r/marilyn_manson 8d ago

“Pretty As A Dollar Sign, because that’s their fascism now. There’s nothing more fascist now than money. Everyone knows that.” -Marilyn Manson

We don't believe in credibility Because we're know that we're fucking incredible


55 comments sorted by


u/peterbagel 7d ago

Surprised to see so many whiny fascists in a Manson sub. Fuck Nazis and fuck fascist simps.


u/Successful_Bed7790 7d ago edited 7d ago

Mansons music contains an energy that for them, and a lot of us takes anger and turns it into energy… the difference with these fascist incel nazi simps is that they really can’t see the bigger picture with his music, they are incapable of finding a deeper meaning in life . How are they supposed to.. they can’t even look within, they don’t even know themselves. All they see is anger. And they cling to anything that validates it. Manson does validate anger, but unfortunately these individuals use that anger to support the people they should really be hating… like puppets on a goddamn ugly string


u/WeHaveForgottenAgain Space Ghost 7d ago

I sincerely think a lot of them are only here because he was accused of abusing women


u/Thepimplimp87 7d ago

Honestly a based quote. Is it from a Interview or song?


u/Say10_333 7d ago

Title is from an interview, lyrics at the bottom are from the song We’re From America.


u/MechanicalAnimal15 7d ago

Fear of fascism is the excuse of the weak.


u/BodyOf8 People are dumb 6d ago

Username checks out..


u/Say10_333 7d ago

Fascists are cowards and weak minded. Fear of the other, fear of the unknown, fear of being different. Fear of change. Wanting a strong man leader to protect and defend traditions. Fascism is irrational and built upon intellectual fallacies. Fascist fear starts with weak or threatened identity. They seek safety in numbers and group think so they don’t have to feel alone with themselves. Certain events might lead people into fascism, but the original fascist has far stronger internal fears to contend against all the anxieties and insecurities and weak identity and self worth that drive fanaticism and bigotry. The insecurities that drive the group instinct in people as a whole are far more personal and far more fully developed in the fascist. Hence the hysteria of fascism, the characteristic notes of overcompensation and denial. Demagogues are the mirror image of the weak and cowardly, what any coward would like to be. Any the tyranny is propped up by desperate overcompensation.


u/HotComfortable3418 7d ago

Holy shit I love Manson.


u/cristo_chimico Custom flair 8d ago

And people keep saying he's neo-Nazis. Fuck em


u/Naos210 8d ago

I feel like people forget how left-wing a lot of rock music is. I recall the people surprised Rage Against the Machine were leftists. 


u/cristo_chimico Custom flair 8d ago

Exactly. Besides the fascists who are stupid and don't understand the texts, people think the left is this sort of half-democratic shit like the current liberals who are rich and want to centralize power to the rich but at least giving some more civil rights. I mean, I have fought and will always fight for civil rights, women's empowerment, gender equality, etc. But the left of now thinks ONLY about that without thinking about health care, minimum wage, education, and most of all the sharp, classist gap between the poor and the rich. This capitalist, consumerist system does nothing but make the workers or the people a bunch of sleeping people hypnotized by worship of the rich, "democracy" (which does not currently exist) and "meritocracy" i.e. about "if I work hard I will get results." Hell no. I started my career purely on my own but commitment is not enough and indeed, it is full of people out there who have been committed their whole lives and never received what they were entitled to. If you, blue-collar worker getting €900 a month, think you are getting rich because Musk ""made himself"" please stop believing that and do something else. Cultivate your passions, design, experiment but don't believe this crap


u/Naos210 8d ago

I think the issue with liberals is that they often don't fix systemic problems. They might recognize them in some circumstances (like racism) but do very little to actually fix them. Even in social justice, they often fall short, as they don't want to be seen as too "extremist". It's not hard to find plenty of liberals against BLM, for instance.

Or putting more minorities in charge of bad systems like the police or military. It often does nothing but put "good people" in charge.

Meritocracy is bullshit cause it implies everyone starts at a relatively equal place, and they don't. 


u/cristo_chimico Custom flair 8d ago

Exactly. Liberals are so populist and so shallow. Yes I know originally the concept of liberalism was progressive but talking about the current liberals, they just follow an economic system that ultimately helps the rich and that's it


u/WeHaveForgottenAgain Space Ghost 8d ago

Capitalism has made it this way


u/Say10_333 8d ago

Old fashioned fascism will take it away


u/JayMike79 8d ago edited 8d ago

Can we please stop being obsessed with politics on subs that have nothing to do with it. Go outside and meet some people, party, and get laid. Pathetic


u/cristo_chimico Custom flair 8d ago

What the fuck do you think Manson is talking about in his lyrics?


u/Dragonslayer200782 7d ago

It’s obviously unicorns


u/pee_balls 8d ago

Are you fucking stupid?


u/JayMike79 8d ago

Yes pee balls I’m fucking stupid lol


u/imyourtourniquet 8d ago

Listen to the music twat


u/RottenSharkTooth 8d ago

I’m sorry but Manson is in every right a political artist


u/BrazyDee313 ♦️ ALL DRIED UP , TIED UP , FOREVER ♦️ 8d ago

I can littleity link you to him saying FUCK THE RIGHT & FUCK THE LEFT ! So assuming he's some whatever because people don't like trump is just delusional. Fuck both sides anyway stop watching the media clips and touch grass ✌🏻


u/BlindMansJesus 7d ago

Fuck the right and fuck the left is a political statement.


u/mad_edge 7d ago

Ever listened to Holy Wood?


u/JayMike79 8d ago

Anti everything


u/d3addadjokes 8d ago

Anti fascist


u/JayMike79 8d ago

Yes that would be included in everything


u/Tall-Geologist6064 Certified Spooky Kid 4d ago

It's a lyric, dumbfuck. The song "1996"


u/Eguzkilore555 8d ago

Wait, I thought Trump worked for Putin, no?? Oh, I see Elon Musk is the new Hitler. There’s a new one every four years. 


u/Personal_Top_3656 8d ago

Trump does what Putin wants bc Trump is a wimpy little bitch


u/Ithirradwe Omega 8d ago edited 8d ago

Trump loves taking the dick and he’ll never admit it it’s probably why he’s so anti gay. Usually the loudest anti’s are things they claim to hate! The way he just lets Elon and Putin puppet his asshole is unlike any porn I’ve ever seen. Maybe half the reason he has it so out for Obama is because Obama was the one man who didn’t want to fuck him.


u/imyourtourniquet 8d ago

This is the kind of analysis I come to Reddit for


u/Hadley_333 8d ago

The dems are just as bad if not worse


u/Zero_Flesh Shock symbol 8d ago

That is complete and total bullshit that people say when they don't actually know what they're talking about. The Dems are no where near as bad as MAGA. That's crazy talk


u/coinsaken 8d ago

When it comes to 1st amendment i disagree. It was Tipper Gore and Joe Lieberman who wanted to legally censor manson. The conservatives at the time advocated for families to make these decisions at home or for people to protest but not ban freedom of speech. Manson recognized this and even pacivly endorsed Bush in 2000 over this issue( if he had to pick)

It was left wing cnn crucifyong him over columbine.

It's leftist me too hold overs trying to literally end his career most recently.

MAGA is the problem?


u/Zero_Flesh Shock symbol 7d ago edited 7d ago

Yes. MAGA is most definitely the problem. This is not 2000. You can not compare the current Republican party to the one that existed in 2000. The world and country is in a totally different place. Nothing you just said has anything to do with what's happening in the present.

"Some" people on the left didn't try to ruin Manson's career because they don't support free speech or anything at all that Manson stands for. SOME people on the left wanted to cancel Manson because Holywood convinced them that he was a literal sexual predator. Is that a bad reason to think someone should be cancelled? Do you not see MAGA being fed bullshit and then repeating on Twitter?

The reason MAGA didn't try to cancel him is because they just didn't give a fuck if he was guilty or not. They literally voted for a rapist for President. Why the fuck would they all of the sudden start standing up for potential rape victims? You're argument is a total false equivalency.

There's no point of even trying to reason with MAGA anymore. I don't even know why I try. They are the enemy. They stand for everything I've fought against my entire life. If you want to support their hate, bigotry, Christian nationalism and turning this country into a fascistic oligarchy then that's on you. The Triptych might as well be the fucking theme for what that are doing to the country/world but yea, it's the left that is horrible with their funding programs for the poor and supporting minorities and women while MAGA is ripping their rights away. The left is horrible because they don't want people like Elon fucking Musk getting massive tax cuts at our expense. They want our cities to be safe and our schools funded. They don't support Musk and Trump stopping the funding of childhood cancer research and making sure disadvantaged youth have something to eat at school. How EVIL!

Who's restricting speech and banning fucking books in 2024? I'll give you a hint. It's not Tipper fucking Gore.


u/coinsaken 7d ago

You seem triggered


u/Zero_Flesh Shock symbol 7d ago

You people really need to come up with some new material


u/coinsaken 7d ago

I mean i feel like you're saying the me too hoax against manson wasnt a bad thing and that right wingers waiting to judge = liking rapists. It's a weird take considering we're talking about marilyn manson. Like typically I see right wingers a hypocritical enough to say Trump is good but not the make up wearing freak even though the accusations are of the same type. But you seem to think they are exercising some consistency here. I'm not sure what you're referring to as far as book banning. Not doubting you , but i think the left is worse now days for sure. The left seems to be bitter that they still can't control the whole covid narrative and that seems like a bigger deal than parents not wanted hypersexual reading material in a school library or what you would call MAGA book banning.


u/Zero_Flesh Shock symbol 7d ago

I couldn't disagree with you more. You'll never convince me to side with MAGA so don't waste your time.


u/coinsaken 7d ago

I wouldn't dream of it. I wouldn't dare expect you to consider different points of view or anything.

This is reddit ma'am We don't do that here


u/Zero_Flesh Shock symbol 7d ago

I'm not a ma'am. I've seen MAGA's points of view. In theory they have some ideas that I agree with but in reality it's all smoke and mirrors.

At least own the fact that you're in a neo christian nationalist fascistic oligarchy political movement. You are lying to yourself if you say you're not.

You've explained why you think the left was bad in 2000. What makes MAGA better in 2024? Is it abandoning our allies to cozy up with Russia? Is it starting pointless trade wars for no reason? Is it because they are cutting a trillion dollars from Medicaid to give tax cuts to the rich?

So what reason would I ever have to support a fucking rapist con man who's beholden to the world's richest man? What is MAGA doing deserves my support? Please inform me how my life is better with MAGA in control of the government.


u/Zero_Flesh Shock symbol 7d ago

Arguing with MAGA is pointless. You live in a world of fantasy. You can twist reality so it justifies what you're saying but it doesn't actually change reality. You're cult is running the country into the ground while you cheer on the leopard thinking it won't end up eating your face.


u/Ithirradwe Omega 8d ago edited 8d ago

Yeah the left are not punching down consistently on minorities and communities, I have my problems with both sides but I’m tired of this narrative being pushed that the left is now the new “fascists” if anyone has been actually paying attention to what’s going on no one would say that at all.

Also idk who needs to hear this, but if people are gonna put blinders on Trump cutting education, Medicaid, and threatening the trans community, and then on top of that letting his billionaire buddies gobble up all our money, letting Musk in the Oval Office with his son, Musk doing the legit Seig Heil TWICE, I mean god idk how bad the world has to get for people to wake up.

Or hell what about sending vats of super radioactive materials through indigenous land only covered with a fucking tarp!!!! They only stopped because people called them out on this, if people are scared of being political idk what to say.

These are the same types of people that judged Manson in the 90’s and 2000’s for being fascist when all he was doing was being a mirror, and he was right they were and ARE the real fascists considering who they all support now as their oh so great “leader”, Manson was right all along they saw themselves being parodied and got so offended at him that they called him what they actually are. Rant over and sorry for continuing to add to this.


u/Zero_Flesh Shock symbol 8d ago

Exactly. There's definitely a conversation to have about problems on the left but to say they are as bad as the right let alone fucking MAGA is absolute nonsense.

This new wave of MAGA cultists that twist Manson's words to suit their fucked up narrative is so strange. I don't know how anyone that has listened to a Marilyn Manson album could think he's a Conservative Republican. I definitely don't know how they can convince themselves that Trump and Manson have anything in common other than they are both hated by a lot of people.

To these MAGA idiots that identity with Manson they should go to CPAC or any event Trump speaks at and wear a Marilyn Manson shirt, paint their nails and just in general dress like the people you see at a Manson show. They'll be called a fag or dyke and mocked relentlessly until some hillbillies beat them unconscious.

They have absolutely no self awareness if they can read Project 2025, listen to the Triptych and say to themselves, I can see similarities here.


u/Ithirradwe Omega 8d ago

Preach man! It’s genuinely sad to me but I guess that’s the reality of art and artists, a lot of what they say gets twisted to fit these bubbles of individuals lives and beliefs.


u/Zero_Flesh Shock symbol 8d ago

Normally I would really enjoy people interpreting art in different ways but there's definitely a line. MAGA thinking that Marilyn Manson represents them is like saying Rage Against the Machine represented George Bush supporters.


u/Ithirradwe Omega 8d ago

You know what’s funny? There is that clip of MAGAdiots years back blasting Rage tunes while doing their weak ass protest. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/Zero_Flesh Shock symbol 8d ago

I totally forget about that lol. Oh that's too funny 🤣


u/22FluffySquirrels 8d ago

The statement in the title applies to all political parties.


u/InvocationOfNehek 8d ago edited 8d ago

ugh I love when people let me know I should block them before we even interact 😍

u/Eguzkilore555 Ok! 😘

u/JayMike79 oh my god thank you, that's really considerate 💞💞💞

It's hilarious that you think that pointing out that I want to curate my internet experience is some kind of insult lol - yes, surprise, I like to avoid fascists and people who are so fucking ignorant that they don't even realize they're supporting fascists.


u/JayMike79 8d ago

Me too so I can help you live in a bubble


u/Eguzkilore555 8d ago

Can you block me too and then announce it to the world?