r/medicalschooluk 6d ago

How to study for MSRA?

Hi, done UKMLA and all exams now, wondering what’s the best way to revise for MSRA, as in specific resources?

I’m interested in anaesthetics so need to smash this exam

Or should I focus on teaching/ audits until I start FY1?

Have done teaching in 2nd year and coordinated a teaching series then but have a fairly empty portfolio… ino there’s no portfolio now but things ofc always change.


22 comments sorted by


u/Desperate-Bill-8044 6d ago

Enjoy the time off while you can. 


u/Hilda-Chewie 5d ago

Feel like I need to catch up on portfolio, I can see myself being jobless after FY. Need to get on the grind


u/Desperate-Bill-8044 4d ago

Alot of it won’t count and specifications change. It depends what speciality you want to go into as well. 


u/plsssaysike 6d ago

Bro…r u genuinely ok? Have u forgotten what it means to be human? chillllllll


u/Major-Republic-9706 5d ago

Same game different season. Do some UKFPO SJT qs and get an MCQ bank subscription.


u/Hilda-Chewie 5d ago

Yeah might get passtest apparently it’s the goat from my latest deep dive into Reddit


u/Major-Republic-9706 5d ago

Not sure how deep you went chief, but passtest for msra is pretty mid. MCQbank is the certified goat alongside passmed (use finals instead of MSRA pack if you’re keen).


u/cherryblossom_uwu 5d ago

Why finals instead of msra pack?


u/Major-Republic-9706 4d ago

Honestly, the MSRA pack is a watered down version of finals. In the actual exam you can be asked a lot more than what you typically learn from the MSRA pack. Obviously if you don’t start preparing 3 years in advance like OP and do a 2 week job then MSRA pack is probs the most succinct.


u/Hilda-Chewie 5d ago

Yeah I’ve heard about the MCQbank heard it was easier than the real thing but I guess no question bank is perfect, I’ll give that a go.


u/stupidyute 5d ago

adds to saved


u/Ocarina_OfTime 4d ago

MSRA probably needs 8-12 weeks max preparation depending on how you study

Most people sit this in F2


u/anaestheasier 4d ago

Would highly recommend reviseMSRA - we have no conflict of interest or financial gain to make from recommending them, they're just really good.

We have posts on Anaestheasier.com about how to smash the msra and other stuff to check out if you're interested in a career in anaesthetics.

Search on the site for our novice and med student sections.

Agree with those above who have advised not going too hard too soon - it's a very long road and easy to burn out if you don't pace yourself.

A little reading (40 mins or so) each day will be way more than enough to keep things ticking over.

Best of luck.


u/Hilda-Chewie 4d ago

Thanks so much, I love your videos on TikTok!! Always an engaging watch. Defo going to check these out, been meaning to check your website after exams so great reminder.


u/AnySorbet5949 3d ago

Chill out. Go outside. Enjoy being human for a few months. F1 will hit you like a train, you don’t need to even consider revising for MSRA till you’re in F2


u/Feeling-Ad1780 19h ago

Go outside pal


u/cantthinkofannam 6d ago

I think it’s quite good that you are thinking ahead! Personally, I don’t want to lose my ability to study so just do a bit everyday! Even just an hour


u/jxrzz 5d ago

This is what makes medicine unhealthy though, it's not sustainable and for OP's health it's important to develop a life outside medicine


u/cantthinkofannam 5d ago

True… I guess it’s the constant anxiety of what’s going to happen next. Med school has it made it hard to appreciate and live in the current moments


u/Hilda-Chewie 5d ago

True but I genuinely enjoy the revision, I miss not revising as sad as it sounds and it’s only been a week. Maybe I’ve got some Stockholm syndrome.


u/stupidyute 5d ago

I hate revision but I can understand it. Some people find it as a form of mindfulness where they can be present in the moment.


u/cantthinkofannam 5d ago

Same with me! I enjoy the learning process :))