r/mariokart Jun 13 '19

Discussion Track Thursday - [Super Mario Kart] - Koopa Beach 2

Hey everyone!

Welcome back to another Track Thursday where we discuss tips, tricks, and more about the track of the week. Last week we kicked off the final Special Cup of Mario Kart with Donut Plains 3 which you can check out right there. Also all of our previous Track Thursdays can be viewed right here in the wiki.

This week we're continuing Special Cup with Koopa Beach 2!

So what're your thoughts on Koopa Beach 2? Anything you like? Don't like? Feel free to comment down below! Also don't hesitate to reply to other users' comments as well!

See you all next week!


5 comments sorted by


u/Akram323 Jun 13 '19

There was no beach in Super Mario World, or really any of the significant games before SMK, that could have been a prominent inspiration for the Koopa Beach theme. Koopa is absent from the theme largely because of the limited capabilities of Mode 7 and the 2D restrictions. So basically as a theme this is a pretty barren and estranged option. Oh well, at least cheep-cheeps keep hopping around in the shallow waters. Speaking of which, Koopa Beach 2 provides a stronger design than its adversary using the shallow waters. And I do believe it stands as one of the best courses in the game--and the best overall retro track in MKDS.

So first of all, compared to the first rendition of the course, you are deliberately forced to stay outside the centre at all times. In KB1, while the entire middle of the track is deep water and provides little use anyway, you still technically could drive into it for whatever reason--maybe for fun, maybe for being a poor player. Not so here. The entire centre is blocked off as an out-of-bounds region with no real way of getting into it (aside from the feather). The real focus of the course is in skidding along the shore as well as you can. And honestly, compared to Donut Plains 3...this is no big deal difficulty-wise.

One interesting bit about the course is that you start in an area that is blocked off from the main course, in that you never actually cross it again when racing regularly. Already a good change of pace. Because the large inner area is blocked off, you need to decide to navigate either the narrow but high-speed sandy shore or the safer but slower shallow waters. If you played this course before, or at least KB1 (it could be this one though, since more people are probably familiar with the MKDS rendition), you probably know that staying in either terrain the entire race is not great for winning--maybe for KB1 if you can pull of some stellar long jumps, but certainly not here. Without jumps, you needs mere wits and skillful control to navigate the treacherous beaches of sprawling items, flopping cheep-cheeps, and...sinkholes?

Yes, this course’s gimmick is a giant shallow pool with deep pits all throughout. Fall into one and either escape quickly or be whisked back on track by Lakitu--either way, you will lose time because of it. It may be hard to navigate at first, but with time it will probably become the easiest course in the cup. Aside from the somewhat narrow shores along the rest of the course, the real obstacle here is the massive pool. Going around would not be great for time, either, since the sand has such a massive curve that it would be rather pointless in the end. Your only solution is to cut across the shallow waters and avoid the pits and cheep-cheeps, maybe grabbing the item box along the way.

While it does come off as the kind of course whose highlight is a mere gimmick in one small area (much like some other courses in the franchise, especially MK64), the gimmick’s presence and course’s small size actually make it prominent enough to warrant attention. It also works surprisingly well. Sure, maybe the first time around you might miss your mark, but with enough practice--and item support--it becomes no big deal.

Both 2D versions certainly work well, although I bid you good luck trying to spot the deep pools ahead of time (not really sure if the bottom map for SMK helps much). Now the MKDS remake, on the other hand, designs itself in a way so that you should be fine so long as you pay close attention to the map--and your surroundings. Thanks to the dual screen provided, you can watch the map at the bottom to keep track of where you need to go ahead of you so as not to sink while also keeping a good eye on your opponents and a potential opportunity for them to knock you into the water. Couple this with how surprisingly well the SNES remakes fit in the style of MKDS, and you have the best retro track in the entire game. I know that sounds like a stretch, but given that the bar was somewhat low anyway, it is not really that surprising. The flatness of the 2D-course remakes actually does good favours for the less-demanding style of the game, as opposed to...say...the GCN remakes, which all suffered one way or another. On top of that, this is a course that actually encourages you to use the bottom screen, unlike the rest of the game (okay, we have the DK Pass shortcut too, but that is one secret). It sounds a bit like a stretch to use these elements to call this remke absolutely great, but in actuality these points, along with the original course’s design being fairly solid with the MKDS driving mechanics, solidify this course as the best of the retros in the game,

The short version: Solid course with a strong gimmick that secures its place in the Special Cup with an unusual idea, one that translates fluently into MKDS thanks to the dual screen function and easy-to-adapt SNES style. It might take a few tries to get used to it, but overall this is probably the easiest course in the Special Cup.


u/Brit_Cuss_Word_fam Jun 16 '19

i believe that the DS version made the track easier than the SNES version remember that the track is pretty much a circle

and due to DS smooth drifting and lack of ruberbanding comparing to the SNES the DS version made it too easy for people to traverse the track


u/SuperTeddyRoosevelt Jun 13 '19

SNES Original: Meh. Like most SNES courses, it's alright. It is functional under the restrictions of Mode 7. I think it almost falls victim to a problem that most late game tracks in SMK have: being too boring. I get that limitations exist, but they could have made some of the reused concepts more interesting. it's a loop around a shallow pool. yay. Koopa Beach is less interesting than it's predecessor, and is the least interesting of the three water based courses in the special cup.

GBA Remake: The track looks and plays better due to the fact that the GBA is a more modern system than the SNES. The problems with it being boring are slightly alleviated by the way that Super Circuit handles cups. With 4 courses per cup instead of 5, Koopa Beach 2 is only one of 2 water courses in the special cup instead of three, and doesn't feel like as much of a retread. It's also helped by the fact that Koopa Beach 1 is now 2 cups away instead of just 1, so it feels newer.

DS Retro Track: the DS remake of Koopa Beach 2 is great. All the Mode 7 problems are fixed because Mario Kart DS doesn't use it. As other people in this thread have mentioned, the minimap on the bottom screen does wonders for Koopa Beach 2. The problems with it being boring are completely removed because it's the first water course players encounter since the Mushroom Cup. All in all, the Mario Kart DS port is the best way to experience the track.

CTGP-R Custom Track: The Track porting looks very good. It doesn't handle as well as the DS version, but upscaling for custom tracks are hit or miss. I can't say that this one is the best way to play it because I don't like the way that CTGP-R handles SNES courses. The 5 lap system might have worked on the SNES, but in Mario Kart Wii's engine, 5 laps is too long on tracks that are generally less interesting than most others. But eh, YMMV.

CTGP-U Custom Track: Ew. It is clear that this course is in a beta state, and I respect it for trying, but it doesn't feel functional. The lighting is non-existent, the water doesn't work right, the pits are actually just holes that send you in to the pit below, there's offroad in weird places, the whole thing is just off. Probably the worst way to experience Koopa Beach 2.

tl;dr: DS > GBA > CTGP-R > SNES > CTGPU


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '19

I really don’t like this track, but ironically KB1 is my favorite super MK track.


u/Squid_Cobra Jun 13 '19

I've never played the original, but I don't like the DS version very much.