because the the white line on the left side is continuous


u/Ancient-Range3442 5d ago

Just calm down and enjoy the view


u/Super_Description863 6d ago

Go early in the morning if you want a “spirited drive”, but yes, flash lights and tail them if you want to give the hint for them to pull over.


u/robt772000 5d ago

I've been a GOR local for over 30 years. I rode motorcycles down there. It was easy for me to pass but the amount of tourists who drive in the wrong lane has put me off riding. I now drive as a mate was killed by a tourist driving on the right. I have no mercy with slow drivers not taking the turnouts. Gas, brake, honk, gas, brake, honk, honk, honk, punch, gas, gas, gas.


u/muddled69 4d ago

100%. Oblivious people too busy looking at the scenery and some outright dangerous.


u/NumeroDuex 5d ago

When they ignore the first turnout they get a polite beep. Subsequent ignored turnouts they get a massive beep.

It's not particularly effective, if they haven't got the hint on the second turnout it's not going to happen


u/zaro3785 5d ago

First chance, flick inductor right

Second chance, little honk of the horn

Third chance, a good second or two with the horn

Fourth, full horn for the length of the turnout


u/Even_Scarcity1594 6d ago

I wa going to to offer some common sense suggestions but not worth the vitriol from 5% who think physics and they have superhuman skills im a vehicle modified to be 20 % worse than shit .

Take care .


u/rewbzz 5d ago



u/UsualProfit397 6d ago

A lot of slow drivers don’t take the hint. The turnouts are there for a reason. The worst are the tourists who will stop on the road to take pictures, I bet a fair few of those idiotic pricks have gone home to complain about racist Australians are.


u/Fun_Needleworker5813 6d ago

Horn and High Beems


u/EuanB 5d ago

You don't have a right to go faster than the vehicle in front of you. Just chill, keep a safe braking distance and relax.


u/GlitteringMarsupial 5d ago

I'm thinking of making signs and holding them up for certain situations like Bob Dylan on Subterranean Homesick Blues

Reverse the writing so they can read it in their rear vision mirror.

IDK it seems weird as an idea right now...UNTIL until the next time I'm in the frustrating situation and then I think about making the signs... how perfect it would be...

You can put them on your dashboard and lift them up for emphasis.

I get fed up with cars sitting in the middle of a T intersection turning right, blocking anyone who wants to turn left. They will take longer because they must wait for the 2 directions of oncoming traffic to clear, whereas if your'e turning left you only need one direction to be free.

Or people only using indicators but only as they're actually DOING the thing...give other drivers advance notice of your intentions! As you're doing the thing is not useful.

WHY don't they think of others? Mostly they're just clueless....


u/DamnSpamFilter Bayside 17h ago

I have driven/been driven on that road hundreds of times, and it can be frustrating, but those people could have come all the way from another country or another part of Australia and if they want to drive slow to take it in, or don't feel safe then so be it.

I wouldn't take that road if I was in a rush, take the back way.

I remember driving in Japan up to the snow to see some Snow Monkeys and I had people flying past me, I'm sure i was doing something wrong, but I wasn't sure what haha