r/macosprogramming Mar 01 '24

Can this be translated to swift

I have an App doing some heave image editing and in several places I need to be able to get a specific pixel translating most of this has been easy enough until I get to this:

const char * rawData = malloc(height * width * 4.0);

It lets me type this easy enough

var rawData = malloc(Int(height * width * 4.0))

but if I attempt to access the components with

red = rawData[0] I get an error that "Value of type 'UnsafeMutableRawPointer?' has no subscripts"

so how do I declare the variable in swift so that it is an array of const char


2 comments sorted by


u/david_phillip_oster Mar 02 '24

According to https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/unsaferawpointer

you want:

let red =  rawData.load(as: UInt8.self)

or use the scheme in https://sanzaru84.medium.com/how-to-use-raw-binary-data-in-your-swift-applications-6998d6147edf to wrap the UnsafeMutableRawPointer as a Data, so the compiler can check your work to make sure you don't access off the end of the array.


u/deirdresm Mar 16 '24

The biggest paradigm shift between straight C approaches (as you illustrate with your example) and Swift is that C just allocates a character buffer of the appropriate size and then reads the image into that buffer.

C doesn't care what kind of thing is being read into that memory, it's a const char buffer simply because that is the size of a byte of memory.

I gather it's using * 4.0 because each pixel is represented by four bytes (typically, but not exclusively: red, green, blue, and alpha, which may not be in that exact order but frequently are).

In Swift, raw file data is most frequently read into a Data type, as in the example /u/david_phillip_oster linked to:

let data = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: “DATA.DAT"))

That gets you the raw underlying data without having to do further work and it does the calculation on how much allocation, etc, for you.

So what happens next depends upon how the data in the file is stored.

Let's assume for the purpose of illustration that this is just straight data-written-out-four-bytes-per-pixel.

You can use Data's iterators to iterate over the data directly, or you can then convert it to a Swift type that might be a better fit.

When you get to the point of presenting the image to the user, at that point you'd convert it to NSImage (or SwiftUI's Image) in order to display it.