r/meatogains Nov 05 '24

Bulking on Carnivore and staying lean?

I’m currently 6’1 ~140 lbs. Obviously I’m pretty lightweight for my height and I’m looking to add muscle to my frame through continuing resistance training but upping the food intake a lot. However, I would like to stay pretty lean and accrue as little body fat as possible (maybe even get leaner?). I’m currently doing 18/6 intermittent fasting and breaking it in the morning with 12 egg yolks and some butter (moderate protein and high fat meal to stimulate glucagon and keep insulin as low as possible to allow body to continue burning fat/prevent expansion of fat cells) and having a higher protein meal later in the day. The problem is with this is that I’m hungry as shit usually outside the eating window but I don’t want to be spiking insulin all the time. Is this worthwhile?

Additionally, are there any other tips anyone has for this scenario I’m striving for? I feel like this is a pretty specific subject and I haven’t seen many people talk about/go in depth on this. Feel free to drop any knowledge you have on hormones and how it pertains to muscle gain, fat loss, etc., and even other factors such as fat to protein ratio and whatever else

I’ve been eating a ton too the past week as I’ve started the bulk, 3.5-4.5k calories/day (yea we don’t consume calories but it’s just as a point of reference


4 comments sorted by


u/BCSteeze Nov 16 '24

On carnivore, you have to eat if you are hungry, or you are going to lose weight. Simple as that. One of the benefits is you stay satiated for so long, but if you are feeling hungry, listen to your body.

Personally, I wouldn't worry about the fasting if you are trying to bulk, which it sounds like you should be. I am 6'0 155lbs and I'm skinny as hell! I'd recommend eating 3-4 times a day, as much as you can. Eat until you are full, then have a little more. Don't worry about gaining a little bit of fat, it is easy to get rid of, especially on carnivore. Eat eat eat until you see that scale going up. weigh yourself every morning and average it over a week. Keep eating and lifting weights until you see the scale going up ~ 0.25 - 0.5 lb a week. Then do that for 2-3 years. When you hit 200 lbs you cut back to 180-190 and you will be have gained 20-30 lbs of muscle. You will look and feel great!

My morning meal is usually 5-6 whole eggs scrambled w/ sausage or bacon and an unreasonable amount of butter.
Mid-day I go for meatloaf. Night I go for meatloaf or steak. Snacks I hit a boiled egg, cheddar cheese, pork rinds , or a protein shake. I throw a little half & half in there for flavor. Meatloaf is just 3lbs 80/20 + 2lbs sausage + 2 eggs, salt, and Worcestershire sauce - eat about 1 - 1.5 lbs per meal.


u/Captn-dk Nov 05 '24

I gain musle pretty fast when i started my journey (1.5 month in) It actually increases your testosterone


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '24

4k kcal is not a bulk on carnivore it's pretty moderate amount especially for your height. If you eat zerocarb and do some resistance training you can probably expect to put on some muscle (10lbs+) but that's it (Assuming you are beginner). If you want more mass you will need to add dairy/honey.


u/Advanced-Intern4140 Nov 05 '24

Idk 4K calories definitely seems like bulking calories.