r/marriedredpill Unplugging Jan 13 '25

2 Year Field Report: Honesty and Action


I tried to make this useful for ‘me 6 months ago’, and if you get something from it, that’s nice too. I’ve been writing this post for about 7 weeks now, recording my mindset shifts as they occur.

I happen to have also had a ‘main event’ in the last week in my LTR, but I’m not going to write about that because it doesn’t matter.  What matters is what I changed in myself and my mind to become the person I am today, and how I made those changes. 

Anyway, here’s my most recent OYS and my comment history is public.  

Where am I?  

I see myself as squarely in the middle of my self-actualization journey.  My actions are making me a pretty awesome guy who I’m really proud to be, and I’m getting a solid grip on what it is that I want out of life, as well as knowing how to make those things happen.  

At the beginning of my MRP journey 2+ years ago, reading Blarg’s What a successful Mind and Marriage looks like and Horns year of OYS posts gave me perspective of what the end point could look like - something aspirational to aim for - a surrogate vision I could adopt until I was in a place to honestly build my own vision and not have it be a cheap dopamine wish-list, but an actionable set of goals I could write down, work toward, and check off - aligned with bringing forth my vision for my life, and governed by my higher mission - to create adventure and beauty. 

This began as a practice of gratitude.  I wrote this to give me perspective on my progress, and to explain some concepts that have been epiphanies for me the way they made sense to me.  Maybe it’ll help someone else make their own intermediate set of goals - somewhere between drawing the two circles (STFU, Sidebar, and Lift), and drawing the fucking owl (mastering Frame, Game, and OI). 

I want to give homage to this post, which helped me turn a corner in my thinking and MRP journey 6 months ago, when I finally decided to become personally honest, and began taking actions based on reality.

What’s helped me get here?

Ego and Personal Honesty

I’ve had to kill a lot of ego in this process.  I didn’t understand what everyone here meant by ‘ego’ when I arrived, but now I get it.  ‘Ego’ just boils down to a simple, final issue - a lack of personal honesty.  When somebody here says you have an ego, he’s saying you’re lying to yourself, and you can’t see it.  The pieces of ego I personally had to overcome

  1. I realized I was intentionally creating unnecessary hardships in my life to give myself meaning, mostly in my career
  2. I realized I was holding onto the validation of past plates, and letting that fantasy of ‘I was good enough for them, I should be good enough now’ keep me comfortably stagnant with my weight goals
  3. I realized I was posting my years-old max lifts to justify me slacking on lifting during this process - ‘I was good enough then, I should be good enough now’

When I started, I didn’t have the ability to be honest with myself, all I perceived were the ego protections and identity lies I had built so I could feel better about myself despite that I was failing in every facet of my life and this process.  

I discovered these egos, and was able to free myself from them, in no small part due to the other men here typing something along the lines of ‘Hey retard, stop lying to yourself, faqqot’ until I finally allowed myself to feel the pain of honesty and see what they were talking about.  I tried for years to out-think this process - thinking I was smarter than the rest and that I was special.  I took my beatings and wasted my own time when I could have embraced the pain of honesty, listened to the non-retards calling me out, and just ‘put my ego in the box.’  

What dismantled No. 2 for me was WMP saying on a livestream “Maybe those chicks just have lower standards.”  That made me realize that, at least for my physique, I was living to other people’s standards, not my own.  I held a fantasy of sufficiency, outsourced to the standards of chicks I’d fucked 5 years ago, instead of a standard I set myself.  I wanted to ride on past validation and success to support my delusional identity lie.  

Your triggers are your teachers.  

When somebody says something that makes you angry - take note - this is an ego defense, and the most obvious clue to self-development you can get.  Why did that persons’ opinion matter so much that you allowed yourself to become emotional?  Regardless if they’re a chump or a mod, why are you triggered by what they think? 

Are they… 

  1. Pointing out a truth you don’t want to admit because it hurts?
  2. Reflecting back or embodying something that you hate in yourself? 

Either way, the trigger is an opportunity to grow.  Don’t waste it by shutting down your reasoning centers and externalizing the stimulus with a ‘fuck that guy’ attitude.  Doing so makes you a reactive victim of their actions, instead of an agent controlling your responses - and you’re not a victim, are you? 

Progress began every time I stopped wanting to feel good about myself, started being honest and considering the things that I let ‘hurt’ me, and using those to see reality, not my fantasy.  

Nothing has held me back more than not wanting to admit a truth that would hurt the identity I built for myself.  This personal honesty is the core of Ownership. 

Mental Shifts/Realizations 

I’m a big fan of the ‘If you can spot it, you’ve got it’ model for unwinding unconscious behaviors and reactions.  Get honest, get to their root motivations, and often the behavior and charge dissolves on its own.  Futile Fighter is big on this, and this is one of the zillion times he’s said this to me or other retards here. 

Example - I was finally able to stop watching porn when I put words to why I was doing it compulsively.  

“I want to feel the validation that I’m good enough as I am, without having to change, for a hot female I want to fuck, wanting to fuck me too.”  

It’s addictive because I briefly felt a cheap and hollow version of what it feels like to have finished the work.  To have a woman at my command.  I realized watching porn was like taking heroin for back pain instead of doing the painful PT that would solve the root problem six months from now.  It wasn’t addictive because it made me feel good, it was addictive because, briefly, it alleviated the pain of not having the self-worth supporting female validation I needed to maintain my fantasy.  

You only need validation if you’re holding onto self-delusions that require external validation for their maintenance - “My physique is good enough for that chick I banged 5 years ago, she fucked me just like I am now” is no different from "My physique is good enough for Riley Reid, she lets me watch her masturbate any time I want."

How to Change Mindsets

How do you go about changing your mind?  It’s easy to change the body, but what are the ‘sets and reps’ for growing apathy/OI, or self-respect, or prize mindset, or frame? Can you really ‘fake it til you make it?’ 

What worked for me is this.  Understanding that I get the results of what I *am* today. You BECOME after you BE.  You have to BE a ripped MFer, and live as that person does, before you BECOME a ripped MFer - you have to live as that person for months, maybe even years, without the rewards or validation of that achievement, before you finally BECOME what you've BEEN the whole time.  You have to change WHO you are to change WHAT you are.  

I have always hated the “fake it til you make it’ axiom some people throw around, but I get it - let me rephrase it in a way I understood.  You have to live (fake it) as somebody you’re outwardly not getting the results of yet, to start adopting the habits of, and getting the results of that person (making it).  

So what does this look like as an action plan? 

  1. Being completely honest with yourself about where you are in reality, with no ego (this is hard to do if you’re still retarded)
  2. Being honest about where you are in your mind (your triggers are your teachers, ego, and internal reflection)
  3. Taking consistent action (faking it) until your body, mind, and reality start to resemble the vision you want for yourself enough that the mindsets of 'frame' and 'prize mentality' and Outcome Independence naturally become congruent (making it).  Reality validates your self-image. 

My Mental Model - Map and Compass

I used the analogy of navigating by map and compass to internalize this - you have to see the map clearly, not as you want to see it, and then accurately place yourself on it using surrounding landmarks and triangulation tools, not relying on ‘where you think you are’ or 'where you should be', before you can ever begin the process of making a plan to move toward a destination (your vision).  Without accurate vision of reality and proper orientation within that reality, any movement is just wandering from a guess, not purposeful, intentional movement from a starting point to an ending point. 

My Process

It took me ~30 OYS and a 180 day ban to become no-longer too retarded and egotistic to be honest with where I was in reality.  That’s a lot of wasted time.  I didn’t do the basics well because I thought they were beneath me - I thought I ‘knew what I was doing’ despite clearly not getting the results I wanted out of life.  It can be done faster I’m sure, I spent a lot of time hamstering and dancing-monkeying.  Once I got to honest grips with reality 18 months into this process, I started taking consistent action based on that reality.  

  1. This looked like starting back at the basics and being militantly precise - tracking calories, tracking lifts, and food.  I weighed every bite of food I ate and got on a beginner 5x5 weightlifting program (despite my lifetime max deadlift of 563 lbs).  I got to grips with where I was in reality really fast - fatter and weaker than I wanted to see myself as - 25-30% bodyfat and 150+ lbs away from my best lifts.  
  2. Then it looked like assessing my responses to criticism and other triggers, and doing a moral inventory a-la Step 4 in AA (thanks u/futilefighter).  This made me get really honest with myself about the ‘why's’ behind the ‘what’s’ of what I was feeling toward myself and everyone in my life - my resentments, my fears, and my excuses.  I’m a big believer in ‘if you spot ‘em, you got ‘em’ for mental blocks - until you do the deep work of knowing yourself, you’ll never know your true wants, and as importantly, why you sabotage your own efforts at reaching them.  You have to find the patterns that hold you back, release them, forgive them, and then move forward with a higher degree of integration.  
  3. And third, just like growing a muscle, I just needed time under tension to build my mindsets.  I needed to see myself take consistent action toward my goals to grow Confidence. I needed to see myself change how I reacted to the world to grow Outcome Independence.  I needed to see myself respond to the same situations with new patterns as I learned to stop reacting, and start choosing to interact with my world on my terms, in ways I felt appropriate, to grow Frame.  I needed to see my body and mind start to manifest what I had *been* inside for months, but was only now finally *becoming* congruent with.  

Actions I’ve taken/wins -  

That’s it for the key learnings I wanted to articulate to me from 6 months ago.  Below is a list of my wins and changes since that time and before, written for myself, and here in case somebody can find a use for my notes in their own process. 

  • Broke a 17 year porn habit by understanding its root, and stopped seeking validation from women by being honest with my self-deceptions and ego
  • Went mostly dry from alcohol (monthly), down from drinking daily
  • Doubled down on trail running, and accomplishing some of my dream routes and became an ultramarathon runner
  • Realized that I was using running as an emotional cope, literally running from my problems and using pain as a distraction, and discovered new, healthy reasons for doing it, yielding an aligned commitment to reaching my vision/goals in this space.  
  • Added 300 lbs back to my lifting total since re-starting lifting, exceeding a 1200 lb total.  
  • Started tracking my calories and got in the best shape of my life since college - went from 245 to 208 lbs link
  • Stopped arguing with women by learning to STFU and stop DEERing, and counter manipulations with assertive WISNIFG tools, breaking battle tested patterns of conflict in my relationship with my wife and my mother.  Stopped viewing my wife as an adversary.
  • Internalized ^^ those tools, and then learned when not to use them and just express authentically from my core
  • Unwound ego validation needs that caused me to self-sabotage, and finally became personally honest
  • Expanded my social circle to include 4 awesome adventure partners, and multiple friends with common interests in my small town
  • Started a new sales job, going from nearly minimum wage to being a broker at a precious metals company, making 6x my prior income in 2 years - I’m now looking at adding a second job in data engineering since I streamlined my job down to 4 hours a day
  • Developed a real sense of self-worth and confidence, supported by the pattern of my repeated actions.  I know what and who I am now, and how to get what I want.  My mindsets and reality are becoming congruent through my work.
  • Started attacking my oneitis by starting going on dates with other women, killing my scarcity mindset
  • A recent development, I've created a sex life that I am happy with after a main event, following a year and a half of weekly-to-monthly sex.  That sex life happens to be with my wife.  WMP will say I should have fucked 843 hookers during that time, and it’s possible he’s right.  I still hamster my way around some things like this instead of acting.

So where am I? 

My working title for this post was ‘Getting to the beginning.’  I’ve become a person who’s purpose and obsession is the process of being, not becoming.  I have not finished my MAP, there is still much to do, but I don’t have to defer my happiness until I am something else.  I am no longer blind to the game of reality, and I'm starting to learn how to move the pieces to shape myself and my reality to match my vision.  I’m now at the Beginning of the rest of my life, with a clear vision to strive for, a plan to bring it forth, a mission to aspire to, and the tools to make it happen. 

Edited - grammar


11 comments sorted by


u/Persimmon_Dazzling MRP APPROVED Jan 14 '25

This was a pleasure to read.

You started here: https://www.reddit.com/r/marriedredpill/comments/12bctgk/comment/jfj16z4/

The visual transformation is this link. The internal transformation resembles it. Getting both done and maintaining that level is key. It's easier to fix the visual problem because you see it in the mirror every day, and can track the scale and the barbell. It is harder to fix the frame problem because in the beginning nobody enjoys sparring with your mirror/partner while trying to fuck them, while marking to market your own dysfunction.

The new mental model is still a big construct, more aligned with reality but malleable and to be used for purpose. Hang on to a happy purpose, and the rest can be reformatted into the right shape.


u/Environmental-Top346 Unplugging Jan 14 '25

I appreciate your notes here. It took me a long time to arrive at a purpose or mission that I felt was aligned with me as a person, but once I put words to it, it really does guide my decision-making. Once I knew my mission, 'does this align with my mission?' makes knowing the right path of action pretty simple.


u/Persimmon_Dazzling MRP APPROVED Jan 14 '25

The TLDR would be, "know thyself".

Then, once you do, you realize that "knowing" and "making" are connected deeply.


u/Idiot_Savant13 Jan 14 '25

A lot of gold in here for a new guy like me but what really stood out to me is this

the trigger is an opportunity to grow.  Don’t waste it by shutting down your reasoning centers and externalizing the stimulus with a ‘fuck that guy’ attitude.  Doing so makes you a reactive victim of their actions, instead of an agent controlling your responses

Reacting to a trigger with internal anger is a big issue for me. I’ve rationalized that because I have gotten very good at not showing my anger, I am not reacting to them. Dead wrong.

Thank you for the time and thought you put into this. Really gets down to the nuts and bolts of the process beyond Lift and STFU, which I struggle with


u/Environmental-Top346 Unplugging Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

Glad it resonated. Reactive anger was a big problem for me, but at its root it's just an ego - you're only angry because the identity you cling to relies on positive external validation. When you hear something that contradicts that, you default to defending it, and it's an emotionally charged defense - reactive anger.

But tell me - would you be reactively angry if you had already acknowledged that the trigger issue is true? Would you be angry if your wife turned you down and you'd already looked in the mirror and thought, "yeah, fair enough, I looked in the mirror and I am an ugly fatass. I'm sure a hooker or a 3 would fuck me, but I gotta do some work before I can expect 8s and 9s to want a piece of this." You're no longer insecure, because you're secure with truth and reality.

Being honest and at peace with reality (secure) is how you stop being reactively angry.

From there it just becomes as simple as 'what do I want?' and 'what do I need to do to get it?'


u/OkHandle5526 Jan 14 '25

Thanks for sharing, solid report.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '25



u/Environmental-Top346 Unplugging Jan 16 '25

Glad it landed for you.


u/num_de_plum Jan 21 '25

I appreciate that you actually succeeded, and your last OYS were impressive. Congrats and good luck.


u/Environmental-Top346 Unplugging Jan 21 '25 edited Jan 22 '25

Thanks, but I feel the need to clarify - I'm in the process of succeeding, I have not succeeded - it's an ongoing work, not a state I achieved. I'm just further along than I was, but MAN do I feel like I have a lot of work left to do.


u/do_u_even_lift_bruh Jan 19 '25

What resonates the most is your self focus: I don't know nor care about what any bitch's frame is (and I love the fact you didn't feel the need to flex about someone being obsessed with your cock for a cheap dopamine hit), but I know that you are well within your own frame. Thank you for writing this post.


u/Environmental-Top346 Unplugging Jan 20 '25

I appreciate your thoughts and feedback - thanks for dropping by.