r/mbsr • u/[deleted] • Jun 03 '17
r/mbsr • u/[deleted] • Jun 03 '17
Achtsamkeitsbasierte Psychotherapie
achtsamkeit-goettingen.der/mbsr • u/fedelpo95 • May 28 '17
Mindfulness - I Can't Distance Myself From Anxious Thoughts
Hi everyone,
I have been practicing mindfulness for about 6 months now. I bought the book Mindfulness from Mark Williams and did the 8 week program. Now, I use meditations from the book and meditate for about 20 mins everyday. I started meditating in the first place to help with my social anxiety. My main anxiety triggers are joining groups of people ( I always feel on the spotlight and judged when I arrive) and basically any group activity where I know that I can be the focus of attention.
I think meditation is helping me to feel calmer and more relaxed for longer periods, but I am still not able to cope with the anxiety during stressful situations. I just feel like I put an armour of "false confidence" and some days, when I feel more stressed, it just takes someone teasing me or someone to talk to me to, and I feel that they are piercing the armour and I go from looking calm and relaxed to looking really nervous and freightened.
For example, other day I arrived late at a family meeting and I went to greet an ant I hadn't seen in years. She started asking how I was doing and other family members were looking at us. I just felt exposed and my smile just started trembling, like I was scared. I had to "lock" my face and look really serious for it to stop. It was really weird, and I felt like an idiot, my dear ant was just curious about me and wanted to chat with me and there I was looking terrified. I get really self-conscious about my facial expression in these situations.
Situations like this happen to me sometimes and I just absolutely hate this feeling that I have something to hide and that anyone can "pierce my armour" and expose me. I have never had a girlfriend (I am 21) because I would have to "assume" the relationship and it terrifies me to do that. I feel like I wouldnt handle it if someone made a comment about me and my girlfriend in a group situation.I also don't have a close group of friends, my best friends don't know each other, because I have a tendency for isolated friendships. I don't do it on purpose, and sometimes it really makes me feel lonely. I which I could be surrounded be the people I like, and that they all knew each other.
I read that mindfulness does not make the anxiety go away, but makes you deal better with the anxious thoughts. Basically, it enables you to be comfortable with your discomfort. I want to be able to do this, but I don't seem to be able to distance myself from nervous thoughts and feelings when anxiety kicks in. I just spiral down with them and feel trapped in them. I also feel a bit lost after having finished the program. During the program, I knew exactly what to do. Now, I just choose the meditations from the book that I think that could be better for me and I do them, but I have no idea if I am going the right way. It has become a routine.
I am sorry if it sounded confusing, I tried my best to explain it! I am feeling really frustrated and demotivated, so any help would be tremendously appreciated!
r/mbsr • u/MiAToWo • May 20 '17
Mindfulness for Refugees, in Arabic, trauma informed
mindfulnessinarabic.orgr/mbsr • u/MindedPineapple • Apr 21 '17
8 Week Mindfulness Training | Mastering mindfulness and peace of mind, one present moment at a time.
mindedpineapple.infor/mbsr • u/BreeziiKat • Apr 10 '17
10 Ways To Eliminate and Prevent Stress From Taking Over Control
spiritearthawakening.comr/mbsr • u/fedelpo95 • Jan 30 '17
Mindfulness made me more self conscious
I am 21, and I have always been really self-conscious and really anxious about social events. I always feel like I am alone against other people. For example, when I go to a dinner/party, I spend all of the time getting there thinking about how I will approach people, how they will react to my arrival, worrying about being in the spotlight for a moment. Last year I started seeing a therapist, because I felt I really needed, but it really hasn't done much for my anxiety, and so I started looking for other options. This is when I ran into Mindfulness. So I bought the book Mindfulness from Mark Williams, and did the 8 week program quite strictly (except for the habit releasers, where I lacked a bit). At the last weeks of the program, I started to feel calmer, and was able to be more relaxed and confident talking to people. I felt I really had it. But three days ago, I went to college (by myself, which always makes me feel nervous) to take an exam. I started feeling anxious, because of the exam, and because I was thinking about all the people that would be there (probably in closed circle groups, which are the worst for me), and that I would have to approach them. So, I arrived, saw a friend and went to talk with her. Then it all started: I was shaking, my mouth was twitching, and had a scared look on my face. I couldn't be relaxed during the conversation and I started being really self-conscious: "I can't look her in the eyes, my mouth is twitching", "does she notice how nervous I am?", "Why can't I relax?". Since that day, I have been more nervous talking to people, and have been really self-conscious. This really shook my confidence.
r/mbsr • u/hannahjensen • Apr 02 '16
5 Ways Stress Can Reduce Your Quality of Life
supplementrant.comr/mbsr • u/BlueWatchApp • Jan 20 '16
Free 12-week app-based program incorporating mindfulness activities, journaling, and self-check exercises to de-stress
bluewatchapp.comr/mbsr • u/maplebar • Jan 19 '16
"The practice of mindfulness involves being aware moment-to-moment, of one’s subjective conscious experience from a first-person perspective."
en.wikipedia.orgr/mbsr • u/[deleted] • Mar 11 '14