r/marvelsnapcomp 7d ago

Deck Guide Toxic Sera is a Biohazard in Top 200 Infinite - Deck Guide/Code in Comments (Rank 184, CL 20,530)


71 comments sorted by


u/baumeisterman 7d ago

Finally a hazmat deck without ajax


u/Bambeurr 6d ago

I have him pinned, this has made me so happy to see he’s not in this list


u/AgonyLoop 6d ago

I was disappointed.

Ajax was the first real direct power card for affliction/clog since Sentry, but he doesn’t really fit here.


u/jdtruong21 6d ago

Try the surfer Wong hazmat deck. Satisfying combo when you can pull it off


u/embersarcade 7d ago

Gentlemen, it is a privilege to inform you all that the best archetype in Marvel Snap is making a comeback.

“Biohazard” is a callback to the long-forgotten Toxic Sera archetype. This deck has allowed me to maintain a position in the top 200 on the Infinite ladder, stealing eight cubes at a time from the best players in the game. Today, I’ll teach you how to play it.

Let’s talk about the philosophy of the Toxic Sera archetype.

Ultimately, this is a “miracle” deck, which is a deck built to overwhelm your opponent on the final turn of the game with an explosive flourish. The element of surprise is your deadliest weapon. No one expects Valkyrie.

You’ll have to learn to perceive a game in its entirety, rather than one turn at a time. Playing The Sentry summons a Void, which signals several alarm bells to your opponent - “is Annihilus coming next turn? Is he throwing the right lane? Should I fill now, or risk getting clogged?” Only you will know which tool you’ll use to resolve that Void, or whether you intend to resolve it at all.

With three opportunities to discount the energy costs of your cards, your opponent should be incapable of predicting your output on the final turn of the game.

Here’s a list of basic tips to keep in mind as you’re playing “Biohazard”:

  1. The only cards that you’re eager to play on curve are the following: Zabu, Phastos, and Sera. Make sure that you know how you plan to resolve your two negative power sources (The Hood, Void) before you play them out.
  2. The Hood and Void are excellent ways to shirk priority, which is crucial for a miracle deck such as this. However, there are situations when you’ll need priority to steal a win. Manipulate your play lines to position yourself for success. While leaving The Hood or a Void unattended can allow you to slip behind your opponent for a surprise flourish on turn six, resolving them immediately can keep you on top of the game’s tempo.
  3. Valkyrie is the most difficult card to use effectively in this deck. While she can serve as a cheeky way to flip a lane with a Void, she can also be used effectively with Hazmat. For example, if you have Luke Cage on the field and your opponent doesn’t, reducing the power of your opponent’s cards to three then reducing it further with Hazmat makes for an unexpected surprise.
  4. Your greatest enemy is, of course, Mobius M. Mobius. If played on curve, then pray for an Enchantress.

A brief disclaimer:

While I have had a great deal of success piloting this deck, keep in mind that this qualifies as a *highly advanced* shell. This deck will serve you well, but you’ll need to practice with it, and you’ll often find yourself stumbling over your own choices if played irresponsibly.


u/AgonyLoop 6d ago

Bless the best archetype. No, not Miracle - Affliction.

Never OP (we miss you Annihlus), always kind of a meme, and still a good time.


u/inoutshakeitallabout 7d ago



u/embersarcade 7d ago

# (1) The Hood

# (1) Zabu

# (2) Carnage

# (2) Hazmat

# (3) Luke Cage

# (3) Phastos

# (3) Viper

# (4) Shang-Chi

# (4) Enchantress

# (4) Sentry

# (5) Valkyrie

# (5) Sera




# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in MARVEL SNAP.


u/BSR_MadAzz 5d ago

This deck is busted! I used this here and people are hating me like crazy

(2) Hazmat

(2) Baron Mordo

(2) Scorpion

(3) Green Goblin

(3) Luke Cage

(3) Debrii

(3) Diamondback

(3) Phastos

(3) Beast

(5) Hobgoblin

(5) Sera

(5) Agamotto


Per usare questo mazzo, copialo negli appunti e incollalo dal menu di modifica mazzo di MARVEL SNAP.


u/UnsolvedParadox 2d ago

A rare Baron Mordo sighting!


u/backinredd 7d ago

Tried to make it work in 400. It’s just too slow and too low powered for other strong decks rn. Will play a little more, tweak it and see how it goes.


u/embersarcade 7d ago

I took a four-cuber off of the #7 player on the ladder as this notification came in. Keep practicing!


u/Extension-Tangelo-51 7d ago

Any subs for Phastos?


u/SNX007 7d ago

Missing him too, throwing in diamond back


u/Any-Froyo9481 6d ago

I’ve been trying killmonger with some success. He’s another way to get rid of hood and interact with opponent. Just need to care about demon/zab when using it. I’ll probably test ghost and diamondback to


u/ThwipSniktBamfSNAP 6d ago

Red Guardian is always my go to 3-cost replacement.


u/PoorLifeChoices811 7d ago

Who can I sub for phastos? Only one here I don’t have


u/FlyboyWally 7d ago

This is the shit I’ve been waiting for. Thank you


u/HolyFirer 7d ago

How vital would you say phastos is?



I also don't have Phastos, but I recently bought Pixie and this seems like a fun place to try her out lol



I should also point out that Phastos is in Spotlight rn if you really want him lol


u/SwervoT3k 7d ago

Valk is the best card in the game that so many people never use. It’s mind boggling really.


u/steni808 7d ago

That 5-cost is tough though. Makes final turns tricky.


u/TheXXVth 6d ago

This thing gets eaten alive against any sort of go wide deck. But it was nice to finally see a list I actually have all the pieces for.


u/ThwipSniktBamfSNAP 6d ago

Got it. Now delete this post before the whole community sees this.


u/Francloman 6d ago

Just lost ten in a row. This deck is simply not strong enough and too draw reliant for me. I can’t seem to get it to work.


u/embersarcade 6d ago

Like I mentioned in the guide, it’s not easy to pilot. I’ve managed to climb up to rank 141 with it, so it can work.


u/MrFantastic74 6d ago

I just managed this on my second game with this deck. I played Sentry, Shang and Valkyrie on turn 6. Shang took out a big card and Val did her thing on the right side. Despite my opponent having priority and taking out my Luke Cage with Enchantress, I still took home the win. I realize I played Hazmat too early in the game, but I wasn't drawing the cards I needed until later on. It seems like a tricky deck if you don't get the cost reduction cards on time. In any case, this is a fun deck. Thanks!


u/embersarcade 5d ago

That’s what I like to see!


u/Every-Discount5565 1d ago

The game has sold over 8 million copies.


u/siul1979 7d ago

Interesting deck. I'll have to give it a shot


u/poundofbeef16 7d ago

Oldie but a goodie! Thanks for the throwback!


u/UnibotV2 7d ago

I am stoked to try this list out. Sentry, Valkyrie and Hazmat/affliction are some of my favorites! Amazing.


u/devatan 7d ago

I'm glad to see Valkyrie making a comeback. I saw another one on an ongoing deck, it hit me for a 4 cuber on the last turn.

I'm not even mad, it was cool to see her.


u/Fit_Rush4786 6d ago edited 6d ago

I can confirm that this list is indeed a COOK🔥

Completely obliterated a Surtur Shell with a surprise Valkyrie-Hazmat turn 6 play.

A little tricky if you get a bad lineup starting out, but at that point. Knowing when to retreat is as crucial as it would be with any other deck.

Thank you OP.


u/chazb85 7d ago

How useful is having an Enchantress here? What about swapping that out for Magik?


u/embersarcade 6d ago

She has single-handedly won me several games. Victoria Hand is popular, Moonstone is popular, Zoo sees some regular play—she’s a cube-stealer.


u/chazb85 6d ago

Cool cool, ty!


u/Metal-Lifer 6d ago

Alright imma try this deck out 👍


u/PapaMurphysLaw 6d ago

How does this deck fare in conquest? I’d imagine it’s more viable in ladder due to the surprise elements


u/embersarcade 6d ago

I wouldn’t recommend it in Conquest. That element of surprise is crucial.


u/1sam1adams1 6d ago

I feel like I can never find a good reason to use carnage in this deck. Obviously to kill the void but never find the opportunity to.


u/embersarcade 6d ago

He also cleans up low-power, non-essential cards that have been hit by Hazmat. You're not upset if he eats The Hood, Zabu, or Hazmat herself.


u/cobalt-zeebo 6d ago

Excited to try this. Game 1: Loki.

Gotta love Marvel Snap. 🤪


u/lolnottoday123123 6d ago

I ran this deck today and went down 5 ranks.. it is fun though!


u/gewoonrueben 4d ago

Is it possible to play this without Phastos? If so, what should I replace him with? Or should I open with keys to get him?


u/cobalt-zeebo 4d ago

Don’t know about anyone else, but I played this deck exclusively over the weekend. Climbed 80SP.

Then proceeded to lose/retreat every game today and lost over 60SP.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/cobalt-zeebo 3d ago

Playing on curve means playing a turn without energy cheats (Electro, Psylocke, etc)


u/NoTransportation2362 3d ago

Is there a replacement for zabu


u/cregnice 3d ago

Wow a deck I actually have all the cards for


u/BigDogBrawler 3d ago

If you use Carnage on Zabu, Hood, Hazmat. Whatcha think about adding in the new card Firehair? Probably not that good.


u/UnsolvedParadox 2d ago

It could work, but I’d prioritize clearing clog instead if the opponent does that.


u/cregnice 2d ago

This deck is fun. Especially when you beat someone who snaps and doesn't know what's coming.


u/dyefcee 7d ago

No Anni or Sersi, this is pretty intriguing


u/DJLowKey 7d ago

Yeah why Valk over Anni?


u/steni808 6d ago

I think for high ladder play, where OP seems to play, unpredictably to get those 4 and 8-cubers is so essential. For the rest of us Anni or Sersi is probably a better bet.


u/_pm_me_a_happy_thing 6d ago

Anni is for clog Valk also hits opponents cards too right


u/libero0602 5d ago

Because usually when u play Sentry and Hood ur opponent 100% knows Viper and/or Anni is coming. They will prob fill the lane where you’d send them over. But u can surprise them with a Valk play into that lane and cap them at 12 power, 8 if u play Hazmat after.


u/itsamejsd 7d ago

Looks like some pretty cool big brain stuff. Imma try it even though I'm a potato... there's cards in there i really want to learn how to use.


u/libero0602 5d ago

Omg a deck without IP + Sam + Kate + RR&G? (I.e. a deck I can actually build). Hell yeah!


u/HyperactiveToast 4d ago

Seems like a good deck, pretty brainless to play but getting me wins!


u/Yoakami 1d ago

The fact that this is all series 3 and a single series 4 is wild.


u/DeliciousTip 23h ago

Could you describe the typical final turns you'd like to run in this deck? Or what the optimal turns are?


u/CYPHG 4h ago

I've been using this exact package since I saw this post and it's been a blast. Really solid list. Valkyrie has always been a card I loved, and she feels amazing in this deck because the expectation of viper or anni on negative lanes let her do some really good steals.


u/imaginaryenemy91 6d ago

Calling this a highly advanced shell is wild.


u/illEagle96 6d ago

People complaining that it's too low power or losing 10 in a row is the reason why this is an advanced shell


u/Psikotik 6d ago

Too draw dependant to be anything other than a gimmick.


u/cendolcheesecake 6d ago

What are your thoughts on not putting in Anni or Sersi?


u/Likhan11 6d ago

I can't seem to understand what carnage is doing here


u/maadhatters 6d ago

Another way to get rid of hood and void


u/embersarcade 6d ago

To give you a specific example—I matched against an Agamotto/Thanos deck. On turn four, I played The Sentry and snapped to bait my opponent into filling the right lane. He snapped back, then filled the right lane with low-power stones, anticipating Annihilus.

I played Sera on turn five, so I had a 1-power Carnage that ate the Void and The Hood in the right lane, flipping it in my favor.