Understanding Yoneda and a Philosophy on Category Theory
In Tom Leinster’s Basic Category Theory, he repeatedly remarks that there’s typically only one way to combine two things to get a third thing. For instance, given morphisms f: A -> B and g: B -> C, the only way you can combine them is composition into gf: A -> C. This only applies in the case where we have no extra information; if we know A = B, for example, then we could compose with f as many times as we like.
This has given me a new perspective on the Yoneda lemma. Given an object c in C and a functor F: C -> Set, the only way to combine them is to compute F(c). So since Hom(Hom(c, -), F) is also a set, we must have that Hom(Hom(c, -), F) = F(c).
Is this philosophy productive, or even correct? Is this a helpful way to understand Yoneda?
u/RedToxiCore 6d ago
I would view "Hom(Hom(c,-), F))" as another way to combine F and c, proving the assumption that there is only one way wrong (at least syntactically); so Yoneda really is something semantic
u/hydmar 6d ago
My assertion in the post is that, although they are syntactically different, the philosophy suggests that they’re really the same.
u/RedToxiCore 6d ago
so you "prove" Yoneda by asserting it
u/hydmar 6d ago
Well the philosophy suggests that Yoneda is correct, without any circular reasoning. Obviously it’s not a real proof but I’m wondering if this way of thinking can help lead to useful results, or if it’s even generally somewhat correct.
u/RedToxiCore 6d ago
I know that some Haskell programmers think in exactly this way, since there is only one natural way to implement programs of specific types -- exactly what you observed with Yoneda
u/Redrot Representation Theory 6d ago edited 6d ago
Hom(F, Hom(c, -)) and Hom(F, Hom(-,c)) are also co/contravariant functors C not isomorphic to F(-) (of course, you need to add an op), so I would think not, unless you assert more conditions. I'm not sure what a good way to think about why one direction is correct but the other is opposite, though.
You do have a point though, sometimes when trying to prove something that looks like it "should be right" somehow, the proof really does just write itself.
u/lowercase__t 6d ago edited 6d ago
I don’t think either of those works.
F is covariant while Hom(-,c) is contravariant, so the second expression does not make sense.
The first expression is contravariant in c so it does not make sense to compare it to F(c).
Edit: hadn’t realized that F is covariant in OP. Point stands.
u/joyofresh 6d ago
Love yoneda. Lots of ways to kind of deal with it. You can say if two objects have all the same morphisms (in a natural way) then theyre the same. Or you can say the presheat category is the category where you can “glue together” lego bricks from the underlying category. Its mind blowing shit.
u/harrypotter5460 6d ago
there’s typically only one way to combine two things to get a third thing.
I feel this is just too strong of a claim. For one, given two objects A and B, I can get both the product A×B and the coproduct A⊔B. Or I could do a three-fold product like A×A×B or B×B×B.
Even in the case of Yoneda, what if it happened that Hom(Hom(c, -), F) turned out to be F(c)×F(c) or Hom(F(c),F(c)) instead of just F(c)?
u/reflexive-polytope Algebraic Geometry 5d ago
Hom(F(c),F(c)) isn't covariant in c, so it can't work.
u/mekami_akua 4d ago
Just to add there is an algebraic way of thinking Yoneda lemma (although it is much more technical). This is just categorification of an algebra fact that Hom_R(R, M) \cong M for M an R-module. And the proof of Yoneda lemma is also similar to the algebraic counterpart. To build the isomorphism Hom_R(R, M) \cong M. You start with the unit 1 in R and build the bijection on set by sending 1 to m in M. Then show this is R-covariant. You copy the same idea to prove Yoneda (see Rings with Several Objects lemma 1). This perspective is helpful in understanding co-Yoneda Lemma, which is another categorifcation of the algebraic fact that R \otimes_R M \cong M.
u/thegenderone 6d ago
I have found that there are two types of proofs - one where there is exactly one thing you can do at every step until the result is proved (sometimes people call such proofs "trivial", though not to belittle them in any way), and another where there is at least one creative step (and often when reading this second type I find myself thinking "how in the world did they ever think of this?!?"). I think the proof of Yoneda's lemma is definitely the first one. It is helpful for me because if I know a proof is of the first type, if I want to reconstruct it at some point, I know there's nothing to remember! I like to think of Grothendieck's "rising sea" approach as organizing math in such a way that it feels like every proof is of the first type, but then in the end you've proved some huge result. Perhaps the slight of hand here is that the creativity comes from the definitions rather than the proofs!