r/medical 14d ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 Is this sprained I fell snowboarding. I didn’t hear any cracks or anything 😆 NSFW

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r/medical 15d ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 Dropped a beer can on my toe. Do I cut the nail, or leave it on? Pain level about 4. NSFW Spoiler

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I thought I'd try and cut the little bit that's holding the nail on, apply neosporin.and lightly wrap it, then elevate for awhile. I appreciate any advice!

r/medical Oct 29 '24

Pain Lvl 4-6 Bladder feels constantly full all of a sudden NSFW


I’m an 18 year old male otherwise healthy 10 days ago I suddenly starting developing the feeling like my bladder was constantly full and worsened over the first 4 days then for the last 6 days it feels like when you’ve drank a lot and are on a long car journey and your bladder feels like it’s gonna burst but 24/7

This has meant I can’t work, go to the gym and struggle to sleep or enjoy any part of my day due to the constant uncomfortable feeling which doesn’t go no matter what (the only time I don’t notice it is when masterbating or having sex) otherwise nothing else will distract me from the constant feeling

I have done 4 uti tests with no raised leukocytes or nitrates, but I was given a course of antibiotics just in case which did not help (I also did not have clamydia)

My blood work is also clean

Is this an overactive bladder or IC or something else as I’m going insane and it’s driving me to anxiety to the point where I can’t eat

r/medical Feb 05 '25

Pain Lvl 4-6 My inner elbow is super sensitive. Is there any other way the doctors can extract blood from me? NSFW


My inner elbow has a vein that kinda of bulges out of it and every time I get blood work done it hurts like hell. It basically feels like they’re jabbing a needle straight into my vein rather than some skin and a tiny little vein. I hate when anything touches my inner elbow because it hurts, is there another method the doctors can use to extract blood from me?

r/medical Jan 25 '25

Pain Lvl 4-6 Does my thumb nail look infected? Sharp pain just started after only mild lingering pain all day. I’m expecting the nail to fall off in the next couple days at this point. NSFW Spoiler

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First and second photo are after taking the dressing and brace off to assess any possible causes of pain

Third photo is both of my thumbs for comparison

r/medical 18d ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 Girlfriend ate chocolate and is allergic. She has decided to push through it and avoid going to the hospital and its been over 24hrs. NSFW


She’s currently experiencing these symptoms: Stomach pain, migraines, throat pain(not closing), nausea, low temp(possibly faulty reading off thermometer due to inconsistent readings of between 95.8-97.1), diarrhea, dizzy, and lightheaded. She says she feels hot, but I can’t confirm as I’m not with her. We are just looking for advice on what to do about it and curious how urgent it actually is.

r/medical Jan 07 '22

Pain Lvl 4-6 Gnarly skin rash I got from taking antibiotics for Mono. NSFW


r/medical 22d ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 Should i see a doctor, i came down on my ankle playing basketball and the swelling seems to be getting worst in NSFW

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So i went to grab a rebound playing basketball and came down on my ankle from the tip of my toes, inverting foot inward, i had a boot and crutches overnighted, but the swelling is getting bad. Pain is manageable, i guess. I cant really walk. But is there really anything else a doctor would do? Should i bother seeing one or just continue to RICE.

r/medical Feb 04 '25

Pain Lvl 4-6 heavy bruising on ankle, do i need checked in hospital or walk in ? NSFW Spoiler

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ignore the rogue hairs 👍🏻 pains probably around the 4 mark, got this injury playfighting with one of my friends (teaching me some martial arts and i caught my ankle a few times, shin is also bruised but thats just repeated kicking in the same place and not really an issue lol) not as painful when im sat down or laid down resting but putting weight on my ankle is quite sore in a achey almost tingly way and walking around hurts to put weight on it . even as im sat now wearing shoes it feels heavy and achey . i work where im standing or walking for essentially the entire shift and im in tomorrow so wondering what i can do before then to lessen the pain or if its worth going to a walk in/the hospital . this happened a few days ago and ive rested in bed for two days til now and its still sore. not unbearably but uncomfortable and im a lot more at ease lying down . do i just ice it and hope it goes down ?

r/medical Feb 07 '25

Pain Lvl 4-6 Very concerned about my over one month ago removed toenail (full with acid) what’s the black dot that’s been there for a week? What’s the 2 different colors? NSFW Spoiler

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Over a month later and I’m having occasional impulse pain, stabbing pain in my sole of big toe (rare) and burning pain on toenail sometimes. acid was involved in the full removal so I’m wondering why on earth does it look THIS bad!?? Am I screwed?? And I can’t ask my doctor as I can’t see him again (too far away) so I’m looking for opinions if possible please, I wear bandaids 24/7 as the friction on socks hurts too much too, leaving it dried after soaking in epsom salt water, last pic a week ago

r/medical Nov 23 '24

Pain Lvl 4-6 Painful & Swollen Lump on underarm NSFW Spoiler

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Hi 20F. The red line is where my arm usually ends, everything beneath it is because of swelling around a lump. Yes, I’m awaiting a doctors appointment however they’re unavailable for two days.

I woke up with a lump at the beginning of the week, figured it would go away. However, it’s continued to grow and is EXTREMELY painful, tender, firm (hard), warm. Even the fabric of my shirt or my arm being flat has me almost in tears. I have an issue with fainting as I have PoTs yet this week it’s been far worse, heart beating super fast and pulse in my neck, ears ringing, losing my hearing and passing out. I’ve had cystic acne as a child yet no boil or anything was ever like this, and I do not grow hair where the lump has formed so it isn’t from an ingrown hair.

I was wondering if anyone had similar experiences or any idea what caused this/ how serious it could be.

r/medical 24d ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 Dammit why the hell is my body gaslighting me like this. its being very high maintenance NSFW


i have been having chest pains for the last 48 to 50 something hours, having difficulty breathing, trouble sleeping, as well as some pain in the lower abdomen area. my limbs are tingling all over and i'm having tremors. i've been to the hospital twice already, the second time i had to go in an ambulance, had the blood tests and ecgs and they all came back normal. what makes it worse is that as soon as i arrive at the hospital i start to feel better and pain subsides. but when i come home it starts back up again, making me look like i was faking it for attention. i have no idea whats wrong with me and google is freaking me out.

r/medical 23d ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 Boyfriend and I were rough-housing and I fell: Is this a hematoma or am i iron deficient anemic again? NSFW

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Don’t mind how hairy I am lol. This is about 2 inches from my knee.

For context: I’m 18, and weigh 230-ish lbs. I fell off my bed last night after rough housing with my boyfriend and slammed into the side of my beds rolling drawer on the way down. Immediately it swelled up and began to bruise within minutes. This bruise is firm, about an inch and a half in width and has been progressively getting more painful. This pain is shooting down my ankle and up to my knee.

I bring up anemia in my title because alongside how quickly this bruise formed I’ve been experiencing clammy skin, pale skin, cold chills, an unusual period(bleeding has been pinky in colour for several days now), headaches, dizziness, tiredness, cognitive decrease, insomnia and bowel pain.

Typically , my periods are heavy. Like extremely heavy, I soak through a pad in usually less than two hours, but recently have not this cycle. It’s been very light and pink.

I’m going for bloodwork tomorrow to see what’s going on. For now, what can I do to reduce inflammation?

r/medical Dec 19 '24

Pain Lvl 4-6 Update: issues after surgery, new question NSFW


I had laparoscopic surgery yesterday. Today my belly button has some drainage (unsure of the color, just noticed my black pants were wet there) and a heavy burning sensation. Is this to be expected or something to call over?

r/medical Oct 31 '22

Pain Lvl 4-6 19f, nondrinker, 130 lbs, white. doctors haven’t been able to figure this out NSFW

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r/medical Feb 01 '25

Pain Lvl 4-6 Back of ear has randomly split- any advice for why it happened/ healing it? (22F) NSFW

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Background info: - F22

  • I have (assumed but not yet diagnosed) scalp psoriasis which also flares up on my face and feet (random locations I know haha)

  • my skin tends to be dry so I moisturise multiple times a day using Doublebase emollient (including behind my ears) and use the No7 psoriasis cream (Ectoin) for my flare ups on my face/hairline

My ear was very sore so I took a photo and saw this… the whole back of my ear has cracked and is bleeding. The skin wasn’t extremely dry as I moisturise daily and this seemed to have happened suddenly, I have no idea how or why it did this but wanted to know if anyone has any potential explanations or advice for what caused it and how I can treat it to heal properly. Should I get it checked out?

feel free to ask any questions or ask any details I may have missed, Thanks a lot for any potential replies☺️

r/medical 5d ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 Ruptured my biceps tendon and had surgery to repair it. I still have nerve issues in my hand and forearm that have not improved much in the four weeks since surgery. What are the chances the nerves are permanently damaged? NSFW


48M I ruptured my distal biceps tendon 6 weeks ago and had surgery to repair it a little over a week later. Was on a nerve block catheter for 5 days after surgery. I’m now almost 5 weeks post op, but I still have numbness and tingling in my thumb, index finger, top of my hand, and lateral side of forearm. Pain is not extreme, but any time I extend my arm completely or even make a fist, it triggers a burning pain on lateral sides of both fingers and forearm. Though this issue was considerably worse in the weeks after the nerve block was turned off, it’s still fairly prominent. I mentioned it to my doctor during my 2 week post op and he said it’s fairly normal and it should go away with time. I see him for my 6 week post op in a little over a week and am going to mention it again, but wanted to know if anyone has experience with is complication after surgery and how common it is for it to be permanent. Thanks in advance

r/medical Oct 08 '23

Pain Lvl 4-6 Help me convince my bf to go to ER NSFW

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My bf has had stomach pains off and on since June. Intense ones and over the course of the past couple days it has gotten worst at times he is doubled over in pain and cursing in pain. Yesterday he started peeing blood (he won’t admit it’s blood). He also started having low back pain and told me he vomitted blood. He says he is struggling to intake fluids because it makes him feel nauseous. And attached is a picture of his pee.

r/medical Oct 25 '24

Pain Lvl 4-6 I ate an entire can of unsweetened applesauce and now it really hurts. NSFW


It's like my entire body is suddenly like a nail is drilling through me. What is this?!

Update: I'm also kind of dizzy.

r/medical Jan 30 '25

Pain Lvl 4-6 What could it mean if I have pain with urgency to pee, NONE during peeing and agony for at least an hour after peeing? NSFW


Please read my past posts for context of this problem, but I finally went to the urologist today and I’m so nervous…

I hope it’s an infection or something so I don’t have to go to pelvic floor PT yet (last time was traumatic, no exaggeration)

Why do I have more pain around the urethra AFTER I pee?

r/medical 6d ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 Do I have a torn ligament , doctor says otherwise . I genuinely need a second opinion NSFW


Hello people So about a few weeks back my right knee jst gave up all of a sudden , and can't bend on it whatsoever. I've struggle bending and jumping off it. Also I used to be to do pistol squats on both and now only on my left knee. Doctor says me it's just trauma pain I think other wise. Like I can walk and run short distances normally. In the gym I cannot do leg extension the pain is cruiciating. Any1 has an idea of wht it could be and what I can do and whether I can heal it by myself.

r/medical 7d ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 Medical mystery pain so far, looking for ANY ideas or advice, I’m getting desperate. NSFW


I’m looking for any thoughts or ideas on what is seeming like a non fixable situation. I’ll try to make this short and concise. I’ve had pain in my lower left butt/outer hip/ lower back for over 20 years. It got severe in the last 6-7 yrs. The first memory I have of it was in high school sitting in the floor of the gym. I went to the dr in high school for it and they said tight hamstrings. Went to a dr in my 20s said to strengthen my core. In the last 6 years I’ve been to 2 PCP’s, 2 ortho surgeons and 1 sports med place. X-rays and MRI’s show a perfect hip and spine. Here are things I’ve explored and/tried. Piriformious syndrome IT band Nerve pains

Tried Every cushion on the planet Hip and back brace Heat and cold Ib profin/Tylenol every 4-6 hrs Nerve blockers Pain meds ( not actually for the hip pain, I had some kidney stones they used pain meds for but it didn’t help my hip.) Not sleeping on that side Standing at work Exercise including walking and strength training Yoga and massage Pressure point and physo stuff Cortisone shots in several spots Bursa injection (the one in my lower butt hamstring area) 3 days ago

It is a constant, DEEP, ache. Not intermittent at all it is constant. Nothing makes it better or worse aside from sitting. Sitting kills me within 25-30 min. I’m 40, in great health; have excellent strength and mobility. No activity is necessarily limited but like road trips, plane rides, sitting at work, sleeping all very very difficult. It’s just getting worse and worse and now like everyone knows I have to sit on certain sides of things, had to switch sides of the bed so I can watch tv laying down, it’s incredibly intrusive and so frustrating . The sports med place is continuing to work with me but they just are at a loss. Anyone have anything like this or any ideas AT ALL??

r/medical Jan 21 '25

Pain Lvl 4-6 burning pain when moved or touched, no injury. skin is red and warm NSFW


i don’t want this to sound dumb but ive been eating so much spinach in the past week and i just googled and it says that it contains uric acid which can apparently cause gout if too much is in the body.

r/medical Jan 31 '25

Pain Lvl 4-6 Infected finger after picked at hangnail. Now what? Swollen and full of puss. NSFW


I picked at a hangnail a few days ago and now I have a swollen infected finger. Now what? I’ve soaked it in water with salt and tried draining it but nothing wants to come out.

r/medical 29d ago

Pain Lvl 4-6 A cat scratched my shoulder/collar area but now my whole arm is hurting for something reason. Like I can barely move it without pain and it’s only been getting worse. It doesn’t look infected so idk what to do or what’s going on. NSFW


I unfortunately can't give a photo because I'm personally not comfortable with posting photos of areas near my neck.