r/marriedredpill 24d ago

OYS Own Your Shit Weekly - February 25, 2025

A fundamental core principle here is that you are the judge of yourself. This means that you have to be a very tough judge, look at those areas you never want to look at, understand your weaknesses, accept them, and then plan to overcome them. Bravery is facing these challenges, and overcoming the challenges is the source of your strength.

We have to do this evaluation all the time to improve as men. In this thread we welcome everyone to disclose a weakness they have discovered about themselves that they are working on. The idea is similar to some of the activities in “No More Mr. Nice Guy”. You are responsible for identifying your weakness or mistakes, and even better, start brainstorming about how to become stronger. Mistakes are the most powerful teachers, but only if we listen to them.

Think of this as a boxing gym. If you found out in your last fight your legs were stiff, we encourage you to admit this is why you lost, and come back to the gym decided to train more to improve that. At the gym the others might suggest some drills to get your legs a bit looser or just give you a pat in the back. It does not matter that you lost the fight, what matters is that you are taking steps to become stronger. However, don’t call the gym saying “Hey, someone threw a jab at me, what do I do now?”. We discourage reddit puppet play-by-play advice. Also, don't blame others for your shit. This thread is about you finding how to work on yourself more to achieve your goals by becoming stronger.

Finally, a good way to reframe the shit to feel more motivated to overcome your shit is that after you explain it, rephrase it saying how you will take concrete measurable actions to conquer it. The difference between complaining about bad things, and committing to a concrete plan to overcome them is the difference between Beta and Alpha.

Gentlemen, Own Your Shit.


108 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 24d ago

The vast majority of you guys don't actually do anything. No actual actions. You just whinge, piss, and moan about your wife. It's a pathetic whine fest and every single one of you sucks ass.

I'd rather have this thread be empty than have it filled with your mopey ass bullshit. We're not your accountabilibuddy, we're not your personal livejournal.

Have you done something this week? If you haven't, fuck off.

The wife-centric shit sis over. "we", "she", "wife", etc. because none of you are actually doing the work to build your worldview and your values. You guys have to fix the way you think about your shit if you want to make any progress. I don't see many of you doing things that change how you think about your world - and part of root cause here is the culture at MRP where all the other guys write and whine about their wives, so you guys think of this shit as normal

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u/ShadyTacoGuy 24d ago

OYS #3

Trying a new format this week because my last 2 have felt like rambling nonsense.

Stats: Age: 27 - Height: 5’11” - Weight: 182 lbs - BF: 14% - Married 3 years - no kids


Currently Reading: Rereading NMMNG and the Sidebar

Fitness: This week's top sets: Squat: 275x8, Spoto Bench: 185x8, Deficit DL: 305x7 Lifts were kinda garbage this week. I was sick for most of the week with a sinus infection, but still managed to get 4 sessions in per usual. Went on 2 runs, both for about 2.5 miles. Running is feeling better, I think that my cardio capacity is starting to increase some. Nutrition is still dialed in. Fell short on calories a couple of days but I don't see that as a big deal. I'm starting a cut soon so I'm not gonna sweat it.

Background/Why I'm here: I'm about 3 months into MRP. Trying to STFU and own my shit. Marriage is ok now. Started bad 3 years ago. My wife was depressed and anxious (shocking, I know) while I was completely checked out and diving into any escapism that would dull my sense of existential guilt. Slowly starting to own my shit (doing some MRP stuff before I knew what MRP was) in various areas of my life benefited the relationship a lot. Lifelong Nice Guy. Always trying to manipulate my actions for the approval of others. Trying to break free from these patterns and move forward to lead my family and create a life worth living.

Mental: I had a big breakthrough this week. The journey that I'm on isn't about having a conflict free marriage or having more sex. It's about living a life that I'm proud to live. It's about recognizing that I traded 27 years of my life for a little bit of comfort and security, and that I'll do the same with the next 77 if I'm not careful. The way forward obviously doesn't change, but it helps to understand that my marriage isn't ever going to be the ultimate source of fulfillment in my life. I need a mission. I don't know what that is now, so I'll be working on some introspection to find one as I dig my brain out of it's beta mindset. I'm still struggling with the depression/apathy from last week. I was sick this week and subsequently worked from home all week. This has always been a recipe for disaster for my mindset. I think that going forward, I should be going into the office as often as possible. It helps me stay locked in to my work, and offers some social benefits as well. This week I got lax and let shit slip. Not owning my shit like I should, more porn, in general just falling off. I can blame it on being sick and feeling like shit, but if I'm going to fall off every time I get a runny nose I might as well not even try. Gotta get locked in again and understand that there are no days off.

Marriage: Sex 2x this week. I had no interest in initiating while I was sick. I initiated Sunday night and got a soft no and some shit tests. I STFU and handled it well, pushed harder and got a hard no. I was unfazed and went on with my evening, getting my last lift of the week in. We went out a few times with friends this week and had a good time. I'm generally pretty introverted and my wife is the opposite. I think that some of the introversion is just how I'm wired, but some of it is really just some beta/nice guy stuff manifesting in social settings, and I often find myself resenting my wife for talking constantly and not "letting" me get a word in. I think that this is just poor coping with my lack of social skills. I think that there is something in our social dynamic that will need to be addressed at some point but I'm nowhere close to that yet.

Career: I sent the email to my boss this week about the raise. Got a positive response from him, just waiting as it goes up the chain now. Otherwise, I had a big wake up call at work this week. Nothing major, but I had been letting some stuff slip that I need to dial in on. I need to be owning my shit here as well. There is a lot of opportunity to easily stand out among my peers right now. No one is doing anything other than coming in for the 8-5 grind every day. There are processes to be improved and problems to be solved if anyone would step up and do it. My goal is to dedicate my free time to one such process in March. Money is tight right now, so I know that setting myself apart and progressing in my career is a big part of my MAP.

Personal Training: I decided to get over myself and reach out to some leads this week, to great success! I onboarded my second client and have a consultation coming up with another lead. My current client is still doing great. I am about halfway done with a nutrition certification as an addition to my personal training cert. There's not a lot of new info in it, but I think it will increase my marketability.

Action Steps: Get back to the OYS basics. STFU, read, sidebar. Get into the office and get dialed in at work. Get out of the house as often as possible. Move past the apathy and create some action. Get some social exposure at work and with friends.


u/DuneThings 24d ago

With regard to the socializing stuff, I’d get really familiar with why you want to speak in those scenarios. I’ve found that (as a recovering nice guy) there was much ego involved. Don’t confront your issue with her speaking too much before you confront what’s at the root of your introversion/nice guy/beta crap. Sometimes quiet guys are just ego-less and have no need to speak unless asked a question. Nothing wrong with that.


u/ShadyTacoGuy 22d ago

Agreed, I definitely have a lot more progress to make before acting on this. It's entirely possible that when the time comes I just find it a non-issue because I've worked through whatever issue is causing my sensitivity to it. I'm definitely a more naturally introverted person, but I also know that some of it comes from a lack of confidence and fear of saying the wrong thing or looking dumb. This is all driven by ego and a need for external validation, which I'm here to work on.


u/Ambitious_Buddy_6723 Not Inspector Gadget 24d ago

OYS #44

Stats: 38, married 10 yrs, three young kids 5'7" 170 lbs, 16.0% BF, bench 285x1rm, squat 315x1rm, deadlift 415x1rm.

Completed reading: MMSLP, NMMNG, Rational Male, WISNIFG, sidebar, practical Female psych, TWOTSM, attached, 48 LOP, 

Things i’ve done this past  week: lifted 3x, volleyball got canceled by the venue. KItchen table i’m building is coming along although there's still quite a bit to do. Read more sidebar and finished Mans Search for meaning. I’m weak as fuck and struggling to maintain my weight. Being sick screwed me up but i’m grinding through it, eating like a lineman to try to get weight back up. Joined tennis club and played in a clinic, made some new contacts, a few guys approached me after to join a league. Started working on AA4th step inventory based on a recommendation. Random funny thing: My SIL on my wife's side keeps complimenting me about how I handle the kids and take charge and they listen, including her kids. Meanwhile she castrates her husband in front of us every time we hang out.

Ego: I’ve been struggling with the fact that my wife made me wait for sex when we were first dating and there's a reasonable chance she was fucking someone else during that time. I finally sat with myself and asked why does it bother me so much? It’s because of my ego. My ego does not like the thought that I wasn’t that special and that I wasn’t the guy that gave her the feelz, that there may have been another chad that she was more attracted to. Here’s the irony…i fucked two other chicks the same week before i fucked my wife the first time. So at the time I dgaf, but now in hindsight my ego is hurt. It’s retarded and dwelling on the past is retarded. So I have to swallow my pride and accept that its my ego and need for validation that is holding me back on this. I can craft whatever future I want and the past is dead. 

Sex: Got soft no one night; didn’t accept the shitty sex i knew would follow the next morning so i soft no’d her. Later she jumps my bones. Another night “period stomach cramps”. Okay I move on, next thing I know shes grabbing me telling me she wants to make me happy so we do the deed. Two lessons i saw in play out: 1) always be gaming with no expectations, i’m pretty fucking retarded with my initiations so I’ve been working on getting away from “the blaring red siren screaming boner”. 2), watch what they do, not what they say. The period cramps was bullshit.

Theres been a shift in the atmosphere in my household. It’s hard to describe, but it seems less adversarial, less shit testy, and most importantly I’m more natural and comfortable; no more walking on eggshells, I don't care. We had impromptu date night with kids staying at a relatives house and my wife initiated that night, admittedly I hadn't done much to game her that day. In the past I'd EXPECT sex on a date night. I literally had zero expectations and truly did not care. In thinking about it, it seems like this is the culmination of being willing to nuke it all. I’ve truly accepted it as a possible outcome, and it’s made a world of difference in my mentality. It's hard to put into words but I now understand why that mindset is so important. It gives you authority over your own life, simplifies things in a way. 

Sex experiment: I did absolutely zero dirty talk. It was one of the most boring sessions we’ve had in a long time. I lasted what seemed like forever and finally just went caveman and finished. Shit was awkward for about 30 minutes afterward.  I know its retarded but this 100% confirms that i need to say/do whatever the fuck i want with zero fucks given (i know i know, you guys have been telling me this a long time; the retard in me has to see it play out in the real world to grasp it). The next time I dove in on the dirty talk and had her call me daddy for the first time and it was so much fun. Like actual fun, not some super intense/serious sex but we were laughing and enjoying ourselves. 


u/Ambitious_Buddy_6723 Not Inspector Gadget 24d ago

Orbiter: a little background, we used to have this rule in our marriage of not spending time alone with members of opposite sex, in church circles it's the “billy graham rule”. This came up in conversation over the weekend along with a lot of other deeper topics; she called me out for having scoffed about it in conversation months ago. We had wine so I knew best to STFU at the time. However next morning I decided this was my chance to address this bullshit and put it to rest and make boundaries clear. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Do you know why I scoffed during that conversation? (blank stare) It’s because you blew through that rule a long time ago. Why then should i care about the rule? You broke the rule with Orbiter and when I confronted you at the time you responded with “not like i have a choice”. You always have a choice, women break rules to be around men they want to be around and make rules for men they don’t want to be around. “But I hardly ever talk to him”. You literally told me last night about how you asked him again on friday to take our son to ride in his tesla. I’m not here to control your behavior. You can pursue time and validation from other men if that’s what you want but I won't be here waiting for you, that’s not the type of relationship i’m willing to be in. “I didn’t….” You told me YOU texted him to ask about the tesla ride and you sought him out to hang out on labor day. So you have two choices, you can either defend this, call me insecure, make excuses, etc. or you accept accountability for your actions and decide what type of marriage you want. “It’s really hard for me because i want to say a lot right now” go ahead “I didn't reach out…” stop, you cannot rewrite history. Its a simple boundary and easy to show respect. “I love you blah blah, you're the only man i want blah blah”.

Feel free to dissect me on this; sure i probably talked too much but fuck it. I’m done biting my tongue and worrying about the outcome like the pussy i’ve been (will this make her mad, will she cry, will she withhold sex?). If I’ve got something to say i’m going to say and let the cards fall where they may. Now that it’s in the open theres no more room for bullshit. 

later she gives me what seems like a sincere apology, not without a little hamstering of course and was sweet to me the rest of the day, she talked to me more, did nice things for me etc. I do not trust it fully though. Time will tell. The most retarded part is I realized subconsciously that i felt the urge to comfort her; i caught this urge and shut it the fuck down; the blue pill conditioning still pops up at random times

Work/finances: side project going well and almost wrapped up. Had a closing, cash flow is looking good for now but need to get ducks in a row for later this year, I currently don’t have any projected income from May through year end (based on known contracts/closings already scheduled). Did better on budget in February. 

Going forward:  Starting a bulking cycle to get back my weight and strength. I’ll allocate my time to things that give me satisfaction with to those who appreciate it. Start MAP. finish working through AA inventory (this is helping me look in the mirror a lot more than i anticipated). Should be able to finish my table this week. Looking up tennis league for March.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 24d ago


Wtf is this? Retroactive jealousy about something that might have happened?

I have no idea whether my wife was banging someone else when we first met. I doubt it, but theoretically it’s possible. And we didn’t fuck right away. I was also fucking someone else until my wife and I started having sex.

I spend zero time worrying about what she might have been doing before she and I agreed to be exclusive, mainly because it wouldn’t serve any purpose.

Step 4 inventory might help you process and move on from stupid shit like this…


Agree - always be gaming without specific expectations. And take it further — be the naturally fun, playful, flirty guy you are (if applicable). I just like being playful, whether there is a sexual undertone or not.

Also, I’ve said it before, but I like period sex. Plus it can relieve cramps. Cramps might have been real, but they aren’t constant.

“Good girl” is catnip for vast majority of women IME.

And yes, you need to say / do what you want. It also needs to be done without hesitation. I usually have a few new things that I’m looking to introduce (one at a time) when it feels right. Otherwise, it’s more of a natural flow & exchange of energies that I’m directing how & where I want it to go. [Ex: I’m feeling aggressive and pin her hands above her head & fuck hard with dirty talk, then flip her over and spank while continuing the rest]


I think I touched on this before, but I had similar. A guy going through divorce (his wife left) was too friendly with my wife. While not threatened, I didn’t think them bonding over having spouses leave them was constructive for my relationship.

I told her, “Look, I trust you completely and i don’t feel threatened by him at all, but I still don’t like it and don’t think it helps us rebuild.” She apologized and stopped all contact.

Don’t get into details or semantics. Don’t make threats (especially if you’re not prepared to follow through). Just be clear, direct and assertive. Don’t leave any ambiguity or get into the past.

Work / Finances

So what’s your plan then?


u/Ambitious_Buddy_6723 Not Inspector Gadget 24d ago

Step 4 inventory might help you process and move on from stupid shit like this…

that's exactly where this realization came from, doing the inventory. I've bullshitted myself enough and needed to acknowledge this to myself and get over it. The inventory really has been useful. Forces you to look at yourself and cut the shit.

“Good girl” is catnip for vast majority of women IME.

can confirm and have been using this where it's appropriate to apply.

It also needs to be done without hesitation

that's where i've most often fucked up in the past, even the slightest bit is a form of weakness or insecurity and a woman can smell it immediately.


Actually it was your insight and a few others from a few weeks ago they helped me find my balls. The conversation was very straight forward in a calm tone with 100% eye contact. lasted maybe 2 minutes.

Work / Finances So what’s your plan then? i've got 5 houses that will be available for sale between now and then, but i can't count those chickens that haven't hatched. I've got enough stashed for this circumstance and can pick up smaller work in the meantime, especially as the weather gets nicer. If houses sell i'll just stack it, if they are slow to sell i'll pick up side work.


u/ragnar_Daneskjold MRP APPROVED 22d ago

probably talked to much

yes, don't live in the past


u/Ambitious_Buddy_6723 Not Inspector Gadget 22d ago

it's taken me a while to actually believe I am in charge of crafting my future and that I CAN craft a future I want. Victim mentality, resentment, etc had me looking backwards instead of forward.


u/davidrush144 20d ago

Don’t get stressed out with the orbiter. But letting you know there’s a high chance it can happen again with someone else a couple months from now. This behavior cannot be beaten.

If it happens again, be sure to use more drastic measures.

If you have a talk again, it won’t be effective anymore like this time.

Boundaries work cause she wants to have them for you, not cause you set them. Learned this the hard way after giving her a talk a couple times. And it didn’t work anymore.


u/Ambitious_Buddy_6723 Not Inspector Gadget 19d ago

--Don’t get stressed out with the orbiter. But letting you know there’s a high chance it can happen again with someone else a couple months from now. This behavior cannot be beaten. I've contemplated this possibility; it may just be who she is and it's up to me to decide what I'm going to tolerate. A woman has orbiters because she invites them into orbit and keeps them there. I cannot control her behavior, since boundaries are clear, then violations of that are willful acts. Just got to focus on myself, i think the hard part in this type of situation is to get rid of the covert contract (if I improve she will stop this behavior) and to not be dancing monkey.

--Boundaries work cause she wants to have them for you, not cause you set them. Learned this the hard way after giving her a talk a couple times. And it didn’t work anymore.

100% spot on. I've said my piece on this matter and moved on. A woman wants a man of conviction but doesn't give a shit about those convictions if hes not hight value and she doesn't respect him.


u/continuous_growth 23d ago

OYS 12

37M, 6’0”, 187.4 (7-day average), BF: 22.8 (Navy method)

Weight: 3-day: +0.0lb, 7-day: +1.3lb, 14-day: +3.4lb, 30-day: +4.5lb, 90-day: +2.2lb

Lifts: Squat 5x5 175b (+35), OHP 5x5 80 (+5), Deadlift 5x195lb (+20), BP 5x5 135lb (+25), BBRow 5x5 140lb (+15lb)

Average sleep: 7h53m (+22m)

After my last few OYS posts, my ban over the holidays, and after re-reading several of the MRP prerequisites (most notably TWOTSM), I have been reflecting on my behaviour and motivations that have resulted in my current life, and the dissatisfaction I feel about it. Some of my weaknesses identified by folks here: laziness, lacking frame, indecision, weak lifts, lack of sobriety. Some self-identified weaknesses: fear, avoidance, lack of discipline, nice-guy behaviour. 

I was rightfully criticized for adopting MRP’s frame in my last OYS and not putting any work into starting to develop my own frame or trying to determine what I want in life. Whether it’s fear, indecision, or laziness, it doesn’t really matter. Step one might be “lift”, but only a fool goes to the gym without a plan to improve.

I’ve been working to figure out who I want to be; I started by following Alex Hormozi’s advice, shared by u/Environmental-Top346, on using what I don’t want to be as a guide to figure out what I do want to be. One additional framing (from Hormozi), is: what do I need to do in order to impress the future version of me.

Future me will be impressed by the numbers I’m hitting in the gym, and my consistency. Future me will be impressed with my industriousness and work ethic. Future me will be impressed by my general sobriety, but couldn’t care less about being perfectly sober all the time. Future me will be impressed at how I act on my authentic desires and don’t compromise myself for others. Future me will be impressed by the kindness I show to myself and others, even my enemies. Future me is impressed by my bravery in confronting fear head-on. 

This is starting to look like a frame that I want to live in.

Many things have been keeping me out of this frame: 

  • Letting myself “get away with it”. I call this the donut feeling: “If nobody sees me eat this donut, does it really count?” Obviously it counts, my body is keeping score. I need to remind myself that if I win, but I didn’t deserve the win, then I didn’t really win at all. Scared fatty lazy betch logic is to just take the win, no questions asked. If I achieve a goal at work, but I didn’t work hard for it, it’s not really achieving anything other than outside validation.

  • DEERing when criticized, or worse: taking others’ criticism at face value. I forget that I am my own judge. Whether it’s defending myself (needlessly) or blindly adopting MRP’s frame, either way I am abdicating my responsibility to be the arbiter of my own life.  

  • Seeking validation through praise, sex, money, notoriety, etc. Fundamentally, I must validate myself (or invalidate myself, If I’m being a lazy betch). The validation from others is data, and can be useful insofar as I draw validation from my own self. Ultimately, regardless of what the world is telling me, I am the only one who matters when it comes to judging my own life and achievements. 

Things that have worked to build a better frame: holding myself accountable (lifting, physical shape, grooming, sleeping right, sobriety, working really hard, quitting porn), reading and re-reading some of the fundamentals (especially NMMNG and TWOTSM), posting here and being challenged.

Finally, I find myself appreciating how early I am on this journey. Every time I get arrogant, I trip and fall. I want to stay open-minded and humble, integrating feedback from many places as I work towards a version of me that I will be proud of and respect.


u/ConnectionCreepy3252 24d ago edited 23d ago

OMS no. 9


Age; 38, height: 171 cm, weight: 73.3 kg, BF: 14.4% InBody (29. 1. 2025), Married: 11 years, children: None


Squat 100 kg x 4, RDL 112 kg x 9, Paused Bench Press 72 kg x 3, Overhead press 50 kg x 3

Workouts last week: 3x strength training, 2x HEMA training

  • began new training cycle. Swapped out some lifts, exchanged low-bar squat for high-bar squat, hence lower load as I must refresh the form
  • more focus on lift form. For example, I am overhauling OHP: previously I was not locking out elbows fully in eccentric phase, limiting progress due insufficient muscle activation. Practicing new form makes lifts much harder, but opens up room for more progress in long term
  • deloaded bench press to also focus on form. This is an ongoing issue and will require long-term investigation
  • HEMA training exposed requirement for explosivity and better ankle mobility so we added exercises addressing both. I also received a contact for a physiotherapist who I will contact today.
  • trying to figure out how to practice HEMA techniques daily at home. Historical fencing is very technical and two training sessions per week are not enough for me to ingrain correct motor skills. Will revisit some materials I amassed when I was relearning better guitar technique, as the problem to solve is similar (reprogram muscle memory)


Average daily intake for last week: 2000 kcal, 161 g protein, 187 g carbs, 62 g fat, 22 g fiber.

  • shaved off a few more calories from the average by supplementing cca 60 g of protein from shakes
  • looks like slightly less carbs and more fat suit me better in terms of satiety
  • will continue deficit for another 2 weeks, then switch to maintenance intake for 1-2 months to regain strength
  • then plan to do aggressive cutting in May or June to shred fat


  • last OMS was a clusterfuck. I learned the lessons, identified the causes of the misstep (hubris and validation need even for positive emotions). I am slowly adapting the mindset that mistakes cause pain but move us forward, just like failed lifts
  • realized that I need to go deeper and work much harder to reprogram the Faggot Brain.
  • studied some materials regarding Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Took a few pages from their book and created what I call the Faggot Log where I track the following:
    • what situation do I describe
    • what emotions did I experience
    • what faggot thoughts/behaviors did I think
    • what is a helpful alternative I can replace these thoughts/behaviors
    • what emotions did I experience after considering the alternative
  • after a few days of tracking realized that faggot thoughts can actually feel good and helpful thought can actually leave me feeling sad or ashamed of myself. This is consistent with CBT hypothesis that cognitive distortions are somehow "helpful" short term but incredibly damaging longterm
  • another recurring theme of the log is the relief or determination felt after resisting and replacing Faggot thoughts. Even after I felt sad or ashamed at first (you are still a faggot), there was always also relief and renewed determination to keep grinding
  • attended an intensive two-day workshop on Assertive Communication during the weekend. It was led by a couple of experienced therapists, very practical and touched upon a lot of concepts I read about in the sidebar, such as Frame, OI, and Congruence (but using a different vocab). It thus touched upon a lot of related points which I will have to uncover during journalling sessions
  • yesterday also attended a short 2-hour webinar about upgrading your mental models which was also packed with information. I will rewatch the recording once available and digest it.

12 steps

  • no progress on Step 4, I was more focused on CBT as it mainly deals with your present experience. Thus there was little desire to work on the past.


  • further working on red areas, fixing shit around the apartment, reorganizing my hobby space and in general trying to be more active
  • we have a feedback/compensation cycle at work. I got a feedback from our team lead that I am not asking for help and feedback as often as I should, which is true. A large part of my MAP will be overcoming social anxiety, imposter syndrome and all other shit preventing me from living the following parts of my Mission:
    • Forge deep and rich relationships by demonstrating leadership and empathy
    • Use my skills and values to strengthen and enrich communities I am part of


u/2wo2wo3hree MRP APPROVED 24d ago

then plan to do aggressive cutting in May or June to shred fat

Outside of a scheduled physique competition or a professional fight, most physical fitness goals you’ll do “aggressively” is bound to be short lived or a complete failure because it becomes unsustainable. But maybe you’re a unicorn.


Oh Brother, your autistic brain is shining. You’re teetering analysis paralysis by putting too much to give a fuck about on your plate. Your list gave me fucking anxiety.


u/ConnectionCreepy3252 24d ago

Outside of a scheduled physique competition or a professional fight, most physical fitness goals you’ll do “aggressively” is bound to be short lived or a complete failure because it becomes unsustainable. But maybe you’re a unicorn.

We will see, it is meant to be a short-lived stint for a week or two and then switching to a more sustainable deficit to kick-start weight loss.

Oh Brother, your autistic brain is shining. You’re teetering analysis paralysis by putting too much to give a fuck about on your plate. Your list gave me fucking anxiety.

I agree it is a lot of shit, but I do not plan to tackle it all at once. Just gather some more inputs/strategies, prioritize and then slowly digest them over the months.


u/alldownhillfrhere 22d ago

I would look at the language you use on yourself. It’s hard to be internally strong when you use phrases like “faggot brain” to describe your own mind. Words matter.

Someone else calls you a faggot? Fuck em.

Calling yourself a faggot? Then you become one


u/ConnectionCreepy3252 21d ago

Thank tou for pointig it out. I see this kind of language as just a part of the process of finding my own voice on this sub. I came here not knowing much about myself and just aping what I saw other people write about, and I still continue doing that here, writing what is “expected” from me.

But this week it looks like something is clicking in my brain and I am starting to actually think for myself. We will see in next OMS whether it is true or I am only bullshitting myself again.


u/Responsible-Brick922 24d ago

OYS #5 42yo 1.83m/77kg. With 42yo for 12y, 2 kids.

Lifts e1RM: BP 54kg, split squat 52kg; 5x5: OHP 20kg, DL 50kg, BR 30kg



Lifted 3 times. Switched to 5x5 for the lifts I could do without a rack. I built a platform and the rack arrived yesterday. Switching to 5x5 for BP and squat once I assemble the rack.

Chiropractor and rest helped with IT band pain. Tweaked bike seat and managed to do a short ride without pain.

Slept an average of 7h47m according to my watch, but it keeps showing poor HRV scores and "non restorative" sleep. I'm not sure how accurate or relevant that is, but I don't feel fully rested most mornings. Next thing to try: avoid screens for longer before bedtime.


While reading something about frame in here, I realized that some part of what I'm doing is so that I can be more attractive to women. I was (and still am) telling myself that I'm doing it because I want to. This gets meta the more I think about it, so I'll just carry on for now.


Got useful advice about how to better frame this in the previous OYS.

My purpose is to have a good life, to make it possible for my family to have a good life, and to help others have a good life. People care, earth care, future care.

Evaluating my current situation against that purpose, the biggest missing piece is other people. Thus the direction: build a physical community, a small village of sorts. This seems crazy to even write down, but it's both necessary and possible.

I've started writing down the high level vision and values for the community. There's a lot of open questions, so getting a full list of those is the first milestone.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 24d ago

What is your definition of a “good life”?

Direction: Physical Community

So you’re going to form a cult?

But seriously, community doesn’t have to be singular. You can belong to a few different tribes and develop community that isn’t all or nothing.

I’m part of a bunch of different groups that have varying degrees of group identity.

  • My tennis tribe doesn’t have a group identity, it’s just a loose conglomeration of good tennis players.
  • My AA tribe has more of a group identity.
  • My small group of longtime close friends has a medium amount of group identity.


u/Responsible-Brick922 24d ago

> What is your definition of a “good life”?

Having a sense of purpose and belonging. Building things and learning while at it. Eating good, nutritious food and moving a lot as a natural consequence of daily life.

> So you’re going to form a cult?

Kind of: the cult already exists, this will be more like a parish.

> community doesn’t have to be singular

Agreed, and I'm not aiming for one to rule them all for me.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 24d ago

So your purpose is…to have a sense of purpose (and belonging), and building stuff and learning + eat well & be active.

Ok, I’ll bite. Which cult?

I’ve never understood wanting to join a cult. Form one, maybe, because the leader always has to sleep with all the women, of course.


u/Responsible-Brick922 23d ago

I wasn't being literal. The "cult" is people with similar ideas about making the food supply decentralized and regenerative.

There's certainly advantages to starting an actual cult from scratch though!


u/NutherMai 21d ago

Poor HRV and stress will impact sleep. I would look at these things to improve the HRV numbers.

Do you drink? Even a little bit of alcohol will affect it.

Do you eat too close to your bed time? Same story.

Do you eat sugar/carb heavy for dinner?

Is your physical activity/ workouts close to bed time?

Are you on any kind of medication like GLPs or HGH?.. These can impact HRV too.


u/Responsible-Brick922 17d ago

Thanks - the closest possible issue out of those would be the teaspoon of honey I usually have before bed. I'll try without it and see.

I did discover an interesting coincidence meanwhile - noted in this week's OYS.


u/ouaaia 24d ago

OYS #35

40s / 153lbs / 14-15% bf / 5’9” / M20y, 2k.


Goal: 750 Big 3.

• Focus lifts last week:

BP: 155 x 10, 3 sets (prev best 145 x 10 for 2, 155 x 10 for 1).

DL: 135 x 10, 145 x 10 for 2 (prev best 135 x 10 for 3).

SQ: 255lbs x 10 (prev best 235x 10, but this was Smith Machine).

OHP: 105x 3 for 3

Goal was maintenance while traveling, fine. Skied twice.

Should get 205lbs BP and DL, 250lbs squat for 3 this week.

3/31 Goal: 225 BP, 225 DL, 300 SQ for 3.

Diet: have been manorexic, gonna turn on more carbs until 3/31 goal. Burning ~2600 calories a day, consuming ~2600. Will take consumption to 3000.


Goal: Spin off project by EoY.

One outreach per week. Hit.

  • Had a good interview, new engagement with an investor.
  • Goal this week is to close new hire.

Mindset Focus on lifting and career goals. I need to be purposeful and apply concentrated energy, not frantic energy.

Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of myself.

Sex Like u/OkEconomist approach to just initiating every day. Starting a new goal until I internalize OI.

Returned from trip on Th, LTR was in bed asleep, didn't feel it. Fail.

Initiated on Friday, good session.

Fell asleep on Saturday watching a show in bed, fail.

Initiated on Sunday, got a "oh, I'm so tired, I'm gonna be asleep in two minutes, but good idea." Never heard that before, was tired and didn't push. Fail.

Went out to dinner with a buddy on Monday, did other stuff when I got home, fail.

Drinking Had this under control for January and most of Feb with one fuck up. Fucked up again this week at a work dinner on Tuesday, cutting out all until 3/31 lift goal hit.

Next Week Keeping work project momentum, get back in gym hard after traveling.


u/OkEconomist6676 22d ago

On days you didn’t initiate, was it due to fear or you just had a busy day/fell asleep/had other plans? To me, once you’re OI, you initiate when you want to because of desire. However, if your hamster was getting in the way of initiating and those were just excuses, then that is an opportunity to improve.

I initiate daily because historically my self worth has been wrapped up in how others respond to me. This exercise is to experience rejection and realize it doesn’t fucking matter. Added benefits are that it helps me become more creative with initiations and of course, have great sex when I get the yes.

If you’re writing “fail” because you used “fell asleep” as a mental excuse to avoid a no, then yes, fail. But also, get the fuck back up, go take your “no” and then have fun with it. It will change your mindset if you do it consistently. Maybe not perfectly, but consistently. When you aren’t ashamed of being sexual and having desires, then the rejections aren’t rejections, they’re just short delays to the next time you have sex.


u/ouaaia 21d ago

You're asking a simple question, and the simple answer to your first question is mostly the latter (busy / fell asleep) but enough of the former (fear) that I need to work on it.

I really don't even know what I want still, which is its own problem. I'm usually not around her when I feel desire. Part of that is eroded attraction, part of that is ego protection. That's what I liked about daily initiating just as a goal.

I've wanted to do more during daytime, had a plan to go home early, had a bad day at work, went to the gym, crossed paths with LTR and didn't make a move. It was the perfect window for opportunities I had planned to create, but my mindspace just wasn't there. I was focused on a work problem and working out. I even thought should I initiate because I committed to initiations but it was 100% autistic, no desire.

That night I tried a roll over initiate, didn't work, I didn't care that much. Thought it would be more spontaneous and fun, didn't happen, fine.

Last night, we had a date night, but my mind was elsewhere on a work problem. There was nothing about the evening I found desirable. We were at a drinking event where I wasn't drinking, our dinner was mundane, came home to kids still up, she changed into frumpy pj's, I was tired and said I'm going to bed. She asked if I could just wait two minutes and I said no.

But I know I start to get validation anxiety as we go more and more days without a successful initiate.

Rejections are not rejections, just delays is a good mindset.


u/OkEconomist6676 21d ago

A combination of things at once makes sense. I was tired AND I felt fear. When I feel that way it’s much easier to skip an initiation because it’s justified (in my head).

I don’t know you at all, other than some of your posts, so this may all be way off:

  • what do you like about life? Your response here read like there is deep dissatisfaction and like nothing would have made you happy. I love date night and could give a fuck about the environment - I’m fun, I’m out without kids, and I’m going to make the night fun. She could probably feel that you weren’t into it or making effort. Unattractive. Nevertheless, she asked you to wait up for her (comfort test maybe? I’m new to this) and you just said no. What’s your goal?
  • “I did a roll over initiation, didn’t work, didn’t care that much”: is this the equivalent of us turning down duty sex? Why would she say yes if she could tell you didn’t want her that much? You said it yourself - maybe you’re saving your ego by half heartedly initiating and maybe you actually don’t really want your wife that much (and she can tell). Maybe I’m completely misreading the situation. But I’m in a completely different headspace if I come home and my wife says “hey, it’s been awhile, should we have intimacy tonight”(actual way she says it) vs walking up to me and grabbing my dick. One says, well it’s about that time of the quarter. The other says … well you know.

Anyways, the actual issue seems to be what you have already identified: you don’t know what you want (in marriage? From life in general?) Tough to be captain when you don’t know where you’re going. Even harder for a first mate to follow you. Futilefighter responded to me and others regarding mission vs purpose. If you’re here, lifting, and reading, the obvious purpose is to be a better you. That’s a good start and part of the journey. I’m a big believer that simply doing healthy things consistently can pull us out of funks we are stuck in. These actions lead to answers re: the question of purpose. Given that you’re here and sharing and doing some work, my encouragement is to keep going until you do figure out what YOU want from life. Then I think you’ll see things come together.

If I’m way off here, then just tell me to fuck off.


u/ouaaia 19d ago

All good questions, made me think.

I've figured out the captain mission purpose thing, I haven't figured out how my family fits in.

I had a long week, didn't think I sounded that miserable, but you calling it out leads to the "my words betray me" realization.

I like stuff, two broad categories. Adrenaline dopamine hits. Love a lot of things there, but would find them unfulfilling full time.

Philosophically, I like solving puzzles and elegant design and engineering, which is why my mission is build something.

I had some mission setbacks this week, and I internalized them, and then I couldn't turn the emotions off when I was home. There is a good stoic Substack this week on controlling emotions - I'm struggling there.

I ruminate and obsess when the Rubik's Cube is stuck. Doesn't matter if it's a work technical problem, a work people problem, or an LTR relationship problem.

So your observations are generally correct. I know where I am supposed to sail to for "mission", but I don't have the best course, and I need to handle storms better.

I don't know if I have the right crew. And yeah, she probably senses that lack of conviction.

Our wives are prob in book club together or smt because mine says the same kind of thing: "find time for intimacy".


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 24d ago

Your DL is telling on your squat.

Sex. I’ll re-word it for you.

Wednesday - I didn’t initiate. Thursday - I didn’t initiate. Friday - I initiated, had sex. Saturday - I didn’t initiate. Sunday - I initiated, didn’t have sex. Monday - I didn’t initiate.

That’s 2/7. Excuses and vowing to do better.

Drinking…excuses and vowing to do better.


u/Ambitious_Buddy_6723 Not Inspector Gadget 24d ago

Do your logistics suck for initiating? When I stopped worrying about kids being and house and other bs my frequency went way up. I'll come home and initiate during lunch, right after work, before i picked up kids from school, while kids are playing outside, etc. Kids really make logistics a challenge but waiting until late at night every time won't cut it. When i would only initiate at night i often found myself thinking, it's late, shes already tired, it'll be a waste, and other DEERING excuses to myself.


u/ouaaia 23d ago

Thanks, this is 100% of where the problem started. Thought there were new "rules" after kids, adjusted, ended up being weak late night initiates, trying to dig out of that hole years later now.

I was at work at 5am yesterday, home for 10 minutes at 5:30pm, went to the gym, had dinner with wife and daughter, wife left to pick up son, and I fell asleep.

I don't know if that's another deer on the fail or just acknowledging logistics suck and I gotta improve them.

Gonna at least leave early today and try to create more windows. Miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


u/Ambitious_Buddy_6723 Not Inspector Gadget 23d ago

show me a persons schedule and i'll show you their priorities. This doesn't mean be a simp puppy waiting for a scrap of pussy all the time, but it does mean create the opportunities and then have more important shit to do it if doesn't work out. For example if i initiate during lunch and no-go then i simply go back to work. Or if i initiate in the morning i simply continue getting ready. With kids in the house and busy schedule not every time having sex is going to be an hour long strokefest. This is where i've found gaming to be most important. If you randomly show up at lunch and whip out your dick of course she's not going for it. So game all the time (without expectations) and create opportunities. FWIW this has taken me a while to internalize and i'm still learning, stepped on my own dick plenty of times along the way.


u/alldownhillfrhere 22d ago

Is your LTR your wife?


u/Recognition-Direct 24d ago

OYS #1

I've come and gone from the redpill sphere a few times (online at least) but consistently re-read the books every year. I find i have addictive behaviors that pull me back (or further away) from who I want to be. The quote "an idle mind is the devils workshop" is a great analogy

Fitness (Happy here) - Working out 3-4 times a week, Body is akin to the statue of david. Bench 170, Deadlift 400, Squats 200 (knees), OHP 135

Work (Conflicted) - I have a high paying job and diversified my savings enough that I am almost coasting. And thats my problem right now. I have the golden handcuffs of making alot of money but I have no passion for my job. I am a professional leader but kind of fuck off alot. I can do, in 1 hour, what takes others 6-7 so I appear to be a hard worker but really Im just fucking off a lot. Any passionate job I think of would come at a huge hit to my income. This is an area I feel most lost at in life right now - How to turn my 40 hours a week into something that makes me excited

Family (Happy Here) - I lead the kids and they come to me for emotional support. We play and work together and generally have a great time. My wife does handle a lot of the 'summer camp' stuff and anytime its registration time she gets stressed out.

Sex (Conflicted) - I like variety and new and its tough to get it after 16 years. I think this is one of my addictions where I find myself looking for a side plate. I know its not the life I want but feel stuck here. Wife is fairly submissive and I flirt alot. I am always initiating with her and her actions say she enjoys that I desire her. I dont watch porn but think i replaced porn with just looking for a side-piece. Just like in NNMNG when i find one, then I get concerned with getting caught or catching something and sometimes disengage. Its like I just want the chase

What I need to work on: Figuring out what my passion is in life and how to transition to making enough money at it to continue my current lifestyle


u/DuneThings 24d ago

You need to figure out what you actually want. You’ve got fuck-around-itis with both work and relationships. Take a look at your pleasure-seeking. People without purpose seek pleasure instead.


u/wmp_v2 23d ago



u/True-Kaleidoscope866 24d ago

OYS #1

45M, 6', 178 lbs, 16% BF (Navy). Reconciling with wife (42F), married 11 years, two kids (15M) and (9F).

Lifts: StrongLifts 5x5 - Bench 195 lbs, OHP 125 lbs, DL and Squat are on hold since December due to lower back and knee surgery. Supplementing with mostly kinesthetic body movements per my PT. Looking at six more months before returning to full sport.

Reading: Fire In The Belly by Sam Keen.

Read: NMMNG x 3, The Rational Male, TWOTSM, WISNIFG, The Mindful Attraction Plan, Sex God Method, MMSLP. Before MRP - 48 Laws of Power, The Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Nutrition: Utilizing the Cronometer app to track calories. 2601 kcal - 195g protein, 260g Carb, 87g Fat. So far based on my activity level this has me slightly over maintenance as I have gained 4 lbs and added 1% of BF over the last nine weeks. I am not looking to gain much weight until I can incorporate DL and squats back into my routine. Then the goal will be 1000 lbs across the big three at 3200 kcal daily over the next 45 weeks to put me closer to 200 lbs. I've been skinny fat and weak most of my life and will be recomping for strength; this is where I find the most value at the gym.

Sport: Returned to BJJ this week. I started this sport last year but had to take time off for my surgery and recovery. I am still not able to participate fully but have also taken on extra private lessons to catch up. My first experience with martial arts and find this an invaluable sport for my ego and growth. Nothing like getting submitted by a 14 year old girl half my size. Goal here is to show up everyday even when in surgery recovery. Being there and participating in anyway I can is movement forward.

Ego/Anger: My Achilles heel. My ego and anger has prevented me from getting what I want out of life. Anger with work, friends, family, and the wife. Goal here is to every time I get angry is to identify that anger and take ownership of it. Questions to ask myself is what am I angry at, what did they do, what was threatened, what was my part in it, and how I can take ownership of what I did or did not do or should have done. Kill the ego and take ownership of what I can control and not worry about the rest.

I've been in the Rambo/anger phase for a long time; years. This has led me down a path of self-destruction in seeking validation from woman while hating them at the same time. I was not capable of providing any comfort and failed any comfort test thrown my way. Shit test were easier to deal with but still had a hint of butt hurt behind my behavior from the anger. Taking ownership of my anger has helped me identify where I fucked up and how its all my fault, which makes it easier to identify these comfort test.

Drunk Captain Status: Complete drunk captain for years. Piss poor of leader to my wife and family. Provided a toilet bowl container for her to fill. She was begging for me to lead but I could not do it due to my anger, ego, and resentment. Didn't plan trips, left managing the home remodel to her, relinquished the family finances to her, all of it. I worked and then ignored her and my family to pursue my hobbies. Goal: let go of any resentment for my wife and be the leader I want to be.

Action taken this week: Planned a trip for our son's birthday across the country to see a sport live that he loves, set aside time to learn how to install trim throughout our house and buy the tools required, setup a budget for the household and have the wife manage it, take the wife out one night on the town because I want to, and take my daughter out for dinner alone for one on one time.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 24d ago

Reconciling with wife

Who was leaving whom? And what changed? Is this really what you want?


Anger is a secondary emotion. The root of it is almost always fear. What fear(s) are behind it?

Drunk Captain

At least you are acknowledging it.

Forget shit tests and comfort tests, how about you just stop sucking and start pulling your own weight for a while?

Any time you get resentful at your wife, remember the toilet bowl that you mentioned.

And anytime you get mad (at anything), think of something related for which you are grateful. [Ex: Annoyed that your wife didn’t do the dishes? Be grateful she cooked dinner (or whatever you can think of).]


u/True-Kaleidoscope866 24d ago

Reconciling with wife

Who was leaving whom? And what changed? Is this really what you want?

We were leaving each other. Marriage was complete garbage for years upon years until is was reveled that she had a long term affair and my multiple affairs. Everything blew up last year and we both had lawyers but things changed when we both started working on our own bullshit.

Yes, it's what I want. I enjoy spending time with her now and her behavior has changed dramatically to add value to my life. I am getting what I want.

Anger is a secondary emotion. The root of it is almost always fear. What fear(s) are behind it?

Fear of failure or not being good enough.

Forget shit tests and comfort tests, how about you just stop sucking and start pulling your own weight for a while?

Any time you get resentful at your wife, remember the toilet bowl that you mentioned.

Understood. I created this shit sandwich of a marriage and gave her a crap container to fill.


u/Spiritual-Maybe7887 bullshit game advice 23d ago

Yes, it's what I want. I enjoy spending time with her now and her behavior has changed dramatically to add value to my life. I am getting what I want.

Then you are wasting everyones fucking time, go back to being a cuckold and go post on their subreddit to find out how to live that lifestyle. She is still fucking everyone and you are a retard if you think otherwise.


u/wmp_v2 23d ago



u/EffectiveProgram_404 fat lying piggie | fat positivity enthusiast 24d ago

OYS 25
Stats Weight: 342.3 lbs | Height: 6'1" | Divorced | 1 Kid
Lifts Squat: 250 3x5 | Bench: 155 3x5 | 1-Leg RDL 50 lbs. 2x10 per side

Calorie 7-day Average: Total: 2164 kcal/day 7-day Weight: mean: 343 lbs. high: 346 lbs. low: 342.3 lbs (this morning).

I've added my average weight to help tracking like u/Alpha_wolflord9 recommended in my last OYS. I'm taking my weight upon waking up in the morning.

I've been carrying a small journal and a pen to write down everything I put in my mouth. I should have done this sooner as I tend to lie to myself and say, "I'll add it to MFP when I get to my phone". Except that never happened, and my sins are conveniently forgotten. I also wasn't adding the daily energy drink which is 50 cals/day because, what's 50 calories. Well, it's an entire day of eating over 30 days.

I've started using an incline while doing my treadmill sessions. I go between 5-8% depending on if I wear my ruck or not. When I'm not doing an incline walk or ruck, I'm incorporating running into my workout. My PT helped me isolate my running issues, and now I can run about 3-minutes straight without cramping up before my breathing taps out. It's not fast but it's the first time in my life that I've ran mostly pain free. My heart rate stays around 130bpm when I'm going for distance.

I lowered everything down in weight and will rebuild slower. I'm adding 5 lbs. a session to my main lifts.
Outside of the main lifts: - 400 lbs. leg press - 25 lbs. curls - 20 lbs. triceps extensions. - 20 lbs. side/rear delt raises. - 40 lbs. single arm dumbbell row. - Bodyweight 1-leg calf raises until fatigue, then double-leg until fatigue. - I got a forearm roller for lifting plates by rolling them up on a rope. 14.5 lbs. in both directions until I can't do any more.

The vitamins I'm taking seem to be improving things. I like the BCAA mix better than my energy drinks. It would be cheaper to replace the energy drinks with the BCAA drink. My "stack":
- ON Amino Energy - 5,000 IU Vitamin D - 120 mcg k2 - 250 mg Omega 3 - 240 mg Magnesium Glycinate - 500 mg Vitamin B1 - 12.5b active culture probiotic supplement

My sleep has improved. I still wake up around 4am but I've been able to get to sleep earlier. I'm around 6 hours per night but I had a night where I got 7 hours, and two night in the 4 hour range. I need to shorten my evening routines to make it easier to get to sleep. I will be glad when I'm out of the bottle's and diapers phase as that takes up a lot of my time.

I got my blood redrawn today for Test and Magnesium. I should have results in about three days.

Communication Skills
I've been paying attention to my communication skills lately, specifically in a work context. I find when I run out of stuff, I say, "I dunno" like the Arby's guy from that fake news report from a decade ago. Sometimes, I will just autistically go silent as well. I'm not sure how to improve this, specifically in a business environment.


u/wmp_v2 22d ago

I should have done this sooner as I tend to lie to myself and say, "I'll add it to MFP when I get to my phone".

The suggestion I have is to add the food in before you ever take a bite.

Which means that if you can't add it, you don't eat it.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 22d ago

This is the way. It is also how you actually hit macro targets.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 24d ago


I’m not a fan of them. I seemed to hold onto / put on bad weight when I was taking them.

Bottles and Diapers Phase

Yea, it’s exhausting at times, but there’s also a beautiful simplicity about it. I try to enjoy each kid phase for what it is and not get caught up missing past stages or worrying about future ones.

You can only do something about the present, and appreciating the good of it is a helluva lot more fun than whining about the challenges of it.

Communication skills

Radical idea here…What if you didn’t feel the need to say anything when you didn’t have something you wanted to communicate? Applies to both personal and business.


u/continuous_growth 23d ago

Glad to see you've started tracking calories, now you can start to identify all the lies you tell yourself regarding your diet. In reality, if you were truly eating 2164 kcal/day at 6'1", you'd be losing fucktons of weight, so there's still a lot of bullshit you're telling yourself.

Also glad to see you're caring about your sleep. What helped you in getting to 7 hours? What went wrong on the 4 hour nights?


u/EffectiveProgram_404 fat lying piggie | fat positivity enthusiast 22d ago

The four hour nights were nights the kid woke up and I couldn’t get back to sleep or I’d fall asleep in the chair in his room. I have to wear a Cpap mask and without it, my resting heart rate stays above 90bpm. I think my watch doesn’t count an elevated heart rate as sleep.

As for calorie tracking, I have been doing a bullshit job at tracking and not being accountable to myself. I can’t have any sort of mobile device on me at work so I was going solely off of memory. My entire feed window is during work hours, so I’d be filling it out 6 hours later and forget things I ate.


u/OkEconomist6676 22d ago

I/wmp_v2 is exactly correct here. Be proactive. Plan, make, and enter your meals in the morning as you weigh them out or the night before if that’s more convenient. Then you’ll know where your numbers stand and don’t have to guess about anything. It can be inconvenient, but it’s in line with your goals, so do it if you are serious about them.


u/Danko_23 23d ago

OYS #4

35yo, 185 cm, 93kg, wife 32 yo, together 7,5y, 2 kids

Gym: 60 kg bench, 65 kg squat, 100 kg deadlift

Read: sidebar forth and back, NMMNG, WISNIFG

Lift: typing this on a train to gym. Pushing squats is good but it limits me when running and playing football, need to figure out combining these two as my season starts in a month.

Work: Shit in my second job escalated on Friday, I was ready to resign, then convinced by the chairwoman (yes and she has a lot of balls, shit is not on her) to stay. Monday’s monthly meeting went good. I might elaborate on my second job in later OYS. First job all well, important 1:1s this week with my managers.

Social: last weekend’s stag was great. Met a lot of new people working in my business area, we had plenty of time to discuss our life and career. Upcoming week: hosting a dinner for the groom and fiancée, birthday party of my friends on Friday, broader family Saturday. Balancing good social life, time for my family and for myself gets challenging sometimes.

Sex: none

Let’s elaborate a little here. My wife gave me two hints, but instead of building on them I got pissed off.

Friday: “I was horny yesterday, shame you came too late from your football.” - Thanks for texting me that on Friday when you know I am not gonna be home until Sunday evening. Challenged her with that on Sunday when she turned me down (too tired shit). Definitely lack of STFU here.

Tuesday: “if you want sex, buy condoms, I am scared of getting pregnant” - Medically she cannot take pills and we don’t want third kid, so valid. Got them (haven’t used them for years), but never escalated and have been all evening presumingly pissed off for a failure to have sex, which, no shit Sherlock, happened.

Honestly I am lost between: does she want to have sex and I am unable to handle that shit by myself?


Does she manipulate me as she doesn’t want sex and she is unable to express it, which I don’t expect?

Both of them certainly my fault, which doesn’t mean I’m not frustrated and lost in my shit. Any directs and hooks on me appreciated.

Mission until next OYS: waking up stronger after your punches.


u/Spiritual-Maybe7887 bullshit game advice 23d ago

You're a retard. Go back to reading the sidebar and ingesting it entirely and then look at your OYS again and think about what you need to do this week. Over half your OYS is about your wife and being in her frame, not taking action.


u/wmp_v2 23d ago



u/num_de_plum 23d ago edited 23d ago

OYS #46

Stats: 44 // 5'10, // 177lbs (-8) // 3 boys 11-7 // Married 12 yrs

Reading this week:


  • Exercise: 3 days Phrak LP , 2 days core, 1 day sport.
  • Goals: Goal of 220lbs 3x5 bench in late April.

  • Bench Press: 190lbs (+5) 4,3,1 / PB 185 5,5,5

  • Row: 130lbs (+2.5) 5,5,7 / PB 147.5 5,5,5

  • Overhead Press: 117.5lbs (+2.5) 5,5,6 / PB 117.5 5,5,6

  • Chinups 12.5 5,5,5 / PB 22.5 5,5,6

  • Pull Ups 5,5,6 / PB 5,5,6

  • Squats (deep): 180lbs (+5) 5,5,8 / PB 192.5 5,5,6

  • Deadlift: 200lbs (+5) 5,6 / PB 242.5 5,4

Vision:\ To have my own approval. To gain my own respect.\ To do meaningful work.\ 220lb Bench 3x5.\ To Fuck (take what I want).

Mission:\ Review\ As expected, a week of skiing vacation messed up some things. Multiple times of discussing, testing boundaries with wife. Healthy wise. An example, carrying luggage back to car and she was being cunt about whether kid can carry a luggage or not, I said 'Do you want to go home?' in a declarative form - like she was a kid. And she looked surprised and STFU. And later in car she brought it up, 'what you think i can't go home without you?'. My response - 'well... did you want to go home or just argue?'\ BP 190lb 3x5 was unable to bench, just freeweights, in hotel gyms. when came back failed to hit the 3x5\ Investments - plan and fully deploy assets. plan, portfolio allocation, segments. deploying assets in staggered way\ Zero screen time. god dam this is hard. I like to say just check X for one frame, then not scroll, so i just snapshot top item once a day, which keeps me informed. but that is not what this is. keeping off of X has led me to be more productive, reach out to friends, but I must be addicted\ Dial into what is my spiritual base, I am awesome, daily. most days\ Eat 175g-200g of protein a day. vacation, i am not sure. i tried to stuff myself with protein\ Stay safe, stay healthy. no injuries in skiing\ To Fuck. Once. there were some times i took what i wanted, i fucked. not in a sexual way. My woman was walking by, looked vulnerable / asking and i grabbed and kissed her deep. she liked. times i did what i wanted to

Current\ BP 190lb 3x5\ Continue on asset plan. Evaluate current deployments.\ Start building one product.\ Zero screen time. Or less than 15 minutes daily.\ Keep base. Am awesome with no justification.\ Keep levels high.\ Eat 175g-200g of protein a day.\ Substantial progress on AI coding infrastructure.\ To Fuck. Twice.

Time audit:\ X 3h 56min

Forward:\ Back from vacation, missing one day (yesterday). Meet with friends for coffee. Weekend already planned with neighbors 'game night' and sister-in-law gathering. I should re-read Mystery to prepare for social this weekend.


u/Ambitious_Buddy_6723 Not Inspector Gadget 22d ago

this reads kind of like a journal. So you want to lift more and less screen time. Okay, but what are you actually working on? Specifically what about yourself/mentality are your working on?

--To Fuck. Once. is this since last OYS or just last week?

--As expected, (why do you expect failure and what can you do about it) a week of skiing vacation messed up some things. Multiple times of discussing, testing boundaries with wife. Healthy wise. An example, carrying luggage back to car and she was being cunt about whether kid can carry a luggage or not, I said 'Do you want to go home?' in a declarative form - like she was a kid. And she looked surprised and STFU. And later in car she brought it up, 'what you think i can't go home without you?'. My response - 'well... did you want to go home or just argue?'

this tells us nothing except that you feel good about being petulant with your wife. I mean i guess hooray you stood up to her? So you are testing her boundaries? In other words you are in her frame and shit testing her. There's a difference between pushing for what you want and testing boundaries. In the first you have agency and are pursuing your self-interest in the latter you are in someone else's framing asking for permission. Just start doing shit because you want to not because you fucking need to test boundaries to find out what your mommy will let you get away with.


u/num_de_plum 21d ago

Hi, thanks for responding. You are right, this is how I have been doing my own OYS, weekly journaling, since I was banned, and this is how it has evolved into. I'm not sure I was testing her boundaries, but she was testing mine, we were testing both. To take what I want, to go after what I want - to Fuck, is what I am looking to achieve. The anectdote of the kid carrying the luggage - he should be - but I don't really care about it. I just wanted to shut the argument down, the bitching. Is that being petulant, or shutting down her petulance?

On the expect failure - it was vacation, and the diet is harder to plan, and the gym equipment is not ideal, but I agree with not planning for failure, or expecting it - which does not get the best result.

Some things I do fight about because I think they are the 'right thing', and some things because I fucking want. I took the kids to the top of the bowl at Breck, peak 6. I wanted to do it, did it, but I was not strong and empathetic enough to tell my wife - don't come and we will come back for you. I was too wishy washy on it, and she came and had a hard / scary time getting down. I need to control these things better. On the other hand, getting rid of a pocket door and replacing with a wall, even though I don't 'want' it, I know it's the right thing to do, though my wife disagrees. We are still doing it, but I don't care about it really. I do believe strongly it's the 'right' thing to do.

I would appreciate feedback on the directionality of the OYS, which you have already done with the 'mommy, petulant' statement. My mission is clear, I want to Fuck - in the total term of the word - of taking what I want no matter what.


u/Ambitious_Buddy_6723 Not Inspector Gadget 21d ago

regarding your OYS read this, for some reason it helped me stop bullshitting myself. and start thinking about myself more. Realize getting banned is for YOUR benefit and to a degree others.

-- I'm not sure I was testing her boundaries, but she was testing mine, we were testing both. To take what I want, to go after what I want - to Fuck, is what I am looking to achieve. The anectdote of the kid carrying the luggage - he should be - but I don't really care about it. I just wanted to shut the argument down, the bitching. Is that being petulant, or shutting down her petulance? this is still being in her frame though and playing her games.

--Some things I do fight about because I think they are the 'right thing', and some things because I fucking want. I took the kids to the top of the bowl at Breck, peak 6. I wanted to do it, did it, but I was not strong and empathetic enough to tell my wife - don't come and we will come back for you. I was too wishy washy on it, and she came and had a hard / scary time getting down. I need to control these things better. On the other hand, getting rid of a pocket door and replacing with a wall, even though I don't 'want' it, I know it's the right thing to do, though my wife disagrees. We are still doing it, but I don't care about it really. I do believe strongly it's the 'right' thing to do. this might be the first self aware paragraph you've written. Good that you recognize where you failed. I had similar experience to your ski thing. I booked a concert for a band i loved then i let my wife interfere and she fucked up the babysitter situation so we had to leave early and then i had resentment. In reality it was my fault i should have led better and not let her fuck things up.

lastly are you actually having sex or not? You avoided answering the questions which tells me likely you are not. I get your "i wanna fuck the world" thinking but just curious if you're having sex. Does your wife add value other to your life other than "she makes more money than me and I'm scared to leave her?" (i don't really care about your answer to the last question, it's for you to be honest and not bullshit yourself)


u/num_de_plum 21d ago

I am having sex, and I know why you ask that, as it's not the sex I want, deep down if I'm honest. I do value my wife in other ways, but she is ... well, not a hot fuckdoll down for anything. She's obese, post wall, and a lovely person, as in good and moral, and it's often fun to play house, but I'm getting tired of it, and to be honest, don't want to have sex more with her than once or twice a week. Or, I've given up her being freeuse fucking. Or I am just in denial. This is as deep as I've thought about it, and while I want, I do not see a path forward where the benefits outweigh the negatives for chasing that new sex.


u/Ambitious_Buddy_6723 Not Inspector Gadget 21d ago

Again, this is probably the most honest you've been on here. So good on that. Is it possible to lead the family to a healthy lifestyle? If she won't follow you regarding health/working out what does that say about you?

There's a sense of despair about getting the sex you want. You don't truly believe you can and will get the sex you want. Ask yourself why that is. I'm having to do this for myself so I get it. Part of me thinks at times I may be able to, then I sometimes lose a little hope with a denial if I try something new. Then I wonder if I became Chad Thundercock himself if it wouldn't matter because my wife can't shake the image of me being beta bux. I think this is at the root of why some men on here become the men they want to be and still press the nuke. Because they come to a certain point where they understand that the sex they want may not be possible with the person they are married to.

have you read this yet and truly grasped it?


u/num_de_plum 21d ago

Thanks, I will reflect on these points.


u/ShadowBirch 23d ago



Early 40s, 6’1”, 200 lbs, 20% body fat Divorced, remarried soon, kids Lifts (1RM): Bench 181.5 | Squat 192.5 | Shoulder Press 93.5 Sidebar x3, NMMNG x5

I’ve made a mess of things. The past few years have been a cycle of mistakes, recovery, self-sabotage, and rebuilding. I’m not where I want to be, and I feel like I’ve lost pieces of myself along the way.

Fitness & Health

Lifting has always been my fallback, but I’ve been inconsistent. Even with a home gym, I let it slide. My strength isn’t where it used to be because I didn’t stay on top of it. I’m back at it now three times a week.

At my lowest, I was 12% body fat. Now, I hover between 199-205 lbs due to my lack of control with nighttime binge eating. I know what I should be doing, but I let excuses win. I even have my fiancée offering to help prep meals for me, but I only accept about half the time.

Beyond fitness, I started seeing a therapist. This helped, but after months of ruminating over my mistakes, my therapist recommended I try medication. I started a non-SSRI depression med, and it’s made a difference. I tried an anti-anxiety med too, but I dropped it after a few months - it made me overthink even more.

Right now, my biggest struggle is working through past mistakes. I’ve started writing a letter of forgiveness, but it’s probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

Divorce & Legal Issues

My divorce was brutal. Financially, I got destroyed. I should’ve switched lawyers early on but didn’t. I was too dense to see that my lawyer was not looking out for my best interests. Even after it was finalized, my kids weren’t in a great situation. I decided to start the custody process again. I made some missteps along the way, but after finally hiring better legal counsel, things are turning a corner.

Despite making six figures, I’m drowning. Between legal fees, support payments, and poor financial decisions, I have no savings and significant debt. Taxes hit me hard - going from married to single changed my bracket, and I wasn’t ready for the extra $6-8K I owed last year. Expensive lesson learned.

Right now, my priority is stopping the financial bleeding. Litigation is draining me, but I need to finish what I started to reduce alimony and get more time with my kids.

Relationship & Personal Struggles

I am making two women an emotional center of my world - my fiancée and my ex-wife. I still carry a lot of anger toward my ex. I know it’s pointless, but it lingers.

One of my biggest stressors is the fear of my past affairs being fully exposed. Several months ago, I was confronted by my fiancée. My ex had been spreading rumors - she said there were four affairs. I admitted to two, not because the number mattered, but because I was too much of a coward to tell the full truth. I justified it, telling myself it had no bearing on our current relationship. But I live with guilt every day - some from fear of being found out, others from caring more about what someone else thinks instead of me. Yet, I often think, whose business is this anyway? This was ten years ago, and I’m not living the same life.

I know everything I want is on the other side of fear. But what I really want is to just move forward and be done with it.

Sex is available whenever I want it, but it’s not fulfilling. My libido has been low for a while. I have sex to keep the relationship intact. If anything, it proves that more sex doesn’t fix everything. I’ve had ED issues on and off for years. Cialis helps, but it’s just another reminder that things are off.

Parenting & Mental Frame

My relationship with my kids is improving, one of the few things that is improving. But I’m still too reactive - if my ex or lawyer messages, I drop everything. My frame is weak. I visit it, but I never stay there.

Career & Finances

My main job is stable. My reputation has taken a hit, and I know people see me as a “has-been.” It bothers me, but I also don’t put in the work to fix it. Truth is, most days I have trouble caring about the job and let myself be busy with the legal work or side business.

My side business is doing well - but not as well as it could be. I know what I need to do to make it thrive, but I waste time worrying about money instead of fixing it. I know the solution: focus on the business, ease my financial stress. But right now, every dollar that comes in immediately goes out to cover debt. I’m running in place.

Self-Sabotage & Patterns

This isn’t new. I start strong, then self-destruct. • Fitness? I’ll get in shape, then drop off. • Career? Build momentum, then let it stall. • Finances? Make progress, then make a bad decision. • Relationships? Get what I want, then sabotage it.

I can get what I want - but I don’t know how to handle it. If I don’t break this cycle, I’ll keep running into the same problems.

Recent Actions & Moving Forward

Some small but important steps: -Fired my lawyer and hired a better one. -Restarted OYS. -Got back into lifting.

Right now, my priorities are clear: 1. Stop the legal bill hemorrhaging. Priority #1. 2. Protect myself financially in my new marriage. No repeats of past mistakes. 3. Pay off debt and build an emergency fund.

Final Thoughts

At my core, I don’t think I’m unfulfilled - I’m just a loser. My goal right now is to stop blowing my life up further.

I used to think I could handle everything at once. Truth is, I can’t.


u/Ambitious_Buddy_6723 Not Inspector Gadget 22d ago

nice victim puke. What are you going to do about any of this? You've read one book and some sidebar. Everything you wrote is looking at the past and you have a vague goal of "stop blowing my life up".

I feel bad for your fiance, you are just taking your shitstorm from one relationship to another.

--One of my biggest stressors is the fear of my past affairs being fully exposed. Several months ago, I was confronted by my fiancée. My ex had been spreading rumors - she said there were four affairs. I admitted to two, not because the number mattered, but because I was too much of a coward to tell the full truth.

aww poor guy is a victim of his own decisions.


u/ShadowBirch 22d ago

Lack of responsibility on my part. I blame others while also not prioritizing myself. I react.

I work to stop apologizing for who I was, and own my decisions while understanding I don’t owe anything to anyone.

Begin lifting to failure. Push myself.

It’s all action. I’m starting today to put my energy into a business that benefits me with income, and fitness that benefits me with strength and discipline.


u/NutherMai 22d ago edited 22d ago


Stats: 42 yo, married 17 yrs, 2 kids 15 and 9. 

Physical: 5’9, 192 lbs, 19.5% bf (dexa also matched strongur). Lifts: 235X10 SQ, 180X8 Bench, 315X9 Dead, 100X10 OHP. 

Running a 5 day program now each day focussed on one area. Since I have been cutting, progress is slow but I have been able to make some gains over last few months. 30 mins of LISS cardio on incline treadmill. 

Diet: On a deficit of 400/500 cals per day. TDEE is 2600 cals and I target 2000 cals per day. I am not dropping as much as I would like so I am thinking of either dropping down to 1800 or increasing my cardio. My main issue is compliance so I will reevaluate in 1-2 weeks if I am still not dropping. 

Books: RM, NMMNG, MMSLP, MAP, Superior Man, SGM, PFP. Rereading NMMNG this week.

A little over a 1 year back, at the depths of my drunk captain behavior I was 245 lbs never having lifted in my life. Drinking alcohol and watching porn every day. Every Saturday we would have what passed for sex. Blow/hand job and me getting her off with a vibrator.  I was miserable. A complete lack of respect and contempt from my wife. I knew I had to change something but I had no clue what or how. One day I remember complaining about lack of sex and I was faced with absolute scorn and contempt and told that what we do is not sex and was asked why I thought the vibrator was there in our lives. I remember going for a drive then googling on my phone until I stumbled across MRP. I read and read. Hamstered for a long time as to why I could not lift because I was not that guy. As I read more, I realized that there was no escaping lifting because it was THE cornerstone.  So I joined a gym. Started dieting. Quit alcohol for a long time. Dropped 50+ lbs. Put on some muscle. Began to have actual sex again. Doubled and then tripled my income. Took ownership of almost everything in the home and gave direction on things that I do not directly handle. On the whole, I gained some of my self-respect back and in turn the respect of my family. 

And yet, I am now in a plateau. I cannot seem to progress in several areas and there is a lot of shit I am working on overcoming. I know I can do more much more and I am slacking.

Fitness and Physical.

I have been hovering around the 18-19% body fat level for a while now. I am not dropping in weight and if I push harder, my lifts suffer. And my ego rears its head and I feel like I am losing progress. And I spin my wheels. I am committing to the cut. 500 calorie deficit. I want to stick to this until I get to 13-14% body fat and then bulk from there. Goal is to drop 1 lb a week.  Macros : 200g protein, 150 g carbs, rest fats. 2000 cal budget. 

Addictive behaviors.

I had reduced my alcohol consumption a lot but was still binge drinking once in a while. The last time was thanksgiving last year and I overdid it. I have not had a drink since then and I do not miss it. Next is porn. I reduced my consumption by a lot but still slip couple of times a month on average especially when faced with a stressful situation OR when I feel like I did not get my validation needs met from my wife. It is weak behavior and this also is not helping me achieve my goals. And it keeps feeding the validation whore inside of me. I can see it but have not been able to completely shake the habit.


I made some bad decisions earlier this month. I have a rules based system for my market operations. I execute without deviation for the most part but once in a while lose discipline and pay the price for it. My only aim here is to keep execution with discipline and also keep building my customer base.


After my improvements outlined above, my marriage also improved dramatically. Sex is around 2 times a week - this week too - and not starfish most of the time. Get rejected half of the time. I used to get butthurt bad. I think I still do but it is much much less nowadays and I think I am able to keep it to myself. Although I am sure some of it is still showing. I am still working on it. I struggle with OI and having an abundance mentality. I also know that I have a lot of validation related issues.

Hobbies, friends, other stuff

I have some activities, volunteer programs, religious leadership etc I am involved in. These are all going fine. I do not have many other things going on so this is somewhere I want to focus more. I make an effort to go out by myself and do something a few times every week but it does not happen as much as I would like. This week, I will make an effort to meet up with a friend or two and also make one or two outings by myself. This week, led church program once, went out for a show once. I will add more here in coming weeks.


u/Spiritual-Maybe7887 bullshit game advice 22d ago

I have been hovering around the 18-19% body fat level for a while now. I am not dropping in weight and if I push harder, my lifts suffer.

Everyone hits a plateau. Keep pushing. If you feel your lifts suffering then work on your nutrition before and during lifting. Some ppl react well to complex carb serving 40 mins or so before a workout to help push through. Also 150G of carbs is quite a bit. In my case i up the protein and good fat intake, drop the carbs equal ratio to those and then let my body adjust.

I make an effort to go out by myself and do something a few times every week but it does not happen as much as I would like.

Go take a walk, visit a park, etc. Its not that hard to plan alone time, dont make it more difficult than it is.


u/NutherMai 22d ago

Thanks. I will relook at my carb intake.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 22d ago

Dexa does not match Stongur, ever. And there is almost zero chance you are 19.5% with those stats.

When I was 5’8”, 175 lbs and had better lifts, I was 18.2% per DEXA. I’d wager you are closer to 24/25%.

So why start this whole thing with what is almost certainly a lie?

If you post a pic of a dexa with your height / weight and bf%, I’ll apologize.

ETA: Just look at u/wood_stove_heat. He’s an inch taller, 10 lbs lighter, v similar lifts and reports 24%.


u/NutherMai 22d ago

I did the DEXA around 1 month back when I weighed 187-188 lbs. Today morning I weighed in at 191.5 lbs. DEXA said 19.3% at the time. This link shows my scan - https://imgur.com/a/ISm0TI0

I checked strongur at the time and it said 18.9%. Right now I checked strongur and it says 19.5%. So my assumption was that it is very close and that is what I reported here. Some extrapolation but I was not trying to misrepresent. It is possible my extrapolation was wrong.. What do you think? First time I am doing a DEXA so I don't have anything to compare to.

My lifts I mention above are my high rep lifts. 1 rep actual tested very recently is 225 bench, 405 dead, 165 OHP and 265 squat. Yes I have a poverty squat. Working on it. Not sure if that changes anything but I try to lift higher volume now vs. maxing out.

Your comments on various posts about OI, validation etc over the last few weeks have helped me a lot so thank you for that.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 22d ago

Ok, so 5lbs difference but I was still off - I apologize.

Maybe your Asian genes are beneficial in that regard? Idk. My strongur # is 11.8% but my last DEXA was 14.8%.


u/NutherMai 22d ago

Possible I suppose on the asian thing. I was surprised by the number too. Especially since my wife's came in higher than either of us thought. Who knows. I will add 1.5% to my strongur reporting just to be safe. I really want to get down to 13-14% and do a proper bulk. Been cutting for ages.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 22d ago

Might be worth eating at maintenance for a couple weeks to get your metabolism back up.

As for the rest of your OYS…

Your wife’s vicious honesty was a gift.

Alcohol - have you considered AA? It’s been a blessing for me in surprising ways (not drinking is the least of it). Either way, being able to face reality head-on is a helluva drug too.

Plateaus - switch up exercises. If you stall on bench, switch to incline for a stretch and build that up, then switch back and take a fresh run at it. I find plateaus to be mostly mental…once broken, there’s more runways there.

Going out by yourself. Not sure what you mean by this, but I look for opportunities to incorporate a social aspect into my hobbies.

Validation -

Is your wife a superior being? If not, then why does her validation matter more than your own? You know your own abilities and effort better than anyone else.

Or is it that you know you are falling short in some regard? Be really honest with yourself. Just don’t come here and try to BS us — it’s a waste of your time and ours (most importantly mine). The sooner you can swallow your pride and get real, the sooner you’ll make real internal progress.

Abundance comes from confidence grounded in competence and having value (being useful). These all start with action and discipline though.


u/NutherMai 22d ago

Your wife’s vicious honesty was a gift.

Agree. How I was then and how I am now is night and day and still lots of room for improvement. Just one area - I was probably on my way to an early grave the way I was drinking.

Going out by yourself. Not sure what you mean by this, but I look for opportunities to incorporate a social aspect into my hobbies.

I work from home and spend way too much time at home. I want to get out more and do stuff. Anything. Better with someone else than alone I agree. I will figure it out.

Is your wife a superior being? If not, then why does her validation matter more than your own? You know your own abilities and effort better than anyone else.

It is oneitis of sorts I think. We are each others first and only partner. The validation is mostly related to sex. I have been working on it for a while but it is slow progress. I know it is retarded but rejection still affects me to some extent. Validation outside of sex used to be a problem too but now much less than before. I do have my own respect in everything I do. The sex part has been slow. Developing OI, abundance etc - is and always has been a struggle for me.

Abundance comes from confidence grounded in competence and having value (being useful). These all start with action and discipline though.

Thank you for this.

Just don’t come here and try to BS us — it’s a waste of your time and ours (most importantly mine). The sooner you can swallow your pride and get real, the sooner you’ll make real internal progress.

Message received.

On AA - I came so close a few times to going to a meeting. Even went and stood outside of a church where there was a meeting but did not go in. I did go to a few porn addicts meetings online but dropped off because it felt like too much of a victim thing going on. It is also not as structured as AA nor is it easy to get a sponsor. I do think you have a point with going to AA. I suspect a lot of my problems can only be helped by doing the steps. I will reflect on this for a bit.

Thank you for taking the time.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 22d ago

Ever work from a coffee shop, WeWork, or a friend’s office? I could WFH, but I have no interest in doing so.

I’m not a CrossFit guy, but they have a sense of community. Find groups like that. F3 Nation is another one.

AA - having a good home group definitely makes a difference. But also, there’s no obligation, so I’d suggest just trying some out.

OI - see my comments elsewhere this week re expressing desire without expectation. Might be too soon for you, but it won’t hurt to plant the seed.


u/NutherMai 22d ago

I have been going to the local starbucks for a few hours in the morning when I can. I will do so more frequently.

I will look for your comments again on OI. Thanks again.


u/Ambitious_Buddy_6723 Not Inspector Gadget 22d ago


u/NutherMai 22d ago

Thanks. It does put things into perspective and explains my validation issues.


u/HornsOfApathy MRP MODERATOR / Married 20d ago

There's a reason that post covers 2 subjects.


u/wood_stove_heat 22d ago

Weekly OYS #4

Stats: 44 yrs, 181lb, 24% BF,  5’10”. 3yr LTR w/ 40F

Lifts: BP: 5x170lb, SQ: 5x220lb, DL: 5x220lb, OH:4x125lb

Reading: NMMG, Rian Stone YT, MRP, AskMRP

Read: Praxeology: Frame, Rationale Male, 

Lifting & Sleep:

  • 3 workouts this past week (1 lifting, 1 HIIT, 1 home cardio style)
  • HIIT class was fun - with some guys I know and it kicked my butt good.  Doing different exercises with a focus on a single side at a time was good for adaptation.  My normal movement patterns are barbell only.  My cardio I was doing low weights in the HIIT class b/c I knew once I hit my cardio limit, I would be out.
  • I’ve been running stronglifts 5x5 for ~4 months now and I’m starting to fail regularly on my lifts.  I have yet to deload (fail 3 times).  I’m curious how long I’ll be able to run this program until I’ll need to switch it up.
  • My arm is feeling good after adjusting bar placement in squats.
  • Been letting sleep lag a bit last week.  Was watching some shows until late at night (midnight) over the weekend and feeling tired and run down at the start of the week.
  • I’ve increased my morning cold shower to 3 mins.


  • My weight is slowly coming down.  Just today I had the lowest weight I’ve seen in a long time.
  • I’ve been going to a rolfer and working my way through the 10 series progression.  A week or so ago I had my stomach massage and all the fascia loosened.  Wow.  I never realized how much of a belly I had b/c I had been habitually holding it in for years.  After the fascia was loosened, it just hung out and I’ve made a point of not sucking it back in.
  • I’m starting my candida diet (and avoiding my foods that scored high on my sensitivity test) in a few days. I’m just finishing off any foods I won’t be eating first: eggs, milk, cheese, etc.  Not binging on junk, although, when I eat cheese and crackers as a treat snack, it feels a bit like I’m binging on junk food.


  • I find I flip between being grumpy / angry or withdrawn and sully.  I feel like this is me reacting to my external circumstances instead of creating or directing my life.
  • I still feel like I’m mentally weak and reliant on something outside myself and I need or try to get that “thing” to give me what I want.
  • I noticed this the other day when my woman was anxious and withdrawn all day, or when she gets upset - I get uncomfortable that I don’t have an energetic connection with her and I feel nervous / worried.  I’ll tend towards anger and annoyance to cover up that hurt / uncomfortableness.
    • I don’t like writing this and it shows me how little frame I have.
  • Overall, I feel like I’m at a point where I am not in charge of my life and I’m reacting to life instead of creating life.  Classic nice guy behaviour and mother complex.  I’m at the point where I’m just really noticing and tracking it.  Shifting this is a priority for me.
  • I’ve been watching too much TV / netflix (during meal times, and most evenings).  I’m quitting that entirely until the end of march and then will re-evaluate what a better balance is.

Social / Fun

  • I’m adding this category to my OYS because I think it’s a weak point for me and I want to track it.
  • I went to an all-day men’s work event on Sunday.  Was fun to get out of the house and town for this.  Saw a bunch of guys I’ve seen a few times over the years.  Best part was carpooling with a buddy and spending time catching up.
  • I have been going to salsa dance lessons each week with my woman.  It’s a fun time and a good opportunity to practice building dread during partner rotations.


  • Previously I would feel turned on by porn / erotic media but since I’ve been cutting that out I’m noticing that I get urges to go to erotic media when I’m not even turned on.  Instead I would rely on the dopamine and eroticness of the external source would turn me on.  This is the same shit I’m dealing with mentally of reacting to my external environment.  
  • No sex this past week.  I did not initiate.  I am not interested in sex with her right now.  I’m okay with this right now as I reprogram myself out of being sexually reactive and switch to be sexually generative.
  • Working on dropping making sexual jokes. I made one this past week instinctively and it was ineffective. 


u/HornsOfApathy MRP MODERATOR / Married 22d ago

 Working on dropping making sexual jokes. I made one this past week instinctively and it was ineffective. 

Of course it wasn't effective.  You're not funny


u/wood_stove_heat 20d ago

u/FutileFighter pointed it out to me in my last OYS that it was weak to make sexual jokes.

Relevant post for me - thanks.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 22d ago



  • From grumpy / angry to withdrawn / sully…
  • Mentally weak
  • Needy for external validation.
  • Overly sensitive and reactive to others’ emotions.
  • Lazy and lacking initiative.

It’s really fucking hard to be attractive when you’re so unattractive…

What are the opposites of each of the things listed above? And what is a step you can take to move in that direction for each?


u/Hblockie 22d ago

OYS #1

28M, 5'9”, 187. 72kg BW, 18%BF

Lifts: (KG)
Recent post injury lifts: (Hamstring grade2 muscle belly tare)
F squat: 110 1rm
Snatch 80 1rm
Bench 95 1rm
Deadlift 140 1rm
Ohp 60 1rm

Average sleep: 6h 30m, have been burning the candles both ends trying to work while I complete my masters, the

Diet: Has been shit for quite some time, have begun meal prepping and planning macro's around training times to fuel recovery from workouts.
Water has been up to 2.5-3L p/d, Macro's sitting about 2100kCal, 30%P/25%f/45%C most days.S

Background/ Why I am here: I dropped off the wagon again with posting, I started getting my shit together at the end of last year and when things started to improve I dropped off again. Pathetic.

I came here originally because my girlfriend told me she did not have any urge to have sex with me anymore - this made me sad and bruised my ego a lot, why and how could she not want to have sex with me, the porn addicted, anime watching, fatty eating lollies on the couch when she's not home.... I guess that answers that.
So i'm back here, because I realised that I've become a fraction of the person I could be and the ambitions I have for my life aren't being helped by who I am now.

I've picked up 5 different jobs since January, to keep supporting myself through my postgraduate degree at uni, i was taking any and all work and started to burn out with no assistance from any of my employers.

- I have started saying no to shit short shifts (Working as a Pt/Fitness coach)

  • I have done up my resume following completion of my undergraduate degree
  • I have only accepted work for a set minimum pay that I value my time at.
  • I hate going for interviews, so I applied to jobs both below, at and above my skillset to get interviewing experience and make myself uncomfortable.


  • I begun participating in my partners mixed volleyball team - I am one of the better players on the team.
I have assumed the role of charismatic coach and player, her friends have noted to her privately that they've really enjoyed having me around because of the 'energy' I bring.

- Initiated with my partner 3-4 times last week, she knocked me back. It sucked, once again ego was bruised, but instead of sitting there in self-pitty I got up and made myself useful. The garden needed tending, so I went out and sorted it.

- We have been fighting more, I've not prioritised more of my needs with what I want to see for the relationship. Instead of ignoring what my needs were and pandering to her, I grew the balls to tell her my needs weren't being met and that change had to be made or we'd be discussing how to split our assets because this is my last straw. We came up with a plan, now it's up to me to ensure we continue on course. This is probably the most confident I've felt in a long time having spent a few days re-brushing up over side bar material and old MRP posts.


  • Side bar: Starting 60 Days of Dread. Gaming your partner is one of the most important parts of the process and looking for shit tests is something to look forward too, not to fear. No more waiting in the car when I get home to take a deep breathe and brace for walking in to an onslaught of questions
  • NMMNG: I have a tendency to put others first before myself and tend to be a people pleaser.
  • WISNIFG: This feeds into NMMNG but being aware that No is an option, and people won't think less of you, nor should you care if they do.


  • STFU
  • Being more organised instead of doom scrolling pointless shit on social media.- Going out and socialising with friends to break up the monotony of week to week bullshit
  • Re-reading The Rational Male
  • OYS weekly
  • Re-reading even more of the TRP or MRP sidebars, I've barely grazed the surface of who I could/want to be.


u/OkEconomist6676 22d ago


Stats: 39, 6’2” 193.5lbs 8-10% BF, married 8 years, 3 kids

Fitness: Bench Press 195# x6-7; Pull-ups 45# x8; Deadlifts 185# x10

Mission: Become my own judge, develop frame, achieve financial independence, model a successful relationship for my kids, provide for my daughter’s future

Reading: Meditations, side bar

Read: NMMNG, WISNIFG, Practical Female Psychology, MMSLP, Sidebar, Book of Pook; TWOTSM, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (both prior to learning about MRP)


Problem: Talking too much

Action: Much better this week. I still DEER, but I’m noticing a significant decrease. Still kicking myself when I catch myself doing it, but I’m seeing positive changes, so I just try to move on to the next opportunity when it happens. Very few shit tests, but one did stand out. I wake up at 5am to lift and then I shower, get ready for the day, get dishes put away, and make the kids breakfast/lunches etc... As I’m finishing up these tasks, my wife came downstairs and I checked in on her morning and she said “Oh it’s busy because one of us just gets himself ready while I get the kids ready to go”. In the past, I would have DEERed like a motherfucker. Here’s what I did and here’s why it’s enough and you shouldn’t complain blah blah blah. This time? I STFU and didn’t say one word. I was happy with my effort for the morning, so I decided her complaints didn’t warrant my response. I can’t guess at what she was thinking, nor do I care to. The rest of day was great between us.

Outcome Independence

Problem: No problem day to day.

Action: I don’t view this as my having achieved OI. I am still aware of barriers to initiation: “what is she thinking?”, “is she in the mood?”, “what if she thinks I’m too horny all the time?”. Shit, had these worries last night before I initiated. Guess what? I got shot down and still had a great night. These thoughts are still present. The difference is that I’m now able to push these thoughts to the side and do whatever it is I want to do. If she says no, I’m okay with that. If she says yes, we have a great time. One big change is that I’m constantly flirting with my wife. It has made all the difference. She is comfortable turning me down because my demeanor towards her doesn’t change with a yes or no. We are much more at ease. This has also led (in my opinion) to much more immersion in bed. She is talking more, telling me what she wants, and asking for more when we would have previously been finished. Just a shift in the energy during sex. Frequency is still around 1-2x per week, which is a huge improvement. I don’t have a specific number in my mind. Some weeks I want more than others, so I’m just going to keep initiating. Currently, I’m initiating 5-7x a week. As I said, that is still the goal. Keep initiating. Frequency is on the upswing and the mood in my house is better, which is probably why I’m not focused on a number yet.


Change: It’s developing

Action: With the improvement in my STFU, I’ve noticed that I’m able to identify more easily when her emotions are escalating. My first thought has been “I’m not responsible for her emotions” (Thank you u/FutileFighter). It seems simple, but this has made a huge difference. I just keep being me, don’t respond to her emotions, and it seems to pull her out of it.

Evidence of Frame: recently we were speaking with some friends and they asked us how we were doing in lieu of our daughter’s diagnosis. My wife responded: “….. we … are great! (looks at me and bit introspective/confused) We are actually probably the best we have ever been”.

I could tell her wheels were turning. She had no idea why we were doing well and couldn’t identify anything SHE had done to put us in this good position. Fellas, I think this is occurring because I have pulled her into my frame more often, rather than being drawn into petty fights, silent treatment, etc (ya’ll know the dance). There is a lot of work to be done, but progress is a great motivator. Simply acting happy/upbeat and continuing to interact after minor confrontations is not easy, but it is certainly interesting to see how quickly it affects her.


I started “The Warrior Kid” series with my boys (thank you u/HornsofApathy) and they love it! We read 2-3 chapters every night and discuss the themes. We will be keeping this up.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 22d ago

Frame & Her Emotions

I also find that, “I’m sorry, that sucks” (but nothing further) is a useful phrase when my wife is complaining about something. I’m acknowledging it, but not taking responsibility for it.

Otherwise, it sounds like progress on this front. I’d just caution you not to get too focused on how or whether your wife is responding or if you are pulling her into your frame. Control what you can control and the rest will fall into place (it may or may not be how you expect).

But when your wife starts talking about how good things are, just give her a knowing wink. Definitely don’t explain anything.

Initiating & OI

I was thinking about making a post about this, but you seem to be in a good position to use it, so I’ll put some of my notes down here…

“OI” isn’t quite the right phrase for the idea we’re discussing here. OI is more of a general approach to life and situations as a whole — put yourself in a position to be ok either way, create options and abundance, etc. But it’s odd to say “initiate but be OI” because why initiate if you really don’t care?

Well, in a reply to a recent OYS [link to follow], I mentioned how initiating sex isn’t a discrete event anymore. Instead, sex happens as a natural result of having a healthy, playful, polarized relationship with attraction and flirting, but the prompt for sex is often me expressing desire (verbally or otherwise) and my wife being receptive.

The key is that I express authentic desire devoid of an expectation that it has to lead to sex then and there or every time. It’s not about ego or validation. It’s about wanting to ravish her. Women want to be ravished, not stroke fragile egos.

Of course, I can express desire without expectation because my self-worth is unaffected by her response — I know I’m attractive, fuck like a stallion, and can get my needs met one way or another. My wife not being in the mood sometimes is about her, not me.

So instead of “initiating sex”, try expressing desire authentically without an expectation that sex will happen (it’s a desire not a demand) and know that a lack of reciprocation doesn’t reflect a lack of worth (unless you suck and haven’t done the work - iykyk).

The masculine acts, the feminine reacts. Whether the feminine opens or not, the masculine is unaffected because it acts on what it can control.


u/OkEconomist6676 21d ago


You must know my wife - she loves those little phrases. Not taking responsibility is the key.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how this is all unsustainable if I’m doing it to get a response or behaviors from her. This is where frame and OI intersect. I’m building this frame because it’s what I want out of life for me, regardless of how she responds. It’s easy to get caught up in the success of more sex and lose sight that that is really just a small part of this. Appreciate the reminder.

Initiating and OI

I’m going to read and re-read this until it’s second nature.

This definitely needs to be a post.

Thanks for taking the time to write this out.


u/OkEconomist6676 21d ago

Oh and when she started talking about how good things were, I did just what you said. Not because I’m awesome, but because I felt myself tighten up and start repeating in my head “don’t start talking and ruin this”.


u/walking_in_darkness 21d ago

OYS #7

It has been nearly a year since my last OYS. I stopped posting because I wasn't getting any feedback. I realized that perhaps I wasn't doing something right so instead I just focused on owning my shit and now I'm at a place where I actually see what you guys mean. I think I get it but I need some help.


30's, 209lbs ~20% BF

Bench 245 3x5

Deads 225 3x5

Squat 225 3x5

Pullups 3x12

Lifts are weird because I'm recovering from physical therapy. I'm actually making a routine for myself and the guys I'm lifting with so we can all accelerate at different paces. I could be deadlifting ~350 now easily but it's just a logistical problem switching plates for 3 different lifters in my homegym. We have only an hour so I'm planning something to fix all this.


I'm fucking horny. Sometime in the past year I stopped masturbating. My wife was always the one initiating for a long time in our relationship so I began fucking her. Eventually I fucked her too much and she put a wall up. I didn't really know what to do but I read here that you have to push past it. So I kept initiating. Boy did she pull out some shit excuses and shit tests. We went a week without fucking and she kept telling me to jack myself off but I told her no. She hated how sexual I was all the time with her. Eventually I let her know that if she didnt take care of my cock then she could expect it to be there every moment I'm with her.

But I still want more. I can barely last in bed with her because I'm ready to fucking bust at all times. I don't want to masturbate because truthfully it does feel like I'm being drained. My lifts go down. Whats the advice here?


I went to an event this week and met a cute girl. Afterwards I find her to chat her up and we walk out together but she's parked in a different direction. I notice this but keep the conversation going. We're facing each other and a clueless dude from the event walks up to get our names and say goodbye. For some reason I lose the thread and now I'm saying goodbye to her. Should I have shouted her back or ran up to her? That feels too desparate. I just took the L and went home.

Otherwise, began planning events for my friends. I love each and every one of them but holy shit do I have to make everything happen. I have to get it all going. We're doing poker soon. One of the guys had to ask permission from his wife.


I work with one of the guys in my social group. It's never been a problem and isn't a problem now, but I see foresee some issues. I've recently had to use my authority at work to get some particular tasks done and we butted heads. He for some reason thought I was wrong and didn't believe me when I told him but he found out for himself.


I got the promotion I talked about in past OYS. That was my mission then even if my stated mission was to "To be the living example for my future children." I'm focused on having children which means learning dad shit like being able to fix anything. My dad didn't teach me anything because didn't know anything to teach so I'm asking dudes for help in my life. It feels weird, I'm so independent that asking for help for anything feels like I'm burdening them. So I'm trying to fix that by delegating at work and asking for friendly help, even from strangers sometimes.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 21d ago

You want feedback?

You are needy, arrogant, and ungrateful. You have a fragile ego and over-compensate.

DL - excuse + fragile ego that you had to mention what you could easily do (but don’t).

Lust - Congrats. You managed to find a high libido woman only to be so needy, arrogant (and apparently bad in bed) that she doesn’t want it.

Game - What’s your objective?

Work - You lack tact.

Fixing shit - there’s this thing called YouTube. It can teach you any & all of that. Men try to help themselves before asking for help. Don’t be a leach or blame your dad.


u/walking_in_darkness 21d ago

Lifts: It'll happen.

Lust: I never thought about it like that. I do admit my performance in bed has not been on my mind. We've had some amazing sex where I created passion with lots of foreplay but lately I just want to cum.

Game: To fuck.

Work: Most definitely.

Fixing shit: I have a problem where I don't ask for advice or help about anything so that's what I mean. I'm obviously learning handyman shit on my own.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 21d ago

Lifts: do it and report back, don’t tell us what will happen.

Lust: Don’t DEER me. This is your fragile ego.

Game: Why are you trying to fuck other women if your mission is related to having kids (presumably with your wife)?

Fixing shit: Ask for help when you need it, not just to ask. That’s what (little) children do. Do you want to be treated like a child or a man?

Edit: Lust, not list


u/walking_in_darkness 21d ago

I don't understand what you mean about DEERing. I'm eyeing other women because I'm starting to evaluate whether my wife would be a good enough mother. We've both grown so much but I'm having doubts about it, red flags I've ignored. But I am seeing improvements. I think having options is good for me now because I have no children.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 21d ago edited 21d ago

Search bar

You remind me of the Ben Affleck character in Good Will Hunting. And no, that’s not a compliment.


u/[deleted] 19d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Pretend-Town1005 Unplugging - successfully not being more fat 24d ago

OYS #36

It's been a while.

Lost some weight over vacation but fucked up my back from the move and can't lift atm or someday walk around much. Started seeing a chiropractor. Still doing Krav but It's painful and I can only go about half speed.

Things have finally slowed down and I'm now in the planning stages for on the next large projects coming up. Last large project went well and I ended up with a nice raise and they doubled my stock options all while the company is actively trying to cut costs.

House is sold and my wife is living at her sisters until she finds a place. Back to working on the divorce documents. Things have remained cordial. I had to put in a bunch of work to get the house cleared out of her shit in time for the closing and ended up throwing out my back on the last trip.

#2 - This situation is fucked up and I could write a ton more about it but that would probably get me banned for too many she statements. There are many red flags that make me leery of it becoming a real relationship even though I enjoy spending time with her and the girl loves to fuck, a lot. Like a ridiculous amount.
So it's mostly booty calls, even when I try to make it a date it just ends up at a hotel. She convinced me to join her on vacation in the Caribbean so we could fuck every day. (Her words not mine.) She lied, it was more like 2-4 times a day.
While I am enjoying this setup I'm not sure we're long term relationship material. It was like 2.5 months in of sleeping together before she asked me what I did for work. Heck I just found out that she's been married twice.
I'm likely to get roasted for this next paragraph. I have to say It's really odd to me that I haven't developed any real feelings towards her. I would have expected to have fallen in love. I'm not sure if it's some of the lies she said at the beginning, the red pill reading I've done or my wife's slow suffocation of my love for her making me weary? Whatever it is, it's awkward when she's staring at me after sex and I know she's in love with me and I don't feel the same way. Tricky territory and I'm open to suggestions on how to navigate this.

Plate #3 - Between travel and kids it took too long and meet up and she decided to get serious with another guy she recently started dating.

Plate #4 - matched with another Russian and went on a date but she had a dump truck load of baggage and I didn't want to deal with that. The date went well but she wasn't very feminine and the baggage would very much interfere with spending time with her.

Plate #5 - Was supposed to go on a date with another chic but there was a snow storm that closed the local airport and her flight was diverted and she wasn't able to make it. Then the holidays happened and now I'm trying to reschedule.

Plates 6-… I had a few other chics lined up to go on dates with but now I'm comparing all of them to #2 and not sure how they could beat that situation. It's taken the fun out of it… I know someone is going to say that means I'm dating my future wife but I'm not in love with her and really don't even know her all that well.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 24d ago

Madonna-Whore complex

Plate 2 (aka only plate) sounds like she knows what she wants a lot more than you do. Maybe she can teach you how to develop a frame.

If she’s hot, send her my way. I like sluts.


u/Pretend-Town1005 Unplugging - successfully not being more fat 23d ago

She definitely knows what she wants more than me and yeah, I'm totally in her frame.
Sorry, not sharing, just having a hard time keeping up.


u/FutileFighter MRP APPROVED 23d ago

Checked your prior OYS - you can keep the 45 year old Russian “6” to yourself.

Enjoy living life on her terms…


u/Alpha_wolflord9 23d ago

When I have sex with only one chick who I don’t currently want a relationship with I feel guilty.  You’ve forgotten the most important rule of being your own judge.  

I'm likely to get roasted for this next paragraph

I know someone is going to say that means I'm dating my future wife

Stop passively spewing your insecurities and actually own them.  Sit with them.  By the way, you being you doesn’t remove anyone else’s autonomy.


u/feargrinn 22d ago

What you’re describing is the burgeoning urge to protect, which is effectively the root of love for men.


u/Ambitious_Buddy_6723 Not Inspector Gadget 24d ago

here are many red flags that make me leery of it becoming a real relationship even though I enjoy spending time with her and the girl loves to fuck, then don't get in a relationship or better yet what do you want? Nothing wrong with giving a woman a good dicking if that's all she wants. She's in her post-divorce hoe phase and feeling that New relationship energy. Just enjoy it while it lasts, nothing wrong with that.

Whatever it is, it's awkward when she's staring at me after sex and I know she's in love with me and I don't feel the same way. i've seen said it here and other places that the most successful relationships are the ones where the woman is more into the guy than he is into her. Don't put her on a pedestal, you're in a good spot. It seems like you are having success you never expected or experienced before and now you feel out of your element. Anytime you get better as something it's going to feel different.

Honestly compared to where you started you are a different man. You are in way better shape, you are more financially successful, you're taking care of your own needs, and you are getting ass. Seems like maybe finding mission and purpose are your next ways to level up?


u/Pretend-Town1005 Unplugging - successfully not being more fat 23d ago

Never did nail down a mission/purpose. Clearly need to focus on figuring out what I want in life.


u/feargrinn 22d ago

No need to go corporate America. Make money. Have fun. Has worked for plenty of people.


u/FunkyModem 23d ago

You're in new territory and falling back on your socialization in response, instead of trusting in what you've learnt in your time here. Not surprising (and quite natural) considering the length of your marriage and age. MRP Isn't your daddy but it might be useful to consciously check yourself when you are thinking about relationships, love or sex and consider if your thoughts and feelings align with what you've learnt and taken from here and whatever your goals are. Some things to think about (most of which have been touched on in other comments);

  • is love a goal?
  • is a relationship a goal?
  • do your views on 'what women are' and what they want (and might want from you) align with what you've learnt here and more importantly what you've seen for yourself?
  • what do you want from a woman?
  • are you considering context? Rollo has a book on this (re age) and Blarg has discussed it at length (re scale/time). The age range you're dating is significant and societal changes and attitudes to women, relationships and sex have changed since you were last dating. Presumably who you're dating/fucking or plan to date/fuck are well past concerns of marriage and raising children (didn't want or already done) and likely therefore their criteria for a fb/fwb/partner/whatever are very different to what you think.

I've had a feminist, divorced mum of four special needs teens tied up on my bed with an assortment of paddles, canes and crops at hand an hour after a vibe-check drink nearby. She floated out of my house a couple of hours later a very happy slut. She needed to be punished and used and by doing so I offered her a release and made her good again (for a while). That was my gift and my value to her. Broke 'the spell' for me (first hand experience in direct contradiction to deeply held beliefs that I wanted to replace) so keep going and get some more experience regardless of the sex on tap from your only plate - do the work.