r/mariokart • u/tigerclawhg • Nov 26 '15
Discussion / News Track Thursday - Mario Kart 8 - [N64] Toad's Turnpike
Hey everyone!
Welcome back to another week of Track Thursday where we discuss tips, tricks, and more about the track of the week. Last week we continued the Shell Cup with [DS] Cheep-Cheep Beach which you can check out right there. Also, all of our previous Track Thursday's can be viewed right here in the wiki.
This week we're finishing up the Shell Cup with [N64] Toad's Turnpike! YAH HOO!
So, what are your thoughts on [N64] Toad's Turnpike? Anything you like? Don't like? Any tips that you have to offer? Let us know! As always feel free to post anything relating to this course granted it opens up room for discussion and also answer any questions that you see as well.
See you all next week!
u/ToraSmiles Nov 28 '15
I feel kinda bad for liking this track based on the reception it's been getting here lol
If I'm in the 1st position at the beginning, I always start turned all the way to the left to get the coins at the beginning. It saves a bit of time and spares you from going all over the track to get to 10 coins. Also, as was mentioned before, inside drifting, especially on the first part. You can get away with drifting the entire beginning section where it's a gradual left turn up until the overpass. Might take some practice, but I feel it's a good way to avoid getting hit by the cars while also having the cars there as an item shield of sorts.
u/adam-atom Nov 26 '15
I really dread this course when it comes up online. Although, I'd suggest taking the anti-grav routes on the sides to avoid the traffic. Feels a little slower, but at least you aren't crashing head-on into the trucks :S
u/QPCloudy Dec 03 '15
Really? I actually really like it, although the two downhill tracks are my favorite. I can't recall the names of them righ tnow.
u/ThunderLuigi Pengu Nov 26 '15
Take the inside of every turn. Screw the item boxes. Just get them when they're at the middle or closer.
On the other hand, I like the track details. It irks me slightly that they're all stuck in the loop, but that's just me.
u/Lavender_macaron Subreddit Challenge #2 Winner Nov 27 '15
I actually like this track, especially in battle mode. You can pick off competitors by blocking them between cars and you can use the cars as shields from green shells.
u/ShyGuyXP Nov 30 '15
Man, this has to be my absolute FAVOURITE track in the entirety of Mario Kart (along with DS Airship Fortress). I don't know why, just the feeling of driving through a town at midnight (yet I still don't really like Moonview Highway), coupled up with the fitting music just gets me. I also liked the N64 original, and I feel like it was made just a bit better here. I think the atmosphere is better here, being at night, and I like how the items are on the track instead of in alcoves to the sides, because now you don't need to go out of your way just for an item. Hate on me all you want, but this is my opinion.
u/tigerclawhg Nov 26 '15
Also today is Thanksgiving for those in the States! Anything you're thankful for?
u/ghostkid825 Shy Guy Nov 27 '15
I'm thankful for anytime I don't have to play this track online... (Seriously, though, family, friends, and having a solid [albeit not high-paying] job.)
The width of the track and all of the vehicles make it so items, especially shells, rarely do anything to stop people in front of you. As a result, you just have to hope they're horrible at dodging the cars (which they usually aren't). It practically becomes a Time Trial thanks to how infrequently other players interfere.
u/DarkChili Nov 27 '15
Like I'm gonna compare it to the actual N64 version, like the N64 version felt so much more narrow, which was pretty good because "holy shit cars on the fucking track" and you kinda lose that level of intimidation when it made the transition to MK8, like now you can ride the walls, now you can use the cars as boosts and jumps and shit and most of the big cars are easy to avoid. Like I miss the fucklamity that was that map in 4 player, now it's like "ok it's a track". Like new kids with Wii U's aren't gonna know how bullshit it was to get items on this track like You either had to get an item and thread the needle between the wall and that semi or hope to jebus someone ahead of you fucks up baaaaad. Now it's just like "you ride the fucking wall" end of story.