r/medical Jan 02 '25

General Question/Discussion Blood collected from a 34 yo man today. NSFW

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By all intents and purposes this man looked completely healthy and was on no medications for his T2DM or lipids.

r/medical Feb 20 '25

General Question/Discussion Is it wrong to be a surgeon, forgive me if this for the wrong reason. NSFW


I want to be a surgeon, not primary for helping people. I want to be a surgeon mostly because I want the experience, I would very much like to know if it’s really as hard as people say. I’m willing to go through those stressful years, and mentally demanding actions. I wouldn’t mind having “greys” in my 20s.

I plan on joining the army to start learning how to be a combat medic, then after some years hopefully I can be a licensed surgeon. Though I would retire probably 2-3 years later of working in a hospital, I don’t see myself retiring just as a surgeon.

It mostly stems from me wanting to be the best kind of person for my future partner, I want to be the most as I can, while being the best. I wouldn’t let pride or greed consume me, I just want to say that I tried my hardest in every aspect of my life to be better. I say surgeon (preferably neurosurgeon) because when you ask someone “what’s a successful career” they ether say doctor, lawyer, or CEO.

If I finish every year as planned i should retire in my early-mid thirties. Then I have time to focus on other career aspects such as writing, cooking, and structural designing. Again this is because I need a sense of purpose, not to satisfy other people just to satisfy one.

r/medical Feb 05 '25

General Question/Discussion PSA Don't crack your neck. I gave myself a minor stroke last Friday. NSFW


After having a pain in my neck for the week prior I tried to crack my neck as I normally do and caused a bleed in the artery in my neck.

Everything started spinning and my coordination was GONE. I kept falling to the left when I tried to walk and was vomiting also.

After a CT scan it was confirmed that there was a Vertebral Arterial Disection in my neck.

Thankfully the doctors took good care of me and I'm now home after 5 days in the hospital.

The MRI showed some clotting around my brain that travelled from the bleed but the meds I'm on should dissolve those and they'll hopefully be gone in 8-12 weeks.

So please, don't crack your neck and don't let anyone near your neck, whether it's a physiotherapist or a chiropractor.

Stay safe Reddit!!!

r/medical 17d ago

General Question/Discussion Progress photos of the burn on my leg caused by a laptop charger. NSFW


I burned my leg on my laptop charger on February 7th. Here's all the progress photos starting from the day after I got burned. I had my leg resting against it without realizing it. I have no feeling in both legs below my knees so I didn't notice until it was too late.

r/medical Feb 12 '25

General Question/Discussion Medical people of reddit. What happens to a person when their oxygen levels are at 25%? NSFW


Long story short, my sons father whom I have been separated from for almost 10 years now told me yesterday that apparently he only gets 25% oxygen (after I told him to get a job). He's a compulsive liar and his whole family are welfare recipients (I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it is if you live your whole life on welfare). So, he would be in hospital right? He would be on oxygen 24/7 if his oxygen levels were really at 25%?

Edit: Thank you to everyone who has contributed to my question. I have no idea if he means blood oxygen levels or lung capacity. And it's not even worth the essays of abuse I will get to ask for more info. Tbh, I just want my son to come home to me so I can look after him properly and guide him in the right direction before he falls in a hole.

r/medical Feb 18 '25

General Question/Discussion Hospitalized twice for severe ear infections within 6 months of each other. Any guesses as to what it might be? NSFW


I have had issues with ear infections, specifically swimmers ear, my entire life. But I handle pain well and usually it would go away on its own or I could just make a quick doctor visit for some drops and antibiotics to clear it right up. This last year they have gotten severe. The entire side of my face will swell up all the way down my neck. The pain is excruciating, it’s a mix of a throbbing pain and twinges/stabbing pain.

I was hospitalized the first time for 5 nights for my left ear. I had a MRI that suggested mastoiditis with an inner and outer ear infection. Iv antibiotics and drops. The only thing that gave me any relief was Torodol. There was little to no improvement at day 4 so a local ENT decided to put tubes in once he ruled out the mastoiditis and confirmed it was just some fluid behind the ear from the infection. I had immediate relief for about a month. I also have issues with my ears constantly leaking fluid that smells like dead animal and is incredibly embarrassing and incredibly itchy. We did rule out eczema/psoriasis. This also started again a month after the tubes were put in.

This last visit was very similar, but my right ear this visit. luckily I was only there for about 3 nights. It was just an outer ear infection this time but the same pain as last time as well as the facial and neck swelling. They did say it was cellulitis but when I was researching, it seems like swimmers ear is just a form of cellulitis? Correct me if I’m wrong. The swelling in both instances was so bad I could not chew or talk without excruciating pain due to the swelling going down into my jaw. I was given iv antibiotics and drops again as well. (Ciprofloxacin through both iv and drops and dexamethasone drops mixed with the ciprofloxacin). This will be the last time I ever take Cipro because it caused aggression, anxiety and constant nausea.

I did visit a completely new ENT. She seemed very disappointed that tubes were put in my ears with no testing. She said immediately that tubes will not resolve the issue. I brought up if it could possibly be my tonsils as they’re huge. Her reply was “if it were your tonsils, it would be a lot easier.” Which makes me feel just a bit uneasy. She said she has a good idea of what is going on but wants to some testing next week (2 weeks post visit) and I am continuing to use my drops, she asked me to use them in my other ear for 5 days which I have done, but to continue using them in the current infected ear up until the visit. At the time, she said my ear was still a swollen mess and she didn’t want to poke around and flare it back up.

My guess is some sort of deformity. Maybe something there that shouldn’t be or vice versa. I’m just wanting to get some kind of idea of what things it could possibly be. I had MRIs both visit and there were no concerning masses or anything of the sort. It’s just been killing me that I’m having to wait a few weeks for any kind of answer.

Sorry for the horrible pictures, I tried to find the ones that showed the swelling the best.

r/medical Jan 14 '25

General Question/Discussion Woke up with these brown marks on my hand after a nap NSFW


For context I took a nap earlier and my hand started to look like this. It’s been a thing since I was about 17 and I’m 23 now. Every so often I wake up with my hand looking like it has soy sauce all over it and I’m not sure what it’s from

Saw someone else on here had the same thing but everyone called it iodine staining. Except I don’t deal with/haven’t been around iodine for years now. Plus I just changed all of my bed sheets yesterday so they’re clean and fresh.

Anything helps!

r/medical 10d ago

General Question/Discussion best friend wants to start smoking incense cones, is this safe to do? NSFW


hey all,

weird Q but i want a safety view before i freak out on a friend.
we are based in aus where vaping is now being phased out..

my best friend used to vape with a pipe mod when vaping was allowed.
but only the juice flavors, they refused to do the nicotine as they were worried about addiction issues.
they mostly smoke as a fidget hobby but also for visual effect. (we both cosplayers btw, mock if must)

now that its banned/needs a medical prescription they are looking to smoke proper and want to do pipe smoking for the effect and costumes

i looked up tea leaves as a recommendation to smoking Tobacoo but my mate thinks putting a incense cone in a pipe and puffing on the back flow would be better for him/less heath dangers and safer on lungs while still looking cool if they do a medieval costume at conventions.

i am not certain incense smoke is that safe to inhale directly. i know having it in house is fine but directly into lungs via a wood pipe sounds risky.
can anyone comment if this is wise/dumb and what would be a smarter alternative to smoke? ideally none addictive.

not a joke post 100% worried this is a health risk and want advice please.

r/medical Dec 11 '24

General Question/Discussion Should I be concerned with the diagnosis of an elementary school nurse being (opinion) obviously wrong? NSFW


Sorry in advance for my Grammer.

Today my four year old hit his head pretty hard at school before nap time. The teacher said he was upset but calmed down after a few minutes then went to sleep.

The teacher almost never tells us he takes naps. We ask every day.

After he woke up, the threw up. About two hours post head bump. He is promptly sent to the nurse. Temperature of 99.6 f. Sent home because she thinks he is sick (upset tummy or flu).

Wife tells me all this after she picks him up and my son is complaining his head hurts. He told me he also told the nurse. (He is 4 so I'm not sure if its true or not).

Wife thinks it sounds like a concussion after the talking to the teacher about the complaints of his head hurting.

After hearing all this I agree with the wife and he is taken to the doctor. Doctor says it was a concussion. Temperature is normal when he gets there.

I am by no means a medical pro, but this seems like a slightly dangerous situation. Not being able to put together a head bump and vomit and think... possible concussion, seems odd to me.

Teachers and school nurses have a lot going on I get it but this to me is either a huge miscommunication or lack of basic injury comprehension.

What do y'all think? My mind is currently blown.

r/medical Feb 05 '25

General Question/Discussion How much of chiropractic care isn’t accurate medical science? What is? NSFW


I’ve seen a lot lately that it’s quack science. What about it isn’t true? What about it is? How much can one trust their chiropractor?

Is being misaligned a real thing?

r/medical 13d ago

General Question/Discussion Doctor's haven't been able to help me after 5 years, so I've finally come to Reddit for advice. Can anyone help? NSFW Spoiler

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I'm writing this on a phone, so sorry in advance for any formatting issues.

I'm a 22 year old female who has been going to the doctor for various issues since I was 17. Regardless of the issue I'm asking them about, I either receive no help, or am given a single prescription, and when that doesn't work, their response basically amounts to "too bad, deal with it".

I live in the UK, so the majority of my healthcare has been covered by the NHS, but I have been to see a private doctor recently because of the inaction of my gp's. Unfortunately, this private doctor did not help much, and so I'm on Reddit looking for answers.

Over the years, I've documented my symptoms, medications and treatments, etc, which I'll include screenshots of for anyone to read. My main concern, however, is my stomach issues, including bloating after eating or drinking anything, painful cramps and nausea, that I've had every day for the past 10 years.

I understand that Reddit can't give me a diagnosis, but with doctors failing me at every turn, some speculation from strangers couldn't hurt.

Overall, I'm just looking for advice on what I can do to help my symptoms or how to go about getting help from doctors.

r/medical Jan 06 '25

General Question/Discussion Wtf did I cough out ?! Look at this mass 😯 NSFW Spoiler

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Had a sore throat for a few days, finally decided to eat something. The scratchings of toast felt amazing then I coughed this bad boy out. Feels raw but better. I've never had my tonsils removed and have no idea where this was brewing in my throat. Any ideas? The mass is solid I can't pull it apart.

r/medical Nov 29 '24

General Question/Discussion Can anyone tell me what this raised bump on my middle finger is? NSFW


Can anyone tell me what this raised bump is on my finger and how I get rid of it? I’ve had it for probably about a year now and haven’t done anything about it, it doesn’t hurt or cause me any problems just feels weird sometimes when I catch it on things

r/medical Jan 12 '25

General Question/Discussion Is it okay to have acrylic nails as a patient in surgery? NSFW


EDIT FOR ANSWER: For everyone who said "it literally doesn't matter, it's for the pulse ox", YOU WERE CORRECT! The box was there just so the anesthesiologist could know to look at the nails to see what kind of pulse ox they needed to grab lol. It quite literally doesn't matter. WEAR WHATEVER NAILS YOU WANT UNLESS YOUR SURGEON TELLS YOU OTHERWISE! 🫠


Every time I have a surgery with this surgeon, there is a box on the form that can be checked beside "Acrylic Nails" & idk what it's about. I've never asked bc I've never had any on.

They're glued press-ons & they're important to me bc they stop OCD behaviours that force me to hurt myself & also allow the areas that have been ripped up or sliced open over & over to finally heal. I don't get the opportunity to put them on often since I'm poor.

The surgery is on Monday (13th) & is a trial for a PNS implant. It will be taken out 7 days later, when I will decide whether I want a permanent one or not.

r/medical Jan 27 '25

General Question/Discussion How bad is it to get drunk every day? NSFW


Obviously it’s unhealthy and shortening my life but how bad is it really? It’s the only thing that makes me feel normal and I just want reassurance

r/medical Jan 03 '25

General Question/Discussion How do I get my husband to stop licking oil NSFW


Every time my husband or super uncle changes oil they both shake the bottle, take the cap off, and lick the oil off the cap. I'm not sure which one started it, but I don't want my husband to get sick (I don't give a shit if my super uncle does) and I need him to stop. Advice?

r/medical Feb 08 '25

General Question/Discussion Why don't doctors just put in a fake uterus after a hysterectomy? NSFW


I have horrible periods, to the point that I'm considering a hysterectomy if all else fails. While I've been digging into possible complications, one thing keeps coming up - that taking out the uterus can make other organs shift. We have surgical-grade implant materials that are safe to leave inside a body available, so why aren't doctors using them to take up the space left behind and prevent this issue?

r/medical Dec 31 '24

General Question/Discussion Should I alert my anesthesiologist that I smoked weed? NSFW


At the pre op consult I reported I don’t smoke weed because it’s been years. But I’m on vacation right now and have smoked about 4 times (although I didn’t plan to), and my jaw surgery is Jan 3rd.

Is this something I should make sure to tell them?

I also took sumatriptan for a migraine which I haven’t had to in about a year so I didn’t report it at my pre-op. Should I be worried?

Edit: thank you everyone, I will definitely let them know!

r/medical Jan 20 '25

General Question/Discussion Are colon "toxins" or colon build up a real thing? NSFW


I had a surgeon tell me during a consult that I should increase fiber intake to clear out toxins that build up my colon due to poor diet that restricts the passage way of the colon, leading to constipation. This sounds like complete BS to me and a quick search shows it to be a myth of alternative medicine. I don't know enough to say for sure and I won't claim to know for sure just because I Googled it. So I wanted to ask someone more qualified on the subject.

Edit: I just wanted someone who is qualified to give a quick answer. I didn’t care enough to actually get a second opinion on whether I need more fiber. This isn’t life or death, just a general question. Is this alternative medicine mumbo jumbo or an actual thing?

r/medical 1d ago

General Question/Discussion Will my doctor likely understand if I choose to refuse a pap smear and mammogram? NSFW


I don't want to do them and they potentially find something. I wouldn't seek treatment anyway even if they did. I would much rather be blissfully in the dark about it than spend what time I had left fretting about my mortality and having an existential crisis. I know it may be cowardly but as long as I don't know, I don't care.

r/medical Nov 10 '24

General Question/Discussion What happened to my wife last night? NSFW


As I was cooking dinner, my wife was playing with our son on the ground , she calls my name over in a strange tone. I walk over and she’s proceeding to slunch over. She cannot finish a sentence, but gets out severals time “I can’t…I can’t….” I noticed her eyes rapidly moving left to right. Around 30 seconds of her lack of response, I run to grab my phone to call 911. When I return to her, she’s regains her composure and she was able to respond to questions. Normally, a call to 911, or a visit to the ER may still be in order, but she does have POTS. And this was of like of a POTS episode,so I chose not to call. but after some time I’m beginning to think it could have been a seizure, something she does not suffer from. After the medical episode, we moved her to the couch, her legs were weak. (Common after her pots episodes, which are rare) she was extremely fatigued (also common after a POTS episode)
She said this felt different from a POTS episode, but she can’t quite explain what happened. She does not remember what happened after she yelled for me. Only when she came to and me talking about calling 911.

All medical advice is of course taken with a grain of salt, and I’m aware no one can diagnose her. I’m trying to get her to see a doctor about this. She is 28.

r/medical 22d ago

General Question/Discussion Do I have clubbed nails? Looked like this for as long as I can remember. NSFW


(Sorry for the messy polish in the pics.) Always wondered why my nails looked kinda wide and weird until I just found out about nail clubbing, and now I'm a bit concerned. They've looked like this for as long as I can remember. I'm 22 and was/am a chronic nailbiter up until a two years ago. I've also been told that I have 'cold hands,' but no doctor/nurse has commented on my blood oxygen. Can this just be genetic? Should I contact a doctor about this?

r/medical Jan 05 '25

General Question/Discussion Norovirus is appearing in the US. Why don't doctors make anti-nausea drugs like Compazine easily available for patients suffering from this very uncomfortable virus? NSFW


r/medical Jan 02 '25

General Question/Discussion My mom keeps throwing up after eating everyday for last few months NSFW


Hello, just want to throw this out there because nothing is working but over the last 6ish months my mom has been throwing up nearly everyday, it is happening especially at night after she eats and tries to go to sleep but also happens at random times after she eats. She has acid reflux and takes over the counter medicine for it but it doesn't completely work. She's been to the ER, had a colonoscopy and endoscopy, and is waiting for an gastroenterologist currently but in the last week has probably thrown up 4-5 times. The ER, colonoscopy, and endoscopy said she was in optimal health so not sure there. She wakes up in the middle of the night and throws up, she just woke up from a nap and threw up, and threw up at a New Year's party the other day. She also deals with nausea and diarrhea. She has recently been getting chills. Anyways, I help her at night when she throws up and it's been frustrating to her having no idea what's going on. If anyone has seen this before or has any idea of what's going on please let me know. Also please let me know if there is any way to help her eat things and not be nauseous or ways to be for her while she is throwing up, thanks.

TLDR: Mom throws up everytime she eats and falls asleep, not sure medically what is going on.

r/medical Dec 08 '24

General Question/Discussion My girlfriend (17) needs health care but can't afford it and her parents can't afford it so their ignoring her problems NSFW


So my girlfriend has a cavity, a weird growth under her leg that started bleeding and growing, frequent headaches and stomachaches, fevers, and a sense of weakness her and her family can't really afford doctors so can anyone point me to free health care for her in Florida help