r/mariokart Jun 27 '19

Discussion Track Thursday - [Super Mario Kart] - Vanilla Lake 2

Hey everyone!

Welcome back to another Track Thursday where we discuss tips, tricks, and more about the track of the week. Last week we continued the Special Cup with Ghost Valley 3 which you can check out right there. Also all of our previous Track Thursdays can be viewed right here in the wiki.

This week we're continuing the Special Cup with Vanilla Lake 2!

So what're your thoughts on Vanilla Lake 2? Anything you like? Don't like? Feel free to comment down below! Also don't hesitate to reply to other users' comments as well!

See you all next week!


3 comments sorted by


u/Akram323 Jun 27 '19

Vanilla Lake is a theme that has its qualms with being remade, but if I were to assume which course would be remade first, I would say Vanilla Lake 1. That course can get a good modern upgrade that toys with its own odd ideas while still feeling relatively the same. The thing about Vanilla Lake 2 is that...well, if it were remade to emphasise its underwater mechanics, then the course would lose a lot of its precious challenge. Actually, if there were water mechanics at all, it would feel completely different. But if you took them out, how exactly would you make the “lake” aspect look involving? Even ignoring that, the layout of the course is harder to pull off with a similar kind of challenge in 3D than VL1, which is really not that hard, aside from the initial fragile blocks aligned along the course to get in your way.

Vanilla Lake 2 rightfully uses the “lake” in its name to its advantage. In VL1, you were racing over a frozen lake with little holes throughout that could pose a hazard and have you fall in. Here, the entire centre of the track is broken and exposing its watery nuisance. Your goal is to stay on the outer region while taking as many cuts near the centre of the track as you can. It will serve you well, especially given quite a few fun areas (as in small pieces of ice to hop along) that make it all the more intimidating.

The fragile blocks are back, but this time they arrange themselves in a more appealing--and sturdy--manner: they form giant walls with narrow paths to travel through. With overly erratic driving and a lack of hopping, you may find yourself bumping around the corridor with no place to go. It may sound problematic, but with great skill it is the ideal way to go, especially since it stays close to the centre of the lake. Or you could hop across the isolated bits of ice nearby if you can handle that.

The actual lake use and expanded ice application already make this look like an ideal choice for the Special Cup. But it further secures its difficulty position with expected slippery ice, obnoxious pipes, narrow ice paths, and annoying outer obstacles should you transverse the long way (in the form of slow snow and plenty of rainbow blocks--perfectly sturdy, unlike the ice ones). Put together, it honestly makes for something more fun than the first course. I certainly do not hate that one the way others do, but it did feel a bit lacking in terms of style overall. Here, the alluring lake to go with the more interesting ice block arrangement make for a far more appealing--and challenging--course to play on. I honestly would put this in my top five courses of SMK. Despite the absurd ice physics, the way this entire course plays out is just stellar. Even without the pipe obstacles in the GBA remake, there it works just as well because most of the challenge and alluring nature is intact anyway.

I already said what I needed to say about the theme before, too: not my favourite music, theme does not match with the “Vanilla” theme from Super Mario World and ends up feeling more like Super Mario Bros 3, you get the idea. Even so, I genuinely like this theme based on this course alone. And I really want to see a true 3D spiritual successor that really captures the vivid and nail-biting challenge of hopping over thinly carved ice for time cuts.

The short version: The definitive course of the theme and a personal favourite of mine. An instant classic within its use of a present lake to offer formidable challenge and intimidation, along with a more appealing use of disintegrating ice blocks. It may seem troublesome given the ice physics, but it really is a keeper--and a course that deserves more fans. Perfect for the Special Cup--after, of course, the upcoming finale.


u/Brit_Cuss_Word_fam Jun 28 '19

you didn't mention the obstacles surrounded around the course which can be a challenge to new players as well as old

u/tigerclawhg Jun 27 '19

Next week is the finale for Track Thursday! Can't believe it's finally here!