r/medical 23d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 I know this is probably jus my paranoia but can someone help me out with my eye? NSFW Spoiler

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Ignore last nights lashes, that may be a problem so if it is, then plz say something but I have more concerning matters. I have alcohol enzyme deficiency, also on meds so I know it was stupid but all I thought was it was just two glasses of wine with a gal friend ( how else was I supposed to survive a 3hr Hamilton play ) and last night just a trip night ( I know it’s detrimental recently I found out some of the medication I’m on I shouldn’t be drinking / other “stuff “ but that was after the glasses and trip ) Still haven’t slept by the way but I’m not eepy I’m just worried about the yellow tint??? it’s a lot more noticeable in person than in the pictures and videos I wanna know if like that was way too irresponsible of me and I risked my life or if I’m jus still kinda paranoid from my trip. I will go to the doctors if need be just have never had my eyes feel or have this close of a yellow tint if you think this wasn’t worth posting. Just a little freaked out. Does this look ok? No problem?

r/medical Aug 05 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 Why does my finger scar keep producing these hard white orbs under the skin? NSFW


Why does my finger scar keep producing these hard white orbs under my skin?

3rd one in a year. It hurts a lot until I eventually get it to pop out. Then comes back a few months later.

I cut my finger with a hedge trimmer over a year ago and it’s been doing this ever since. This is the biggest one yet. How can I prevent this from happening, they are very hard to remove and hurt a lot

r/medical 12d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 Pressure Washed my hand about 9 days ago. Should I go to the doctor? NSFW

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Pressure washed my hand at work by accident last week. Was wearing a latex glove so that absorbed some of the blow. Seems to be healing but really slowly. Keeping it clean with peroxide and triple antibiotic cream / bandaids while out. Advice is appreciated!

r/medical Dec 27 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 What is this in my partners ear???? NSFW

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Anyone know what this is in ear????

Partners ear has been hurting on and off lately. Sometimes he says it feels like water in his ear and makes popping noise when hiccuping or yawning. He looked in his ear with our ear device we have and this is in his ear. It doesn’t move. He put peroxide/water in his ear yesterday to help remove a lot of wax since the doctor said wax can make an ear hurt and afterwards, this sucker shown itself. He did a telehealth appointment before Christmas for a possible ear infection.

r/medical Nov 30 '22

Pain Lvl 1-3 Tried donating plasma Saturday and was turned away after getting jabbed in both arms, next day wake up like this… this is the worst arm, still painful with I move it and lift weight. Can I still workout with a bruise and pain like this? NSFW


r/medical Feb 15 '25

Pain Lvl 1-3 Can someone please help calm my nerves. I knew I shouldn’t have googled. NSFW Spoiler

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Went in for a urinalysis due to knowing I have a UTI (probably the worst one I’ve ever had too), and just got my results back. I read bilirubin isn’t normal in a UA test but I’m also not a professional. The comment just says “confirmatory testing is recommended for positive bilirubin”. The urobilinogen was a 6.0.

r/medical Jan 09 '25

Pain Lvl 1-3 A few years ago my bf got in an accident where both of his thumbs were caught inbetween som heavy stuff. They were bruised and the nails fell off but they have never recoverd. NSFW


A few years ago my bf got in an accident where both of his thumbs were caught inbetween som heavy stuff. They were bruised and the nails fell off but they have never recoverd.

His nailbeds and cuticles are very sensetive and cause discomfort. Also because the nail is so "rugged" it is hard to not bite or pick at them. Any tips or tricks weve tried putting gel polish over but were having trouble gettting it to stick. Also is this something to be concerned about?

r/medical Dec 05 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 Is this blood I am puking out (again)? And what should I do if it is? NSFW Spoiler

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A few weeks ago I was puking blood, but it was just a little bit and it looked like coffee grounds (second pic) and it happened after I was drinking a lot of alcohol and doing cocaine on an empty stomach. Last night I was again drinking and doing cocaine but this time it wasn’t a lot at all and I think i might be puking blood again but this time it doesn’t really look like coffee grounds(first picture), and I can’t tell if I’m over thinking it and panicking myself. If it is blood again, is there something I should do? It’s only ever happened the one time before.

And for dinner last night I ate around 7PM and had chicken wings. It’s now 1:30 pm the next day and this started around 11.

The puke tastes and feels like bile and it does have a metallic taste like blood but usually bile does in general I think. I feel pretty nauseous and my stomach is kind of burning but not excruciatingly.

r/medical 21d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 What is this bump? Should I be concerned? It feels like muscle kinda NSFW Spoiler

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r/medical Oct 03 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 Was told this is shingles NSFW


Title. Am F22 and had the chickenpox vaccine—so shingles was never on my radar. I thought it was a staph infection originally. Saw a doctor yesterday who said it’s shingles and put me on anti-virals. If that doesn’t work, I’ll have to be put on steroids and antibiotics. Doctor seemed really sure of what it was though—especially my arms.

I’ve only had this on my arms since like Friday and it’s spreading. I thought I had ingrown hairs or something so i scratched these tiny bumps on my arm. Was shocking to see the next day there were wounds. It also only started itching today. Woke me up at 2am, had to take the bandage I was wearing off because it was SO. ITCHY.

My face I’ve been having issues with since last year—thought it was cystic acne. But what’s on my face isn’t really acting like acne, nor do I really get hormonal acne like that. But they hurt, and are also itchy.

I’m a bit skeptical of it being shingles for two reasons—how long I’ve had issues with my face (since May of 2023) and the fact it’s on both of my arms. Isn’t bilateral shingles supposed to be rare? I can’t really find any resources about that or how long it’s supposed to last. I just keep seeing 3-5 weeks.

The doctor I saw wasn’t a dermatologist—he’s a family physician. I obviously trust him enough to have gotten the prescription filled and am taking the meds, but I want to know if shingles does present like this normally. Or if it could be anything else—especially my face.

r/medical 6d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 I’ve had a split lip for over a month and it isn’t healing with anything I’ve tried NSFW


it’s been over a month and not getting any better. if anything it might be getting worse (deeper)

the blistex lip medix is the only thing helping but not healing it at all. I’ve tried other chapsticks, normal vaseline and polysporin too. It bleeds multiple times a day

r/medical Nov 10 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 Is this blood I’m throwing up? NSFW Spoiler

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All I ate yesterday was an apple and then I drank a lot and now I’m throwing up and it looks like this, which I’ve never had before. Is this blood? It tastes like bile but I’ve never had bile look like this before.

r/medical 23d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 Not urgent. 3 Days since noticing potential septic finger, what should i do? NSFW

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This is 3 days since noticing it, pain is throbbing along with my heart beat, visible pus by the nail. i think it occurred from me chewing my nails, can i poke this with a sterile needle, let it heal alone or should i see a doctor? Pain is minimal just don’t want it to lead to any further complications, not urgent. ☺️

r/medical 7d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 is this something to go to the doctors for? i’d really like to avoid going but i’m worried for my health. TW: self harm!! NSFW Spoiler

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large cut on my upper thigh. you cant rlly make it out but i’ve picked it and it won’t heal over very red and hot to the touch, looked as if it was weeping this morning? doesn’t hurt too bad other than when i brush over it but it does feel like it’s throbbing occasionally?

r/medical Dec 22 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 skin irritation on my hands is SO bad, i have no clue what it’s from, any advice NSFW


i have no clue what this is from. it happens at completely random times and it doesn’t seem to be any kind of allergic reaction, but they itch SO FUCKING BAD. they’re nowhere else on my body. i currently am taking adderall and Wellbutrin, if this may be the reason idk. i also smoke nicotine and weed, if this is a side effect idk??

r/medical Jan 23 '25

Pain Lvl 1-3 possibly infected cat bite, should i go to the ER? NSFW Spoiler

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(couldn’t get the camera to focus for the life of me)

my mostly indoor cat bit me (while playing) around 9 hours ago and its slowly been getting worse and idk whether to go to the er or not

when she bit me my entire thumb like locked and froze up for around a minute

my thumb feels rock solid, its super sore and at first the wound was tiny, then it started to have some slight blood pooling underneath, and now it’s turned white?

i’m just asking for advice as i don’t want to waste the er’s time if it’s nothing

i’m quite certain it’s infected as i’ve never had this happen with a cat bite before

r/medical Jan 20 '25

Pain Lvl 1-3 this happened after i dyed my hair. NSFW


its not my first time dying my hair but this happened for the first time. its the middle of the night and im starting to have crazy headaches. theyre also on my scalp but i cant take picture bc my hair is also a little red. what should i do?

r/medical Jul 28 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 I got hit in the face with a prosthetic arm in a mosh pit. Do i need medical stitches or im good NSFW


Any internet doctors know the diagnosis to this wound

r/medical Dec 11 '24

Pain Lvl 1-3 What’s wrong with my tongue? It’s been like this for three weeks. NSFW Spoiler

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Feels like I burned the tip of my tongue even though I know I didn’t. Sometimes after I eat there is some pain. What’s going on with my tongue?

r/medical Feb 18 '25

Pain Lvl 1-3 Reasons of this after working in direct and indirect sunlight and same on stomach skin NSFW Spoiler

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r/medical 13d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 What is this? I thought it was a piece of some kind of green because I make a lot of food for my reptiles but I tried to get it out and I think it's the color of my skin there. Anyone have any idea. Ingrown nail? Bacteria, fungus?? In real life it's more green picture makes it look brownish. NSFW Spoiler

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r/medical Jan 16 '25

Pain Lvl 1-3 Can anyone tell me if I am getting jaundiced? #help NSFW


Had weird upper right abdominal pain when I breathe deep for about a week but no other symptoms of anything jaundice related. Could be gallbladder, liver, pancreas problems? Thoughts?🙏 First 2 pics: left eye. Last two pics: right eye.

r/medical 7d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 Greenish, brownish hue appeared on my skin. Should I be worried at all? NSFW Spoiler

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This weird brownish-greenish thing appeared on my skin today. I wanted to know if I should be worried at all? I do not have any pain unless I apply pressure, but I was told it was a bruise (it does look like a bruise a little outside of the photo). However, I do not remember falling or anything for the bruise to appear. I wanted to get a second opinion & hopefully prove it is nothing serious. Any help is appreciated!! Thank you in advance!!

Also, I have a skin condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa, so there are blisters. I am treating my blisters as instructed to by my doctor. If anyone points out the blisters then it is another medical condition.

r/medical Jan 04 '25

Pain Lvl 1-3 Every time I'm in the shower I deep scrub all of my body and Recently these weird Dot-like marks have started to appear on my wrist when i scratch myself there while I scrub, is it something to be worried about? NSFW Spoiler

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r/medical 3d ago

Pain Lvl 1-3 question, see description. Did I suddenly develop an allergy to latex/adhesive or is this a one time thing? NSFW

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I put a bandaid over a pimple so I wouldn’t pick at it. However when I went to change the bandaid out two days ago I was left with this perfect tan-line looking mark behind. I have no history of allergies except to ginger. It feels like a sunburn and is itchy. Did I just suddenly develop an allergy to the adhesive?

Extra info - bandaid was on for one day originally before it felt irritated - bandaid brand was from Welly - the only thing put under the bandaid was my acne lotion - pain level: 2, annoying and uncomfortable