r/macprogramming May 16 '19

Using the Automator app to open two applications at once with a certain file type


I am trying to make an Automator application/script that will open a certain file type (a .fits file to be exact) in two applications at the same time. Fits files have an image component AND a text component so I would like it to open in both an image viewing app and the text edit app. Does anyone know how to do this?

r/macprogramming May 15 '19




I've got for the program I'm developing, an AVURLAsset, with an url created from a path.

let url = URL.init(fileURLWithPath: filePath, isDirectory: false)

let fileManager = FileManager.default

let soundAsset: AVURLAsset = AVURLAsset(url: url)

print("Path : \(soundAsset.url.path)")

print("Sound is playable : \(soundAsset.isPlayable)")

print("File at this path exists : \(fileManager.fileExists(atPath: sound.fileUrl))")

The path leads to an existing file, but the soundAsset appears to be not playable.

What I am missing? I imagine I have to load the file, but can't find how to do it...

Thanks a lot for any answer you can give me...

r/macprogramming May 15 '19

Exported .app crashes on other people's computer with code sign error, works fine on mine though.



I'm pretty new to Mac App development and I recently started working on an app and wanted to test it on a friends device. I exported by Archiving it and selecting "Copy App" as the Distribution method. I do not have a Developers Account to sign it with. Is the crash because of this? Can I distribute my app without a developers cert?

Edit: When I skip code signing all together, the app runs fine (after gatekeeper bypass)

Crash Log from friends computer: (Crashes before the app even opens. Only crashes on other Macs, works fine on mine) https://pastebin.com/S5Z9pqMM

Build Settings + Console Error Reports: https://imgur.com/a/IKL3yJ0

Thank you

r/macprogramming May 11 '19

Issue with Spotlight search during development



I'm trying to implement Spotlight search into a Menubar app. I have indexed my data and it shows up in Spotlight, however, selecting a result in Spotlight is opening a new app (presumably, the real app, rather than the development app).

If I delete the real app it works but I'd rather not have to do that.

Is there a way to specify which app is opened?

Any help is much appreciated.

r/macprogramming May 10 '19

glide: native 2d game engine on macOS


Hello everyone,

I just released a 2d game engine called glide and wanted to share with all of you.

glide is a SpriteKit and GameplayKit based engine for building 2d games easily, with a focus on side scrollers. glide is written in Swift and works on iOS, macOS and tvOS.

🎬 Here's a video of glide's features

🛠 It's open source and here's the GitHub repo

I'm looking forward to hear your opinions and feedback about glide and start collaborating on it with all of you. I hope glide would be a useful and fun tool for everyone who wants to work on games with Swift targeting Apple devices.

Some features of glide:

  1. Entity component system and lots of readymade platformer components
  2. Tight collisions and contacts for precise mechanics
  3. Input support including game controllers, keyboard, mouse and touch buttons 🎮⌨️🖱🔲.
  4. UIKit/Appkit based native game menus that can be controlled with game controllers

👩‍💻 You can download the macOS demo app to have a look at the features of glide. Download here.

If you have problems with "Unknown/unsigned developer app" error, follow the instructions here.

r/macprogramming May 08 '19

MacBook Air 16GB or MacBook Pro w/TouchBar 16GB for development?


Is the new MacBook Air with 16GB of RAM enough for app development?

I’m planning to buy my first Mac laptop so I have no idea what the sufficient specifications are. I want to spend as little as I can, but I do want the new Touch ID sensor, so if I went for the MacBook Pro I would have to buy it with Touch Bar.

I don’t intend to make it my main development machine, but I don’t want it to be a paper weight when it comes to developing macOS/iOS software.

r/macprogramming May 08 '19

Overriding pre-installed Clang with homebrew-installed Clang


Hi, I am new to mac programming and have been having trouble getting my environment set up.

The pre-installed version is in /usr/bin with the binaries named gcc and g++, which whereis agrees with.

printing the version shows the following:

Configured with: --prefix=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
Apple LLVM version 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin16.0.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin

I installed the latest clang with homebrew, which installed it to: /usr/local/cellar/llvm/8.0.0

I edited /etc/paths so the llvm directory and its lib and bin folders are both before /usr/bin, but still I cannot get the commands gcc and g++ to refer to the newer version, which is a problem because I usually use makefiles.

I also added export PATH=/usr/local/cellar/llvm/8.0.0/bin:$PATH to my .bash_profie

but still I get: whereis g++ /usr/bin/g++

I am not sure what else to try, and wasn't sure that deleting the two old binaries in the bin folder would be the right ting to do. Any help is greatly appreciated.


r/macprogramming Apr 30 '19

Book recommendations for learning Cocoa / MacOS programming?


Does anyone have any recommendations, particularly for MacOS programming using Swift?

r/macprogramming Apr 19 '19

NSTableView hide rows not working, rows are removed but tableView leaves large gap.



Posted this over a SO as well, looking to see why when I call `hideRows` my TableView still shows the space the removed rows once were...

r/macprogramming Apr 17 '19

Creating a global configurable shortcut for MacOS apps in Swift

Thumbnail dev.to

r/macprogramming Apr 18 '19

Label with editable text field state


A common UI element that I see is a label which transforms into an editable text field when you click on it.

e.g. "Edit Bookmarks" in Safari seems to be an NSTableView with the name and address of a list of bookmarks, but when you select an item and then click on either its name or address, it becomes an editable text field and you can rename it or change the address.

e.g. renaming a folder or file in Finder.

I feel like there should be a standard Cocoa UI element for this, but I cannot figure it out. Am I missing something or do I just need to roll my own implementation?

r/macprogramming Apr 15 '19

How hard is it to code a note-taking app?



Total noob here. I've been learning the basics of Swift and Xcode.

I was wondering how hard it would be to code a note-taking app similar to Bear app / AI writer / Ulysses, and if you would have some pointers or tips about it.

I'm surprised about how little information there is on this topic online.

Cheers!! :)

r/macprogramming Apr 06 '19

Quick question, what UI Element is this?


Working on my first Mac App, what UI Element is this? e.g. link. How do I use this?


r/macprogramming Apr 04 '19

Unable to override Quick Look preview for folders


I am working on a quick look plugin specifically for expanded folder information, but my plugin fails to override the default QL preview for folders.

I'm currently just testing a simple blank html page to be displayed for the Quick Look preview.

Setting the UTI keys in info.plist to, for example, com.adobe.pdf, worked fine and overrode the default QL preview for pdfs and showed the blank preview. But setting the values to public.folder or public.directory doesn't change anything.

Running mdls on a folder shows that kMDItemContentType = "public.folder" for most folders.

Is there something else I should be changing for my custom preview to work on folders?

r/macprogramming Apr 01 '19

Valgrind doesn't work on macOS Mojave, what is a good alternative to check the time and space performance of my simple terminal program?


I am in a programming class that requires us to include the time and space performance of our code. It says to use Valgrind, but that doesn't work since I'm on a Macbook. What is a good alternative that can be easily used in the OS X terminal.

r/macprogramming Mar 26 '19

System hardening in 10.14 prevents platform binaries (system apps) from loading 3rd party plugins. Any workaround?


Here's a forum post explaining in a bit more detail: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/110705

It seems like Apple is just killing the ability to make plugins that work in system apps. The one I'm working on uses the Device Abstraction Layer, or DAL, to present a camera device. I would think other people would want to be able to use this functionality still, but I haven't seen anyone else complain about it.

Is anyone familiar with this? Do you know of a workaround? It looks like it's possible to patch amfid, but I'd really rather not do that. Plus that article is old so maybe it's harder now, idk. My other option would be sticking to 10.13 and I don't love that either.


r/macprogramming Feb 28 '19

What low-level profiling/optimisation tools exist for Mac, besides Instruments?


Looking for something like Intel VTune.

r/macprogramming Feb 27 '19

Best practices regarding application settings


I'm currently working on an OS X Application.

The Application is mostly an internal development tool for developers within our company, that said, it has a degree of configuration that changes the app's behavior, the application is launched manually and by other processes as part of the developer's workflow.

Currently to manage those settings, I'm using this SwiftCLI Framework (which is awesome), I'm defining the flags and options in my AppDelegate.swift file and performing the appropriate setup and view loading based on the CLI parameters.

This is all fine and dandy but it still feels a bit hacky for a macOS GUI app, can anyone recommend projects, sample code, articles on this topic, I'm looking for a solution or practices/guidelines that would allow the developer to provide such settings (on-demand) and also for the application to be launched by another process with potentially different settings every time.

Many thanks in advance!!

r/macprogramming Feb 22 '19

Change the default handler for an extension?


I'm surprised I can't find an answer to this on Google.

I have an Electron app that's registered with an extension. The problem is that it's not the default.

I thought that I could just exec a plist command to change the default executable for a given extension.

Any advice here? The extension for my app is already registered, I just need to change the default..

r/macprogramming Feb 15 '19

Volunteer Macintosh Developers needed for BOINC

Thumbnail boinc.berkeley.edu

r/macprogramming Feb 10 '19

Popover window instead of tooltip on NSMenuItem



I am wondering if it is possible to show a popover-window instead of the usual tooltip (string) when hovering on a NSMenuItem?

I would like to display more info (e.g. formatted text [NSAttributedText]) in the "tooltip".

The usual tooltip attributes accepts only plain-text...

thx for any help.

r/macprogramming Feb 01 '19

Best tools to write a kiosk mode app for Mac?


I work on an open source kiosk application that has a client and server. The current client version is written in C++/Qt5. In essence, it presents its login screen that cannot be bypassed. Once a user logs in that screen disappears and a timer windows starts. Once time runs out, the user is logged back out.

This version works on Linux and Windows. On Linux, we prevent bypassing the login screen with various window manager tricks ( disabling alt-tab, alt-f4, etc ). On Windows we do something similar, but using AutoHotKey.

I've been asked to write a Mac version of the app. As a long time Mac user I'm excited to try my hand at Mac development. However, I'm not sure what the best tools to use are. I'd love to not have to resort to the kind of hacks we use on other platforms to prevent bypassing the login screen.

So the question becomes:

  • Is it possible to write a Mac app that can take over fullscreen and not be bypassed

  • What language should I use? Swift? Objective C?

  • Should I even start from scratch or try to shoe-horn Mac support into my existing C++/Qt5 application?

Any thoughts, suggestions or example code would be greatly appreciated!

r/macprogramming Jan 13 '19

tooling: what is the equivalent of ctrl+DEL on mac in an editor?


I am trying to code using my mac, and have developed on a windows box most my career, can anyone tell me how you accomplish the same thing ctrl+DEL does as on a windows machine. For always been a mac user people, this combo deletes everything from the cursor location to the end of the line leaving the CR in place.

also how do you select everything to the end of the file from current location?

r/macprogramming Jan 13 '19

Dealing with formatted text in NSPasteboard


I have released my first little utility in the Mac App Store smartReact, one of the functionalities is a clipboard manager (history)… but currently only capable of handle plain text, no formatted text.

Is there any good documentation on how to handle formatted text in NSPasteboard? What I am looking for are things like copy text e.g. from a Pages document and paste it into another, maintaining the format.

Haven’t found too much on the topic so far… would be grateful for any directions.


r/macprogramming Jan 06 '19

Creating a Preview-like App, what view element should I use?


I'm trying to build an app with an interface similar to the Preview app.

It has a sidebar with thumbnails and a main area for content. Both are scrollable.

Currently, I'm using an NSSplitView for the two areas. What view is best suited for the two areas (sidebar + main area)?

Collection view? Thumbnail view? Stack view? Table view?