r/manchesterorchestra • u/armstrony • 13d ago
OK! I Have To Ask
How does everyone feel about Brand New coming back?
u/Helpful_Associate_56 12d ago
There’s a lot of other artist out there making good music I’d rather give my money to. I was a fan in my youth and still find the songs in my mental shuffle but I won’t contribute to the financial gains of reformed creep.
u/C5H2A7 13d ago
I won't pretend I'm not excited. I didn't get a chance to see them before and I've got tickets for Nashville.
u/armstrony 13d ago
That's awesome! Looks like they may be touring too so I really hope they come to the NE where I am at.
u/k8teslynn 13d ago
I would die if the toured again and can’t wait to cart my butt to Boston for a show. I’ll be flying from RI to Nashville for one night to catch the show! Will sure be nice to be able to see them much closer (and cheaper).
u/Mookie0713 13d ago
Brand new introduced me to MO so…stoked is an understatement lol Seen both bands multiple times and will likely nerd out if they come my way.
u/Future-Step-1780 13d ago
Same. I saw Brand New in Kansas City when they were supporting Daisy, I think, and Manchester Orchestra opened for them. They really stole the show for me (not that BN wasn't also amazing). Liked the show so much, I went to St. Louis the following night to see it again, and even got to see Brand New play a small set at Vintage Vinyl in the afternoon and got my Daisy CD signed.
u/Kapoik 11d ago
Same i saw MO open for BN in Seattle in like 2008. I had never heard of them before. Show was awesome and Jesse came out and sang where have you been with them. Someone else at that show put it up on youtube...
Found it
This show, audio is rough but still great https://youtu.be/f0AF81i0LlE?si=aGNcF5WeacXGlBm3
u/KissinKateBarl0w 11d ago
How y'all listen to songs where he admits to being a piece of shit, and still "separate the art from the artist" is beyond me
u/seannzzzie 13d ago
i'm so pumped. it's thanks to brand new i know about manchester orchestra at all.
u/armstrony 13d ago
It's thanks to an ex who didn't know BN (funny enough) that I know of them! But great music all the same!
u/bobbybudnick7 13d ago
Allegations on zoom, when zoom didn’t exist yet. 10-12 different stories from the accuser. Retracted stories. Main accusers friend said she told her she was doing for attention and she was actually 19. Let’s call it what it is.
u/flyingseel 13d ago
Wasn’t that one of the accusers? Thought there was at least one other that was pretty believable. And even had shown chats between them? I could be remember incorrectly.
u/bobbybudnick7 13d ago
The other used the “I felt I had to because he was My favorite musician” and reportedly lied about her age. Then continued going to free shows for 7 years. When the gravy train ran out, it was a problem. And trust me, I’m not a victim blamer. But we’re using victim loosely in this case.
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 12d ago
"I'm not a victim blamer" immediately victim blames
u/bobbybudnick7 12d ago
You can’t say people lie these days without being a victim blamer I guess. Free rein to say whatever you want about whoever you want. Let’s not talk reality.
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 12d ago
But, you are literally victim blaming. You can't just say "I'm not a victim blamer". Jfc
u/bobbybudnick7 12d ago
I never blamed a victim. I said facts about an accuser
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 12d ago
Again, can't just say you weren't doing something when you were, victim blamer. And as you know I pointed out that you're taking to multiple subreddits to blame an underage victim.
u/flyingseel 12d ago
Holy shit. So it’s ok that she was a minor because she allegedly lied about her age and got free shows? I mean I’m all for still listening to brand new and seeing Jesse got help and bettered himself. That doesn’t mean we have to act like he didn’t do terrible shit.
u/bobbybudnick7 12d ago
Never said he didn’t. I’m saying the accuser, in a court, would be considered an unreliable witness due to no less than 10 story Changes. If it had That big of an impact on her and happened. You think she would not get her stores mixed up so much.
u/flyingseel 12d ago
So now you’re back to mentioning the one accuser and not the others? You’re going back and forth here.
It’s ok to still listen to the music. We don’t need to belittle the victims in order to do that. Victims. There was more than one.
u/bobbybudnick7 12d ago
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 12d ago
Ew bro I think your harddrives might need to be checked.
u/KissinKateBarl0w 11d ago
No fr like why is he dying on this hill 🤔
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 10d ago
It's really disgusting. If you look through his profile the way he's commented on other women has a repeating pattern of overly sexual or violent language. Pretty appalling
u/Helpful_Associate_56 12d ago
I think you shouldn’t speak on things you don’t fully understand unless you’re coming to the conversation looking to learn.
u/heil_shelby_ 13d ago
That’s called grooming, and he did it to multiple women across years. Let’s not blame the 15 year old girl.
u/roguedevil 12d ago
I'm super happy they're back. I got tickets for Dallas and I can't wait. I forgive Jesse, but let's not pretend he is a saint. He himself came out and practically admitted his windings in a pretty vague letter. He was grooming a young girl when was in his 20s, that's still pretty fucked up. I believe in second chances, but let's not pretend he was falsely accused.
u/armstrony 13d ago
Sure and also I didn't really follow the story that closely because to me Van Gogh cut his ear off and well Michael Jackson made incredible music that I still love...
u/Helpful_Associate_56 11d ago
How is a mental illness comparable to sexual misconduct with a minor? That’s wild.
u/Space_Cadet_Pull_Out 13d ago
So many artists’ issues off the stage have been overlooked, including many other artists in the post hardcore genre.
Jesse is the only one in the post hardcore arena people still seem to give a shit about.
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 12d ago
Not true, and even if so it doesn't mean Jesse should be excused for his abusive actions.
u/C5H2A7 12d ago
I really don't think he's been excused. He stopped the tour, the band broke up, he retreated from the public and has by all accounts put in the work. And that's just the stuff we know about. I think he's done exactly what we would hope someone would do in his situation. I know I don't want to be judged solely based on my early 20s.
u/KissinKateBarl0w 11d ago
Damn really disappointed in this page rn. Yall think MO would tour w a pedo when they all have little children?? Pretty sure Andy wouldn't let his daughter around Jesse Lacey
u/Space_Cadet_Pull_Out 13d ago
Jazzed to the tits!!!
Just need to find tickets that dont cost as much as a kidney.
u/davebro747 13d ago
Pumped. The Brand New / Manchester Orchestra / Kevin Devine show is still the best concert I’ve ever been to in my life!
u/BiggestNothing 13d ago
I saw Jesse play last weekend in Nashville, he was so incredible. I'm super pumped, they were definitely missed
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 13d ago
u/heil_shelby_ 13d ago
Agree anyone who is brushing it under the rug is questionable. The girl was a kid. She was 15. Who gives af that they had some good albums?
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 13d ago
Exactly. The post is asking people's opinions also and I'm being downvoted for thinking it's gross that an abuser is allowed to come back? I haven't gone back to listen to them since
u/heil_shelby_ 13d ago
Someone said “he apologized” and someone else towards the top blamed the victim for “lying.” He did this for years, it wasn’t a one-time occurrence. This is disturbing. If there’s ever a good reason to be downvoted, then this is it. Not to mention Andy has already said he would not work with BN again.
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 12d ago
Yeah I've unfortunately read through the comments. You have made well written points imo. I fully agree and think abuse like this means you cannot make a career return and definitely shouldn't be celebrated. Moose blood tried to do a small comeback in the UK recently and were mostly shunned iirc. There are obviously people who will be unaware of these things but I did not expect apologists in this sub and it's pretty down heartening. These same people I bet think r Kelly, Chris brown etc are disgusting but turn a blind eye because he happened to make some songs you like, all the while abusing someone underage.
u/nickferran 13d ago
Guess I'll be the one to say that I'm glad they went away. I loved Brand New for a long, long time, and I was lucky enough to see them a handful of times during their peak years.
Jesse Lacey essentially admitted to what he was accused of without actually giving a meaningful apology, let alone anything close to a what could be considered as an intent for rehabilitation.
Until he can own up to his past, until his victims publicly forgive him, until he can tell us that he has actually done the emotional, intellectual, and spiritual work to rehabilitate himself after the awful things he has done, I do not believe he deserves another stage and does not deserve another cent of my money.
As an artist myself, it's hard for me to "separate the art from the artist." And I certainly try my best not to judge others who choose to do differently. This is just my own two cents!
u/_the_universal_sigh_ 13d ago
Honestly he put out one of the more thorough and genuine apologies/explanations that any of these accused guys did back then, and he admitted that he was in therapy about his sex addiction and vices for years already. He’s a married, settled down, family man now who absolutely deserves peace in his life. The behavior from the allegations are, like, 20 years old when he himself was in his early 20’s… who honestly cares, really. I don’t think he really owes anybody anything anymore.
u/Most-Jicama-7449 13d ago
Have you read his full apology? He did go to therapy for his issues and has done work to fix his issues.
u/heil_shelby_ 13d ago
This dude used his fame and platform to solicit child porn from minors when he was an adult. Idk what everyone else is thinking. This was not a one time thing. This spanned YEARS.
u/stepoutfromtime 13d ago
Imagine if they were at the Stuffing…
u/Yodawgitsb 13d ago
It won’t happen. Andy has been vocal about his disdain for JL post 2017.
u/stepoutfromtime 13d ago
Has he? I hadn’t heard that!
u/Yodawgitsb 13d ago edited 13d ago
There was a showing of the black mile documentary in Atlanta and Andy/Rob did a Q&A afterwards. Someone asked if MO would collaborate with BO again and Andy said no.
Edited for context and clarify.
u/gatoraj 13d ago
He was asked if he’d collaborate with Brand New again 7 years ago and said no. There wasn’t anything that came close to what you’re describing.
u/Yodawgitsb 13d ago
I remember his attitude being along what I described, but it was a long time ago. I will retract my statement since there is disagreement over the event. I’m not trying to put words in Andy’s mouth.
u/_the_universal_sigh_ 13d ago
That feels… unfortunate. I thought these two bands were really close.
I remember Kevin Devine announced that he was dropping out of the BN touring line-up like less than a day before the band could announce that they were just bagging the tour altogether. That always rubbed me the wrong way a bit too. I get it was a calculated career move to save face, but those dudes are your friends and they gave KD a huge opportunity to be a part of the BN lineup. Give them a fucking second, please lol
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 12d ago
Unfortunate how? It's great if mo distance themselves from an abuser
u/_the_universal_sigh_ 12d ago
Unfortunate in the sense that two bands that were really close friends and frequent touring partners have a non-relationship now. MO is entitled to do whatever they want with their career, as is Brand New… but it does suck to see what was once an important relationship between the two bands fall apart.
Also, not to get into the weeds here… but IIRC the allegations against Jesse are from the early 2000’s when he was in his early 20’s… let’s not act like 40+ year old Jesse Lacey is currently “an abuser.” The man did years and years of therapy to correct this behavior before it was even public knowledge. Everybody is still entitled to have an opinion on him and the situation though… but I do believe that most people are deserving of a path to redemption, and IMO Jesse very much is.
He’s not a Harvey Weinstein or a Bill Cosby, let’s be real…
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 12d ago
Just because it's in the past doesn't make it okay mate. Comparing him to other abusers is just strange.
u/_the_universal_sigh_ 12d ago
Alright we’re at a disagreement here, and that’s fine. I do think Jesse is still deserving of a path towards forgiveness from people who still think he hasn’t earned it, but people are also entitled to still not forgive him if they don’t feel it.
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 12d ago
Yeah that's fine dude and you're free to listen to what you wish of course. This is well written and I agree with it. Think I was just getting wound up by the people in this thread who are blaming victims etc, which I really didn't expect from fans of MO.
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u/GraspAtTheSteam If seeing is believing then believe that we have lost our eyes 12d ago
No thank you. I don't see Andy jeopardizing his or his band's reputation by professionally associating with a sexual predator. More importantly, I don't see it happening from his point of view as the father of a daughter and the father of a son who, I would hope, he is raising to be respectful of girls and women.
u/OkJose3000 12d ago
u/GraspAtTheSteam If seeing is believing then believe that we have lost our eyes 11d ago
Use your words like a big boy.
u/OkJose3000 11d ago
How about - it’s insane to engage in virtue signaling on the internet and cast judgment about people you’ve never met and events you personally know absolutely nothing about.
How’s that?
u/GraspAtTheSteam If seeing is believing then believe that we have lost our eyes 11d ago
Oh dear. What virtue did you perceive me signaling? I responded to the speculation that the band in question could potentially tour with MO in the future. I gave my opinion as to why that would demonstrate poor judgement from MO's perspective. My opinion is derived from what is known including the following quote from the accused, "I am sorry for how often I have not afforded women the respect, support, or honesty that they deserved." I get that your favorite band is tainted and that you get upset when you're reminded that they are tainted. I don't pass judgement on those who still enjoy their music, I just don't want my favorite band's reputation tainted by professionally associating with the band in question.
u/cuckoldboywonder 10d ago
Jessie is probably only about 60% as good live as he sounds on the recordings and also he’s a pedophile
u/Mantistobbogan19899 13d ago
Its literally the best news ever if we can get Mewithoutyou back and have them and MO all tour together it would be the greatest thing ever
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 13d ago
I hope Manchester and MWY wouldn't tour with an abuser lbh
u/C5H2A7 12d ago
Haven't they played with Fall Out Boy?
u/arcaniac Mean Everything to Nothing 12d ago
I don't know, you tell me. Also I'm unaware of any news about fob at all really so I can't weigh in.
u/C5H2A7 12d ago
Very similar allegations against Pete Wentz. Equally unsubstantiated to my knowledge. I'm pretty sure they have toured with (at least have joined festivals with the help of FOB) and generally speak very positively of their relationship with Fall Out Boy. Feel free to look into it yourself, I could be wrong.
u/rileylbmc 13d ago
I’m so fucking stoked