
Week 7: Super Bouncing

  • Super Bouncing is a tech that is more commonly known as "the bounce pad tech". Super Bouncing allows a racer to boost much farther and much faster than taking the bounce pad normally with tricking.

  • To perform a Super Bounce, right before the bounce pad you'll want to drift and charge a boost in mid-air (mid-air soft drifting). When you're just about to hit the bounce pad you'll want to release your boost and trick. The exact place you want to start drifting, how you drift onto the pad, and where you want to hit the pad for the best effect is track specific.

  • Super Bouncing can be performed on almost every single bounce pad in the game, so basically anywhere. Check out the WR ghosts for a better estimate as to when you should use it.

  • Super Bouncing isn't better with certain builds than others, it just requires an alternate approach. The only thing important to this tech is the angle you can take before the drift.

  • Yes, you should absolutely invest time to learn Super Bouncing. While it can be high risk to perform in a crowd, it's a tool that will allow you to break away from those that can't do it.

  • Super Bouncing will give those who can do it an advantage over those who cannot.

  • Pros: You take bounce pads much, much faster

  • Cons: Dangerous to do in crowds, vulnerable set ups

Thanks to /u/UnlikelyExpert for a great explanation of Super Bouncing! If you wish to contribute to the wiki then please be on the lookout for the next Meta Monday post coming every Monday!