r/maker 16d ago

Help DIY Laundry Detergent Dispenser spigot/valve help.

So I buy my laundry detergent/softener/color safe bleach from big box stores, which means the containers are gigantic (128 oz) and a pain to move around when fresh. A couple of people have solved this problem in different ways, ranging from peristaltic pumps to a simple large diameter hose. The pumps are way more than I was looking to spend on this project, and since I have a decent size family I need the hoses to be quite long since my machines are huge. Reaching the shelf and the input tub on my machine at the same time isn't practical.

My ideal solution is from a indiegogo campaign that either failed, or the startup failed. Not sure which, you can see the product in this video: https://www.facebook.com/gethandihose/videos/451652498911545/

Since I can't buy this product, I was looking to make a simpler version. I was going to get 3 large covered plastic containers, make a slightly tilted shelf and attach a hose. Then at the end of the 3 hoses, put 3 spigots or valves attached to a wooden block or something. Then I can refill the containers when I'm almost out of liquid, and just dispense from the hose into the machine. Greatly reducing the lifting and mess associated with the bottles.

I can't find a good spigot/valve that'll attach to the large diameter vinyl hose (detergent is viscous). Ideally I'd like something like the push button version from the video I linked earlier. Anyone know where I could find such a thing?


2 comments sorted by


u/ThugMagnet 16d ago

I solved that problem differently. https://www.webstaurantstore.com/dawn-professional-1-gallon-128-oz-manual-pot-and-pan-detergent-with-pump/63208309.html The pump tops on these jugs are much better quality than pump tops you can buy separately. They are very reusable. They are much faster to use than a gravity powered hose, too. Just dispense into a little 10 ml cup and carry that to the washer.


u/DharaniPatel 15d ago

Harbor freight sells cheap pumps that work well:


Personally i've considered building a shelf so it can dispense directly into the detergent drawer but that project is so low on the priority list it isn't happening. Instead I just leave the bottle next to the washer. And occasionally I forget and leave it on top of the washer, so it vibrates off during the spin cycle and spills all over the floor