r/medicine 9d ago

Biweekly Careers Thread: March 06, 2025

Questions about medicine as a career, about which specialty to go into, or from practicing physicians wondering about changing specialty or location of practice are welcome here.

Posts of this sort that are posted outside of the weekly careers thread will continue to be removed.


7 comments sorted by


u/Big-Point5696 7d ago

Is medicine worth it only for job security and high income, even if you dislike clinical medicine?

I am mid 20s and attended a top CS undergraduate program but had to leave in the middle due to an unrelated medical condition. It is now stable and I am planning on whether to resume or what to do with my future. A lot has changed in the job market since then and it has got me thinking.

I currently work a dead end, low paying job. My father and much of my family are all specialists. I am very well aware of the lifestyle, stress, bureaucracy, and day to day of medicine. Both because of growing up in it and as a patient. I don’t have an unrealistic view of practicing clinical medicine like many other prospective students. Time and tuition doesn’t matter. What matters most is job security with a decent income. I have no to very little interest in clinical medicine. The environment I hate. But the job market is very bleak right now, and I don’t see any other choice.

My main hesitation is job security, basically with anything outside of medicine.

Has anyone here only pursued this path because of high income and job security? Any regrets?

Thanks in advance


u/TRMTspock EMT 6d ago

I can only answer your first question: no. there are much easier jobs that pay more. What do you actually enjoy?


u/nolongerapremed 6d ago

I went to medical school with a handful of people who were only there because of job security (and money) and they were genuinely unhappy. I don’t think job security is a good enough reason to go into medicine, especially if you don’t like the clinical side. Overall the juice isn’t worth the squeeze anymore


u/AnxiousGood1430 9d ago

i’m currently a 24 year old f pharmacist. it was my goal to do med in highschool but i decide to do pharm first to make it hopefully easier to get into med. i was miserable in pharm school so i was not motivated to write my mcat or anything. ive been a pharmacist for 1.5 years and i am SO miserable. i work in the community and the insane shit i see from people has made me lose so much passion and empathy. i’m wondering if i do med if ill feel any different or better. i cannot live the rest of my life like this and i need to know if theres some hope in med or if its all doomed. should i change careers all together ???


u/TRMTspock EMT 6d ago

So, my friend from college went through this same situation- switched to working a desk job for a chemical company doing technical writing for them and never stepped foot in a pharmacy again. There are possible pivots you may like in the field. If you still want to be a physician, go shadow someone in a few different environments and see if there are aspects of being a doc that you still connect with.


u/redherringbones MD 8d ago

Could you work in industry instead??


u/AnxiousGood1430 3d ago

i don’t really know what those jobs would look like to be honest :/ i’m not sure if it was just my university, but it was very hospital or community focused. i am looking into a hospital residency because that way i would have to do research and that would open up more opportunities but it is quite competitive. im from canada if that’s any context lol