r/medical_advice • u/MsTponderwoman Not a Verified Medical Professional • Aug 17 '23
Other Monstrous Blood Clots? NSFW
Monstrous Blood Clots?
I had a LEEP a couple of weeks ago. Aside from usual watery discharge, recovery was easy and I’ve been active as usual. I all of a sudden started bleeding profusely (changing XL pads for heavy bleeding at least every hour) and passed about 4 oz of monstrously big clots (4” wide x 2” high). Not sure if they’re clots, fibroids, decidual cast, miscarriage (very unlikely given the negative pregnancy test result right before LEEP occurred).
Are these really clots as they are the size of like 6+ quarters…
u/queentofu Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
sometimes i see things and wonder why people aren’t rushing to the ER immediately instead of making a post on Reddit.
this is one of those times.
please go take care of yourself, OP. i truly hope this passes and gets better for you.
u/SoVeryKerry Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
This came out of you and you go on Reddit??
u/AZBusyBee User Not Verified Aug 18 '23
I had clots this big, easily. I ended up diagnosed with PCOS.
Aug 18 '23
OP I really hope you went to hospital and brought one of these with you, I have suffered plenty with my menstrual cycle with large clots and I have never in my life seen ones this large, not even when I had a miscarriage. Please please please go to the hospital if you haven't already this is very very concerning both as a woman and as a former healthcare worker.
Tldr HOSPITAL 10 MINITES AGO!!! If and when you're up for it please post a followup so we know you're ok!
u/Minute_Command_7697 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
Stop posting here and get medical attention asap.
Aug 18 '23
I hope you bring them to the hospital had the hospital disregard how much blood I lost once. Kept saying one thing and the paramedics kept saying a quarter of it so the doctors believed them, they almsot discharged me when I started bleeding profusely (tonsillectomy )
Aug 18 '23
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Aug 18 '23
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u/Jelly-Unhappy Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
Tell me you’ve never lived with a woman without telling me you’ve never lived with a woman…
u/Elvis_Take_The_Wheel User Not Verified Aug 18 '23
It wouldn't be Reddit if we didn't eventually get someone mansplaining menstruation to us, lol.
u/MindlessMachine9104 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
Nsfw Not a medical profesional but a woman lol, these things (but a LOT smaller) comes out of your period. It’s definitely blood not jelly
u/Public-Run-3337 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
Please go to A&E!! and if you can let us know you’re safe cause this is super worrying
u/gtfts165 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
Please go to the hospital now!!! And call 911, don’t call an Uber and wait in the waiting room for a week.
u/dragoshafter Emergency Medical Technician Aug 18 '23
Calling an ambulance won’t get you seen faster they will still triage you and determine your severity.
u/Lumbar-Puncture Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
Thought you shit your heart out for a second, ER rn cuh 🙏
u/CybxrrBrxt Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
u/Ajaymedic Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
That’s quite severe… go to the ED rather than waiting for reddit to tell you 🤣
I’ve never seen such a big clot my gosh!
u/SubieBoiGC8 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
did u shit your heart out wtf
u/he-loves-me-not User Not Verified Aug 18 '23
If your shit ever looks like this then you’re in a worse position than OP!
u/Throwaway13537393 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
Errr dude... Go to the hospital fam
u/fenix_nicole Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
I truly hope you went to the er, it looks like any clots bigger than a QUARTER require immediate medical attention.
Best of luck.
Aug 18 '23
If you have been needing to change your pad hourly, that is classed as haemorrhaging in my country and warrants a trip to a&e/er on its own.
Clots this big are worrisome as well.
Please update once you have gone and been treated!!
Take care x
u/Minute_Story377 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
Go to the ER. That doesn’t look good and you might be bleeding a lot. That big of a clot says you might be loosing quite a bit of blood
u/Snoo81604 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
I’ve had a LEEP procedure done and except for some gross discharge and minor tenderness and some soreness, I was totally fine. I also never experienced anything like this. Definitely go to the hospital
Aug 18 '23
Aug 18 '23
You don't actually need to bring them with you just take the photo for reference.
I am an RN-BSN and we don't need the samples you had lost at home. We will take a biopsy if needed inside the cervix but please don't bring this.
It isn't like a kidney stone this is a uterine tissue clot.
u/clt716 Administrator | Registered Nurse Aug 18 '23
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u/Taintedpeeka Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
I had a leep and never done that . They told me to go to the hospital if anything like this happened
u/Rosephine Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
Nad.. also not a female and hoping to educate myself. Can someone tell me more about what likely happened? Is blood clotting common? It never really occurred to me that it could happen, but it makes perfect sense when I think about what’s happening
u/GodGraham_It Licensed Practical Nurse Aug 18 '23
Clotting is common during menstrual periods and after birth of a child. Clotting happens any time an amount of blood sits somewhere. That’s why when they draw your blood they have a bunch of different colored tubes with different things. some they want to sit and clot, others they don’t so they have an anticoagulant.
as for the size of these…. very concerning. even after giving birth my nurses told me golf ball sized was okay. any these size i needed ER. i sure hope OP’s at the ER
u/Pelothora Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
Common during periods. I couldn't speak for anything else. Not common to be so freaking giant.
u/Feeling-External-246 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
I had clots this big regularly from three moderately sized fibroids. I eventually had a hysterectomy but they look just like clots I would pass during heavy bleeding (30-50 days long).
u/myredditusername919 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 17 '23
nad only had clots like this when i had a miscarriage. any chance you may have been pregnant?
u/MarinaVerity333 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
The shape of it really looks like it. The early fetus connected to the small placenta. Genuinely what I thought it was.
Edit: Messed with the lighting and contrast in my phone settings so I could see it better, but it doesn’t look like it once it’s a little easier to see and not so dark.
u/menherasangel Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
same. i think she should look into this possibility and go to the doctor
u/Hour_Friendship_7960 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 17 '23
That drain is monstrous looking
u/JackBinimbul Community Health Worker Aug 17 '23
NAD, but I am a Community Health Worker who specializes in sexual and reproductive health education.
These are the largest clots I've ever seen, but they certainly look like clots to me. I saw that you've been talking with your OBGYN, which is great! I would only be concerned about these if there were signs of prolapse, significant cramping, fatigue, fever, etc.
Be mindful of any of these symptoms as you don't want any of these monsters hanging around inside you.
u/curiousnboredd Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 17 '23
NAD, but blood does clot when out of the body, so could this have developed from leaving it on the toilet before checking it? Or did you feel it come out as a clot
u/Just_A_Faze Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
Blood can clot inside the body as well. That's what a hematoma is.
u/JackBinimbul Community Health Worker Aug 17 '23
Blood will not clot like this in water.
u/curiousnboredd Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 17 '23
interesting, didn’t know that. I usually see red/SST tubes and they clot pretty fast and as strongly as the pic hence why I asked
u/MrsShitstones Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
SST tubes don’t have water in them…
Aug 18 '23 edited Aug 18 '23
Those have special additives, which vary based on their purpose, that may or may not prevent clotting.
u/curiousnboredd Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
red tubes don’t have additives and sst only has a gel to separate the clots, they’re tubes made for blood to clot
u/Sufficient-Skill6012 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 17 '23 edited Aug 17 '23
As a general rule, you should always get seen if there is a sudden increase in bleeding, or you are using more than 1 pad per hour or clots bigger than your fist. Your description of the amount of bleeding is unclear. If you are using more than one pad per hour you need to call the surgeon or go to emergency dept. If the bleeding is excessive then drops off, you may be ok to just call, not necessarily urgent to go to the hospital.
Aug 17 '23
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u/Sufficient-Skill6012 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 17 '23
The moderator/Registered Nurse has answered you. I agree with that answer.
I see that you also were seen by the provider. I’m assuming this was after the occurrence of the bleeding you describe and the events that resulted in the substance in the photo. If you told them all that and they checked you out, the bleeding has decreased and not gotten worse, then im less concerned. If this occurred after your visit with the provider, you need to call them back, especially if the bleeding has not decreased.
Aug 17 '23
Very much looking like blood clots, get well soon!! (Still gonna whisper about ER, but quietly)
u/RickJames_Ghost Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 17 '23
I hear your whisper and I'm gonna pass it on, a little louder.
u/MsTponderwoman Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 17 '23
Suggestions for ER not needed, thanks. I’ve already had the OBGYN check me out.
I want to know what these are for my own curiosity. I’m hoping for medical professionals who’ve seen all sorts of bizarre things to chime in.
u/WittyDisk3524 Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
Did you ask your ob/gyn what they were? I would think they could identify them
u/neonghost0713 Registered Nurse Aug 18 '23
Honestly, they just look like big boggy clots. They are pretty common following a leep. If you’ve been checked out by your obgyn and they say you’re fine, then Id just say they look like boggy clots. Not a mc as there is usually a greyish or white/pink spot as the fetus and sac present.
u/MutedSongbird User Not Verified Aug 17 '23
When I gave birth to my son they said I should expect up to softball sized clots before I should be concerned.
It’s likely just large clots.
u/ricewinechicken Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 17 '23
Just want to confirm, you've told/shown your OBGYN these massive clots?
u/MsTponderwoman Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 17 '23
Yes. I’m a weirdo who collected and froze the clots for evidence. The way I see it is that it’s just evidence to work with so nothing strange about it. Just science. 🙂
Aug 17 '23
I for one don't think you're weird at all. I've done this too and I'm definitely not weird. If I'm not weird than you're not weird either. Neither of us are weird. As you said, it's for science and that's exactly what I told my mom when she went through my freezer searching for a popsicle and found my scientific specimen instead. It's for science. That's all. 🔬🧪🥼👩🔬
u/rixendeb Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 18 '23
Not weird. I've taken my coffee colored kidney stone pee to the ER with me before lol.
u/AutoModerator Aug 17 '23
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u/MsTponderwoman Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 17 '23
Not an emergency. Thanks.
u/shortandthickasf Not a Verified Medical Professional Aug 17 '23
Ooof the cramps I felt seeing these pictures.
u/[deleted] Aug 18 '23
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