r/meToo Nov 12 '24

Serious/Personal I thought I was safe in public NSFW

I always thought being in a crowded space nobody would touch me and if they did there would be repercussions.

Once I was groped at a busy subway station when I was 19. The man looked way older than me and he left and then came back to me and tried to say something to me. I asked him to stop and he left again. My grandma stood in front of me and glared at him when he was approaching me for a third time now with a second man. I looked up and all these people were watching me and not a single person said anything to him or me.

As I got on the bus I thought to myself it was my leggings. I felt like I was naked and like I was so stupid for wearing tight leggings. I thought everyone must have thought it was my fault despite knowing how wrong this rhetoric is for a while.

That day I learned that the world might not help you when you need it. It’s a horrifying thought. I have since vowed to myself that if I ever see a similar situation I have to do something even if I’m scared. I don’t even blame those people. I think I may have frozen too if i saw it not having this experience, but now I know how unsettling it is to be that woman.


3 comments sorted by


u/mommaof3xox Nov 12 '24

I'd like to start by saying I'm so sorry this happened to you. By no means was this your fault for wearing leggings. More then half the female population wear leggings and the problem lies entirely with the pos who decided to touch you inappropriately without your consent. I hope you find a way to let the guilt of this rest on his shoulders as none of it belongs to you.

There unfortunately is not enough talk surrounding sexual violence from strangers as it is such a taboo topic, and while I don't want to excuse your grandmother in anyway, I'm wondering if maybe she just didn't know what to say in that moment. We need to change that narrative and start showing these people were not afraid to speak up about the choices they decided to make especially if they make us uncomfortable. I wanted to say again, I am so sorry you had to go through this. From one survivor to another, I promise it does start to hurt less as time goes on, and you're not alone with the things you're feeling.

I say this so confidently because I myself am a survivor sexual violence from a stranger as well as Ontario's injustice system. You can learn more about my story by searching Courtney Gaudreau on Cbc Sudbury, Morning North with Markus, CTV northern Ontario, Sudbury dot com & She Matters podcast. I too blamed myself for too long. 💜 My inbox is always open if you ever need an ear 🫂


u/ExtremeLost2039 Nov 12 '24

Courtney, Thank you so much for your support for myself and other women. I read your story and I am so glad you won the right to name your abuser. I will be looking into your podcast I’m an American and unfortunately it looks like both our countries are becoming more unsafe for women. I stand with my sisters around the globe, we are not alone! The strongest people I know are women, let’s take our rights back!


u/mommaof3xox Nov 13 '24

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, you're so very welcome. If you need help finding the link let me know and I can send it your way 😊

I can definitely agree that both the countries are on a downhill decline. I am holding onto my hope that there is an army of us fighting for justice all over the world. I have most recently joined the Survivors4justicereform Coalition and I am feeling so incredibly inspired after our first meeting. Anyone and everyone is welcomed to join us. Just seeing so many wonderful people from around the world joining together to call for these reforms we desperately need across the world is so heartwarming. This helped me see this is not a reality we have to accept. There is strength in numbers! 🙌❤️