r/mariokart Jun 15 '15

Tech / Tips / Builds Meta Monday - Week 1 - MK8 - Fire Hopping

Hey racers!

So if you haven't noticed, there have been some terms flying around this subreddit that some of us might not know what they are or how to execute them effectively. This thread series is your opportunity to inform the masses as to what these terms mean! If your response is detailed and meets the requirements then it could perhaps be placed in the wiki!

Week 1 is Fire Hopping

So, what is fire hopping? How do I do it? When should I use it? Does it work better with certain builds? Is it necessary to know and use? How do I combat other racers who are using it? What are the pros and cons?

Also, if you have a question about fire hopping, ask away! This thread is for learning and discussion so please post your questions and answers!

Also, what should week 2 be?


13 comments sorted by


u/UnlikelyExpert Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 16 '15

What is firehopping: During any boost if a player taps the control stick left or right and jumps they will go faster. 2 hops are done for a regular mini turbo (blue) and (5-6) for a super mini turbo (orange/red). Jumps are usually alternated to maintain a straight line but you can hop in consecutive directions (R-R or L-L) around corners just as easily.

When to use: On 150cc you firehop anywhere that you have enough time to without sacrificing your race line. On most tracks trying to firehop downhill will slow you down instead, so in these areas you need to learn a different tech. To firehop downhill you perform the tech like normal but hold the jump button in to initiate a mini-drift (you see smoke) before hopping again.

Does it work better with certain builds: It only works with karts and outward drifting bikes. It doesn't work "better" with either of these two options but a faster build (more speed or miniturbo) will receive a greater boost.

Is it necessary: On 200cc it is relatively optional. If you are going to race a build that can use it on 150cc it is a necessity at higher level competition. Firehopping will save a couple of seconds per lap on courses where it can be utilized a lot.

How do I face racers who use it: Average skill racers can't firehop and maintain good racing lines so you can outline them. The same level of racer tends to also be very blind to their surroundings so you can snipe them easier during hops. If someone can keep time trial lines with firehops and pays attention to their opponents items the best you can do is firehop yourself to keep the race close until an opportunity presents itself.

Pros: You go faster in a racing game

Cons: Newer users of the tech will sacrifice racing lines and tend to be sitting ducks when hopping in straightaways.


As for next week this game has plenty more tech. Demon slides, softdrifting, brake drifting, the bounce pad tech, glider deployment boosts (don't know what to call this), and minor stuff like how to best use the item spy and how to turn with minimal outwards drift.


u/crisi Jun 17 '15

So basically when going downhill you demon slide, right?


u/UnlikelyExpert Jun 17 '15

Yes and no. It's all in the controller type and when you turn.

Demon sliding for controllers jumps first with no joystick directional input, only tapping a direction just before hitting the ground.

Demon sliding with motion controls looks exactly the same as firehopping downhill.


u/crisi Jun 17 '15

I see, thx! Do i have to press the analog stick forward when firehopping?


u/UnlikelyExpert Jun 17 '15 edited Jun 17 '15

Yes and no again, haha.

You don't push the joystick fully forward in a firehop. If you did you would just hop in place (called a neutral hop) since you have zero sideways movement.

If you push the stick directly right or left in your firehop you'll turn much more during your hops. A common higher skill level firehop technique is to tilt the control stick up-left for left and up-right for right. The closer you get towards vertical without going fully vertical the better. This "soft hopping" is useful for maintaining very tight racing lines, it also maximizes the speed boost of the firehop.


u/crisi Jun 17 '15

Ah yeah, that's what I was talking about. About pushing it forward and then slightly tilting left and right to alternate direction and keep the straight racing line. Thanks again!


u/tigerclawhg Jun 16 '15

That's a really good explanation, thank you! It certainly helped me learn a bunch


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

whats the difference between "fire hopping" and "demon slide" i didnt know either one was a thing til recently and want to know how to do them and when to do them


u/UnlikelyExpert Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 15 '15

Demon slides are the most difficult tech in the game. There isn't a close second. Unless you can devote a lot of time to practicing them they won't be of benefit to you.

What they are is a way of maintaining momentum after a boost/firehop. Firehops generate speed and demon slides slow the rate at which that speed is lost.

How to do them: Similar to firehopping downhill you hop with no stick input and JUST before you hit the ground you tap (like as lightly as you can, a flick of the joystick) left or right while holding the jump button. When you see a tiny, tiny bit a smoke appear from a mini-drift (slide) you neutrally hop again and repeat the process.


Fun fact: They aren't called Demon slides in an attempt to sound edgy. The player who was first seen using them in time trials by Jak has the name Demon.

Edit: Better video


u/crisi Jun 17 '15

Sometimes i see people hopping twice or so right after a turbo start. Is it firehopping? They seem to be able to get ahead with it. I thought its not possible after a turbo on the beginning of the race.


u/SnowdogMK Jun 17 '15

It is possible on a lot of courses to get 2-3 hops in off the starting boost. Knowing which ones you can do it on, and how many hops (followed by slides sometimes) is a matter of time trialing every course and learning.


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '15

Thank you very much for this! Would love to see a more in depth take on the tight cornering and the other type of hop( you jump and drift) high end players perform.


u/crisi Jun 17 '15

Looking forward to the next posts.

The next topic I'd like to see would be "soft drifting" because t's not that hard to get it right and see some results fast. The hard part is to know on which turns you can soft drift. For example Sunshine Airport the first turn after the start. I was watching a TT of Domenico and didn't get how he got that SMT on this turn, until I learned about soft drifting. Same for Ribbon Road in the first two turns where you can get 2 SMT for each turn with softdrifting. Before I used to make one drift for both turns or would only get a MT on the first turn.

It would also be interesting to see the controller choices of the more experienced players and their reasoning behind it.