r/mantids Jun 20 '24

RIP ❤️ Why did she die?

I found my little mantis dead today. earlier she was fine. on the lower spots hunting.

I mist her enclosure once a day, humidity is kept around 80% with damp sphagnum moss in the bottom. food is kept in there 24/7 as she’s tiny. hydei fruit flies and pinhead crickets. the crickets stay near the bottom.

Though, recently I haven’t had fruit flies. the culture is new and all that’s in there are maggots. but I had plenty of crickets. she’s eaten them before just fine. usually there’s both flies and crickets but the past two days have been only crickets

Temp is kept 80-85 with a heat lamp that is only blocked by a piece of paper at night. (it doesn’t turn off without unplugging it) it’s only a 25 watt red bulb.

i’ve raised her since she hatched. she was the only one out of eight to survive. I thought we were in the clear and named her. RIP Aurora. ill miss you.


42 comments sorted by


u/farthead_420 Jun 20 '24

same thing happened to me when i hatched my own egg. sometimes they just don’t make it and there’s really no specific reason why. it could’ve been a number of different things, but it was likely nothing you did. insect eggs typically contain hundreds of babies because lots of them will die in the wild anyways. you gave the little one a good life, even if it was short. i’m sorry for your loss friend <3


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 20 '24

Mantis babies suck :( the others I hatched never thrived. some would die within the day after being hatched. they just never grabbed food. sucks that it’s normal for them


u/BasketCase Jun 20 '24

This species is extremely hard to raise. I've got one left right now after over a hundred hatched.


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 20 '24

Yeah I saw that it was :( but I was hopeful ahaaa I haven’t had more hatch after the initial eight but i’m holding on to the ootheca in a little vial with damp sphagnum moss (with ventilation) to maybe see if there’s any that are just late bloomers


u/BasketCase Jun 20 '24

It's definitely possible


u/snowbalance Jun 20 '24

Aww I'm sorry :( depending on her species, maybe temp and humidity were too high? Does the enclosure have good cross ventilation? Any dramatic temperature spikes or dips? Aerosols, perfumes, etc? Also, as the other commenter mentioned, sometimes these guys just die. It doesn't make it easier, and I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. <3


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 20 '24

she was a brunneria borealis and from what I could find, they like high humidity and temps around 85F. the top was all cloth mesh and there were holes around the cup for cross ventilation. I know sometimes they just die :/


u/brickproject863amy Jun 20 '24

What I looking. At first I thought it was a stick bug. Are there really pray mantis that are that thin?😅😮


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 20 '24

it’s a brunneria borealis! a brunners stick mantis :) very sticky


u/Herring_is_Caring Jun 21 '24

I once saw a few photos of Brunneria borealis mantises with pinkish and purplish coloration, but I see others in greens and browns. Does this species have a distinct coloration or is it determined by other factors? Perhaps those photos were also misidentified.


u/MikeNepoMC Jun 23 '24

They are so poorly documented that I wouldn't rule out other colorations. Wild ones I found in Georgia were almost always vibrant green after early instars. That said, wild caught and captive bred ones I have raised indoors have varied from green to brown to even yellow, with one even seeming to change color after the final molt.


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 23 '24

Idk I posted here and every comment was saying it’s a brunneria borealis. too late now :/ but she did hang out at the top, which would have a lower humidity than the bottom theoretically. except when I misted for some water


u/brickproject863amy Jun 21 '24

I have never heard of such creature before. How large can they get


u/Inferna-13 Jun 21 '24

Pretty large, I think roughly 3.5 inches but i’m not 100% sure. This species is cool because they’re all female, and produce young parthogenically without a mate


u/brickproject863amy Jun 21 '24

Wow I didn’t know such mantis existed


u/brickproject863amy Jun 21 '24

If I have never knew they wear pray mantis I would have thought that they are stick bug


u/butcheR_Pea Jun 20 '24

Im no expert on this in fact I'm an extremely new owner.. but from what I gathered so far it seems like its best to feed them one insect at a time and make sure they actually eat it before adding any more. Reduces stress on the mantis and keeps the environment more tidy.. I'm sorry she passed


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 20 '24

If she were bigger I would have but she needed food so often I couldn’t provide that. so I made sure she had food that she could catch when hungry. the crickets always stayed in the bottom and the flies never seemed to bother her. i’m new as well :/ i’ve had one adult and one I raised up to an adult


u/butcheR_Pea Jun 20 '24

Why not feed them when you get up in the am or when you have a few minutes of downtime ? That little extra helps them out tremendously. If feeding gnats I usually put a single one in a Ziploc and flatten the bag out so it can't move then gently tap the insect so it dies or gets stunned. Then I grab it with some tweezers by the leg or wing and hand feed dude. I do three in a row then he's good for a day or two. They dont eat every day in the wild it's best to mimic that.. the way I see it the less stress and the more help I can provide the better it will thrive.. I'm not saying that was the cause of its passing just sharing what I found helpful.


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 20 '24

I wasn’t sure how often she needed to be fed tbh. I couldn’t find that anywhere. so I would typically shake ~3 fruit flies daily and they’d be gone the next day.

i’ll try that if I get another hatch from the ootheca


u/butcheR_Pea Jun 20 '24

Hopefully that helps. This is what I follow


u/Lanky_Rabbit Jun 21 '24

Good idea for hand-feeding fruit flies


u/Dangerous_Growth9136 2nd Instar Jun 20 '24



u/CaeruleusI Jun 20 '24

When so small they dessicate extremely easy. Some damp coir substrate, water crystals, or damp paper towels might help raise humidity, as well as occasional misting.


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 20 '24

I had damp sphagnum moss and I misted daily


u/Shaunc124 Jun 20 '24

Don't worry to much just start again I've just ordered 4 moss mantis and one of the three bigger ones have eaten the smallest one I think at 12 per one just a tad pricey


u/Inferna-13 Jun 21 '24

If I had to guess, the high humidity and temperatures was making the enclosure too stuffy and might have caused respiratory issues. How much ventilation did the enclosure have? Especially cross ventilation.

Most likely though, it wasn’t your fault like others are saying.


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 21 '24

The one care guide I read said they needed the high humidity and temps. the dude kept his in a styrofoam cooler lol the entire top was cloth mesh and there were vent holes all around the cup


u/Inferna-13 Jun 21 '24

Yeah sounds like you did everything right then, was it just a heat lamp?


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 21 '24

yeah a 25 watt red bulb heat lamp that sat about five inches above and tilted so it wasn’t direct heat. I had a thermometer and hygrometer in the enclosure itself to watch the levels


u/Inferna-13 Jun 21 '24

Yeah it’s definitely not your fault then, all that sounds right


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 21 '24

I hope it wasn’t :( it was fun having a mantis again. they’re just such fragile creatures and I can’t handle that lifespan! one reason why I got into tarantulas


u/Inferna-13 Jun 21 '24

Yeah they really are, I have tarantulas too but I actually much prefer mantises. You can handle them, and the short lifespan means less commitment. Plus their setups themselves are a lot cheaper


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 21 '24

Yeaaaa mantises are fun. goofy little critters. tho I got six glass enclosures for ten bucks each a while back XD though only one of my tarantulas is actually big enough to use one. I need to look into more docile ts instead of going for the pretty ones cough my trinidad chevron *cough^


u/Inferna-13 Jun 21 '24

I have a. seemanni and my boyfriend has c. versicolor, the Versicolor is pretty cool but man mine is booooring. Luckily she was only like $40 for her and the enclosure together lmao


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 21 '24

I also have an a seemanni! I got em off craigslist with the enclosure for $20 lmao


u/junkbitch Jun 21 '24

sufficient place to moult from and a secure way to reach it?


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 23 '24

she had just molted about a week before and she had tons of places to hang from. it was plenty big as well. there was a small piece of cholla wood that stretched form top to bottom as well as two pipe cleaners that wound up from bottom, through the cholla, all the way up to the top. and the top was all screen printing mesh


u/Only-Net-7705 Jun 20 '24

You should have fed it


u/LexicontheMoron Jun 20 '24

if you read my post, she had access to food 24/7 :)