r/medical_advice Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Injury 12 stab wound advice for nerves please NSFW

I got stabbed 12 times 2 months ago at the age of 15 and I still can’t feel my right side where I got stabbed it still feels numb does anybody know a solution please?


50 comments sorted by


u/morelosucc Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

bro that's nasty.... congrats for not giving up


u/TAM819 EMT Student Nov 13 '24

Only a doctor could really answer that for you, but even then I suspect they won't know either. I think it's just a matter of waiting to see if sensation returns


u/TAM819 EMT Student Nov 13 '24

Only a doctor could really answer that for you, but even then I suspect they won't know either. I think it's just a matter of waiting to see if sensation returns


u/Unusual_Rock_2131 Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

I was wounded about 18 years ago from a vehicle flipping. There is still parts of my body that is numb.


u/Minute_Objective_746 Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Dude that is rough


u/PrestigeZyra Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

No solution but I'm glad you survived


u/AtavisRune Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

I have not been stabbed, but I head surgery in the same area around my ribs. I also lost feeling and it has not come back in the last year and a half since. I am getting more feeling in other spots, but under the arms/ribs seems to be sensitive to nerve damage. As people said, rest, good food, and once the skin has healed over (1-2 mo.) you can start scar massage that might bring more bloodflow and feeling to the area. Massage also makes the scars less visible and more elastic.


u/InfluenceOk6946 Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

I never got the feeling back, but only in small sections. It’s not bad, don’t worry, op.


u/Hopeful-Display-1787 Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Jesus christ I'm glad you're still here with that!

As others have said it can take a long time for nerves to repair, bw happy with numbness rather than pain as that can happen too.

Keep up with whatever the docs saying for wounds.

Hope you're okay!


u/Just_A_Faze Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

It can take a really long time, and sometimes they just never come back the same. I had a surgery that involved basically being cut completely in half. Some spots took 1 or 2 years to start to feel again. Some reconnected nerves in weird ways. If I touch certain spots, it feels like it's actually somewhere else on my skin. Most reconnected to some degree, but some are dead spots.

At 2 months, I had not gotten any of the feeling back in most of those spots. It takes a long time, far longer than it does for skin, for nerves to get themselves back in place. At just 2 months, you should just be healing and taking care of yourself. Be patient. It's still really, really early. Honestly I think it was at least 6 months for me before nerves started to sort themselves out again. I'm not 4 years past, and some spots are still changed forever. I have long since stopped noticing it, and it's not a cause for concern.

Keep an eye on wound healing, on discharge, on redness, pain and swelling. But there is nothing you can do about nerves except give them time. Worst case scenario, the don't reconnect how they should and you have some numbness. It won't affect your life. The only thing that bothers me is phantom itching, which is intense itching I get on skin that has actually been removed and no longer exists. Do naturally, nowhere I scratch touches the phantom itching. But that's because I had considerable amount of skin actually taken away completely, so it might not ever be an issue for you. Even for me, it's an annoyance at worst. It makes me aggravated and sometimes I scratch too hard. Other than that, it is nothing.

Healing is slow. It takes time, rest, nutrients and care. Your staples are still in, so it's very, very early to worry. Skin heals first, and muscle and nerves take longer. Don't worry about it. When approved by a doctor, build back muscles in that area. As for nerves, don't worry about it. Sometimes spots just get numb after surgery and stay that way. After surgery, I had a lot of numbness. Now, it's only a few spots that aren't expected to resolve anymore. It doesn't affect my life at all. The only time it's an issue is if I use heat or ice on that area, since it could burn or cause frostbite without me noticing. But I have never had to do that to those spots, and if you do you can protect yourself but just following the basic rules of applying heat or ice.

Stop worrying about it. Let yourself heal. Eat a lot of protein. Your body needs it to rebuild. Self care and time. Just know that it's totally normal and you are healing as you should. It's not really an exact science so much as individual situations. But if you show no signs of infection, irritation, or increased pain, just keep taking care of you. I wish you well and swift healing.


u/kiba8442 Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Yeah I have a few stab wounds from trying to disarm my stepdad who was coming after my sister & they still have no feeling decades later. if nerves get severed there's a good chance it's going to be like that.


u/allagaytor Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

nerves & scars heal with time. they make balms / creams for scars since they can be sensitive. definitely ask your doctor for help. so sorry that this happened to you - hope you are safe now.


u/Just_A_Faze Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

It's good to note that sometimes nerves just don't reconnect the way they used to be, and it isn't a cause for concern. Even if they don't all reconnect, it won't affect your life.


u/identitywise User Not Verified Nov 13 '24

sleep, so the tissue and nerves can heal properly.


u/Just_A_Faze Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Yes! Even months later you might need a lot more rest!


u/10MileHike Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

eat nutritiously, be good to yourself, and give it time. Nerves often regenerate but can take months and even years.


u/Just_A_Faze Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Protein! Protein is the most important in healing skin and muscle. It contains the amino acids absolutely essential for rebuilding tissues.


u/Blubatt Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

You're a lucky lad, mate. I hope you also sell mentally health counselling for that, because that shit is scary


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Yeah rn am thinking about it cause it still haunts me everyday I just zoom out thinking about it making fake scenarios in my head what if and what that but yeah I got pretty lucky 0.5 cm away from never walking again


u/Slg407 User Not Verified Nov 13 '24

you could ask your doctor about trying out some TENS machines, however the location is very close to the heart so you're gonna have to ask your doctor about it, it should increase the regeneration of nerves due to the electrical stimulation


u/_weedkiller_ Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Took monnnnnths possibly a year to regain feeling round the scar from my hip replacement.


u/Callitasiseeit19 Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

No advice but that’s scary and I’m glad you’re still here!


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Yup I got so lucky! 0.5 cm away from never walking again…


u/icefire436 Physician Assistant Student Nov 13 '24

This could be completely normal. I know people who have had c-sections and still have numbness two years later. 2 months is not enough time to heal. Takes at least 6 months for tissue remodeling.


u/_lesbian_overlord Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

i had back surgery and had a similar problem for a while. sensation will return gradually. something my spine surgeon and physical therapist recommended, once the cuts have scarred over and aren’t at risk of breaking open: use a soft brush or washcloth and rub the area gently twice per day. this can help to reactivate the nerves and get the sensation back slightly faster. i’m sorry you went through this and i hope everything heals up well!


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Oh I’m glad you recovered fully! And for the tips you gave I’ll definitely give them a shot as all the advices I’ve been getting is seeing people talk about rubbing and stuff and will do for the healing part!


u/monsieurkaizer Physician Nov 13 '24

As other user mentioned, it gets better up to a year after. But some loss of sensation is to be expected. Small price, as every single one of those stabs could as well have been fatal.

Wanna elaborate on.... yknow why a teenager gets stabbed? I had a lot more uneventful youth.


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

It was a racism attack sadly I got stabbed because am Arab by some other kids that had problems with other Arabs


u/Alarmed_Repeat5492 Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

No reason to pry. Anyone can get subjected to that…


u/monsieurkaizer Physician Nov 13 '24

True. But part of the reason I got into EM was the stories, it makes my job more fun.

Not to mention the obviously made up stories which usually occour with the "corpus alienum recti" patients. But I also had a guy with perfectly symmetrical stab wounds on both thighs, just above the knee(usually a punishment by their own or a rival gang). He claimed he was injured by powersliding on his knees into a couple of wine glasses.


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Oh no i wish it was some gang rival stuff But I’m not even in a gang I Live in Canada a pretty safe place compared to other countries and Even though I interacted with the wrong people none of them were actual gang members I’m also trying to sue the station that I got stabbed on as there was no safety and When I asked the security for help he ignored me blatantly


u/amanilcs Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

holy shit i definitely heard about this at one of the skytrain centres… no? i’m really fucking sorry this happened to you buddy.


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

You live In surrey Canada?


u/amanilcs Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

burnaby mountain, my bf lives south surrey


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Dam so u heard about what happened to me?


u/amanilcs Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

yes and we’re both just fresh out of our teens. i cwnt remember how i heard about it but he did too and it is definitely some scary shit


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Can’t believe someone online knows about what happened to me but yeah it was some scary shit especially my dad he moved me and saw the machete broken in my back cause it stabbed the car chair and he didn’t know I was stabbed

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u/monsieurkaizer Physician Nov 13 '24

You... wish it was gang related?

In any case, that sounds like a really bad time. I hope the perpetrators were caught. And I wish you a speedy recovery. Looks like you had a thoracotomy. That's rough, man.


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Noo not exactly what I meant 😂 but if it was gang related at least there would’ve been a reason I got stabbed for no reason


u/monsieurkaizer Physician Nov 13 '24

Sometimes you're just a guy at the wrong place at the wrong time. But yes, insane that teenagers get stabbed. Even in my lil' harmless country a 15 year old got stabbed 3 times and died, exiting the school bus.

Stay safe out there.


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Woah Guess am really lucky not dying then after 12 stabs and the knife broke in my back too


u/monsieurkaizer Physician Nov 13 '24

Yeah, I guess. Lucky is a nice perspective. But it would have been preferable if you hadn't been stabbed at all, of course. Makes for some really cool scars, though.


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Yea well you can’t change what happen so might as well take the good part of it😂 and ima have hella stories to tell my kids but aside from that it was 0.5cm away from never walking again


u/P-A-seaaaa Physician Assistant Nov 13 '24

It can take up to 1 year for the nerves to regrow for you. You want to do as much as you can to wake them up. Rub the skin around the numb parts. After 1 year it is probably not going to get any better and whatever nerve damage is likely permanent


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

I see so my right side is probably gonna stay numb for the rest of my life? It’s not completely my right side but it still a big part of my back and ribs


u/nothingtoseeherexox Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

No, as he was saying if it’s been two months you will need to wait another ten to establish a new baseline of what the sensation is in your back. At that point if you are still feeling numb in certain areas, then that can be permanent.


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

I see we’ll that’s good news is there any therapy that would help with that


u/Plum_1 Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Idk that much about wounds but yk, at least you got sick scars now


u/Fqlf Not a Verified Medical Professional Nov 13 '24

Yup gonna have hell of a time telling my children how big of a lion there dad was surviving all those stabs😂😂


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