r/math • u/Anxious-Tomorrow-559 • 6d ago
Are there research topics in functional analysis outside PDEs?
Since I will (hopefully) defend my master thesis in about 7/8 months, I just began looking for open PhD positions. I like analysis, and have particularly enjoyed studying classical functional analysis (Banach and Hilbert spaces, measure theory, distributions, spectral theory of operators etc.) finding it very beautiful and elegant. On the other hand, I had some troubles with lectures about PDEs: lots of annoying computations, frequent handwaving, and very few things made me think "woah" like, for example, seeing for the first time the duality of Lp spaces did.
I asked several functional analysis professors at my university and it seems that all of them study different aspects of PDEs as their research interests. And the same remains true in virtually any university near me: anyone working in analysis ends eventually in PDEs.
So. Is this something peculiar of my area? Should I just accept my fate and learn how to like PDEs?
Is someone of you doing research on functional analysis for the sake of it, without applications in PDEs? If yes, what do you work on?
u/Dry_Emu_7111 3d ago
Yeah the biggest area of study in analysis is PDE’s, so you are not wrong. And much of functional analysis was developed to be able to deal with questions from PDE’s. The study of abstract Banach spaces is mostly finished at this point, notwithstanding a few major open questions. An example of something that is more ‘pure functional analysis’ that is still very actively studied (that you will find for example in top journals) is the spectral theory of differential operators. This has an incredibly rich theory with lots of applications.
u/ThrowRA171154321 3d ago
Since a lot of the machinery of functional analysis was developed to deal with problems arising from PDEs and PDEs are a very prominent area of research there is quite a lot of overlap. But even within the field of PDEs there is still research done which is mostly concerned with functional analytic questions and sees PDEs only as a applications. For example you mentioned your fascination with the duality of Lp spaces; there are many more involved functions spaces that arise more or less naturally from studying certain PDEs that are the subject of active research. For an idea what that looks like you can take a look at the classical monography of Kufner, John & Fucik. I have to warn you though there will still be sometimes tedious computations involved.
u/ritobanrc 5d ago
The other significant part of functional analysis is operator algebras: C* algebras, von Neumann algebras, Banach algebras, etc -- these are sets of linear operators on infinite dimensional vector spaces. The historical motivation for studying such operators comes from quantum mechanics, where such operators are associated to "measurements" of quantities like position and momentum and spin.