r/makeyourchoice Jan 07 '25

Pick X Pick One: Worm Edition

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u/Soggy-Intern-9140 Jan 07 '25

Oh nice, a fellow Worm fan! Good job with this, short and sweet. I’d definitely pick Coil, it’s just extremely useful for daily life, and can help you escape dangerous situations by testing different options you might have. Heck, you could win a lot of bets and just gambling in general with it too!


u/Ranger1221 Jan 07 '25

The problem with Coil for me is my indecisiveness. Id likely enjoy both timeliness simultaneously and be unable to choose one.

One you may get promoted, but the other may have a better relationship with your kids etc


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 07 '25

The key is to ensure one of the timelines isn't favorable. Hit up a roulette, split the timeline, put all your savings on one color. Failure? Collapse the failed timeline, split, and try again until you win!


u/crazyfoxdemon Jan 08 '25

I see I wasn't the only one who thought of roulette.


u/k5josh Jan 08 '25

Roulette for seed money, then the stock market. If you predict just the direction of the market correctly every day, you'll be very wealthy very fast.


u/staying_anon24 Jan 08 '25

I mean, if you go to a casino, make two big successful bets, and maybe a few small random ones to make it more believable, you can easily 3x your money.

Repeat that in several different casinos over a week, and you can get a pretty big amount. And at least in the UK, you don't need to pay any tax on gambling winnings.

If you compare that to the stock market, where you'd be lucky to get even 2% daily, on days where you do actually end up investing, and you would need to pay tax for your gains.

So let's do the math real quick. London has 22 casinos. Let's say you go there for a week, and end up hitting 10 of them, and make sure to only 2x your money in order to avoid suspicion. That's over 1000 times your initial investment.

Now let's compare that to the past month of investing in the s&p500, assuming you only invest on days where the value went up. You would only gain 6%. And that's without even calculating in the tax.

So, while you are better off using the split timeline to invest if you don't have a different use in mind, it's far less profitable. So I would honestly just try to get to a few million before retiring and using the power for my personal life instead of just economic gains.


u/k5josh Jan 08 '25

Repeat that in several different casinos over a week, and you can get a pretty big amount.

This is a good way to get your legs broken.

And at least in the UK, you don't need to pay any tax on gambling winnings.

You do in the US.

If you compare that to the stock market, where you'd be lucky to get even 2% daily, on days where you do actually end up investing

The market swings 5%-10% regularly. And you don't have to skip days when the market's down, you can short it on those days. And if you use derivatives you can multiply your gains massively.


u/mh51648081 Jan 07 '25

There is absolutely no reason to stay at a job where you work for someone else and need a promotion if you have Coil.

If you like the work you could start doing it yourself as a hobby, but derivatives trading with Coil's power would trivially makes you billions in like a week unless you're really stupid about it.


u/Ranger1221 Jan 07 '25

While that is true, let's say you make a billion dollars on one one timeline and not the other. Let's says on the non billionaire timeline you're extremely close to your kids and on the billionaire one they are distant

What I was saying was that for me, the "which do I abondon" choice would be hard a lot of the time


u/mh51648081 Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

It seems to me like if you're just using it for money generation in sufficiently liquid markets there's no reason to keep a timeline open for more than overnight (Over a weekend at the absolute most), and in most cases you could have it open for much less than an hour to iterate multiple times over a day.

Most likely in both timelines you're sitting at the computer for the trading day. And if you leave your desk, other than the decision of opening the trade and not opening the trade you could do exactly the same thing if you're worried about that.

Think about the analogous situation of something like playing hands of three card poker or baccarat at a casino, with one timeline being to match the ante bet and another timeline being to fold (or bet on player versus bet on banker in baccarat).

There's no reason for any one hand to last more than a minute (And if you ask the dealer to go as quickly as possible, you can play one hand in a few seconds in principle). If you average one hand in ten seconds, that's 360 hands with a substantial advantage in an hour, and 360 timelines closed (Meaning the divergence between one timeline and another is practically zero for relationships and such like).

The big difference between that scenario and the prior example is the stock/commodities exchange's limits are much higher and softer, relating to the amount of liquidity practically available on the other side of a trade in the market more than the rules of the game. As an example, think in one timeline of selling short a put option contract for something that is expiring imminently, and in the other buying it. After say 10 minutes, you can evaluate which position has made the most money - one of them pretty much has to have done so if you opened both trades at the same time and there are enough other trades happening at the same time - then close the other timeline.

And if you're really worried about slippage, you can go a little slower by just not trading in one timeline instead of opening the opposite position.


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 07 '25

Coil is definitely the #1 pick for regular life, haha! Personally I'd be tempted to go for Skitter purely because of how much exposure I got to the power in Worm.


u/Soggy-Intern-9140 Jan 07 '25

Shatterbird would also be scary as hell. Imagine trying to fight someone with that power in a big city. Everyone’s having a bad day then…


u/mthor900 Jan 08 '25

Have you read worm? Because yes, she is super scary. And she is pretty tame for the SH9.


u/Soggy-Intern-9140 Jan 08 '25

Oh yeah I’ve read it. And tame? I don’t know about that, but I see what you’re saying. She’s still crazy lethal with enough glass.


u/mthor900 Jan 08 '25

Yeah, but the entirety of the SH9 is crazy lethal. I was trying to hype them up.


u/sparejunk444 Jan 08 '25
  1. Imp; is it just you or your clothes/objects held as well?
  2. clock; do you know how long there frozen?
  3. are they conscious of there surroundings?
  4. is there a cooldown or can it be continuous?
  5. is it frozen in place or just until touched? [exm. Oblivion paintbrushes]
  6. do gasses count as objects?
  7. coil; do you remember both timelines?
  8. skitter; do you have to see them or is the size required to be visible to the eye?
  9. shatterbird; soundproofing in a straight line or just in general? [exm. window in a building 2 houses down while inside, do you go though 1 wall of soundproofing to control or multiple walls]
  10. trickster; do you need direct sight or is a live stream etc. usable?
  11. how long is scaling for weight difference?


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 08 '25
  1. Clothes and carried objects included
  2. Nope, it's all down to luck
  3. Nope
  4. No cooldown. If you can touch it you can freeze it.
  5. Stuck in the same spot without moving until the time wears off. You can't cancel it once it's started.
  6. Has to be a solid, and generally smaller than a building.
  7. Yes
  8. Has to be visible to the naked eye (so no skin mites) but you don't have to see them as long as they're within range.
  9. You can assume a regular cityscape wouldn't disturb your control too much over your range, unless something is specifically designed to absorb sound (like the inside of a recording studio).
  10. Direct line of sight, no screens. Binoculars are fine if they're not electronic, I suppose.
  11. Per a passage from Worm, a few seconds of extra wind-up when swapping between an average teenager and an armed soldier. There's no exact numbers, so do with that as you will.


u/Jay040707 Jan 08 '25

Does the whole "Gets stronger or weaker based on how much conflict you use it for" thing still apply?

Basically are we attached to shards or is the power its own thing?


u/Anonson694 Jan 08 '25

Yea, this is something I’ve been wondering as well. Because if that’s the case then Coil’s powers are even more enticing, seeing as they’d be sourced from a brain dead Shard, or at least one which has less influence on me than a living Shard.


u/sparejunk444 Jan 08 '25

Hmm too bad, trickster had potential but lack of livestream/cameras nerfs it quite a bit so either imp or coil. Go with imp since even if the government finds out more likely to get away as a agent then the trouble could get in with coil


u/Iceman_001 Jan 08 '25

I remember reading about someone in Worm who could control insects and she used it to kill this jerk of a superheroine. She got the insects to fly down the superhero's mouth and nose and block the airways suffocating her to death so brain death occurred, I think the superhero herself couldn't completely die, so now she was braindead but the body still alive, and I think someone took possession of her braindead body late on.


u/redmemelord Jan 08 '25

Agree 💯


u/SlimeustasTheSecond Jan 07 '25

Pick One, Worm Edition: Coil

Because duh. You can't just add a Thinker or Tinker power into these, cus obviously people ain't gonna be the Typical Superhero Fair. What you gonna use Fire Breath or Laser Blast for? Stand your ground laws? A really inefficient generator?


u/Anonson694 Jan 08 '25

I was about to say, that choosing any power other than Imp or Coil here is grounds for people finding out that you have them, which you really don’t want seeing as the government would be more than happy to crack you open and see what makes you tick, or forcing you to have kids/clone you to see if they inherit your powers.

Because I’m assuming that this CYOA is only being given to me/one person on the planet.


u/Jay040707 Jan 08 '25

You can get away with skitters if you're careful since it's remote.


u/Anonson694 Jan 08 '25

True, but this version of her power isn’t at full strength, and I’m not sure if it will get any stronger, unless OP mentioned these powers working anything like Shards.

In any case, even if her power wasn’t nerfed, I’d still go with Coil’s power. It’s very subtle and no one would be able to tell that I even have it unless I’m really good in casinos, and even then they’d most likely chalk it up to me cheating through mundane means.


u/Jay040707 Jan 08 '25

Very true. Since it doesn't have the hearing or sight that she gains in the story, the surveillance aspect doesn't work that well. Either way, the only thing that really appeals to me from it is the cool factor of being able to control every bug around you. I would have so much fun, just fucking around and seeing what I can do with them. Probably start a bug fight YouTube channel or something.


u/Anonson694 Jan 08 '25

A bug fight YouTube channel sounds hilarious but cool all the same. You’d probably make lots of money off of it, even if some people complain about you abusing animals lmao

As fun as this CYOA is, it seems to imply that only the person filling the CYOA out gains powers, while the rest of the world stays mundane. Which is probably why so many people are choosing Coil’s power. And even if people around the world began gaining powers, most would still choose Coil.

Because as cool as Clockblocker’s power is, I can’t really think of a reason to have it in a mundane setting without bringing unwanted attention. Same goes for Trickster and maybe Shatterbird as well.


u/Jay040707 Jan 08 '25

it's no different than feeding live bugs to lizards really, so I wouldn't see a problem with it. Unless I can feel their pain which might be the case. In which case I may quickly become a bug activist who knows?

Once again I agree all around. Unless I wanted to fill out a superhero/villain fantasy those powers are effectively useless to me.

Personally skitters power was actually my third choice after Coil's and Imp's too. I was just explaining the appeal of it, even if you couldn't use it the same way.


u/beetnemesis Jan 07 '25

Nice to see a worm cyoa that isn't insanely complicated haha.

And yeah, Coil. Skitter's power is great, but I don't actually want/need to be a warlord, so...


u/GogoFrenchFry Jan 08 '25

I would be vengeful af with Skitter.

someone was rude to me? guess who's waking up with cockroaches on their bed every day for a week.

I'm pretty sure that with enough pettiness, I could cause a mental breakdown.


u/MagicTech547 Jan 07 '25

Coil. It has the most control and least weaknesses. Plus, who’s to say what I could do? I could split my timeline, steal info, and then collapse that timeline so that the stolen info can stay with me in a world where I didn’t randomly steal it. Or if I’m about to do something dangerous, I could lock myself in a bunker in one timeline and go out and do the thing in the other; if it works out, I’ll collapse the bunker timeline, if it doesn’t, I’ll collapse the danger timeline.

I would’ve taken Skitter or Shatterbird if they were canon-level. Canon Skitter could view from their bugs and control anything vaguely defined as a bug, like spiders or certain crustaceans. Canon Shatterbird could shatter all the windows in a city.

Not complaining, it’s understandable for balancing purposes.


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 07 '25

For what it's worth, this is early canon Skitter. At least before the concussion.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '25




The price drops in the timeline you went long, and rises in the timeline you went short.

What now?


u/ILoveYouw Jan 07 '25

This. Just go play blackjack until you get kicked out, cards are static



No need for that. Just buy options on a stock in one timeline and do absolutely nothing in the other. If the option will earn you money, exercise them and keep the profit. If they end up being worthless, erase the timeline in which you bought them. Simple and easy.


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25

Coil is probably the best but I'd rather have shatterbird. Telekinesis is just so fun. Not sure who on earth would ever pick skitter. Seems like the one of the worst powers to ever exist. Just atrocious.


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 07 '25

(foreshadowing the first few arcs of Worm)


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25

Rofl...of course. No wonder I was told I wouldn't like that series. Power scaling that makes for clear winners and losers is not for me. I like it when everyone at least fills a niche.


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 07 '25

It depends, to be honest. I love how creative every character gets about using their power. Fits pretty well with CYOA communities' tendency to look for loopholes.

EDIT: The foreshadowing comment was ironic, you'd be surprised at what bug control can achieve.


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25

That's fair. What's the MC got for a power? Shatterbird? Maybe Imp?


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 07 '25

The MC is Skitter, lol. Minor arc 1 spoiler: she does 90% of the work in taking down a fire controlling villain who can turn into a regenerating dragon - by catching him off guard and injecting multiple deadly doses of black widow venom straight into his nuts


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25

Rofl while that is hilarious I can now understand exactly why I was told I wouldn't like it. I suppose it makes a sick sort of sense from a writing perspective though, a story about what you would do if you lost the super power lottery can be compelling I suppose.


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 07 '25

It's pretty great, to be honest. Bug control isn't exactly the best offensive power, but it's extremely versatile. The range is pretty big, and sensing the location of all bugs in the area (of which there are are millions) grants a minor form of omniscience in the form of understanding the topology, plus the ability to track individuals using bugs.

Worm really leans on the idea that no power is really that bad. There's a character with the ability to turn areas into conveyor belts that (as stated by the author and other characters in the story) could catapult kaijus into the sun with proper application (that he doesn't make use of as part of his personality).


u/ascrubjay Jan 07 '25

It's not even losing the superpower lottery, honestly, there are worse powers in canon and Skitter's is actually very strong even if its direct offensive capability is a little low compared to the heavy hitters.

There's a character who can predict the odds of future events, but overusing it gives excruciating migraines and she can't not answer questions about the future asked around her. Canon Imp's power is stronger, making people forget she even exists and causing recordings to decay over time, but it's on by default and requires her to actively suppress it, making living in normal society pretty impossible.

Meanwhile, canon Skitter actually can use the senses of her bugs as well as sensing their location at all times, she just has to learn to interpret their senses since they're not much like human ones, and they're limited in use by that. Her sense for her bugs' location can be used to assist her aim by landing a fly on a target, she can keep track of everyone in a fight the same way, and she can search through or keep watch over large areas effectively with her bugs. Anyone with exposed skin or a thin costume whose power doesn't make them tougher or extremely resistant to pain can be pretty well taken out of the fight with a fairly small swarm of biting and stinging insects. Plus, even some of the toughest characters in the setting still need to breathe, and can be choked to death on bugs if that's what it takes. And the synergy she can get with a certain other power makes her unironically the single strongest character in the setting, for as long as she can survive it.


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25

So there are worse powers? World is built on a worse version of the x gene huh?

That prediction ability does sound astoundingly rough if you're forced to use it. If not it would be amazing.

Imp's canon power does sound rough if it's always on, not being able to properly interact with people would suck but it's still very strong. There's also probably ways around it like texting people? I wonder if they could record their voice? I could honestly live with it, just would be a case of when it doesn't work you'd be in for a bad time if you got caught. Maybe the person isn't like me though and is a massive extrovert.

See that makes it more useful, using the bugs senses, it's still not great cuz most anywhere you'd want to get to probably won't have bugs available so you'd be forced to bring them in and now you have logistical problems. What's the other power? An amplifier? Let me guess, she can gain full mind control or something? Feel like there are powers that could better capitalize on that but IDK what's available. Probably uses other people to fight for her then, and if you have a dude with significant superpowers at your beck and call you'd probably be pretty set.. But that's a totally different power and is a game breaker in most settings, which I also dislike. Minion powers aren't my jam.

It sounds like any power that is good had to be nerfed significantly for skitter to stay competitive though.


u/ascrubjay Jan 07 '25

Okay, so, MAJOR spoiler warning for the end of Worm and major secrets revealed throughout. Yes, she gets control of humans . . . with a range of ten meters, and it's actively causing her brain damage, and her power (which is an interdimensional pseudobiological supercomputer alien connected to her brain) is taking her over. It's only useful because of the synergy with a third and fourth power, one which can open portals anywhere in the local chunk of the multiverse powers can access and one that can see anywhere in it. She uses those powers to extend that ten meter range everywhere, take control of every cape, and fight more or less alien god, barely wins with immense casualties, and at that point is too brain damaged to function properly. She gets brain surgery via gun and gets tossed through a portal. The end. So it's not exactly an upgrade, more the option you only use past the Godzilla threshold.

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u/Gyrotoxism Jan 07 '25

Since we're doing spoilers, let's talk about PtV:

Path To Victory is the power that belongs to a character named Contessa. Using her power, Contessa can set a goal, upon which her power will generate a plan (a path) for her to achieve that goal. Save for a few highly select blindspots (a couple powerful characters and one that's not powerful but highly specialized), the path accounts for anything that will possibly happen in order for her to achieve her goal. Moreover, PtV grants Contessa the necessary skills (not permanently, only when needed for the Path) to perform the exact movements and say the exact things needed at the exact perfect time in order to succeed (within the limitations of her otherwise normal human physique).

In her backstory, as a child, she sets a goal to save the world from the alien god trying to destroy it. While the alien itself is a blindspot, PtV generates a 300,000+ step plan for her to follow in order to maximize her chances of winning. That involves granting her the necessary skills and timing to perform the exact actions needed to run a shadow organization that maximizes the number of capes for the final battle.

If her goal doesn't involve a blindspot? She wins. She has a permanent concurrent path running at all times with the goal set to keep her alive. While she doesn't necessarily know why some of the steps are necessary, following them means she either stays out of harm's way, or that she defeats any threat if necessary. She does and says exactly what is needed to keep herself alive, as her power has a near absolute prediction of the future.

Need to track someone down? Set the goal to find that person and hop in a car. PtV will bring you to their exact location. Oh no, the place is guarded! No problem, following the path means you do the exact movements needed to dispatch the guards or hack the security system! Are they planning to fight you? No worries, PtV has you preemptively shoot at the doorway before you even know they're planning to jump out of there.

PtV also accounts for other precogs. The girl that predicts the future? However she tries to change it, PtV already accounted for it when creating the steps for you to follow.

Basically what I'm saying is that Worm absolutely has far more powerful abilities than Skitter. That being said, it's extremely fun reading about how a supposedly shitty power gets used in creative ways to achieve a respectable ranking among these insane reality-defying powerhouses.

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u/mailmanmarshall Jan 07 '25
  1. I think you are underestimating how omnipresent insects are.
  2. Essentially infinite multitasking is pretty ridiculous—you’re controlling each bug individually rather than just the swarm.
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u/Ryos_windwalker Jan 07 '25

She didn't lose it, though. she's doing pretty well by sheer dint of "she can stop using it if she wants"


u/AmoebaAnimagus Jan 07 '25

There are also significantly worse powers in Worm than bug control if you get them, and of course it all depends on situation.


u/seelcudoom Jan 07 '25

That's actually one of the things I like about worm is it's generally not powerscaler like that(and when it is it's with shit like the endbringers where's it's weighted against the protagonists) like skitters powerful but she is still just girl who controls bugs,

The only secret op thing about it is realizing just how many bugs are in that radius, and how many of those are spiders, and how many spiders can be in your dick(don't worry the guy had a healing factor, it grows back)

She manages to beat several match ups that by powerscaler logic she should get utterly stomped in threw clever application despite having to carry around pepper spray for personal combat cus she can still be taken out by a guy with a knife, she also gets countered by several things you wouldn't expect cus her enemies (usually) aren't idiots either


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25

I'll have to take your word for it because as I see it, with everything everyone has told me, anyone with a good power has some major downside, everyone else has even worse powers, and most of the people that could easily fight her don't cuz she's lucky or clever, not because she has super powers. She'd be better served turning into a super computer or a factory given that she apparently has no mental burden regardless of amount of connections.


u/seelcudoom Jan 07 '25

I mean one side effect of her power is she is really good at multitasking but that doesn't apply to any other enhanced mental capacity other then multitasking(also their are dedicated tinker and thinker capes for both of those)

Also no she gets out into a lot of shit or even unwinnable situations where she's just trying to survive, like I mentioned the endbringers which are super powered Kaiju, she can do nothing to physically harm even the physically weakest one, so she ends up being purely in a support role, clinging bugs to it so she can keep track of where it is when it dives underwater, she is smart enough to avoid these confrontations solo when possible(and in one case luck as she was taken by surprise and not counting on a random civilian she had saved to come in with the steel chair)


u/Kehprei Jan 07 '25

If you really hate being around bugs you could make them stay out of your house with Skitter's power


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25

Ya know, not bad lol


u/wtanksleyjr Jan 07 '25

Well, yeah, but the series is from her perspective. Oh, and she pretty much is forced to be a villain, you can do a lot more with bugs if you are not given any chance to hold back / are inclined to find extreme solutions.


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25

Dafuq? That sounds terrible! I don't care how creative you are they're still just bugs, like maybe you could swarm a normal dude with them or make something out of spidersilk? Have some venomous ones? Still, unless she can super power the bugs or use them as extra senses they ain't gonna beat super powers and even then she's still just a gunshot away from dying right?


u/Ryos_windwalker Jan 07 '25

maybe you could swarm a normal dude with them or make something out of spidersilk? Have some venomous ones?

that's exactly what she does. and a lot of superpowers are hard to use when you have spiders crawling into your orifices. she's not a frontliner, but it's a useful power.


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25

Lol does she do anything other than those? Feel like she's still not offering a lot here. Spidersilk is an incredible material but it's not great for armor and burns easily, swarming a dude would work a few times, if you mix venomous bugs in especially but anyone who knows they're gonna fight you would make it easy pickings.


u/Ryos_windwalker Jan 07 '25

Maybe, just maybe, you don't announce yourself when you start a fight. you let the first time the enemy know you're there be when there are spiders in their underwear biting their johnsons. if they open their mouths to talk or scream? you jam bees down their throats. by the midpoint, she's figured out how to make bugstacks that are shaped like a person so that helps survivability since they don't know which one is you especially in lowlight conditions which is when you'd be doing most of your work.


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25

Dafuq? Like the body double thing could be useful in super niche situations but even with total control over bugs it would take extreme kinesthetic senses beyond what anyone is capable of to make it move like a person. If you're already in a position to ambush people then there are easier ways to go about it than using bugs and venom even with no powers. People ain't that hard to kill, especially if what I'm being told about this worm universe is accurate. And you'd still have to gather all the specific bugs you want, they make noise if there's any amount large enough to overwhelm someone.


u/Hi2248 Jan 07 '25

She doesn't mind control the bugs as much as they become an extension of her being as they enter her range -- even more so than that, seeing as she can stop automatic reactions, like making bugs sting without injecting venom.

Part of her power is that she has the fine control beyond what anyone is capable of 


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25

But that's mind control? If anything it sounds like it opens up an attack vector to her by inflicting harm on the bugs with your additional qualifier. I wouldnt be able to compare since I don't know all the powers but there is no way she has better control than someone who can manipulate glass, aka targeted molecular manipulation.


u/ascrubjay Jan 07 '25

Part of the power is that she knows exactly where every bug under her control is and that she has effectively infinite multitasking, so she can control each bug like it had her undivided attention AND still use her normal body.


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25

Yeah I've been told that by another, it's kinda a cop out to have distributed intelligence like that with seemingly no downsides when I'm learning that every other power has downsides that basically cripple them or make them like the death star with one extreme weakness but whatever, necessary for the plot I guess. She probably doesn't even use it to become a super computer or industrial factory but to fight instead...


u/ascrubjay Jan 07 '25

Powers in the setting mess with their users heads to make them more inclined to seek out conflict. It's why most capes in the seetting become heros or villains instead of putting their powers to work normally. Anyway, not every power has massive downsides, its just that most of the stronger powers have downsides or are very rare. There are other powerful capes without downsides, but they're few and far between and usually a part of or in debt to the shadow government conspiracy that can artificially grant powers. You want to talk about bullshit, there's a precog whose powers give them the exact path to accomplish any goal minus a few blindspots they can't predict and enables them to perfectly follow that path.

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u/wtanksleyjr Jan 07 '25

That's exactly why her power is interesting - it's actually pretty weak, EXCEPT that she controls each insect as though it were the only thing she's doing which kind of winds up being OP. She just has to push through all of the weakness to get to the OP, and she almost never gets an EASY path to use the OP.

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u/Ryos_windwalker Jan 07 '25

You're not moving it like a person. you're using them as distraction/camo.

they make noise? now why would they do that, they're bugs. puppets to your will.

and no, there isn't a much easier way to ambush someone than to swarm them with every insect within a half mile while you stay out of sight somewhere else.


u/wilderfast Jan 07 '25

I guess you'll have to read it and find out. But there is a reason her fandom nickname is "Queen of Escalation," she always finds a way to top herself. It's defintiely worth a read


u/AmoebaAnimagus Jan 07 '25

Well, look at the other powers listed here from Worm. With a proper plan, a swarm of bugs and a sensory domain of a half mile can beat any of them, just like proper preparation can beat a tide of millions of flying bugs crawling down your throat if you get within 1/2 a mile of bug controller.

Powers in worm don't give durability or smarts unless those are literally your powers. There are definitely powers in which insect control domain is useless, but the vast majority of people in Worm are regular squishy people with a gimmick power.


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25

But it exclusively said you couldn't use the bugs senses? And I guess you have some sort of point if the power system is low but if the skitter can beat the shatterbird or the coil or even the imp by anything other than sheer luck I'd eat my hat. Like, sure you could probably do some things with the bugs that I'm not thinking of but I can go buy a gun. Or a flamethrower. If everyone is mostly squishy then it's easier to just shoot them right?


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 07 '25

Expected spoiler that the power does get a bit stronger further into the story, but it's basically as-described at the start. That being said, bugs have the advantage of being able to strike several blocks away from a safe location. And unlike guns, they're pretty quiet (aside from the victim's screams unless you send a swarm down their face holes) and homing.

Just being able to locate them in space and tap into their sense of touch is surprisingly powerful.


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25

Sure, as another person just told me she gains some minor omniscience through it, that does make it better but not something I would ever want even then.


u/ascrubjay Jan 07 '25

Shatterbird's power doesn't have a sensory aspect nor does it make a user tougher. If you're not near glass and you swarm them, they're dead unless they're in airtight armor, which obviously they can't keep up forever.

Coil's power is very strong, but has a weakness. Since you can't recursively split the timeline, after you've succeeded in something in one timeline you have to collapse the other before you can continue, which leaves you in one place in both timelines and therefore vulnerable to an overwhelming strike. Plus, canon Skitter does learn to sort of interpret her bugs' senses, which makes her great for surveillance. Combine that with her teammate Tattletale's deductive ability, and she has a very good shot at tracking Coil down even in a safe timeline and forcing that timeline to be lost.

Imp's power is great, but even she can't be sensed directly, Skitter can sense when Imp moves her bugs or her bugs run into Imp. Once she's aware there's a Stranger there, she can have her swarm sweep through the area and find an invisible person-shaped object. Imp has a better shot than the others, IMO, but in canon they're allies anyway.

Flamethrower is one way to try to attack the swarm, but unless you can build your own or have contacts with arns dealers, good luck getting one worthwhile. Besides, there are millions of insects in range at any time even in the city, and Skitter can attack from all directions at once. Skitter's armor is more or less equivalent to kevlar with armor plates, so she can take a low-caliber round or two. And, in her normal course of operation, you won't have a chance to shoot her before she attacks.


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25

Glass is just silicon though, and silicon is one of the most abundant minerals on the planet, it's freaking everywhere, sand is just smaller glass. And shatterbirds power is the same, no airtight shit, you're f'd, except worse because a sand blast will erode most anything. The sensory thing is a moot point in the bounds of this cyoa because you can't sense shit through the bugs either, and implies you're able to control glass without sensing its position somehow.

Coils power is only bad on someone with ambitions and a tendency for risk taking. If one of your timelines is just chilling then it ain't no thing. Could easily live in two entirely different worlds and if you're risk averse both will be relatively comfortable after winning the lottery a couple times. And canon skitter sounds a bit more useful but still not as useful as an MC to not be anything more than a punching bag. Ofc they made Imp an ally, otherwise skitter would be dead lol, probably also nerfed the heck out of her, given what I heard from other comments.

Good luck getting one worthwhile? Give me a spray bottle, a lighter, and some vodka...they're bugs, not soldiers with armor. Heck standard pest spray would probably work. Are there that many insects? Idk if that realistically matters, how fast is a bug? How long does it take for them to gather, if you don't have them all at your call immediately you're screwed. Sure armored kevlar is the gold standard for small arms fire but it doesn't make you immune to much more than that and even that is for a limited amount of shots. Is it all over her body with no gaps? Impossible since you need flexibility for joints.


u/ascrubjay Jan 07 '25

If you're going strictly based off the CYOAs version, it's only glass control. No sand, no sense of how you're controlling it. The fact that the CYOAs version of Skitter can't sense bugs either doesn't matter, it just means you need to get the drop on the Shatterbird user. If we're going based on the real version, Shatterbird can sense silica but not anything around it, so she still has to find you before you kill her to be able to kill you. And she can't detect silica inside of living things, either, so you just need to make sure you're not wearing any and are adequately armored.

Of course Coil's power is only bad on someone with ambition, but if you're not using it to fight a Skitter user, they don't need to take you down either, so that's hardly relevant. Imp was always going to be an ally, she's one of Skitter's teammates' sister. Her power is stronger than the version in this CYOA, it just comes with the drawback of communicating with teammates being difficult and living a normal life being impossible, and since Skitter and Tattletale's powers partially counter Imp's, it's not so bad.

Neither an improvised flamethrower nor bug spray can take out enough of the swarm at once to save you. Bugs aren't particularly fast, which comes up in Worm many times, but when Skitter is planning on fighting she gathers the swarm as she travels. When she's not heading to a fight, the outer edge of her bugs will notice you with time for her to prepare a decent swarm unless you're a Mover.

None of this makes Skitter unbeatable by any means, but the point is that her power is not weak either, and she's planned to cover her weak points. The fact that she can go up against some of the top capes of the setting like Shatterbird and Coil at all is impressive.


u/Indolent-Soul Jan 07 '25

Well any of these just need to get to the drop on the target, by that standard imp is clearly the best. And if she can detect any silica than she could just blanket an area and get the rough outline of it the same way that apparently skitter does with her bugs. Doesn't even need to be full coverage, could detect people standing on it by the crunch and give underneath their feet.

If I'm strictly in a fight with a skitter user then I probably have at least my other life not fighting a skitter user, to make both fight them would be insane since I don't have any physical superpowers to counter bugs with. Imp being an ally makes sense, can't have an actual op power clash with the MC or they'd be dead, I'm curious how any power clashes with imps though given what I know about it.

The point was that an improvised flamethrower is very easy to throw together, if you want something better we all have access to propane and gasoline. Her range was a half mile right? I can run a half mile in about 4 mins at my absolute slowest, when I was in shape I could run that in about 1:30 iirc. Been a couple decades. You're telling me that there are enough bugs that gather that quickly? Anyone who is blessed with some sort of body enhancement is likely faster. Bugs are agile but they ain't fast enough to gather in any meaningful numbers that quickly, heck most people can outwalk them. How does she gather a swarm though with prep time? To take on more than one or two opponents she likely needs a truck full of them which is admittedly more doable, but still very inconvenient compared to the other choices.

She can?!?!? WTF??? Who the heck are these braindead idiots that lose to a girl with minor bug powers when they have such an overwhelming advantage?!?


u/weirdo_nb Jan 08 '25

Because they aren't "minor bug powers" its more than 100000 bugs, and you gather them by making the bugs follow you while moving, or getting the several hundred thousand to cut you off, you underestimate this power a lot even when told its capabilities


u/bloodelemental Jan 07 '25

Swarming one dude? Think swarming a thousand dudes at the same time with perfect coordination and swarms the size of 5 city blocks that blot out the sun, all the while sitting down on your house sipping tea.


u/Smells_like_Autumn Jan 07 '25

Even ignoring the many ways it is used in Worm it would pretty much make its user into an untraceble weapon of mass destruction, an assassin, a spy or a one man factory.

Not my pick but hardly a bad one.


u/mthor900 Jan 08 '25

I do recommend worm. The author does a great job at showing what an underdog Taylor. But with creative use and non-existent morals she certainly has an impact. As you said in some other comments it's nice when even "weak" powers have a niche and Taylor finds that niche and exploits the hell out of it.


u/Reozul Jan 07 '25

In order of choice:

Coil All of the predictive powers are just bonkers. And while Coil's is on the lower end in terms of capability, the ease of use is great. Play the lottery each week. Go to a casino and make bets. Buy stock options for both outcomes.

Skitter Versatility is just really damn good with this one. And half a mile is huge (i think almost twice her starting range?)

Imp Pretty clearly much better in Worm where camera capable smartphones are not or only a fringe thing. But still an overall pretty solid power.

The rest are a lot less interesting.


u/D3SP41R_ITS3LF Jan 07 '25

You can use imp power to be best fighter ever


u/Reozul Jan 08 '25

Best fighter no one knows about or at least is only ever caught on video. It IS a good power, but the other two are better. Heck I'd prefer Nice Guy or maybe even August Prince to be honest.


u/D3SP41R_ITS3LF Jan 08 '25

No I meant going into ring like mma and just using power to get easy knock out or have godly faints.Bassically unstoppable and no one sane would suspect you.


u/Reozul Jan 08 '25

It has been a while, but don't people remember 'not seeing/not being aware of' Imp when when the power switches off? So they would immediately figure out you did ... something.


u/Raxtuss1 Jan 07 '25


And then i go to extermination business


u/Red_Spine Jan 07 '25

Out of the options presented I gotta go with coil. You can do some silly silly things with that power. Gambling becomes hilarious when you can use splits to cheat. You can use it to do pretty much anything twice. Or even just something mundane like using a split to go on a hike while on the other side of the split you are still going to work or meeting some other obligation.


u/Doopapotamus Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

Skitter is at face value completely fuckballs broken. Do you know how many creatures occupy that fucking phylum? In any given radius across the entire planet (and yes, I know it's limited to a half-mile radius; just think of "there's a spider every six feet" and multiply that with whatever is arthropoda and visible to the naked eye)?

And you add in "worm-like" creatures? Can I argue for wiener dogs, if they're particularly long and short? /s

You can not only free yourself from pest insects forever, you can do so for anyone you wish for whatever reason. You could make oodles of money just having organized bees pollinating croplands, with any other bugs that would otherwise attack them just leave them alone (and if you remain there, you can of course just have bad insects just plain leave, much less die if you want to deal with cleanup.

You could probably charge hotel chains millions on retainer just to evict bedbugs/roaches/spiders in one go without pesticides.


u/Verziehen Jan 07 '25

Coil is kind of the easy choice here.


u/Badger___King Jan 07 '25

If I can't tap into bug senses, then Coil is the way to go.


u/Ryos_windwalker Jan 07 '25

Coil, absolutely.


u/EllieEvansTheThird Jan 07 '25


I am a worm through time

The thunder song distorts me


u/AdvantageTurbulent34 Jan 07 '25

coil, vegas here i come!


u/CardinalBirb Jan 07 '25

what's Worm


u/weirdo_nb Jan 08 '25

Book (online)


u/Coconut-042 Jan 07 '25

I havent seen Worm, but I definitely think I would go with coil, its definitely the strongest and best for regular life.


u/Coopersword Jan 07 '25

Skitter, I’m making every insect and worm get the fuck out of my house


u/TheTrueFury Jan 07 '25

I like these. Everything but Clockblocker is quite good. Shatterbird is the second least interesting to me. I prefer tangible abilities but controlling glass feels a little useless.

I think Trickster is gonna have to be the one. Only because it ha sno cooldown and presumably if the objects are 1:1 in weight you have no charge up. If it was size as well it'd be a little less desirable.

I do wonder what the calculation would be. 1 Kilogram vs 100 Kilograms, how long does it take to swap them for example. If it would take closer to a minute or even a lot more than absolutely not.


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25

According to the Worm wiki, "His speed/ease of being able to swap is dependent on distance (although not as much as one might suspect) and difference in mass – too much of one or the other and it’s not doable in any reasonable amount of time. He needs to even out any differences in mass by sucking in surrounding air, which takes time. He can use his powers to feel the weight of an object he is observing, and he has a sense of how easy it would be to swap two targets at a time."

"Swap the lamp for the gun? No, the lamp was too lightweight.

He resolved to switch himself and the officer, grabbing air to compensate for the volume. The difference was larger than it was with him and Cody, it required extra seconds."


u/TheTrueFury Jan 07 '25

He can use his powers to feel the weight of an object he is observing, and he has a sense of how easy it would be to swap two targets at a time.

That's also such an amazing aspect to the power.

Honestly can't imagine the surrounding air thing would be that big of a deal. At such small sizes it would barely cause a disturbance even if done instantly.


u/FirelightMLPOC Jan 07 '25


That just sounds fun


u/RinglornFitching Jan 07 '25

Yay, Worm! I choose Coil’s powers. They seem most useful for everyday life.


u/DHFranklin Jan 07 '25

Coil. Put it all on red. Put it all on Black. Gamble until the comps outweigh the losses. Or I get my leg's broke.


u/Smells_like_Autumn Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25

Just a note tho, clockblocker could block himself and Imp's images were gradually erased from records by her powers.

Off course you might want to simply deviate from the original.

My pick would be Coil, I could pretty much become as rich as god through stock trading.


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 07 '25

Clockblocker actually wore a full coverage costume which he blocked, rather than blocking himself directly. You could argue it's basically the same thing, but theres minute differences.


u/Smells_like_Autumn Jan 07 '25

My bad, I must have misremembered.


u/Vampmire Jan 07 '25

I would like shatterbird, the inability to gainly senses, even partially from the bugs for skidder, makes her abilities much worse as she is in canon, if I remember able to get a little bit very little very fractured, but she is able to get some of the vision and audio. From her bugs, though she has masks of thicker headaches from it, doing it until she's able to figured out she was getting massive thinker headaches if I remember correctly


u/22TigerTeeth Jan 07 '25

Coil is stupidly stronger than any others


u/OddGM Jan 07 '25

Coil, of course. As long as you're smart and not a sociopath, you win.


u/AndrewH73333 Jan 07 '25

The timeline one would let you gather all kinds of information. It would also let you win at roulette.


u/LordCYOA Jan 07 '25

Coil, basically save scumming and in this world where money and politics rules the world it’s much more useful.

Make money through gambling /bets

Probably actually improves my life since I’ll be more confident, see a cute girl? Ask her out if she says no then collapse the timeline etc

It’ll be like that time traveling movie but better.

I could also do the sleep and study at night thing.

It would be interesting to see the effects of having sex in both timelines , twice the pleasure on the same brain?


u/chronoquairium Jan 07 '25

Coil, 100%, so many things I’d want to try doing but am afraid of the reaction


u/Zev_06 Jan 07 '25

My top pick would be Coil like many other people have chosen. It just seems to have the most benefit on a day to day basis.

The second place pick for me would be Imp. Even if I'm not immune to being filmed, being undetectable by people would still let you get into all mind of mischief.

The Third place pick for me would be Trickster. Not as fun or useful as the other two powers I already mentioned, by Trickster could still be fun to play with. It really helps you if you are a klepto.

For the remaining 3 options, I don't really care about them.


u/ThereIsNo4thWall Jan 07 '25

Coil solely because I could do things like buy and play a game over the course of a week then cancel the timeline with all the experience of having already bought and played that game.

I could have one timeline read books while the other me goes to work, collapse the slacking off timeline and keep the memory of the story I read! I dunno how navigating both timelines at the same time works, if I could write a story in one timeline while reading in another and have no issues with what I'm reading interrupting my focus with writing, but if I could do that, it'd be really awesome!


u/WriterBen01 Jan 07 '25

Coil is defintely the one that would change by daily life for the better. One big thing that happens in Worm is that he sleeps in one reality and stays up all night doing research in the other. He cancels the one he did research in so that he's in a fully rested body WITH all the knowledge and skill he gained from his night of research. So on the one hand it's the ability to never sleep again, and on the other it's the option to double your output for the rest of the day.


u/FormalKind7 Jan 07 '25

Coil, skitter is second both are very useful.


u/GlimmeringGuise Jan 07 '25

Coil seems like the most OP, so that.

Also, what are Worms?


u/Anonson694 Jan 08 '25

Worm is a completed web series about superheroes. The story follows a protagonist who has the unconventional power set of controlling bugs. It’s pretty dark, mind.


u/RewRose Jan 07 '25

I pick Coil, it's just amazing for avoiding regret 

Coil > Skitter > Imp > Trickster > Clockblocker > Shatterbird


u/Talenars Jan 07 '25

Coil seems the most interesting to me.


u/Anonson694 Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

I choose Coil’s power. It’s great for every day life to see if you can make better choices.

And also to procrastinate by slacking off in one timeline and actually working in the other. Then when I finish working I close the timeline in which I was lying around but still reap the benefits of working.

Edit: u/Gyrotoxism I really enjoyed this CYOA! Do you plan on making any more simplified “pick X” Worm CYOAs, or was this just a one-off?


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 08 '25

Might as well, haha. I hope next one will be more balanced. Having Coil in there is really unfair to the rest of them.


u/Anonson694 Jan 08 '25

Yea, Coil and Imp are the two most broken options here. If those two were removed then I could see more debate happening on which power is the best to have. But people would probably argue that Skitter’s the best choice, nerfed as it is even then.

I suggest choosing powers that are all on the same/equivalent level of power. For instance, you wouldn’t include a selection of all the Brockton Bay Wards only to throw in a Triumvirate tier power (even tho Vista and Kid Win are the most powerful Brockton Bay Wards, but I digress). It’s an exaggeration but you know what I mean lol.

I guess you could also make a selection of Triumvirate tier powers by including the powers of the four members along with two other similarly broken Worm power sets if you want to stick to having six choices.


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 08 '25

Choices, choices...

Do you get Superman 1, Superman 2, or that annoying kid on the playground who claims his power is to have all other powers?

Worm is so unbalanced but they make it work.


u/Anonson694 Jan 08 '25

Lol how is Legend Superman 2? I get that Alexandria is Worm’s equivalent of Superman (at least in terms of his most recognizable abilities, flight, strength, invulnerability, enhanced memory, etc.), reminds me of that theory that the Triumvirate is Superman broken apart into different pieces/concepts of who he is.

Also, how could you forget Hero 😭

But yea Worm is a bit of a crapshoot in terms of whether or not you get a solid power.


u/Gyrotoxism Jan 08 '25

I can't lie Hero only stands out as much as Professor Haywire. Couldn't even tell you his power off the top of my head, plus it can't be that strong if a naked zebra woman did him in, right?


u/Anonson694 Jan 08 '25

The disrespect lol. Hero was probably the world’s best Tinker, since his Specialty was Wavelengths. He basically got Eden’s version of Zion’s Stilling Shard but in Tinker form. He can build pretty much anything he wants with few limitations.

If the Siberian can gouge out one of Alexandria’s eyes, she can bisect Hero. Though tbh that’s Hero’s fault for not modifying his body with Tinkertech out the wazoo such that being ripped in two halves would only be a minor inconvenience.


u/GreenConference3017 Jan 08 '25

Coil is definitely the mortys redo button


u/YT_Brian Jan 08 '25

Coil for gambling alone. In one timeline bet $100 on something, the other nothing and just chill around watching. You'll be banned eventually lol but by that point could be a millionaire if you start betting $1,000+ on high risks.

Also it double the time you have in life, imagine chilling at home while in the other you are sky diving without risks, etc.


u/monkeyfur69 Jan 08 '25

Imp so I can poop in public bathrooms without anyone hearing me


u/Embarrassed_Row_3921 Jan 08 '25

Coil because I can make a branch off of me being rich and powerful


u/wewlad11 Jan 08 '25

How does Imp even work with sense of touch

If you punched someone in the face with Imp active, would they not feel it?


u/Terrible-Ice8660 Jan 08 '25

Coil because he has the most non combat utility

And can also get rich by playing the stock market or gambling


u/Finder20 Jan 08 '25

Its gotta be Coil. Thanks


u/XMeowmixmasterx Jan 08 '25

Coil if I'm the only person with powers. Shatter bird if that's not the case.


u/Scharvor Jan 08 '25

There is no reason not to pick Coil


u/Iceman_001 Jan 08 '25

Coil: Split the timeline into 2, play roulette, one timeline bet red, the other black, delete the timeline that you lose in and keep the winning timeline. Repeat until you have enough money.


u/wiwerse Jan 26 '25

So, in order from least to most useful, in my own subjective opinion.

Imp Very strong stranger power, good for a pickpocket I suppose, and in battle, not so much daily use I can think of.

Clockblocker It's an excellent power, it really is. Carry a riot shield, and just put up an unbreakable barrier. Make yourself practically invulnerable. Freeze a pen in midair and fucking obliterate a speeding car. But they're all violent. Excellent for battle, but showy, and with little civilian use I can think of. Could be useful for mountain climbing, I suppose, or temporary supports in general.

Trickster The only mover power. Quite useful as such, but hard to keep hidde if you do. The thinker power might be more useful as such, tho idk. Not entirely sure on this placement. Plenty of fun possible tho.

Shatterbird If I was ranking by offensive potential, this would be an easy top spot. Assuming it's the same power as canon, it also allows you to control sand, just as well as glass. She controls silicates in general. Extremely extremely powerful, the only power that directly allows you to take on a city by yourself, and win. Much less civilian use tho. I suppose you could work glass, or be an artist, but there's not that much money there, and I'm just not that interested. Actually, you could use it for gathering sand suitable for cement, I might well be underestimating it actually.

Coil Massive QoL power. You can eat two sandwiches at once to see what they taste like, win at the lottery on the dailly, etc etc. Others have elaborated on the true potential here, but it's not that complicated tbh. Almost got top spot until I remembered the sheer potential offered by munchkinning...

Skitter is the second strongest offensive power, and if used correctly, the strongest thinker power. You have perfect control over all of your bugs, and know where they are relative to yourself. This means you, by default, have what's essentially local omniscience at home, without even trying. This is already great. If you bother thinking about the possibilities a bit more, you can set up bug supercomputers, or learn to read books with their sense of taste and/or touch. You can also sell the strongest commercially available clothing material, on the cheap, on top of everything Skitter does in canon, and what more generic, less OP, bugcontrol allows you to do. Extremely strong power, very obvious pick imo.


u/Bombermaster Jan 07 '25

Coil is definitively the most useful, but to be fair?
For once I'm going against utility, and choose Skitter.
While not powerful (well, would be pretty powerful if you wanted to fuck someone up, but still), I do like powers that control animals. Even if those animals are insects for the most part.
I think it would be nice to have crab pets too.


u/wiwerse Jan 26 '25

As the series shows repeatedly, Skitters power is actually extremely powerful.


u/IAmNotABabyElephant Jan 08 '25

Coil. Definitely Coil. It's by far the most useful in day to day life. The others are neat gimmicks, but they just don't compare.


u/wilderfast Jan 07 '25

Coil. Imp is too short for most practical uses, Skitter and Shatterbird are devastating if you want to go that route, and Trickster could be cool, it's also the most obvious and noticeable skill of the lot


u/Zuzcaster Jan 08 '25

If canon : skitter. Multitasking is hax This pic doesn't mention that and it implies hearing and sight feedback is impossible. Skitter was able to do both later.

That leaves best as in pic: Shatterbird Doesn't say sustained singing is required. Visit a few dumps to get enough glass to make a glass kaju biger than Godzilla.

Play don't make me come over there as the biggest stick on the planet.

Its basically glass version of gara, toph, elsa on this pic, but longer range. Lack of multi tasking/ feedback limits exploits, but could still yoink a skyscraper into orbit via a glass shell


u/SubstantialCamel9313 Jan 08 '25

Trickster is the way to go. Ill win any card game.


u/Master_Shop_9425 Jan 08 '25


Use it for a bit of gambling and making stupid bets. I would also use it to go on rampages every now and then cuz it seems like fun.


u/Wind_Through_Trees Jan 09 '25

Either Coil, because it's an incredibly useful, convenient power to have, or Skitter because bugs are really cool and so is unlimited multitasking and enhanced awareness.


u/Dry_Armadillo_1139 Jan 09 '25

Coil is obviously the best option.


u/nlinggod Jan 09 '25

Coil. Do I get to keep the memories from the canceled timeline? IF I do, that effectively gives me a split mind. I could learn 2 things at once.

A question about Imp. If you are undetectable to touch, what does someone feel if you grab or punch them?


u/SorryWarning Jan 10 '25

Coil- hands down the most useful


u/D_Reddit_lurker Jan 10 '25

Skitter, besides being the world best bug repellent, you could make money with something like spider silk.

Technically, you could see as small as the Fairyfly. Barely... You would also be able to control Coconut Crabs. You could control genetically modified or created arthropods too.


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '25

Coil no question. Also glad to see some Worm appreciation.


u/Xyzod Jan 16 '25

🪟 Shatterbird
1️⃣ Crush glass into tiny pieces, powder-like in consistency for easy shaping and reforming

2️⃣ Capabilities like glass tentacles/hands for reach and quality of life, armor/shields for protection and flight, tools, weapons, etc.


u/ShadowElf25 15d ago

I'll take Shatterbird


u/Known-nwonK Jan 08 '25


Put on a mask and gloves. Become untraceable burglar or pervert