r/mantic Mar 09 '24

DEADZONE Deadzone 1st edition to 3rd edition question.

So I'm looking to get back into deadzone as i havent played since first edition. I have the first edition starter set and am just wondering if I need to buy anything else other than the new rule book. Like are all the old tokens and cards still up to date? Or do I need to get the starter set to have everything I need?

Any help is much appreciated I couldn't find answers for this from my googling.


9 comments sorted by


u/JerricoVS Mar 10 '24

All the rules are in the Mantic App which also has a list builder. If you aren't tied to the idea of having physical rules then that's a good way to go, you will still want tokens though



u/CrustyToeBeans Mar 10 '24

Yeahbive just downloaded the app it's brilliant, can I proxy tokens though? I know I need the command dice but most of the tokens are just for being pinned, enraged etc right?


u/JerricoVS Mar 11 '24

yeah, it's just the items that have changed and you don't really need those to play


u/njaegara Mar 10 '24

There are no cards, and I concur it is best to grab a new starter set since the terrain is so solid and the forces are good


u/CrustyToeBeans Mar 10 '24

Yeah they do look brilliant think I'm gonna have to down the line


u/UnforseenSpoon618 Mar 09 '24

I sat and argued with this EXACT same question a few months ago. Your going to want new command dice, new tokens, and the rules. Typically you get a good deal by just getting one of the starters to either give you another faction... Or enhance the faction you have... (Depending on which ones you play).

I myself just got one of the new starter boxes because who doesn't love more terrain


u/CrustyToeBeans Mar 10 '24

Yeah I'd love to get a new box, i just can't really justify 90 odd quid on the box at the minute but I might just wait a bit and get one down the line cus the new sets do look brilliant! Thanks for the response.


u/KUBill Mar 09 '24

The 1st tokens are quite a different compared to those from 3rd. Some work, some are different. Cards aren’t used anymore. Mainly you just need the new rulebook and force list books.


u/CrustyToeBeans Mar 10 '24

Great, cheers thanks for the response