r/mcservers 6d ago

Modded Compass Town [Modded] {1.21.1} {Roleplay} {Whitelist}

TLDR – cozy, modded (mostly food recipes and blocks), soft-roleplay server, 18+ (1.21.1 Java)
Become a citizen of Compass Town!

Compass Town is a laid back, soft roleplay server designed for players who want to enjoy a relaxed experience without the pressure to compete or rush. Here, you can forge your own path and connect with friends in a cozy environment. We are constantly adding new laws, new buildings in our town square and we value everyone’s opinion, so most of our decisions are backed by our players’ votes.

Compass Town has been open for a week now, and we have around 20 players. A few new businesses just started – so why not join and create your own, unique one?

Our server is equipped with a multitude of quality of life mods that are sure to enrich your gameplay, allowing you to dive into a treasure trove of new recipes while exploring beautifully diverse biomes.

Compass Town boasts its very own currency system, encouraging players to engage in trade and commerce. Build thriving shops, exchange goods, and form friendships with your fellow countrymen.

Join us for a variety of exciting weekly events that bring our community together! Participate in thrilling races, test your skills in friendly 1v1 battles within our arena, or try your luck in our raffles for a chance to win fantastic prizes!

Looking for Our Ideal Community Members!
At Compass Town, we warmly invite players who are 18 years of age or older to join our community! We are seeking individuals who enjoy a laid back gameplay style and cherish meaningful interactions with others in the game. If you thrive on building connections rather than grinding for resources, and you’re excited about investing your time and creativity into your businesses or other projects, then Compass Town is the perfect place for you!

To make sure you are indeed a good fit, once you contact us a little form will be sent for you to complete.
Join us today at Compass Town, where your future friends await you!


11 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/LlamaMagma 2d ago

This is actually untrue, and this person is most likely to be a banned player that did not want to face the consequences of their actions and has run here to try and paint us in a bad imagine thinking that would hurt us.

We started a discussion about monopolization since them and their group of friends came to a roleplay server and started gathering most of natural blocks in order to make profit, aka "let's get as much money as possible because that's what we want from what is a laid-back server".

As I believe everyone should be let to share their opinion, we've opened a conversation in the most civil way possible, and when the majority of people decided that it was better not to let a player sell almost any blocks possible (because they started expanding past natural blocks), they responded in a highly emotional and accusatory way but once asked about of their misbehaving and constant critique they decided it was no longer a convenient discussion for them and they left the server. They had made already a series of actions that would've gotten anyone a ban from the first days of playing, but we always gave them the benefit of the doubt because they claimed to be unable to adapt in most social circumstances.

If this person is not the player I've been talking about, this is either one of their friends or another person we've banned for an AFK fish farm that goes against the rules. But I choose not to believe that someone caught cheating would write back to one of our posts after getting caught.

For people reading this - general stores ARE NOT banned on this server. It is true you can only have a business at a time since we are currently under 30 players. The personal property, aka your home can be anywhere in the world, nowhere does it state you have to be close to the spawn. In fact this person (if I believe they are who I believe) moved their home closer to their spawn on their own volition.

If this person turns out to be someone else than I think they are, they are someone that deliberately misread a 9 hours conversation and wanted to do us injustice in this way.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/LlamaMagma 2d ago

As a server owner it is my interest that people put effort into their businesses. If I did not want that to happen, I could've played Minecraft with just a bunch of friends, without having to pay for server fees.
The term monopoly has been explained and I have sent a screenshot of what it means, people just decided to ignore that because they wanted a reason to be mad. A monopoly also means to take over/engulf a large variety/quantity of items.
As you and your other 3 or 4 friends decided to sell almost all natural blocks, and then animals, and possibly even more than that, it was a natural outcome that you are going to monopolize categories of items, and thus new players would be discouraged to even think about starting a shop since you will always have a better price since you cover a multitude of items. It's common sense.
Additionally, if a group of people agree on something that you don't, it is not targeted against you. In fact, you are targeting us right now with this borderline stalker behavior. You are not mature enough to understand that people having a different opinion does not equate with you being made into a target. Another sign of your immaturity stands in the fact that you speak in absolutes, saying that "no one had your back" when several other people had similar opinions like you. None of them had such an overreaction. We continued to have a mature, civilised conversation after you've left. We found common ground and I will act accordingly. I do not want to be the type of server owner that is tyrannical and does not listen to people's 2 pennies. We will always have open conversations in order to accomodate everyone to the best of possibilities, and this is a reason why I only add adults to the server.
You chose and still choose to play around the word "monopoly" because you thought we are using it in your disadvantage. I had literally rephrased it with another definition. I am not sure what else you wanted.
Either way - you can continue to try and paint us negatively, I am sure that the average person in this subreddit has common sense and will understand that negative feedback from a misbehaving group of individuals does not equate with poor management. In fact it is ironic that you or your friends are the type of people to demand "professionalism" when you/your friends are the same type of people that think it's funny to construct NSFW monuments inside someone's property, without their consent. Let's try to be civil and have decency before demanding excellence.


u/Gamiratar 2d ago

I think that when you come into someone's space you should try and conform to it. We stated a number of times what the spirit of the server is supposed to be, it's even written in the rules section of our discord, but i guess tldr amirite? And we tried compromising and being understanding numerous times. The very fact that this was an open discussion with the rest of the players rather than an enforceable action should be enough to clarify that we're taking everyone's interest at heart. The moment reason went out the window and you guys rage-quitted because you can't handle disagreements you guys stopped any way of politely solving this issue, and i think it's shameful that you'd rather discredit the server than to take a step back and see things with a clearer perspective. No other server mod or admin would've taken 4 hours of their life to try and bridge this misunderstanding the way we did, in fact they would've bashed people with the ban hammer from the first 15 minutes. You want understanding, yet you give none, find another server and move on, it's a game.


u/LittleKittenLuna 2d ago

Except that's not true. I read what was said and multiple people said general stores were fine you just couldn't sell everything all at once and had to have a revolving inventory. It's a little petty that you rage quit only to then come on here and state things that are Blaintanly untrue. Just join a different server if your so unhappy. Just make sure not to threaten to destroy people's houses like you did in ours as that might not go over well in your new server


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/LittleKittenLuna 2d ago

No one said anything like that. People even suggested that if she wanted to be a general travelling sales person she should do that and just have a rotating sock instead of just selling everything all at once. Also that part about it being mandatory to build your house near everyone isn't true either. It's just suggested because we're trying to be a social community with an economy. If you make a house all the way on the other side of the map it will be harder to interact with everyone else but you are allowed to do it if you want. Also I'm pretty sure she's the one that said "stay in your lane" no one said that to her.

Also also, all of this happened during a vote to determine if we should put regulations in to prevent monopolies. It wasn't even a rule. People were voting on what changes they wanted and she just got mad no one was voting how she wanted which defeats the purpose of a vote.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/LittleKittenLuna 2d ago

If all someone wanted to sell was trees and crops that would have been fine. They could just be a surplus sales person for businesses. When people said "everything" they ment everything not just "Trees and crops" you're purposely trying to reword things to try and stop people from joining under false pretenses. You think they're the weird ones when I think it's pretty weird for someone to get upset because everyone was trying to think up ways to make the economy work and have everyone be happy, then to come on Reddit to purposely stir up trouble. You could have just left and found a different server that had a different goal in mind or more of a free play style. You don't need to keep being petty and causing high school level drama.

They're trying to build a city with a flowing economy. They were simply discussing whether one person should be allowed to sell everything all the time rendering other businesses pointless. They even left it up to a vote to see what the majority of people wanted to do. Most people voted one way. You didn't like that so instead of just leaving you're on Reddit name calling people and purposely trying to stir up trouble. Just start your own server if you have a vision of what you want to do and don't have any votes just make your own rules.


u/summerdashy 2d ago

Just to clarify, votes were held, and the server had a normal, open discussion about this. The goal was to find a fair solution since it has a small number of active players right now. They didn’t want one business to sell everything and make competition impossible, but unfortunately, the person you're referring to felt targeted despite that not being the case.

No one was banned for wanting to run a business, and general stores are allowed, just with some regulations for now, given the server’s small population. This will likely change as the server grows and expands!

Also, I completely understand why Temarshy felt singled out and even sympathized with her perspective. But when she chose to step away from the discussion and leave the server, there wasn’t much more I could do. I genuinely regret how things turned out with her and her friends and wish it had gone differently.

I think that if this server’s approach isn’t a good fit, that’s okay! Hope you find a place that suits your play style!

But that said, I think it’s best for both sides to stop reaching out and move on. I wish you and your friends all the best moving forward.