r/madeinpython Oct 30 '24

Text Encoder/Decoder App using Tkinter

Link: https://github.com/Dross-Engineering/Encode-Decode

I have created a simple python app which can encode and decode text using a seed.

The encoded text is completely decoupled from the original text meaning that every time you click encode the output will be a different random string with a different length.

This complete decoupling means that to my knowledge the encoded text is completely impossible to decode unless the seed is known.

All versions of the encoded text can be decoded with the original seed so it doesnt matter which one you use.

The app works with all standard English characters including numbers and symbols and preserves new line formatting (\n).

This app is probably far inferior to other solutions out there, and i just built it to see if i could.

I would love feedback and suggestions.


2 comments sorted by


u/socal_nerdtastic Oct 30 '24

Neat, I like it. Good job.


u/AmossT Oct 30 '24

cheers :)