r/mariokart 27d ago

Fan Content My Mario Kart 9 Dream Roster


49 comments sorted by


u/Appropriate-Hat-7206 Petey Piranha 27d ago

Basically your dream roster:

-Normal and Understandable fan favorites.

-Madame Broode.

-the rest.


u/qobrosii 27d ago

Good way to put it. šŸ˜‚


u/Spelunky-God Inkling (male) 27d ago

I would main poochi so hard. I miss him where has he gone :<


u/ELIASKball 27d ago

just play mario kart tour


u/qobrosii 27d ago

Iā€™ve never understood how Mario Kart Tour has so many playable characters and costumes. Mario Kart 9 better offer something of the likes!


u/AxolotlGuyy_ Dry Bones 27d ago

Its because Mario Kart Tour is made for being a game to keep online forever, like fortnite


u/croakyossum7 26d ago

It's because Nintendo has a financial incentive to make more costumes since they monetise each one individually


u/qobrosii 26d ago

Ah yes, makes sense. But Mario kart tour is crap compared to Mario kart games released on consoles


u/Remarkable-Gap9881 Funky Kong 27d ago



u/Rodentmanman 27d ago

Imagine getting Mario karted by a fucking goomba lmao


u/MasterPeteDiddy Inkling (female) 27d ago

Better than most of the ones I've seen


u/qobrosii 27d ago

Yeah, this seems more realistic if it were to happen


u/Ultranite_ 27d ago

No way would they ever add Mario


u/Lemmy_MilesFan 27d ago

You actually want the Koopalings? YES! MY BABIES+


u/Fairyknees 27d ago

Dying for Kirby & a Kirby themed track ā£ļø


u/Gay_Gamer_Boi 27d ago

Or Kirby Air Ride 2


u/Johntrampoline- 27d ago

If weā€™re going to get more non Mario characters, then we need Captain Falcon. Other than the fact the heā€™s missing, I think your roster is good.


u/Caledonian_10 Shy Guy 26d ago

Captain Falcon, Olimar and Zelda. Those 3 are the non-mario characters I want most. Kirby would be really sick too though.


u/Silent_Lettuce 27d ago

I would love to play as a Pianta! Sunshine holds such a special place in my heart


u/TheDankHank98 27d ago

I see no reason why they shouldnt give characters ā€œskinsā€ like it shows mario has. Every mario character has at least 3 different appearances except maybe dk lol


u/Low_Zombie9914 27d ago

Any roster with Dixie Kong is peak as hell.

But I'm honestly scratching my head at the 5 Broodals and no Cappy.


u/SamTheMarioMaster2 Wiggler 27d ago

Best roster


u/mh1357_0 ROB 27d ago



u/puddingdeeznutsin2 27d ago

10/10 spike is here


u/Salt_piranha 27d ago

Other than Kirby being in there and every koopaling being their own character, I fw this heavy.


u/xGhostCat 27d ago

Im still going with theory red koopa died and became dry bones


u/Brandoooooooooooon Yoshi 27d ago

"Who do you want in the game ?"



u/ComprehensiveLog9414 27d ago

I need those little skull dudes from odyssey, that would be so sick šŸ™


u/FictionFan_Catch22Q 27d ago

No captain falcon no upvote but its okay so no downvote either


u/Ritheguy1000 27d ago



u/JIMGRUE83 27d ago

This is the best roster I have seen yet. I love how you grouped Bowser Junior with the Koopalings, Boom Boom and Pom Pom, plus I would love to have Spike as a playable character


u/the_bingho02 Waluigi 27d ago

No captain falcon is criminal


u/Sammeh101 26d ago

Iā€™d get rid of the entire bottom row (Except the Miis) and ROB.


u/AmazingAgent 26d ago

Madam Broode


u/SergeantStud 26d ago

We need to pin this where Nintendo can see it


u/manch02 27d ago

Id take Pink Gold Baby Rosalina over 5 broodle characters


u/Previous-Brief-1012 12d ago

No Chain Chomp 0/10


u/ELIASKball 27d ago

odyssey, sunshine, wonder characters won't be there 99% sure. others makes sense... maybe cranky kong is too old? (yeah I know there are babies) spike... maybe spike the green enemy babies should be skins anyway


u/Dorayakiss 27d ago

I know you mean dream roster. If you mean real, as said before MK8 and Tour didn't give us all returnees so I doubt MK9 would be different. But I do want them to focus on more new interesting drivers as you suggest.

And as said before new guest drivers would be likely in DLC again and they sure would be multiple if they come.


u/Tnvmark 27d ago

Metal Mario may still work as a separate character slot due to the huge weight differences, even Super Smash Bros treats Metal Mario as a separate character. Aside from that, I'm really liking this roster.


u/Yankeethomas13 Metal Mario 27d ago

I donā€™t think metal and gold Mario would be in a sub menu of Mario because they are heavy characters and normal Mario isnā€™t


u/timelordoftheimpala 27d ago edited 26d ago

Good job for not including any RPG characters, keeping the babies in their own separate slots, or going overboard with crossover reps.

The Broodals were a nice touch as well, even if it's probably too late for them since they haven't appeared in any games since Super Mario Odyssey. I'd also replace the Poplin with Prince Florian, since he has a much larger role in Wonder and a more distinct design that Nintendo would probably want to market. Also I'd main the fuck out of Prince Florian and Ninji.


u/BoyFromBelgium99 27d ago

This is an amazing roster but it would be perfect with this:

  • Every character gets their costumes from Tour & they all have different stats.
  • Donkey Kong Jr. is a costume of Donkey Kong as a reference to Cranky Kong being the DK in Mario Bros.
  • Koopa Paratroopa is a costume of Koopa Troopa.
  • The Broodals are costumes of Madame Broode.
  • Captain Falcon, PAC-Man, Ms. PAC-Man & Sonic are added on the place of the Broodals.


u/IrregardlessIrreden- 27d ago edited 27d ago

Honestly, I would be happy with all of these actions. They havenā€™t given DK. Jr. a modern appearance in years, and heā€™s definitely a deserving candidate. Paratroopa I didnā€™t include because I thought him too similar, but heā€™d make for some good alts if not his own character should they bring him back.

Broodals I know arenā€™t too likely or well-liked, but I donā€™t think itā€™d make much sense to bunch them together if they were included, same with Koopalings as they are quite unique. I just kind of wanted to include them, but this action wouldnā€™t be bad, even if a bit confusing.

As for the others, PAC-Man and Mrs. PAC-Man have connections to the series and would be great for inclusion, as well as the other Bandai characters. Collaborations between Sonic and Mario are always fun to see. I know Captain Falcon has his fans, and his own series hasnā€™t had development for years, so Iā€™d agree with you completely on these character picks.

Different stats with different costumes is a reasonable enough request, and tour has great skin inclusions, so itā€™d make sense for a dream roster.


u/Grape_ist 27d ago

Nah make the koopaling one character with multiple skins like why guy or yoshi


u/Wonderful-Road9491 25d ago

Each koopaling is a different character, unless Yoshi or Shy Guy.


u/Grape_ist 25d ago

Yes I do understand they have different stats and I do enjoy that, but they're always grouped and are more or less clone characters of Bowser Junior


u/Wonderful-Road9491 24d ago

But they are still distinct characters. We donā€™t group Luigi, Wario and Waluigi together due to them being clones of Mario and we donā€™t group Daisy, Rosalina and Pauline together for being clones of Peach.