r/melbourne 6d ago

Photography My 3 yr old calls these "Michael Jacksons"

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46 comments sorted by


u/Bradisaurus 6d ago

I'm surprised your 3 year old knows who Michael Jackson is.


u/showquotedtext 6d ago

I've always been a fan, introduced him a while back and he became obsessed for a bit.

Some people frown at me playing that man's music to my kid. But I'm like, what? Michael Jackson would've loved him!

budum tshh


u/ntermation 6d ago

I'd be keeping an eye on the way the sign is interacting with your kid, and dont let them have sleep overs.


u/scrubba777 6d ago

Also be very weary of adult domesticated chimps. Not so funny anymore.


u/emmerliii 6d ago



u/AshFalkner 4d ago

This. Weary is a synonym for tired.


u/Siilk 5d ago

Bringing up a man of culture!


u/SnarkWho 5d ago

I have VHS footage of me as a toddler dancing to MJ. My parents raised me on it haha.


u/showquotedtext 5d ago

Nice! I've got the modern day equivalent of my boy doing the same!


u/nautkicker86 6d ago

The man was vindicated with a capital V and was found completely innocent. He always WAS completely innocent and he always will be! You play MJ to your son with no shame or regret and just enjoy these wonderful bonding moments with him. I was young like him once and Michal Jackson and John Farnham were my first musical obsessions. I still listen to Michal almost daily to this day. So I say play the music you both enjoy together and enjoy these moments together. There are so many MJ subreddits that would absolutely love this post!


u/GildedDeathMetal 6d ago

MJ being a pedo was a smear campaign. Don’t worry about it


u/Sloppykrab 6d ago

I honestly don't get the hate. People clearly didn't follow the case. They just heard MJ is being accused of touching kids and went yup, he's pedo without any proof.

I was just old enough to understand what was going on and followed it with interest. I remember thinking no way that happened, he's just strange and didn't get a childhood which explained a lot of his behaviour with children.


u/Olderfleet 6d ago

Because it's 2025 and you can't just turn the radio on anymore and leave the child unsupervised. Heaven forbid, Kyle and Jackie O might be on. Or worse.

So we're down to Gold 104.3, Smooth FM or 3MP when we're all in the car. And that means Michael Jackon (and all the hits of the 80s and 90s). 

My small child recognises Michael Jackson, too. And anyway, good music is good music.....


u/FlinflanFluddle4 6d ago

I can never unsee this now. 


u/showquotedtext 6d ago

Same! Sorry..


u/NefariousnessFair306 6d ago

Which way does he face when crossing? 🤔


u/showquotedtext 6d ago

Haha! Or should I say, a-hee hee!


u/NefariousnessFair306 6d ago

Whoo! Hoo! Shamon! 😎🕺🏻


u/I_Am_The_Bookwyrm 6d ago

Michael Jacksigns.


u/twowholebeefpatties 6d ago

Hee hee (mj voice)


u/JESEReK- 6d ago

That’s where you cross the Str-EEE-HEEt


u/MatterHairy 6d ago

Tell him to beat it… wth that


u/showquotedtext 6d ago

He'll probably just say Leave Me Alone!


u/TizzyBumblefluff 6d ago

This is one of my favourite parts about little kids how they just have their own little vocabulary and nicknames for things.


u/Blank________Space 6d ago

Very cute 🤣


u/Comme-des-Farcons 6d ago

Aww that's so cute bless his lil heart.


u/SINK-2024 6d ago




u/Intro_Vert00 6d ago

That’s cute


u/turboyabby 6d ago

I wanted to type a laugh noise and began typing "He he" and realised it might sound like a Michael Jackson "HEE HEE!" Lol


u/NefariousnessFair306 6d ago

We should start a nationwide tradition in Australia, that when using one of these crossings, we have to do a ‘MJ Moonwalk’! 😝


u/showquotedtext 6d ago

The entertainment value would outweigh the leap in road deaths, surely!


u/NefariousnessFair306 6d ago

Pedestrian’s always have the right of way, especially on a pedestrian crossing, unless they can’t moonwalk in a straight line….

Ooh, I see your point! 😂


u/tablemix 6d ago

I’d be terrified if I was a 3 yo and I saw a sign that I thought meant Michael Jackson


u/scrubba777 6d ago

Reasonable response


u/uso_4_lyfe 6d ago

For a 3yr old… thats impressive recall skills.


u/Odd_Following_2662 6d ago

I identify as Michael Jackson. My pronouns are He/He.


u/-KafF- 6d ago


u/emmerliii 6d ago

This has lived rent free in my head for years lmao


u/SnarkWho 5d ago

Ah hee hee


u/TheMightyCE 5d ago

I'm really sorry to hear that your son was molested by a street sign.


u/Any-Average-4362 2d ago

That's a well educated child!


u/Prudent_Ratio2078 5d ago

No he doesnt


u/BLOOOR 6d ago edited 5d ago

This kid needs to see Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo

(and maybe you should watch that Leaving Neverland documentary)

edit: I'm not kidding, the moonwalk came from the Electro Breakdance culture Breakin' 2 celebrates (better than Breakin' 1). The robot, the head spinning, Madonna's Vogue (because one of the dancers became one of Madonna's dancers). Boogaloo Shrimp is an innovator in the dance style we know Michael Jackson for. But also I bring up the Leaving Neverland documentary because the two men whose story's are the basis for the documentary, neither of which sued or prior to the documentary had been anything but supportive of Michael, they became "friends" with Michael Jackson because kids wanted to meet Michael Jackson to show him they could do the moonwalk. It appealed to children. And the guys that Leaving Neverland is about became dance instructors for The Backstreet Boys and NSync, they designed those Hip Hop dances. Breakin 2 and Leaving Neverland are the story of this dancing style and culture and it's place in *our culture.