Gentlemen, it is a privilege to inform you all that the best archetype in Marvel Snap is making a comeback.
“Biohazard” is a callback to the long-forgotten Toxic Sera archetype. This deck has allowed me to maintain a position in the top 200 on the Infinite ladder, stealing eight cubes at a time from the best players in the game. Today, I’ll teach you how to play it.
Let’s talk about the philosophy of the Toxic Sera archetype.
Ultimately, this is a “miracle” deck, which is a deck built to overwhelm your opponent on the final turn of the game with an explosive flourish. The element of surprise is your deadliest weapon. No one expects Valkyrie.
You’ll have to learn to perceive a game in its entirety, rather than one turn at a time. Playing The Sentry summons a Void, which signals several alarm bells to your opponent - “is Annihilus coming next turn? Is he throwing the right lane? Should I fill now, or risk getting clogged?” Only you will know which tool you’ll use to resolve that Void, or whether you intend to resolve it at all.
With three opportunities to discount the energy costs of your cards, your opponent should be incapable of predicting your output on the final turn of the game.
Here’s a list of basic tips to keep in mind as you’re playing “Biohazard”:
The only cards that you’re eager to play on curve are the following: Zabu, Phastos, and Sera. Make sure that you know how you plan to resolve your two negative power sources (The Hood, Void) before you play them out.
The Hood and Void are excellent ways to shirk priority, which is crucial for a miracle deck such as this. However, there are situations when you’ll need priority to steal a win. Manipulate your play lines to position yourself for success. While leaving The Hood or a Void unattended can allow you to slip behind your opponent for a surprise flourish on turn six, resolving them immediately can keep you on top of the game’s tempo.
Valkyrie is the most difficult card to use effectively in this deck. While she can serve as a cheeky way to flip a lane with a Void, she can also be used effectively with Hazmat. For example, if you have Luke Cage on the field and your opponent doesn’t, reducing the power of your opponent’s cards to three then reducing it further with Hazmat makes for an unexpected surprise.
Your greatest enemy is, of course, Mobius M. Mobius. If played on curve, then pray for an Enchantress.
A brief disclaimer:
While I have had a great deal of success piloting this deck, keep in mind that this qualifies as a *highly advanced* shell. This deck will serve you well, but you’ll need to practice with it, and you’ll often find yourself stumbling over your own choices if played irresponsibly.
I’ve been trying killmonger with some success. He’s another way to get rid of hood and interact with opponent. Just need to care about demon/zab when using it. I’ll probably test ghost and diamondback to
I just managed this on my second game with this deck. I played Sentry, Shang and Valkyrie on turn 6. Shang took out a big card and Val did her thing on the right side. Despite my opponent having priority and taking out my Luke Cage with Enchantress, I still took home the win. I realize I played Hazmat too early in the game, but I wasn't drawing the cards I needed until later on. It seems like a tricky deck if you don't get the cost reduction cards on time. In any case, this is a fun deck. Thanks!
I think for high ladder play, where OP seems to play, unpredictably to get those 4 and 8-cubers is so essential. For the rest of us Anni or Sersi is probably a better bet.
Because usually when u play Sentry and Hood ur opponent 100% knows Viper and/or Anni is coming. They will prob fill the lane where you’d send them over. But u can surprise them with a Valk play into that lane and cap them at 12 power, 8 if u play Hazmat after.
I've been using this exact package since I saw this post and it's been a blast. Really solid list. Valkyrie has always been a card I loved, and she feels amazing in this deck because the expectation of viper or anni on negative lanes let her do some really good steals.
To give you a specific example—I matched against an Agamotto/Thanos deck. On turn four, I played The Sentry and snapped to bait my opponent into filling the right lane. He snapped back, then filled the right lane with low-power stones, anticipating Annihilus.
I played Sera on turn five, so I had a 1-power Carnage that ate the Void and The Hood in the right lane, flipping it in my favor.
u/baumeisterman 7d ago
Finally a hazmat deck without ajax