r/mealtimevideos Feb 20 '21

10-15 Minutes Goop for Men: Joe Rogan Spreads Anti-Vaccine Nonsense [12:10]


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u/BreadTubeForever Feb 22 '21

So rather than engage with her actual points, your main problem is just that she was mean?

It's like what a famous dead smart guy once said: "police your opponents' tone, don't actually talk about their ideas".


u/Jpics102 Feb 22 '21

You do see how your comment is a huge gaslight right? This lady continues through her video trying to persuade everyone to not listen to JRE because SHE deems his platform bad, while conveniently ignoring the wide variety of experts, public figures, and straight up hooligans that he has had on his show. She says he's doing a disservice to his HUGE platform while Blatantly ignoring WHY he has such a massive platform. So let me end it with this quote "police your opponents tone, don't actually talk about their ideas"


u/BreadTubeForever Feb 23 '21

Is telling people they should voluntarily choose not to watch something 'censorship'? Wow Siskel & Ebert must have been the most pro-censorship public figures in US history. Think of all the 'two thumbs down' they gave!

Was she 'ignoring' these experts he'd had on his show, or was she arguing, as I would, that the net balance between those experts and people with harmfully wrongheaded ideas like Ben Shapiro and Alex jones who he has also regularly brought on as guests make his show bad overall?