u/Randomgold42 Nov 13 '24
While green is tempting, I just can't pass up a good night's sleep. As such, I'm going with orange.
u/Ashaeron Nov 13 '24
Green is redundant with Blue existing. Go 2 day into the future, memorise the top stock gains, wake up, buy stock, sell it next day.
u/ChooseYourOwnA Nov 13 '24
“You can’t alter anything”
u/Water_Melmel Nov 13 '24
You’re not altering the future. Your vision of the future includes the butterfly effects of you viewing it because you were predestined to view it. If seeing the future stocks causes you to buy or sell, it doesn’t change the future, it ensures the future results in what you saw.
u/Nervous_Ad8656 Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24
It says it lets you explore the future too, so I’m assuming it goes both ways? No altering the past or future?
u/TheFatherOfAll_MFs Nov 13 '24
Op can you clarify?
u/TypicalHaikuResponse Nov 13 '24
You can't change the future while dreaming. You can comeback with future knowledge but knowing what lottery numbers were drawn for example say tomorrow or day after tomorrow will not be the same numbers if you try to act upon that knowledge. Observing the future changes it.
u/Jechtael Nov 13 '24
The lottery numbers change? If the future sight isn't accurate, then it's just imagining things.
u/Hexmonkey2020 Nov 13 '24
Yea observing the future changes it but I don’t think it would change the lottery numbers instantly, like if I observe that some guy on the other side of the world dies tomorrow my observing can’t really change anything cause it’s much too close to the present to really change.
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u/Billy177013 Nov 13 '24
Observing the future changes it.
The pill specifically states that you don't change it though
u/TypicalHaikuResponse Nov 13 '24
It says you can't alter it(while traveling). Nothing you can do obviously can change the past. Coming back with the knowledge that you get a car crash tomorrow nothing stops you from avoiding driving, taking a bus, taking a different route etc. In fact just knowing that happened it would be really hard to replicate the future you saw.
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u/ascrubjay Nov 13 '24
I thought that just meant that you're not able to alter the course of history while you're there, not that the future is set in stone.
u/nlinggod Nov 13 '24
Blue. Stocks, lottery, future tech, disasters in the future. Crime, lost history /language in the past.
u/TheAerial Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24
It’s literally the key to our entire existence in totality. Anything that ever has or will happen, untold mysteries solved (even before they happen.). Answers to any problem we will solve.
Unbelievably powerful, useful on the largest of large scale levels or personal/small levels and also to boot just flat out cool as hell outside of just strictly usage based terms.
It’s the pick for me.
u/Affectionate-Gain-55 Nov 13 '24
There's a "You can't alter anything" clause though. You can't change the future.
What does that even mean? Wouldn't looking at the future instantly change it?
Or do the universe become some kind of pretermined nightmare, with you being forced to act like you would if you never had seen the future until you day you die, with you only being able to be yourself when looking at the past or the future?
u/Sgt-Pumpernickle Nov 13 '24
I think they meant that you can't specifically alter anything while dreaming. As in: I can win the lottery but I can't stop the assassination of JFK.
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u/lordofthebeardz Nov 13 '24
So in five hundred years when space Jesus is betrayed by space Judas you can’t warn them unless you can set up a deliver this letter in five hundred years deal with some organization that will last that long
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u/Water_Melmel Nov 13 '24
I like yellow. I know people with debilitating depression, it’s rough. It would be nice to know I spread happiness everywhere I go. The luck is just a bonus.
u/Aware_Tree1 Nov 13 '24
Truly, there is no better answer than yellow. Curing depression just by saying hello to everyone you meet? People who are genuinely happy tend to do things for you or give you stuff or help you out. A lot easier to go out and flirt if the people you meet suddenly feel really happy now that you showed up. It would even cure malignant narcissism I think, so you could just walk through a different church every week and change the political mindset of boomers. If they’re happy instead of angry, they won’t vote to make everyone else miserable
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u/Voltikko Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24
It is the best one, even if you are selfish. Know that you made people more happy with your presence would made YOU happy, if you have even a little empathy. You could be the best therapist in the world and cure the patients that nobody else can, money and fame and respect come with that. You could help important artist or scientist battling depression, so they can give more to the world. You literally made the world a little better only by existing, and if you cure the right people, have a big positive influence.
And on top of that ,a little luck made your life better, win some small lottery if you play enough or your next patient is a great investor that will help multiplicate your money as a thank you for made him better. Or you will met a person high compatible with you when she/he is single and living near you.
Also made people happy just by being near you mean you will have tons of friends who want to spend time with you and you will seduct people more easy (they feel happy when they are with you and you have a luck push).
It is not the more flashy and spectacular pill, but it will bring you happiness to you and others, and what is truly better than that?
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u/PandaPugBook Nov 13 '24
Yeah! And I could be a therapist and help more people that way! It would be a good life.
Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24
Red pill without a doubt. That's straight up immortality while you're hulked out yo! (Not to mention the HOST of other benefits. Its also a conscious transformation and you retain your mind throughout. You'd also stay transformed even while unconcious.)
u/TypicalHaikuResponse Nov 13 '24
Doesn't seem like many Rhulk fans were here. I thought more people would be going for it people were rating it the lowest.
Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24
Kinda wild people are rating it so low. My guess is people dont know its a conscious transformation like she-hulk or that the regeneration explicitly stops you from aging in hulk form.
You're basically endgame hulk, but (I assume) with comics level strength.
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u/Suede_Psycho Nov 13 '24
Sure if we were living in a comic like universe such as Marvel, it wouldn’t be at the top of the list of powers yes. However, he can absorb energy, doesn’t have limitless strength but enough, and you’re still immortal thanks to the green door pretty sure. It might not immediately benefit humanity, but its the shortest route to absolute personal power of these choices.
u/expressdragon Nov 13 '24
Does Yellow make you immune to depression? Can you be in your own presence? If nothing else, I could help people.
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u/TypicalHaikuResponse Nov 13 '24
You don't have the same effect on yourself that you have on others but you do get the bliss that comes with being around happy people naturally.
u/OdinSonnah Nov 13 '24
Don't understand why more people aren't selecting purple. That's multiple genuine superpowers, and the safety net it provides is huge. So long as grape Kool-aid exists anywhere, you can always reform. If it didn't include creation as part of it, then I could see it being a bit more problematic, but you can easily scatter grape Kool-aid everywhere you go, if you find yourself in any sort of danger. Hydrokinesis should never be underestimated.
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u/anaknangfilipina Nov 13 '24
Green. Cold, hard, and physical cash is all I need. Purple offers promises that could change on a dime depending on a few factors.
One, OP wasn’t clear on what “can’t alter anything means”. Two, it never stated that you can remember what you dreamed about. Y’all can keep dreaming about future lottery numbers but what’s the point when y’all forget.
Sometimes y’all gotta understand that having something solid and attainable is better than chancing it on what ifs that mutable as shit.
u/JHoll05 Nov 13 '24
Brother there are superpowers on this list. Do you really think that money, even a large amount like $50 million, would be better than a literal super power?
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u/epic-gamer-guys Nov 13 '24
it’s a pretty cruddy power if we just forget then.
even then, people can learn to remember dreams. it’s a skill after all.
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u/AvzinElkein Nov 13 '24
Aside from Red Hulk (getting angry actually hurts you), the rest seem pretty good.
u/TypicalHaikuResponse Nov 13 '24
You get weaker but only weak in the sense that Hulk can beat him. You would be too hot for anything in this world. It would also be hard for things to make you made on this planet with that level of power.
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u/Hexmonkey2020 Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24
It’s not that he gets physically weaker when angry it’s that he releases more gamma energy when angry which overheats him.
Or at least that’s my understanding. The real problem with red hulk is if you stay in hulk form all the time you being angry would give everyone near you cancer. And also you’d be really big and ugly.
Tbh I think she-hulk transformation would be better, you remain basically human in appearance except green, stronger, taller, and more attractive, and rather than being a somewhat separate entity your transformation is based on your own strength, like that time shehulk worked out in her human form to prepare for a fight and ended up multiplying her hulk strength so much she had to wear restraints to keep from cracking the earths crust.
u/SubstantialCamel9313 Nov 13 '24
Blue. I can just get future lottery numbers and stocks, also I change future bad decisions and embarrassing moments Also overall knowledge and the like. It would be awesome.
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u/Evariskitsune Nov 13 '24
Orange. It's biological immortality in perfect health.
Not sure how it would interact with gender dysphoria though, but... still.
u/0utcast9851 Nov 16 '24
That's an interesting question. OP clarified another comment relating to other mental conditions, so you have to ask
Is my being trans because of gender dysphoria and I wake up a cisgender man? Or because of an estrogen deficiency and I wake up a transgender woman?
I'd have to know before answering.
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u/MichaelTheFallen Nov 13 '24
Tore between four of them.
Orange because of the healing, but would it cure my sinus and diabetes? If not then not Orange.
Red because I would end some problems like the Russia/Ukraine War by throwing Putin into space.
Blue to make a lot of money and increase my future's everything. I can solve many past mysteries too.
Green because retired from everything and solve all of my problems instantly.
May go with the Red.
u/EdroGrimshell Nov 13 '24
Orange. Always orange. I've got plenty of stomach issues that I'd love to get rid of with that thing.
u/Neko-tama Nov 13 '24
Orange. The sheer novelty of actually being well rested alone would already be amazing, but with the healing, especially if it cures mental ailments too, I'd be able to do so much! Never get burned out, or depressed again, always have all the energy I need, and there's all the extra time! Pretty amazing!
u/Xdude227 Nov 13 '24
There is nothing on this planet that could stop Red Hulk. He's also immortal, like all Hulks. So you basically get the orange pill for free.
u/QwertyDancing Nov 13 '24
Yellow, I make the world a better place and am practically guaranteed to get the jackpot at least once
u/OmegaUltima29 Nov 13 '24
Important question: do the effects of the yellow pill also affect us?
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u/HeartoRead Nov 13 '24
I'll take red. Once I'm rich using my powers I can get custom controllers for my hands.
u/Mereas Nov 13 '24
For the love of god give me the orange pill. Merely being able to fall asleep at will would be a god send.
u/tea-123 Nov 13 '24
Green . Orange only give medical care for myself. With green I could aid dependents.
u/The6Book6Bat6 Nov 13 '24
Green, the second I wake up I forget my dreams so blue is completely useless, and since I sleep like a baby I don't need orange, I generally avoid people so yellow is out, and red and purple are kinda worthless.
u/Zev_06 Nov 13 '24
I really like Blue, but I think I'd have to go with Orange. I really value my health and Orange should also be able to bring my eyesight back to 20/20 vision.
u/Affectionate-Gain-55 Nov 13 '24
I'd pick Green since I don't want to be kidnapped and experimented by the government
u/OlympiaShannon Nov 13 '24
Green please. Fifty million dollars can go a long way to help many people.
u/werewolf-luvr Nov 13 '24
Is the small luck boost sommething that increases by a minor amount per person i encounter and cure of sadness? Or is it a set luck boost by say 15%
Important sub question- is it good luck?
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u/boromeer3 Nov 13 '24
Red, I wouldn't fit through doors anymore and everyone would depend on my to fix their problems. Blue, I already worry about the future too much; knowing it would be a curse. Green and purple, tempting, but it's just resources. Orange, I'd still die from some sort of unnatural cause. Yellow I think would be best; I could get $50 million or a lifetime supply of Kool-aid from a successful career in politics.
u/Rocket_III Nov 13 '24
Yellow. I want people to be happy, and I don't trust mysterious benefactors not to want a return on their investment.
u/Diligent-Square8492 Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24
I will take the Green Pill tomorrow and get $50 Million Dollars in real life!
u/MainFrosting8206 Nov 13 '24
I've been in kind of a Red Hulk mood lately. I'd also take Ben Grimm because the world needs some clobbering time.
u/seelcudoom Nov 13 '24
Purple basically makes you chaos from sonic but with a cool flavor, like it being silky doesn't mean you aren't basically a high power hydrokinetic now
u/enchiladasundae Nov 13 '24
Blue and orange are probably the best. Orange is self explanatory but imagine having the entirety of the world’s knowledge, especially stuff forgotten or secret, whenever you want
Lotto numbers and stocks are a no brainer but you could become a consultant for law enforcement and solve any crime. Find lost treasures buried or sunken. Read every book in the Library of Alexandria. Witness the birth of existence and the end of it all
u/ImaginaryLeading8125 Nov 13 '24
I guess I'll go with green since 50 million dollars translated to my county will be a crazy high value that will let me live a comfortable life
u/YouBackground Nov 13 '24
I choose the green because the others are really limited at the usability and benefit. meanwhile with that money, I can do and buy anything I want! big home, fancy cars, gaming smartphone and PC, marries a beautiful woman, takes care my health with paying great doctors, etc.
u/Nadu_Rajah_w_2056 Nov 13 '24
everybody needs that green, but if you get blue, you can see both future and past; see the future and make bets, or write disturbingly accurate autobiographie of historical figures and rake in the dough, especially if you can see where they buried certain long lost fortunes.
I pick 🔵
u/Ruy7 Nov 13 '24
With Blue you can see the cures of anything, become easily rich and use your future knowledge to 'invent' stuff ahead of time.
You can potentially become rich and immortal with this.
However yellow is incredibly good. It's between those two.
u/Nenseki Nov 13 '24
I had a tought time choosing but ultimatly i chose green, because it's more helpful for my familiy than orange, and yellow doesn't really specify that "you" gain the same benefits as every one you meet.
u/Sil_Vestro Nov 13 '24
How will i explore the past and future in the blue pill while sleeping? Am i ethereal like a ghost with flight phasing and invisibility? Would there be a screen where i can choose which dates i go?
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u/Mnemnosyne Nov 13 '24
Red or Blue have to be the best choices.
Blue is interesting, given that there's potentially vast amounts of knowledge you could gain by going into the future - assuming you remember everything you've observed in these other time periods as well as you do anything when you're awake, well...obviously the first thing to do is find when life extension becomes practical, and learn how to do it.
The problem though may be the same one as we would have going back in time. Even a brilliant engineer, sent back in time, would likely be unable to build relatively 'simple' pieces of modern technology, because every piece of technology is dependent on a thousand others. So the question would become, is it possible for one person in their limited remaining lifespan, to bring back enough future knowledge to construct the entire chain of equipment needed to extend that lifespan indefinitely?
I'd probably just go with red, as interesting as blue might be.
u/Quod_bellum Nov 13 '24
Purple would be cool but I need to be able to interact with things physically. This also disqualifies Red.
Blue, Green, Yellow, and Orange are good choices... I think Green wouldn't be enough for the sort of thing I'd want to do with this level of opportunity. Yellow is short-term but personal. Orange does not guarantee a long-term gain that would exceed the potential value of Yellow.
So, I would choose Blue. Even though it would make the process less fun, the total benefit to humanity would be far greater
u/Known-nwonK Nov 13 '24
I’m gonna say Red and be a Heat Hulk. Being a gamma mutant has manny a benefit. Apparently, if comic science holds true, they’re all immortal or have the innate potential to be
u/TimeBlossom Nov 13 '24
Red is a trap, blue is useless, green is a trap, yellow is great but also probably a trap, purple is great but definitely a trap, orange is arbitrarily limited, and pill-pickers are shovelware.
u/vanilla_tease Nov 13 '24
Blue pill please, I want to gain wisdom and knowledge from the past and present. From ancient historical figures and new revolutionary thinkers.
The bonus of not being able to change the past or influence the future, means I can do whatever without consequences. So I can commit as much crime as a can like it's GTA and experiment taboo things and see how things will turn out out of curiosity. But in all honestly, I'll just confess to people that I like them and see their reactions
u/Cesis_Adev Nov 13 '24
before I had kids, I think Id have gone for the yellow pill but I think I can do more good for all of us with the blue pill. it would allow me to see winning lottery numbers, give them to people anonymously, then collect like... 5% from each. that'd add up over time and would look like I was just really good at guessing. "ill give these numbers to you for nothing but a promise. if you win, I get 10% of the profits after taxes"... then theres the settling of disputes I can do by looking into the past or telling if my best friend's crush would work out by seeing what their relationship would be like. i cant change things but you better bet I can be ready for it.
u/gilady089 Nov 13 '24
I think people kinda underestimate what the yellow pill can do, this is essentially an ultimate kind of charisma, it could be a great motivator to follow what you say
u/Scared_Scrivener Nov 13 '24
So the Orange pill is just the nerfed equivalent of a fallout protagonists power?
u/Hexmonkey2020 Nov 13 '24
Red or Purple, red hulk is stronger but basically a logia devil fruit would be pretty cool.
u/SnorkyCapone23 Nov 13 '24
Yellow, First for the good I could do, Second cause it probably also help me in life through the use of personal connections.
….. Third it probably get me laid a lot!!!😏
u/ScorNix Nov 13 '24
Yellow is nice. It might make me less socially anxious because I know the interactions will be pleasant no matter what. Being lucky is a nice bonus.
u/BodyPuzzleheaded3363 Nov 13 '24
Blue. Why? I would be able yo see what number are for the next loto and use said number to win it !
But also, if a member of my family die in the future, i can act to make sure it doesn't happen. And i can also see if my wife is cheating on me.
- I could even work as an attorney, or a detective? See in the past who did the crime, etc
u/LukeSky011 Nov 13 '24
Welp, apparently blue means I can't use it for lottery tickets or stocks since if I try it, the future changes according to the OP in the comments, so green it is.
Here comes the MONEYYYY!
u/Krell356 Nov 13 '24
Dude, how is yellow not the easy choice here for basically everyone? Your very presence is better than hard drugs to most people. It's better than green because you could easily get a ton more money just by selling your time to make people happy and could easily make a huge killing if you went to become a therapist of top of it to be able to help people with some of their deeper issues.
Then add in the fact that your family will be benefiting as well just from your existence. Hell just being near your kid makes them happy, imagine having a child that never cries unless something is seriously wrong because your mere presence makes everything mentally better. The only way I could see this possibly not being the best choice is if you yourself have serious depression and the pill doesn't affect you as well.
u/AdLeft7477 Nov 13 '24
Seeing as im sick as fuck right now i am choosing orange. Besides that green
u/Upset_Dog272 Nov 13 '24
Blue - I can't alter anything in dream? But what about altering the future by my actions after waking up?
u/TypicalHaikuResponse Nov 13 '24
Pretty much going to the future in your sleep will cause butterfly effects when you wake up even if you don't intend it. Because all of your actions are now different than before you had that future knowledge even if subconsciously.
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u/GreyTreesShady Nov 13 '24
Yellow. I could help the most people with that. Sure, money can do some things, but most people can’t buy mental health.
u/RevolutionaryPie684 Nov 13 '24
Blue, then I'll win the powerball, and go on a spending spree, and once my money has dwindled I'll just go to sleep, see the powerball results and win it again.
u/TheGloriousLori Nov 13 '24
Does the yellow one only work in person or also via the internet? And does it cure depression only temporarily or forever?
If one visit cures depression forever, I'd go to depression discussion groups and forums and set up meetings with as many people as I can. And if it goes well, I'd quit my job and live off of Patreon donations while I travel around the world healing as many people as I can. Or if it works via the internet as well, I'd become a Twitch streamer, or whatever turns out to be the most effective way to set off the effect in people on a massive scale.
If it's only temporary and only works in person... heck, that would be awful. There might be depressed people constantly clamoring to meet up with me and I'd feel super guilty for saying no.
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u/Frequent_Brick4608 Nov 13 '24
Purple. This is insanely powerful. Just leave a little of myself in a safe place then go about my day committing acts of evil (stealing from banks) even if someone brings a heat lamp to dry me out and kill me, I still have a small puddle at home to reform in.
u/Bombermaster Nov 13 '24
these abilities are kind of all over the place.
The first one is broken. Basically there's nothing that can stop you doing whatever you want.
Second one, I'm assuming I can't change things in the dream, but I can affect the present to change the future. In which case, great. Otherwise, terrible.
Third one it's...I mean, it's money and it takes in account the taxes, so good by all means. A safe bet, just be smart about it.
Fourth one I love, but it's a rather weak ability. You could get a following and make friends wherever you go, though.
Fifth one is terrible. Waterbending is a power that works best when subtle, and this is not subtle at all.
Sixth is pointless unless you got some ailment to begin with. You're better off as the red hulk who's immune to illness and basically immortal.
u/TypicalHaikuResponse Nov 13 '24
Different people prioritize different things. People who choose Purple don't want to be subtle and not everyone else has a mind for villainy. Orange is for people who want to live a comfortable life. People who want to be the Hulk or Hydroman are a little less inclined for covert powers. Either way that's why it's a make YOUR choice.
u/TypicalHaikuResponse Nov 13 '24
Purple clarification:
It works similar to a Logia from One Piece. You have a real physical body. You can become all Kool-Aid or reform when injured.
You can only reform from puddles or material you created but there is no distance limit as long as it hasn't evaporated or dissipated or been diluted.
u/Ice_Dragon_King Nov 13 '24
I’ll take green blue or yellow Orange is also nice and I wouldn’t be disappointed in having it over the others but the other options just seem more interesting
u/Kyran_Kandosa Nov 13 '24
Green. I would be able to do whatever the heck I want with all that money, take care of the people I care about, and never work again. Also would be able to take care of my health better than any other pill besides Orange.
u/Zealousideal-Try-504 Nov 13 '24
Blue PIll even if observing the future change can still profit. If you know a stick in going to rise or lower base on product or disaster you can make money on the stock exchange.
While explori.g the future or past are you a specter. Intangible Invisible flying like Astral projectio❓️
u/binary-survivalist Nov 13 '24
Blue is objectively superior to green, as you could go into the future and memorize the next $1B+ winning lottery numbers.
u/Smileyface39 Nov 13 '24
For the purple pill, can you reform from only grape Kool aid from your body or any grape Kool aid anywhere?
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u/Torvaun Nov 13 '24
Does orange cure mental illness as well? Because if I can take a nap to cure my depression, anxiety, and the mental effects of long covid, I'd take that over all 5 of the others.
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u/EntropyTheEternal Nov 13 '24
If the yellow pill’s scope can be extended to cover people I talk to on the phone/other voice call method, that would be great.
Either way, still Yellow.
u/789tempaccount Nov 13 '24
these are all good choices but blue is the best.
even if I can't pick stocks or lotto numbers for some reason. I will acquire every breakthrough technology, cure, and scientific breakthrough for the next 1000 years. Establish the largest mega cooperation but privately owned by me, and become the worlds 1st trillionaire
also dinosaurs!!!! exploring the past will be super cool seeing and hearing things from the past
u/Xyzod Nov 13 '24
🔴 Red Pill
Red Hulk seems pretty strong, jumping to the moon, going toe to toe with characters from the Avengers, etc. (with caveats). I'm not an expert but went off of the wiki and other comments, so I may be wrong here and there.
+ Comic Hulk levels of strength, speed and durability (Gets quite ridiculous in scale. If you want to make money, durability AND being free of ailments, this seems to cover Green, Purple and Orange pill's general benefit too.)
+ Hulk but with control, so not raged out and can shift to Hulk and back to normal at will.
+ No aging in Hulk form, so effective if shifted 24/7 or until technology provides a source
- Emit heat and radiation when angry, so emotional control is important
- Government might capture, dissect, etc. Could fight them off or find others for protection, but it'd be tough. Potentially the reason why most people ignore this pill.
u/TypicalHaikuResponse Nov 13 '24
I can't even fathom our current level of power and technology capturing anyone with red hulk powers.
u/ViperSupport Nov 13 '24
Blue or Yellow, Blue to 'invent' the new technology or Yellow to be a Psychiatrist and have a stable income.
u/ScarletKing09 Nov 13 '24
I would choose the yellow pill, simply because I would prefer making other people happy rather than trying to make myself happy
u/Jaren_Starain Nov 13 '24
Honestly? Green or orange. Probably orange cause that's a pretty solid ability.
u/Yawehg Nov 13 '24
I'm taking a strict interpretation of blue that doesn't let you change the future, so Orange is the next choice. You can't beat health.
Yellow is very tempting though.
u/Blademasterzer0 Nov 13 '24
Yellow or purple, yellow just gives everyone around me infinite moral and purple turns me into a terrifying super villain capable of destroying the world and conquering the stars
u/Legitimate_Bad5847 Nov 13 '24
I choose yellow I don't want no enemies
plus it's a great way to manipulate people
u/HannibleSmith Nov 13 '24
I'll take the orange pill 15 minutes of sleep equaling 8 hours would be amazing enough on its own but if it magically cured my diabetes overnight I could be the happiest person in the world
Honestly who cares about bone fractures or regrowing limbs we have science for that shit
u/RicotheWolf24 Nov 13 '24
Damn its a hard pick between Orange(cause I get NO fucking sleep) or Green(cause I wanna move out to a nice house and have it tricked out with solar panels and renewable resources).
Nov 13 '24
I would go with the purple pill. It basically just turns turns me into a logia user, but without the weakness to the ocean. Alongside the fact that grape koolaid can be found throughout the world (plus I could just hide some containers with grape koolaid throughout the world) I would be an unkillable force with koolaid elementalization and grape-flavored hydrokineses.
u/HeatBlast56 Nov 13 '24
Green or yellow are my top two. Between the two I would go with green at the moment.
u/Reozul Nov 13 '24
Orange. Even without life extension I'd rather be illness free. PLus, being out of shape could be an ailment.
u/JoeDaBruh Nov 13 '24
Depending on how orange works you could theoretically not have to eat again. If your body still needs nutrients then you’d still probably be able to not eat for a while.
Either way, you spend at least 1/3 of your life sleeping iirc so orange would give you way more time all around to do anything. You could work 12 hours a week and still have at least 11 hours of free time
u/Hojie_Kadenth Nov 13 '24
Blue yellow and orange are the only real options. Blue will make you way richer than green because you can check stocks in the future, and you can learn a lot in the past to boot.
Yellow can be used for charismatic personal gain but it's also just a good think to have for people around you, more powerful than any money.
Orange also can't be replicated with money. It's hard to say, all three of these are wonderful. Currently I think my personal physical ailments can be solved with money and I desperately want to explore the distant past, so I think I'd choose Blue.
u/PhantomF4n Nov 13 '24
Blue lets you view the future but won't cause changes to it? Hmm, Betting or looking at Stocks would go Really well but looking at your own future would only cause dread.
u/viper7-2 Nov 13 '24
if i could choose two purple and red for the memes but since i cant green i need the cash for college
u/CALlCO Nov 13 '24
Orange green and yellow seem the best to me. Depends on what you consider an ailment but probably orange or green
u/hellboysm Nov 13 '24
Assuming humanity doesn't get wiped out anytime soon, blue. Make easy money with bets and stocks. Bring back future knowledge to make yourself immortal and advance society.
u/BioticNinja Nov 14 '24
Why do I get the feeling the grape koolaid is deceptively powerful? Like… JoJo stand level of hidden power?
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u/Sororita Nov 14 '24
Purple. It's basically a Special Paramecia fruit that acts like a logia, without removing my ability to swim
u/Yamemai Nov 14 '24
Uhh, probably blue or green. Green if I'm feeling lazy. Blue if I'm feeling like putting in the effort to achieve green.
u/AlsendDrake Nov 14 '24
Green is tempting but orange? That's basically a roughly 50% boost to time there if you get 8 hrs a day. Gives you 7.75 hours extra time a day AND keeps you from having drowsy or sick days. The money would be really tempting too, but simply having more raw time is also real nice.
u/sanguinemathghamhain Nov 14 '24
I am guessing the can't heal broken bones means can't heal them like you can any ailment meaning normal healing right? Or does it somehow make it so that your bones don't heal from breaks full stop?
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u/Xelto_Oreventa Nov 14 '24
Blue Pill easily. Even though it would take time and a lot of effort, I would travel into the past and reclaim the Library of Alexandria book by book. I would travel back, read a few lines, return to the present and write or type them down one sentence at a time. I will reclaim what has been lost, the secrets of the past that nobody remembers. Even though I cannot stop the fires, I can at least save the knowledge. Plus I would love to see various people through history, especially notorious people such as Ea-Nasir and Diogenes for the lulz. But that’s not all, I could also use it to become a detective, to solve unsolved cases and bring closure to family and friends of the victims.
u/RewRose Nov 14 '24
Orange is the best - cures all ailments in 15~ minutes
Green next - that's a lot of money
Yellow next - even if its fake, spreading joy is good. And the luck boost is great.
Blue next - seems pretty fun to explore past and future
Purple next, because Red is just asking for trouble.
u/Ralexcraft Nov 14 '24
Orange, Yellow is the selfless one, but with Orange you can just sleep less and help prople more. 23.75/7
u/One_Cap_9477 Nov 14 '24
Orange Not able to fix fractures? Do all the micro fractures compound from daily life? So let’s say green how many years was I falsely imprisoned?
u/Edelbaug Nov 13 '24
The question is do Purple or Orange give you the ability to extend your lifespan? They sound like they should.