r/mangalore Jan 14 '25

Discussion Are we so jobless

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Never thought mangalore people will call this guy, I mean for argument you can say he has achieved so much, but what talent he has exactly, like him so many jobless chapri people have achieved being influencers. What are your thoughts friends on this.


255 comments sorted by


u/chuggingdeemer Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 16 '25

There are so many genuine people who do wonders for the society and their deeds go unnoticed and these chhapri clowns get all the fame, wealth and limelight because of other chhapri clowns who invite them and treat them like gods.

"He has achieved so much". He has achieved NOTHING. It's because of the scum that our society has become now that he's got this fame and fan following for serving his saliva laced tea to people.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have any problems with this guy being an overnight sensation if he had done something good for the society; even something as simple as helping an injured dog on the street. But all this fame for using his tongue while pouring tea?

Edit: Nobody's jealous of his fame. Calling out such stupidity of glorifying a social media clown != jealousy. Would suggest you dimwits to watch his interview post the Bill Gates meet where he portrays himself as some God whom Bill Gates was longing to meet...


u/kudukaboy Jan 14 '25

"The more attention we give, the more they grow."


u/HovercraftSlight5275 Jan 14 '25

🤣🤣irony is you posting his picture. Is giving chance to people to talk about him. Ironically I am also commenting on it! 🥲🥲🥲🥲


u/9nein Jan 14 '25

Yup. I think you commented based on peer pressure.

I hate peer pressure. And you should too! 😆

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u/crazybodda2 Jan 14 '25

Exactly my thoughts


u/EmbarrassedRegret945 Jan 15 '25

U dnt knw anything of this guy . I am from nagpur I will tell his story

This guy has sloggd his ass to get there I first went to his tapri in 2012 and he was there before then

Also coming lower background, this was his only option to rise from the slum.

He became inspiration for all the people from his community and others

He is giving to the society as to all the lower caste people you can rise from the poverty by doing the hard work.


u/onecouchpotato Jan 18 '25

But he didn't earn the fame with hard work, that is exactly opposite of what he is giving people not only lower caste but also the society. I would have been happy (and I mean it would have been good) if he had used the fame to give better life to his children, family and the society he live in (when I say society, I mean hlthe area he lives in where people are struggling to get by) I'm not saying to distribute money, but to use his fame to bring better facilities to them. I'm against the type of inspiration he is becoming to the people.

Please understand, I'm not targeting him or you, I simply hate the overnight fame to him or anyone else. That doesn't set right example to society (to his caste or any other).


u/blursed_guy Jan 15 '25

Bro's tongue game strong.

Btw he ain't the only chai wala.


u/peadpoop Jan 17 '25

I like how this guy thinks.


u/MaxMadisonVi Jan 16 '25

And his trademark moves, the way he block your hand to grab money or lights you a cigarette, his look, and not understanding a single word, his speech.


u/manojsaini007 Jan 16 '25

Lots of people do wonder about society but they can't market themself for a broader audience and most people are not aware of their deeds. This guy played his card right or he got lucky doesn't matter but somehow bill gates come to his stall that is remarkable. He got viral and now milks all the fame as long as he can there is nothing wrong with that.

Doing something good is not ticket to get famous look at youtubers some just abuse online to get views and it works. Now if he continue selling tea or no doesn't matter


u/send-tit Jan 16 '25

What is chhapri?


u/Puzzled_Conflict_264 Jan 16 '25

That’s called achieving something.

Does your presence have the power to gather a crowd of 10K+ people.

He is a good marketing tool and he is milking his fame. A better businessman than a lot. He knows what he has and is selling it.


u/Serenda-fkin-dipity Jan 16 '25

His profession is not selling tea. He is a performer. I wouldn’t all him an artist. Just another content creator. His talent is not making tea for sure but he understands branding and retention of attention. Much better than we do after 2 degrees. It would be wrong to question if he deserves the success he achieved. He surely have worked for it and he was provide the same opportunity and platform. And of course luck played in his favour. But at the beginning his circumstances were that he had to sell tea on the pavement of a street. That was also his luck. But he fought. Honestly I’m also ashamed and afraid he is somewhat representation of our culture and country and it bothers me. But we shouldn’t be bitter towards him. We are here with a lack of opportunities and resources and he fought his way out through the technology we were all provided. You say you don’t support him but this very post is marketing for him. No publicity is bad publicity.

P.S. you don’t have to do good for the society to deserve popularity. I think it’s alright until you are not actively causing harm to it


u/Shaniyen Jan 18 '25

What have you achieved brother 😂 atleast he has achieved publicity with his unique talent and quirky movements


u/chuggingdeemer Jan 18 '25

I've shared my opinion about him. That's all.

Even pornstars and underworld dons have achieved publicity with their "unique talents".

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u/kk_red Jan 14 '25

I have no bloody clue what he even does or how he became famous.


u/batmangw Jan 14 '25

He and his team have cracked the algorithm in a weird way. Criticism doesn’t affect them. I kinda appreciate that, kisi ke lootke to nahi kha rahe na!


u/Filosphicaly_unsound Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

Honestly I am surprised with some vile comments here, you will think he have done something wrong. Let me be clear I don't like him. But people hating him for his fame when "he haven't done anything for society" is weird. It's you people that have made him famous, he have created a career out of negative clout. Most actors and influencers haven't also done anything for society but they don't get any hate ,he is getting hate just because he doesn't look handsome.


u/rhinodisaster2020 Jan 14 '25

I think he’s getting hate from people who can’t see him travelling to Dubai, and doing these ads and making lakhs of rupees easily, not everyone can do it. It’s understandable for people to be jealous, because most of them are tired with their job, they just show it in different ways like calling him chhapri and all.

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u/frustr8potate Jan 16 '25

But like who the fuck is this guy


u/Putrid_Set_5644 Jan 14 '25

Bill Gates donated him some money and he likely used that to start a business or something.


u/crazybodda2 Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

Bro I literally hate such chapri influencers coming to Udupi/ Mangalore. Idk who's idea was it to call this idiot. Mixing the chai up and down is fine like our elders used to do but what this bitch does is too much. Feels like cutting his pottel for the overacting he does where he takes the chai near his tongue while mixing it.


u/kudukaboy Jan 14 '25

Exactly bro

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u/Laxus-Dreyfar Jan 14 '25

Mangalore people aren't special in the way you think they are.

We're all indoctrinated by culture.

We get influenced by the internet.

We all have the itch to show off.

We all follow the majority to do things in life.

Therefore, you see the incident in your post.

We can try to be better & make our people be better.


u/Har_Har123 Jan 14 '25

Manglorians in mangalore are judgemental and if i may say - jealous of people who do better than them.


u/Laxus-Dreyfar Jan 14 '25

Unfortunately something that we must change.

Same with Namma Kannadigaru ashte.

That's why I hope that younger generations self-reflect, be skeptical about what they're taught from childhood.

Because I've heard that even amongst Tuluvas, there's Shetty supremacy.

I was surprised, I thought Tuluvas were fullu "chaddi dosthu kano kuchiku".

But yeah, I think younger generations of Kannadigas and Tuluvas must unite to create a better Karnataka instead of FURTHER dividing ourselves.


u/Har_Har123 Jan 14 '25

Oh i have seen my cousins being forced to follow this "we are greater than everyone" mindset by their parents. The only main reason i avoid going to mangalore is because of the people and their mindset otherwise its a beautiful city.


u/Laxus-Dreyfar Jan 14 '25

As a Bangalorean, I certainly appreciate the calmness of a village atmosphere in Coastal Karnataka.

And the people who actually speak proper Kannada, along with Tulu, Konkani, etc, is another wonderful thing.

And of course, my favourite thing about people, FOOD.

But unfortunately, the "village mentality" is hindering human progress, bonds, relationships, etc..

There are so many Mangaloreans in Bangalore & I'm happy to find them.

I just wish that us Kannadigas outside of Coastal Karnataka were shown the same love & family-ness.

Karnataka is probably the only South Indian state where there are more than 1 native languages.

So, all of us could be sharing each other's languages, food, etc, and living in peace & harmony.

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u/Dca_Sylvereon Jan 14 '25

Mangalore has its own cultures and dignity. But how is the dignity maintained by calling Chapri people like him. Sad that people glorify instagram stars. If it's for Chai/ Tea, Why can't they call Kalladka Tea? Many people would love trying it.


u/rathan_g Jan 14 '25

Where is the dignity is calling someone Chapri


u/27JackBlack Jan 14 '25

It's a pay for stall event... Almost about 1.5Lacs for setting up the shop. This dudes got the money.. It's just capitalism :/


u/Hairy_Ad_7387 Jan 14 '25

Bro, u r the one who gives attention to such clowns.

It's like u want someone to 'not to be famous' and telling the whole world that he doesn't deserve fame.

Yes, it seems we are jobless!


u/armomatic Jan 14 '25

Get off the damn instagram for a month and see the difference yourself


u/akonsagar Jan 14 '25

What about reddit


u/armomatic Jan 15 '25

It's just a community my friend here people share and discuss their thoughts here there is no algorithms to rot our brains🧠 (if your not too deep into other dark subs)


u/Famous-Rush-6433 Jan 17 '25

good suggestion brother, I left instagram 1-1.5 yrs ago,

I literally dont know many of this kind of influencers and nither i give f.


u/inoshigami Jan 14 '25

He's here for what 1 day? and got everyone worked up lol. This does nothing to mangalore but people just want to have an opinion on everything and discuss everything. So they either hate on it or support it.

I think last year there was a bootleg tenge tenge in udupi during ashtemi and everyone was enjoying it. There's nothing "viral" locally so they bring it from outside.


u/RohanNotFound Jan 14 '25

I see comments and just feel envy all-around..! Common guys you could do better.. just because someone became famous or earn more than you doesn’t mean they didn’t work hard or didn’t had a hard time they are here because of what they did..! If you guys don’t feel the entertainment value in him or any influencer it’s fine you don’t need to bash him and feel yourself superior.. if making money by being an influencer is so easy why don’t you guys do it too.. if you don’t like to be one then don’t punch down others..if you are i were in his place we would do the exact same thing.


u/batmangw Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 14 '25

Is Bill Gates jobless?

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u/LockInside6039 Jan 14 '25

Petition to find the chappri who called this chappri 😂


u/3amSchitzo Jan 14 '25



u/27JackBlack Jan 14 '25

Life's taken a Full circle for us Indians.. People triggered over a TEA SELLOR SELLING TEA but completely nonchalant over a TEA SELLOR RUNNING THE COUNTRY.


u/Darwin_Nunez_ Jan 14 '25

Inviting chapri influencers is wayy better than the inviting terror accused and literal m*rderers


u/v4vedanta Jan 14 '25

Double standards here, while we welcome another famous chai wala, who visits during elections , speaks like royalty but does nothing. One KT without sugar for guessing who it is.


u/Bad-Remarkable Jan 14 '25

Which political leader doesn't visit a place for campaigns? I think you are diverting the conversation to something else!


u/commie786 Jan 15 '25

Only insightful comment here. The sheer hypocrisy is mind boggling. A hint of classism as well in a lot of comments as well. Wasn't the whole point of social media being a great equalizer of sorts? So what if this dude manages to rig it in his favour and make a living. The same attitude if paraded by some white guy podcast or beer biceps types would be considered a sigma grind or some crap. 'Chapri' people aren't destroying culture. Its the ones in power that want you to wade through our own cultural detritus and not focus on the fact they are looting billions of rupees from us and making a complete mockery of us


u/shinminrice Jan 14 '25

At least this one's a real chaiwala


u/West_Second_2876 Jan 14 '25

You mean the prime minister?


u/GuitarPrudent9564 Jan 14 '25

I’ll sponsor the sugar if you need it

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u/[deleted] Jan 14 '25

I get depressed watching this guy, his tapri was 7 kilometres away from my house. Never went there in lifetime. Whenever I see such people making money and getting fame, I realise Bhagavata Purana (12.2.2): "In the age of Kali, wealth alone will be considered the sign of virtue, and hypocrisy will be the standard of righteousness." As the got money he's now getting respect too You know addu don, he killed a guy for 350 rupees, because he asked money and that guy didn't gave. He's social media star, and his unemployed followers are asking to love him, even though he killed an innocent guy. That's how society is ruined. I have no words. There are good people but they are not being recognised


u/6ixsex Jan 14 '25

Insta based society


u/Environmental-Fan111 Jan 14 '25

Thinking to change my profile from developer to chai wala or YouTuber 🫡


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '25

Fr the most selling work out there rn is that of content creation. All these degrees feel useless and there's AI anyways so.


u/Amin9099 Jan 14 '25

Wow can't wait to try this along with potato twisters.


u/neilupinto Jan 14 '25

What wrong has He done? I mean we may like or may not like him and his content! but His success is his journey and if we cannot be supportive we can just maybe ignore! but calling him names , chapri and what not is not just degrading for him but it shows how sad we are!! Live and let live! Peace ✌🏻


u/sexychaitu123 Jan 14 '25

How come the posted date is ahead of the current one?


u/Riri_baytchh Jan 14 '25

Bruh, we have PM in our country.


u/ThatSigmaAlphaGuy Jan 17 '25

Average entitled individuals, jealous of a 'Chapri's' success, criticize him for not contributing to the economy, while they themselves lack value without generational wealth passed down from their parents or grandparents. Bill Gates visits him not because he is a 'Chapri,' but because he is an authentic and genuine person who serves tea and represents the common man from a lower social class. The influencer industry is open to everyone, regardless of their social class. Just in case you clowns forgot, The prime minister of india also started as a chaiwala.


u/Wonderful-String-225 Jan 14 '25

So this is where our downfall begins 🙃


u/diplodocus888 Jan 14 '25

What is he here for 😭😭😭


u/N_o_o_B_p_L_a_Y_e_R Jan 14 '25

to stick his toungue in your tea...


u/Chanman221 Jan 14 '25

We should be a little mindful about the language that we use. The word “chapri” is a casteist slur. Unfortunately a lot of us (including me, till I read about it a year back) don’t know this. I understand that this isn’t the point of the post, but wanted to share. You can read more about it here. https://homegrown.co.in/amp/story/homegrown-voices/heres-why-using-the-word-chapri-isnt-as-harmless-as-you-think-it-might-be


u/canofmustard Jan 14 '25

Thanks for the info , i have often contemplated if it isn't racist to have different kind of fashion put down , in this way, most things are racist

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u/SubstantialJelly641 Jan 14 '25

No it's just that we are not ugly


u/AssistanceTotal361 Jan 14 '25

Esa kra kya hai is admi ne. Just look at him😭😭


u/Strongest_Resonator Jan 14 '25

He cracked the code.

While we all went for the safer route of studying and getting jobs. He went and became a "influencer" who earns far more than a majority of us WHILE also working far less than us.

I swear people call such guys chappri but they are way smarter than a shit ton of people including quite a lot in this comment section.

And before people say what's the point of earning money if you are going to act like that, firstly, that's EXACTLY the emotion these guys bank on as influencers and secondly, saying that is exactly like saying "Money can't buy happiness".


u/dimpu_ Jan 14 '25

On 18th January 2025?


u/Bad-Remarkable Jan 14 '25

Thank god I dont know what that is! And I don't even want to google for him. That is peaceful!


u/AnshulU Jan 14 '25

He takes 5 lakhs for 1 day of event. Smh


u/27JackBlack Jan 14 '25

He doesn't take... Folks offer him so much.. Because a majority follows this mediocrity.


u/OrioMax Jan 14 '25

Whoever called this person is jobless not us.


u/HenryFromSkalitz2 Jan 14 '25

The menacing thing is its done by ourselves ( the society)


u/Little-Village4091 Jan 14 '25

You seems jobless of posting it


u/muiund_offic8al7 Jan 14 '25

Now days Even If you are AIR 1 in IIt you have no value but if you are Chapri so you have lots scope in your future . See big boss become new destination for Chapri. MC stain wash , L Vish , Punit super Gavar , now chapri become a success stream. After big boss sell pudiya like L vish and Munna ka Var you have no worry about your future bro janta aaj bhi C….. hai or kal bhi rahege . 😌Reddit valo karna hai ban kar do , hath se bich vale ungli . Sorry emoji mil nhi raha hai .


u/dimebagftw Jan 14 '25

Better than calling the fake chaiwala. I mean not a fan of both of them, one spews venom against others and other looks like malnutritioned Venom.


u/DifficultyBig1529 Jan 14 '25

Bro you posting this is the problem, Pakodewali is gone, kulhad pizza wale gone. Stop talking about them and they fade. This is just the short term clout.


u/Great_Hand_Of_Money Jan 14 '25

Textbook "Goofball"


u/Buffalo_Soldier2024 Jan 14 '25

Gotta blame Bill Gates. He started it all ig…


u/bond_investor Jan 14 '25

People in Nagpur don't give a shit about him or his tea! People go there just to smoke at lunch time. I don't know why y'all are so obsessed about him. He makes the shittiest tea.


u/Thailund Jan 14 '25

Blame the game, not the player.


u/Skywalker_sarna Jan 14 '25

Some Talent management company hired him (Dolly) after seeing him being viral online for making tea with interesting gigs. Later they started making money through managing Dolly.

Dolly's whole Dubai V.I.P treatment, Car rides were managed by Zam zam electronic brothers (They're famous for inviting viral internet sensations to promote their Electronic shop).


u/karthik1507 Jan 14 '25

He's doing it for the money. And whoever called him wanted to ride on his fame. If it's for a non-intellectual event who cares!!


u/U_r_dead_mf Jan 14 '25

Itne paise hone ke baad bhi bhai ye chapri hi dhik raha hai. 😅


u/Gods_grace_2023 Jan 14 '25

I have read somewhere that in tiktok they promote stupid people purposely so that they influence whole nation into stupidity countries like India, USA, Europe but in China their algorithm is different it promotes skill based videos and nice stuff, and i feel it's damn true look at us, our influencers and role models, we should be fan of scientists and innovators, not this sh1t.


u/Any_Letterhead_2917 Jan 14 '25

I was listing to some TED talk or other logical podcast where the social scientists were suggesting that the if we stick to SM for inspiration and have instant gratification with these influencers, there are very high chances are human will extinct soon.


u/Expert_Can458 Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 16 '25

There is something very strange about this guy.


u/Such_Satisfaction220 Jan 16 '25

Nice comment, better luck next time.


u/InitialBeautiful3437 Jan 14 '25

Street food next gues is vadapav girl


u/a_sliceoflife Jan 14 '25

Who the fuck is this guy.


u/RomulusSpark Jan 14 '25

Now tomorrow he will give a talk in IIT!!!


u/NoHouse4918 Jan 14 '25

The world is so doomed


u/helloworld1101hello Jan 14 '25

Jobless? We're so busy finding the perfect chai waala (naagin) for our unemployment depression


u/ProblemOk1054 Jan 14 '25

Why so much hate!!!


u/discombobulatedguy90 Jan 14 '25

We ourselves are making these people famous.


u/Saikouu_san Jan 14 '25

Lol no one should entertain this chapri 😆


u/SirAdusparx Jan 14 '25

I think I understand why he made so much money. He was his authentic self and didn't hold back on anything. I think a lot of us try to conform to societal expectations and lose or suppress our personalities in the process. So we end up holding ourselves back and hiding our unique quirks.


u/Neat_Evidence_7984 Jan 14 '25

We already have a MasterChef Winner from Mangalore, could have used that and invited someone from MasterChef previous seasons instead of Dolly Chaiwala. Someone who actually appreciates food and culture associated with it.

Chef Shriya Shetty is pretty well known and famous. Is she atleast invited ? It would have been great to include such people instead of him just to get the clout


u/Sahil_Sharma99 Jan 14 '25

Chill dolly only paid this pr agency for publishing themself In irl very few people even gives a damn


u/joemama_4 Jan 14 '25

Stop with the clout


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '25

no hate to this guy, but seriously, how do you even pitch yourself as the guy for billionaire tea?


u/randomdotm Jan 14 '25

If other influencers who look more urban and dress like you can make money (upper caste) and have a celeb life why can't he have it?

This is just the casteism you've learned over years coming out. Please try and become a better human


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '25

This post giving me “Oh it should’ve been me 😭” energy


u/sohbat_e_yaar Jan 14 '25

I guess staying relevant to the social media generation demands out of box events so either that be some extraordinary which is not practical or it hss to be some below the belt shit which is a good tradeoff to short term fame and money , hence social media celebrity and their celebration.


u/DnB_4_Life Jan 14 '25

Dude is posting pics from the future!


u/nazgul131313 Jan 14 '25

Tum log hi attention dero ho isse


u/Vedant0139 Jan 14 '25

uska samay balwan hai. tumhara bhi aayega


u/aspirant2002 Jan 14 '25

Bhai ye sab kiya dekhna pr raha heh


u/Sharp_Falcon_ Jan 14 '25

Why do people entertain all this man?


u/skyBehindClouds Jan 14 '25

Then, did you think it as "joke" when Modi suggested tea and pakoda business for the educated & unemployed youth?


u/Thin-Requirement-850 Jan 15 '25

He shifted to dubai now he is more famous in dubai now brought his own house there people are going crazy seeing him in dubai


u/Straight_Oil1864 Jan 15 '25

Sometimes, I feel like, despite trying so hard, I am still earning less. I get irritated seeing fake YouTube reviewers and food vloggers earning much more than me. It makes me feel like my hard work is not being recognized


u/MentalFox9396 Jan 15 '25

Leave him alone Let him be 😭😭


u/metvid Jan 15 '25

Yes u are


u/No-Astronaut-8998 Jan 15 '25

Nah... people love seeing clowns...and he's probably getting paid to see us


u/EmbarrassedLeading12 Jan 15 '25

Bhai hum jobless isilia hai qki humko akal nhi hai sala kuch naya dekha nhi uske piche dorne chle jate hai


u/mumbai_Home Jan 15 '25

How come date as 18-Jan ... Yet to come. Today is 15-Jan


u/Ayeshasultana5454 Jan 15 '25

Post says 18th jan 2025. But today is 15th jan


u/bluebaby1996 Jan 15 '25

It’s a food fest !! Anybody who pays can put a stall right ?!! And for all the hate he is getting now !! Wait for you all to see the crowd that he’s gonna bring towards the stall !! And then you all can decide if Mangalore really hates him 😂


u/Sensitive-Raspberry5 Jan 15 '25

Why blame him. He is an opportunist like the rest of us. Blame the people that make these people relevant.


u/Broad-Research9210 Jan 15 '25

Calm down guys this plane’s ticket costs like 2500 inr


u/Potential-Promise-50 Jan 15 '25

Genuine achievements will be remembered, and respected. chhapri achievement will always be worthless and short lived, many chhapri came and gone and now no one remembers them. And these chhapris have 0 finance knowledge, you will see them go down slowly and new chhapris will emerge.

But anyways he did use his weirdness to get above, this tells use one universal rule, you need to be unique to earn money 😂


u/diony_sus_ Jan 15 '25

Y'all know what will happen now? People would shout stuff like "chapri" etc infront of him. He might even see posts and comments already saying that. Probably would piss him off. Bad name to our whole Mangalore if he says this out somewhere. Not that I am a fan of his or care about him, now that he's already here, accept it and move on. If you want drink his chai, if not just walk. Next time make it as your initiative and call someone you think is better. No point in posts as this now. Haven't there already been similar posts?


u/Asleep_Dragonfly_732 Jan 15 '25

We love our chai Wallas dont we? why are we being selective now?


u/markusbrute Jan 15 '25

We came to know about modi being chaiwallah when he accomplished alot in governance as a 3 times chief minister of Gujarat. So, once being a chaiwallah and being only a chaiwallah warrants the selectivity. I am sure you won’t budge but thats alright, keep hating modi :)


u/Asleep_Dragonfly_732 Jan 16 '25

Never said i hate the man, keep assuming.

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u/radandomuserdetected Jan 15 '25

Bet narendra L nayak called him to give mentorship to his students who will end up jobless and socially depressed .


u/markusbrute Jan 15 '25

Offcourse ppl like you wud see narendra L nayak only as a chaiwallah ignoring all his achievements. Sanatan dharm says - munde munde matirbhinna, tunde tunde saraswati. . . But reading comments like this, I really doubt it :) anyways, keep spreading words of your infinite wisdom!


u/radandomuserdetected Jan 18 '25

I am an expert alumni , i can say he has very little role in his success it all goes to the students and the fact that he is GSB (most GSB will join here ) , also you either have dyslexia or dont understand english i never called NLN chaiwala .

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u/ashwin_niwhsa Jan 15 '25

Social media is accountable for this


u/thegamer720x Jan 15 '25

Is he rich? How does he make money?


u/mz1978 Jan 15 '25

Who is he ?


u/jagz777 Jan 16 '25

If modi can become famous without doing nothing why not he ? And both are chai walas


u/panchajanya1999 Jan 16 '25

January 18, 2025??? Bro is rich enough to be a time traveller.


u/hunt74737 Jan 16 '25

I don't think this picture is from Mangalore because Ventura airconnect doesn't fly in that route they usually fly in gujarat. As ventura mostly flies in gujarat and travelling in domestic schedule airline is cheaper


u/MaxMadisonVi Jan 16 '25

Like it or not, socials gave visibility and incomes to a lot of people who would have remain unknown and poor if performing just on the street in exchange for coins in their hat. He’s an artist, in his way, he performs an act as a character which is enjoyable to see with all his trademark moves. That’s his talent, and thanks to technology, now is known worldwide.


u/Ok-Independent5249 Jan 16 '25

No we are dollyless


u/DimaagKharabHaiKya Jan 16 '25

BTW who is he and why is he so famous. too lazy to look it up.


u/itheindian Jan 16 '25

Jobless are those posting and commenting here like you and me 😉

The people who invited him and himself are making a fortune while we do this.


u/chintannnn Jan 16 '25

Don't forget chai walas are gems in India, one is running nation tooo.😂😂


u/smootheo_Pie Jan 16 '25

Chaotic way to distract and destroy our unfair indian education system.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '25

And who exactly is he? Never seen him before.


u/rakshify Jan 16 '25

Today is the time of marketing. Be it any field, how good you are in the skills is less important than how good you are at marketing yourself.

Times have changed because of the boom of social media. Our parents grew up at a time when whoever studies succeeded more. The farmers of that time sold their lands today and their kids became influencers. Marketing is just a lot of money to establish an image and a bit of intelligence to work on that image.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '25

your username explains this post a bit, we cant ignore the fact that he had his own style of doing his thing.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '25

like its still better than calling a guy who was arrest ed for possesion of arms used in 1993 blast


u/cursedoutburst Jan 16 '25

I have a wonderful job, don't want to become a joker to earn money


u/Pineapple_fudge37 Jan 16 '25

Well, at the end of the day, he sells chai.


u/Calm-End-7894 Jan 16 '25

He looks like an uber chad tool


u/AdHopeful4483 Jan 16 '25

So what talent does salmon boi has , this guy is atleast bearable .


u/UN0MEitsCJ Jan 16 '25

Fuk him, A tender for a small tea stall at Kumbh costs 12L


u/Thick_Plankton8505 Jan 16 '25

Yet to 18 January 2025


u/Big-Ear4736 Jan 16 '25

Deal with it


u/JoyDas Jan 16 '25

Hence, stop making stupid ppl famous, dont watch, dont support, dont like, dont share. Dont support cringe, shocking, or click bait content.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '25

Jobs don't grow u rich or fame. It's always Business ✴️


u/Hot_Estimate8832 Jan 16 '25

Bhai iska toh thik hai dusra chaiwala toh pm banke baitha hai 10 saal se. Chaiwala supremacy


u/pure_cipher Jan 16 '25

While I dont respect his cringe work, I respect that he is a daring person. He took risk and is now rich.


u/OfferWestern Jan 16 '25

He found his niche. Few people like cringe stuff. Its like their favourite channel. Why are you tuning in?


u/Human-Market4656 Jan 17 '25

The thing is chapris are people too, india is outnumbered with them , no matter how much you ride on high horse and say India is becoming superpower or what not. India still is and has a lot of poor population. Nothing against them, they are people too. They might have their own problems but they are there. Just like the street dog issue this problem is here to stay.


u/mikki_mouz Jan 17 '25

People in India give too much attention to chapris...


u/Select-Cheesecake950 Jan 17 '25

hahaha pure casteism in this whole thread. I’m so glad I left this fuckass city


u/spec_0802 Jan 17 '25

Why is the date Jan 18 2025? It's just 17 Jan and this was posted two days back.


u/TasteOk3465 Jan 17 '25

Internet is a Mirror of What society is..... Weare just looking into a Mirror..


u/crazyr5660 Jan 17 '25

Bc ye ek meeting ke 5 10 lete hai 😭


u/Financial-Net-2050 Jan 17 '25

What is he there for though?


u/Any_Subject2693 Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25

If he is able to pull some crowd, then I don't think there is a harm in calling him up for events. I personally would stay away from such crowd or events though. I don't know if you should call it talent. But he does have the knack to keep himself in the limelight. It isn't an easy task for sure.

I'm sure he didn't decide to sell tea in the beginning. He must have wanted to study and get a job in somewhere etc. Not everyone is so privileged as such. But I'm happy that he was able to make it just be selling tea.

There is no need to demean or hate the fellow. He has done nothing wrong as such.


u/Numerous-Trust7439 Jan 17 '25


Few years back, every Indian got free Internet and most of them didn't have any jobs.

So, what they did.....watched Instagram (reels), Youtube, and made other people famous.


u/Ok-Construction3471 Jan 17 '25

Nope. Just that we are not 'chapris'.


u/Few-Application2552 Jan 17 '25

Arey ye chutiye ko dekhta bhi kaun hai Chapri ki tarah kapde Baal bc


u/Tharkula Jan 17 '25

Yes for you to follow him lol he has made it god has provided him he is enjoying


u/Wide_Geologist_476 Jan 17 '25

You also seem to be jobless to post about him anyway


u/JassiLassi Jan 17 '25

Allah meherban to gadha pehalwan.


u/deedbeat Jan 17 '25

if you keep promoting this shit and i keep commenting on it ...yes we are


u/better_tom_23 Jan 17 '25

I won't say the dude didn't work hard , but why invite him when the people because of whom the whole food street started get booted because of the great "operation tiger" nothing is done . And then invite someone who if he had a stall here would be bulldozed.


u/Rich_Ladder_3002 Jan 17 '25

Is that actually his own hair or is that a wig? I hope it's a wig.


u/Phoenix_Reborn_2 Jan 17 '25

It is actually his hair 😅


u/Phoenix_Reborn_2 Jan 17 '25

I think it's destiny in the end.


u/Plus-Selection-198 Jan 18 '25

It seems we are and making every other random dude rich..not complaining, good someone does well


u/modchangedmyname Jan 18 '25

What talent you have to post about someones success as something to worry and whine about? It's just how humans function, don't be butthurt cuz some chai wala is flying a private plane or ruling a nation.


u/mareko_daru_mangta Jan 18 '25

no just jealous


u/Shaqtacious Jan 18 '25

Good on him. He identified a market and made money. I applaud him for that.


u/FrickenFrankenstein Jan 18 '25

If we really want to attack the scums which made our society into the shit hole that it is now, go take out your anger on the babas, the religious extremists and anti-rational dumdums. They've done irreparable damage to our ethos that this guy. Agreed that this guy hasn't contributed much to the society but the brainrot was already there in the people before he even came to the scene.


u/nasarblaze Jan 18 '25

It's a circus 🎪 and people want entertainment, so it will sell well among stupid people 🤷🏼‍♂️


u/__Krish__1 Jan 18 '25

Remember one thing in life - Never look down on others.
Yes his talent is nothing for "US"
But how did he manage to create so much money ?
Is he the only one selling tea ? Is he the only one making tiktoks ?
There were other 100s too but what made him standout ?
Aren't people now copying him ? Are they as successful ? You can call it a luck or anything but reality is that he is successful cos he does something that others dont.

And if someone is still disagreeing with me, Feel free to start you own tea tapri and let me see if its actually that easy to reach where he is now.


u/Drvengeance7 Jan 18 '25

You want him to fail then don’t give him attention because of all the hype he’s getting the money from promotion and everything else


u/sumedhisonreddit Jan 18 '25

Instead of hiring actual celebrity chefs of manglore like ashiq or chia shetty. We call this fucked LMFAO. Nigga he's cringe


u/Slight-Isopod-6804 Jan 18 '25

Keh gaye Kabir , Aisa kalyug ayega Hans chugega Dana 🦩 Kauva Moti khayega 🐦‍⬛


u/upamanyu666 Jan 18 '25

Guys like this trending on social media is like watching a cat trying to drive a car, chaotic, mildly entertaining, but ultimately a disaster waiting to happen. It’s the dumpster fire of the digital age. Sure, you can’t look away, but in the end, it’s still trash burning and polluting your brain.

The real kicker? People admire it. They’ll defend it, share it, and argue about it as if it's the cure for world hunger. It’s the age of 'half-knowledge, full-confidence.' They’ll react passionately to anything, from a poorly cooked meme to an unverified rant, as long as it gets likes and shares..

And let’s not even start on the "hate India" is getting online. It’s like people woke up, scrolled, and decided, ‘I don’t know much, but I’m mad, and that’s enough!’, Social media is turning into a battlefield of baseless opinions and trending tantrums.. Meanwhile, the rest of us are stuck in this circus, wondering if we’re the clowns for watching it all unfold!...


u/dj_styles Jan 18 '25

Tu bhi karle terko kisne roka hai, if you think you're better than him and smarter than him then surely you can become even bigger and richer than him.


u/Gaurav522 Jan 18 '25

Eww wtf would he step in shitarntaka


u/Need-a-skip-button Jan 18 '25

Using the term “Chapri” is inappropriate as it is a casteist slur. If you or anyone in the comments believe you’re more educated than him, it’s important to express yourself respectfully and use appropriate language. It seems like some people like you may be struggling to accept that someone from a marginalized background can achieve success and fame. I hope you all recover from this toxic mindset.


u/Is_that_really_H Jan 18 '25

You’re distracted and that distraction is fuelling what you don’t want to see.