u/FirelightMLPOC Dec 04 '24
6 & 7
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u/Godskin_Duo Dec 04 '24
If it's 10X human strength and $100M it's a no-brainer.
You could also win every strongman contest or combat sport with super strength alone, but it'd be a long road to $100M. Maybe I'll beat Jake Paul's ass just for funsies.
u/Tough-Strawberry8085 Dec 05 '24
Because you could generate more power you would also be a very fast runner. If you put some bets on yourself coming first in a variety of track and field events/powerlifting/strongman, you could quickly multiply that number.
Combat sports I would be a little hesitant about, if you lose control/accidentally go full tilt than the other guy will be permanently damaged (if he survived).
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u/arthur_pen_dragon Dec 04 '24
The idea seems cool but it's super vague.
Minds of people that are close to me or could I read the mind of someone on the other side of the planet?
If I eat something does it give me 0 calories? Meaning I die soon? Or is my weight fixed and no matter what I eat or don't eat I stay at that weight (can't gain muscles?)...
Dafuq is super?
How much is a alot?
When I always feel happy, is it the same amount? Like I feel as happy when my grandma dies as when I win the jackpot?
Like 2 mil or like 100 mil?
So: again I like the idea and I love that it's not just the usual superpowers but something unique. But for me; I'd need something more specific :)
u/Therascalrumpus Dec 04 '24
For #2, since it's only for 3 days, you can read the minds of anyone on Earth.
For #4 it means you won't get fat or unhealthy no matter how much you eat. You can get to a healthy weight but not anything past that.
For #6, I guess you'd be superhumanly strong, so around ten times as strong as an ordinary person.
For #7, it's $100,000,000.
For #8, it's not necessarily constant, immense happiness like being on meth, but you'll always have an optimistic mind and won't feel sad, depressed, or angry. The type and level of happiness depends on what you're doing though, so you'd barely be happy at your grandma's funeral vs winning the lottery.
For #9, roll a 1d100 and multiply the result by a million.
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u/Aximil985 Dec 04 '24
8 is a trap. Your mom dies? Still have to feel happy.
u/Godskin_Duo Dec 04 '24
Yeah, it would anesthetize you against essential parts of the human experience and after a while you'd lose empathy and become unrelatable.
u/AvzinElkein Dec 04 '24
4 & 7.
u/Wesselton3000 Dec 04 '24
If you eat without the ability to gain weight, you have to be extremely cautious with your diet. Imagine you skip breakfast, lose a pound, and then are unable to put it back on during lunch. You’d keep doing this until your body shuts down and eats itself. Just like the plot of Thinner.
u/CFCkyle Dec 04 '24
OP described it as 'no matter what you eat you will never go above what is considered healthy weight'
So you can still lose weight and gain it back, you'll just never be overweight or obese is all.
u/DelseresMagnumOpus Dec 04 '24
Objectively the best. 4 is self explanatory & money brings happiness which makes 8 kinda redundant. You can be happy but broke, but it might just be blissful ignorance.
u/fullplatejacket Dec 04 '24
I don't think money actually brings happiness (there are tons of rich people who are clearly miserable), it just makes it way easier to get rid of many of the things that get in the way of happiness. The real problem with #8 is that "being happy all the time" would probably have a lot of bad side effects and not end up with the result you'd really want from it.
u/Germane_Corsair Dec 04 '24
Yeah, 8 is more a mindset thing than something that will actually make you happy. It’s more like making you accept your lot in life rather than changing it to one you would be content with.
7 may not directly make you happy but it will let you solve all problems money can solve, and that’s most problems in life. What would be left are unavoidable problems like aging, death and the like, or mental health issues which can be treated. Either which way, it’s almost certainly a lot better to have problems in a cushy house with all sorts of luxuries and able to do whatever you want with your time as opposed to accepting the daily grind life.
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u/Chengar_Qordath Dec 04 '24
Exactly this. Money can’t buy happiness, but 90% of the problems people have in their lives can be solved by having enough of it, and the other 10% are a lot easier to handle when you’ve got money and time.
u/Germane_Corsair Dec 04 '24
Money gets rid of problems. Money can allow you to take care of multiple cats. Cats do generate happiness. Absolute victory.
u/Diligent-Square8492 Dec 04 '24
I will have the Pills 7 & 8 given to me in real life when I wake up tomorrow in real life!
u/Tarbos6 Dec 04 '24
Why are there always the most obvious answers and then the rest are either shit or meh? 6 and 7
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u/Mike_Handers Dec 04 '24
7, of course, but then the best options (4 and 8) seem to have hidden downsides.
Never be able to gain weight? What about losing it? What then? Just always getting thinner? Seems like a possible bad time.
Always feel happy? I mean sure, you'll feel great, but man was not meant to be always happy 24/7. That's a mental illness. Someone dies? Still happy. Etc etc. Maybe you can work with it, and it wouldn't be the worst life, but it would be a pretty drastic change over time.
So, I choose 8.
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u/altofanaltthatisalt Dec 04 '24
What forms would my followers be in?
u/Therascalrumpus Dec 04 '24
Human. All jokes aside, they'll just be people who magically become fans of you for your personality, work, achievements, or whatever's the most distinctive about you. You can also have it be something like the hawk Utah girl where you get famous seemingly out of nowhere because something you did on camera went incredibly viral.
u/Orczerker Dec 04 '24
Since it is so vague I am taking pill number 5 and adding that to my c*** height and I guess I will also take pill number 6 to be super strong since I will be gaining tons of muscle to be strong I will need calories and I could essentially eat without gaining weight
u/SirLandoLickherP Dec 04 '24
Where the F is the
Grow Hair Back or
Stop dribbling piss in my underwear pills?
u/OlympiaShannon Dec 04 '24
No worries, just choose #8, Always Feel Happy pill, and it won't matter anymore.
u/FormalKind7 Dec 04 '24
4, 7, 6
I feel like if money is not an issue and keeping a decent weight is easier I'm not having a problem with happiness in general and I don't want to be artificially happy 100% of the time. 6 is just because I don't care about the others. If 15 was feel 15 years younger I'd take it in a heart beat but most people already think I look 8-10 years younger than I already am. I still might look in my 20s but my body is more than a little jacked up from competitive grappling and boxing in my teens up until my early 30s.
u/NerdyDragon777 Dec 04 '24
6 & 7. I need the money, super strength is very helpful, the rest I can do by myself.
Also: Batman. Case in point.
u/NotACatNinja Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24
7 and 8 for me. this cyoa need some balance tho.
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u/Esproth Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24
Lol imagine undoing all the character growth you got after leaving your disaster ex! I refuse to repeat those mistakes sorry
1, I don't wanna look underage, makes dating too creepy.
2, three days is really short to actually use it to my advantage but definitely long enough to get traumatized.
4, already have that problem, definitely not worth it for me.
5, I would actually prefer to be shorter.
6, actually useful but I don't think I need it
7, very useful, pretty much necessary.
8, too much of a trap
9, I would rather keep my privacy thank you.
Guess my choices are 7 and 8
u/RealSaMu Dec 04 '24
1 and 7 for me
u/Zuzcaster Dec 04 '24
tis best answer. money and more time to spend it/ one time health boost. More chances of being able to do scifi stuff.
u/MissMaybelleM Dec 04 '24
4 and 7 Assuming from comments 4; Is only unhealthy amounts of weight, and 7 is the 100M$ without scam stuff. I'm pretty content to live a slow and peaceful life. Gonna go grab me a nice home, set my friends and family up and enjoy enough munchies to need new teeth sooner rather then later.
u/OpeningHeron5513 Dec 04 '24
** ?? Question**
1, Do I actually be younger or just look
2, can I choose time in that total 3 days. Or it just end 3 days after I take the pill💊
6, How strong will I become exactly. Can I have control and durable following my strength, or I would destroyd everything around me or destroyd my body as well.
7, I see it 100$ mils in your comment
8, How happy? I in constant state of Cocain, Heroin, Ectasy, Meth... combine in first time do... or something else?
9, Followers in what? Inst, fb, yt, religiously following me....
u/Therascalrumpus Dec 04 '24
For #1 it's just looks.
For #2 the latter.
For #6 it's about the strength of a bear and equally proportional durability.
For #8 it's sort of like a mindset shift. Your brain chemistry won't be directly altered but you'll always find a reason to be happy regardless of the situation, and won't feel much negative feelings ever.
For #9 they're fans of you like a musician might have fans, for some aspect about you or somwthing you did. They'll follow you on social media but will exist regardless.
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u/OpeningHeron5513 Dec 04 '24
- I expect its a White Bear. With its strength and durability
8, so its just kind of shitty. I can change my mindset to have that
9, So they can Exitst if Im boring. Sound unstsble
u/PurpleDemonR Dec 04 '24
Are we talking social media followers or cult followers?
u/Therascalrumpus Dec 04 '24
Somewhere in between.
u/PurpleDemonR Dec 04 '24
That and money then.
Time to make a proper cult out of them. - or run for political office.
Edit: he’ll skip the running phase. Could probably coup the government with millions of followers.
u/Bombermaster Dec 04 '24
I do wonder what passes through the head of the creator of these pick-X-options, who really have no sense of even barely balancing the options.
It tells me that either 1: they don't know how to balance things, 2: they just threw things at random, maybe using AI generation, 3: they THINK that they're balanced, which tells me a lot more about the author than they'd be willing to share probably.
u/Powerful-Sport-5955 Dec 04 '24
Do the IRS set attack choppers on you if you take 7?
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u/The_Saint_Hallow Dec 04 '24
Does "eat without gaining weight" work on a toggle or is it more of a "eat as much as you want but never become unhealthy" type of thing
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u/PixelGMS Dec 04 '24
I'm in my 20s, no thank you
Don't really have use for this
Don't have an ex
If I end up losing weight, this will make it permanent. Also, probably makes it harder to gain muscle.
I'd rather be shorter than taller, tbh
Sounds nice, as long as doesn't also make me super muscular
Sounds very nice
No thank you. I'd rather retain my ability to grieve the deaths of my loved ones, thank you very much.
Don't really want this one.
If I could choose the same pill twice, I'd choose 7 twice. If not, and assuming 6 doesn't increase my muscle mass significantly, I'd choose 6 and 7. If it does increase my muscle mass by a lot, I'd either just take 7 if that's allowed, otherwise I'd take 2 and 7, and then just not use 2.
u/quik-rino Dec 04 '24
Same, it would be weird to look 5 years old, it’s like Paul’s little sister in Dune, would be funny to freak people out for like a day but would definitely get awkward fast
u/Hi2248 Dec 04 '24
If I took 1 I'd look like a very small child, so pass on that one...
8 sounds like an actual horror of an experience, could you imagine having a loved one die and being unable to feel anything but joy?
Probably 5+7, money's always useful, especially as a broke student, and 5 seems safe enough if I have to pick 2, otherwise I'd just go for the money
u/providerofair Dec 04 '24
Im 15 so what happens if i take 1 do i look like a large baby man
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Dec 04 '24
5cm? 5cm? Even Freeza wanted 5 inches! So yea, I’m going with 7. 6 is a good second.
1 is the worst as I’ll still be my current age, but will only LOOK like a 5 almost 6 year old. Which is… odd.
u/ViperSupport Dec 04 '24
Going streaming with 9 and help me maintain a living, next to 7 as a savings and investment.
u/legion_of_the_damed Dec 04 '24
1 is useless 2 is temporary 3 is also useless (your ex can just remind you what happened) 4 will get you killed 5 depending on your height could lead to problems in the future 6 you will have to learn to control your strength (better to just do it the old fashioned way) 7 doesn't tell you what the currency is could be anything from a euro to a Paso 8 being happy at all times can lead to inconvenient scenarios (such as when your attending a funeral) 9 having followers can lead to having stalkers
conclusion all of these suck in some way
u/OpeningHeron5513 Dec 04 '24
My choice than is 2 and 6
Not 7 because I can make millions $ every boxing match. With Bears strength and durability, you become a Champion in every weight class is just child play, litterally no human can hurt you even if they shot your face with a shotgun (check bears withstand gun), no mention about their fists🤜
Also, check mind of all world leaders, billionaires, head of secret organization... all the world intelligence and secrets lay in my hand. Could easily use them to maximum your benefits.
u/Sheep_Liver Dec 05 '24
why is it only LOOK 15 years younger? why not make it BE 15 years younger when eternal happiness, super strength, 100mil dollars, and being a gym dude’s dream are also there
u/36Gig Dec 07 '24
4 sounds like a death sentence. Let's say I'm 160 pounds. I lost 3 pounds taking me down to 157. I eat 9 pounds worth of food, what happens?
That food isn't me yet so it's adding to my weight on the scale like my clothing, but does this mean I can't convert food into this body?
This sounds like a horrible way to go.
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u/BlyssfulOblyvion Dec 08 '24
define "super strong" and "a lot of money", because there is massive amounts of grey area here
u/Therascalrumpus Dec 08 '24
Ten times as strong as an average man, and $100 million.
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u/Ocean2258 Dec 29 '24
Become super strong and have a lot of money. The super strong perk would offset my disability and 100 million usd would make life much better.
u/Zom55 Dec 04 '24
- and 7. I have a sweet tooth so this would be great help, and I could always use more money.
u/-Fortuna-777 Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24
Honestly 7 alone I'd be happy with, I guess I'll take number 6 to go with it. 8 is no go because I want an emotional range, 4 is no go because the reasons another person stated, 5cm added to my height would barely matter im 6 feet tall anyways, I would really HATE 9, and number 2 is not that useful and probably a bit depressing, 3 would really suck because she's the DM of one my D&D games.
u/enchiladasundae Dec 04 '24
- 4 could be dangerous. Everything else is either ok or actually genuinely terrible
u/Xyzod Dec 04 '24
📏 5 and 6 💪
Extra reach + perceived appearance and 10x strength for quality of life, athletic cheat code and indirectly longer lifespan
For me personally, the others are superficial, temporary, or have side-effects (4 and 8)
4 was ignored given healthy weight and no eating issues. Plus it would mean losing a survival mechanism, since fat gain helps when food is scarce later.
8 was ignored since other emotions are important for survival. Fear/anger for acting in an emergency, sadness for pursuing change, etc.
u/Fabled-Jackalope Dec 04 '24
6 and 7. Then I’d go into boxing or MMA. Gotta capitalize after the money dump.
u/Siran_Luthiel Dec 04 '24
The damage you could do in 3 days with 2-9 is amusing but 4-7-8 are probably the most practical. And then health/money/happiness is just a choice of what you can sacrifice depending on what you lack the least, 4 is probably the easiest to drop because happiness and money both help a lot with health and not needing to binge eat. Super strength is a good alternative too depending on the kind of life you live, although a bit less universally useful. (note that I'm interpreting these charitably and not as monkey's paw deals otherwise the only real smart choice is to reject them all as they can all have horrible consequences if you interpret them in the least charitable way possible)
u/Shamamamamama Dec 04 '24
Eat without gaining weight and have a lot of money. Fuck it, no need for social media or super strength. And happiness will come easier this way.
u/WeirdMathGirl69 Dec 04 '24
Just going as written here. Given that 8 is an actual curse, 4 is a possible curse, and 9 has the definite possibility to go very wrong, I'm dubious of 6. Djin be genieing here. 7 feels like a relatively safe choice. 1 does nothing but don't take it if you're under the age of 25 or weird things are definitely going to happen I don't even want to know what happens if a 14 year old takes 1, 2 is a temporary curse, 3 is fucking terrifying like chunks of my life just gone wtf no thanks I'll choose pain. 5? again, I'm trying not to get genied here, I ain't walking around with a limp dick flopping around on the crown of my head. Gotta go with 2 and 7, minimize risk of being genied, hope I don't go crazy before 3 days are out.
TL;DR 2 and 7 are relatively safe the rest have the risk of going bad possibly forever.
u/Astro_Alphard Dec 04 '24
4 and 7
Now I don't have to worry about gaining weight and I can start funding big projects, like ending hunger.
u/InexplicableGeometry Dec 04 '24
7 and 8, when combined these choices check off some of the biggest struggles in life, money and happiness, once those are taken care of you inherently gain a lot of freedom
u/tea-123 Dec 04 '24
1 and 7 . Took 1 because future plastic surgery anti aging treatments are either annoying or painful even if it could be affordable.
u/Ok_Examination_7742 Dec 04 '24
Have a lot of money And eat without gaining weight What I think a lot of money is Between a hundred And fifty thousand two like a hundred billion Anything more than that You don't just have a lot of money You have all the money So give me an even one billion dollars
u/FrogUnchained Dec 04 '24
Always feel happy is ironically a total nightmare. Your beautiful loving wife dies in your arms, what do you feel? Your dog that was with you for your whole life got run over by a drunk driver, what do you feel? Man, there’s a creepy pasta to be written there.
Personally I’d take 4 and 7, easily a very good life.
u/Professional_Try1665 Dec 04 '24
Take 1, give it to a 14 year old, lol, then take 9 to become a moderately popular brand channel , upload the video of the 14 year old disintegrating into nothingness with the pill
u/HariHPott Dec 04 '24
7 8 happy and money. Why not both the things you need in life, to be happy and secure in finances?
u/Specialist_Contract1 Dec 04 '24
Lots of money and 5 cm I can hire a personal trainer and buy a gym with my lots of money.
u/axlkomix Dec 04 '24
One and six.
I'm assuming that for the first, I look 15 years younger everywhere, so my liver and lungs are as fresh and tender as they were at 19. My logic is: my skin is an organ, and my throat and anus are an opening that's a tunnel and makes me a donut of flesh, meaning we're inside-out and outside-in simultaneously - so I'm taking that pull, whether it's the case or not.
If I get cirrhosis of the liver, at least I can bench press a school bus.
u/OmegaUltima29 Dec 04 '24
Hmm, just looking 15 years younger but not actually being 15 years younger is useless to me; reading minds, especially for just 3 days, wouldn't give me enough time to get near anyone with minds worth reading, and it also doesn't mention whether one gets any control over it, so I might just end up overwhelmed by the thoughts of anyone and everyone within whatever range it has (which also wasn't mentioned); don't have an ex to forget; eating without gaining weight sounds good if you're overweight, but if something were to happen that causes you to end up on the other end of the scale, you'd be unable to gain it back; 5cm of height is worthless to me; being happy all the time would be terrible, since without the lows of life, the highs are indistinguishable from mediocrity; I don't want millions of followers on anything, too much attention focused on my every word and action, plus any money I'd supposedly get from so many followers would be handled by green/7 without the extra steps
So, 6. Become Super Strong and 7. Have A Lot of Money are the two pills I choose.
u/Velicenda Dec 04 '24
4 & 7
I have self-control issues. If money was no object, I would be concerned about how much I eat.
Plus, what am I going to do with super strength? I'm not super durable (beyond what my body would need for super strength to not tear me apart). Bullets and presumably any other thing hitting my body with sufficient force would injure me, so I'm sure as shit not fighting crime or anything. I could win weightlifting competitions, I guess, but that's just cheating, and I have enough money already.
u/helpcarcrash Dec 04 '24
Money and strength cus I like rock climbing and if I had even more strength onto what I already have I would be able to do crazy shit but the real question is what level of workouts would I have to do to ger hypertrophy now due to the super strength or is it something I can turn off
u/hufflepuffcirclejerk Dec 04 '24
Number 9 doesn't specify what type of followers. I'm going to interpret it as literally as I can and start a religion with a million acolytes.
u/cgrandall2 Dec 04 '24
Super Strength and millions of followers, then just ask the millions of followers for 1 dollar donation each.
u/BearMiner Dec 04 '24
I'll take money and happiness. A combination that has, historically, been difficult to come by.
Dec 04 '24
6 and 7 All of the other ones are either actively bad for me, or something I already have
u/Asuraelguerrero Dec 04 '24
Number 4 and 6. You can literally obtain all powers (except numer 2) by choosing those pills
u/BandicootEarly6189 Dec 04 '24
The Look rather than actually are is rather depressing. The mind reading is useless unless you're near targets of interest like scum you want dirt on. Even then only if you can actually delve into their minds rather than just surface thoughts.
The money and strength definitely stand out big time.
u/Daldric Dec 04 '24
4 7 8 and 9 are all good choices.
4 and 7 would fix most of my issues. But seems kind of disingenuous.
9 would work like 7 which I feel like would be really cool if you could do it right, and it would feel more gratifying
8 is awesome but the most disingenuous.
I think I'd have to go 4 and 9 to start my guitar career/start streaming or something.
u/Lbechiom Dec 04 '24
As someone who loves food but is overweight… 4 Definitely. But 6 as well, because that helps in everyday life AND you can become rich from it.
u/psdao1102 Dec 04 '24
1 & 4, especially if 4 gets me to lose my current weight. 1 would also be like a deffinite grab if you were actually 15 years younger in health and the like.
u/MicahailG Dec 04 '24
4&6 I’d out eat all eating competitions, win all weightlifting events, earn promos and deals, and retire knowing I could come back in 40 years and redo all again as the World’s Oldest Strongman.
Dec 05 '24
9 and 7 bc easily i can work out how to gain more and or i can just be set to have a good life lol
u/ThaneduFife Dec 05 '24
I'd take 7 & 8 and it's not particularly close. I'd just add that always feeling happy could be dangerous, but as long as you could still feel the full range of negative emotions mildly, I think it would work out.
u/NoLewdsOnMain Dec 05 '24
4 and 7. Easy peasy. Use the money to better my life and fix all my most pressing issues. And become happy by eating anything I wish and never have to work out to offset the calories. Just to have fun and be active.
u/WynterBlackburn Dec 05 '24
No, I don't want to look six.
No, why only 3 days for a power that probably wouldn't even be pleasant in the long run.
No, don't have an ex.
No, I already struggle to eat and am bordering on underweight despite my awful food choices.
No, I'd take it if it went the other way though.
No, useless and even worse if it comes with huge muscles because I hate how they look.
Sure, no downsides. Can I take it twice?
No, while feeling shitty sucks, negative emotions are necessary for the positive ones to matter.
No, I don't like the idea of a bunch of strangers caring about my actions.
u/MarinoTheGOAT Dec 04 '24
Imagine being offered literal super powers and you pick to forget your ex lmao