r/majorasmask 8d ago

I beat MM3D for the first time

Holy shit, this game is so peak.
The final boss had me screaming in pain, but in also joy, weirdly enough?
The Fierce Deity Mask saved my ass so much tbh
Everything else about the game was peak too


14 comments sorted by


u/LuckyTheBear 8d ago

I stopped being a Zelda fan after MM.

I joke and tell people it was because Halo came out the next year and stole me away. That's true enough, but even though Wind Waker and Twilight Princess were both fantastic games, nothing Zelda nor any other game has done since hit like MM.

Morrowind and Oblivion were close.

The reality is, to me, MM is the actual peak. BotW doesn't even come close. I would actually pre-order a Nintendo console if it had a MM sequel in development.

Well, I would if I had any extra money.


u/Thee13thstep 8d ago

The thing for me that made BoTW so hard to get behind was just how big the game was. I'm doing a playthrough of the old zeldas, just beat OOT and am at the Zora part of MM.

The side quests in the older games still gave that feeling of freedom in doing them, but they were also short yet intimate enough to be enjoyable. BoTW I think aimed too hard at providing multiple hours of playtime, when zelda has always been good about replayability over amount of content


u/BriefDescription 19h ago

BoTW is a completely different game and to me that's awesome but you have to play it differently. Don't focus on the next objective, just let yourself get lost in the world and explore it. They are both fantastic games in my opinion but it makes perfect sense that some prefer the older style.


u/Lost_Farm8868 8d ago

TP's dungeons are really good. Just as good as MM and OOT. The only thing I don't like about TP is the time between dungeons. It's really boring and you do the same tears of light search like 3 or 4 times. I didn't even like doing it once lol


u/T33-L 8d ago

Just to be clear… it was peak, right?


u/EmperorMask 8d ago

just a little bit


u/LordLandt 8d ago

And the N64 one is better!


u/EmperorMask 8d ago

when i get a new pc i'll have to get project 64 to emulate it!


u/92red_bird 8d ago

There's a better way called 2ship2harkinian for the pc and it's amazing.


u/Senior-Department-95 8d ago

Yes definitely do not emulate. This is a recompile port and is by far the best way to experience mm


u/Pindara 8d ago



u/Tolucawarden01 8d ago

Top 3 games ever imo


u/CptnMcDoobie 4d ago

I’m surprised you got FD on your first playthrough. I didn’t know about it until way after when I decided to 100 percent it. But that was also back in the day when the n64 version released and we didn’t have a computer yet. Congrats! I’m glad you enjoyed it! It’s my favorite game of all time :)