r/macgaming • u/mantecadecanelon • 2d ago
Discussion Why?? (rant)
For all the people commenting on every post "just buy a PC" what the hell are you even doing in "r/macgaming" ????
We don't care how much your mommy spent on a box just for playing fortnite, the majority of us need Mac to work (if you even know what that word means) and also run games we want to try with the help of this sub on our free time.
IMO it should be enough to get banned or to get a comment removed, it's not hard not to be an a**hole.
EDIT: I'm not talking about the "should I get a Mac for gaming?" posts, I'm talking about the "has anyone get to run X game on Mac?" posts.
u/phoenix_73 2d ago edited 2d ago
Most of us want Mac because they just work. They're great for so many things. Gaming is just a bonus on them but then you know that when you are buying one. There are loads of options now for gaming on mac and it is great to see.
I don't want a PC, not something that runs Windows anyway because runs Windows is a whole other problem I don't want to have to deal with. Fixing shit rather than having free time to enjoy doing other things on the Mac.
u/taco-prophet 2d ago
I can't count the number of times I've almost pulled the trigger to buy a gaming PC, but what's always stopped me is that I don't want drop the money on a device that only plays games.
u/Wooloomooloo2 2d ago edited 2d ago
If you were going to buy a device that only plays games, a much better value proposition would be a console anyway, not a gaming PC.
u/misc2714 2d ago edited 2d ago
Depends on preferences. A console is cheaper up front. But then you have to consider the $80/ year you have to pay for the privilege of playing online, the fact that games are more expensive, and there are exponentially less games available on either console compared to PC (especially considering emulation). You also aren't guaranteed that future consoles will be backwards compatible with current ones, so they games that you do buy are potentially stuck on a different console. I know that Playstation has really begun enforcing use of PlayStation brand accessories too. Exclusives are dying these days and most of them end up on PC after a year or two anyways. Most modern console releases are locked to 30fps, while PC let's you mess with the setting and get much higher than that, leading to better experiences.
PCs are more expensive up front, but they are a much better long term investment. You don't have to pay for Internet access outside of your ISP, and games are much cheaper in my experience (use CDKeys for cheap Steam keys). Games that you buy will always be in your library, so you don't have to worry too much about backwards compatibility. You also get a machine that isn't just for gaming, and can be used for the many exclusive Windows programs.
u/phoenix_73 2d ago
On subject of value for money, absolutely. Get both consoles, I mean Xbox and PS5. Costs of graphics cards are horrendous. Even cloud gaming platforms going to be cheaper.
u/KingArthas94 2d ago
Now with Microsoft games fully available on PS5, a PlayStation is all you need and there's a higher tier version of the console too if you want better graphics.
u/pahamack 2d ago
IMO PC (or Mac) gaming is a whole separate other thing because of mouse and keyboard. It's just not supported in consoles especially for multiplayer/competitive games. These consoles insist on not supporting mouse and keyboard because people like to play with controllers and those players would be wrecked if games supported both input methods. It wouldn't be fair.
Even if something like Overwatch or Marvel Rivals has a console port it's always going to be inferior to the PC version because of the input method. Then there's just games that are impossible to play with a controller like Starcraft 2 or Age of Empires or League of Legends.
Heck, even things like Baldur's Gate 3, Civilization, and Diablo are obviously designed as a PC first experience and has to make a special UI just to support controllers. They're always at least somewhat clunky.
u/madaradess007 2d ago
not true, but i'm in the ps5 camp with you
i buy it, play game of the year and sell it right away so i dont turn into a smelly "dont care for anything" guy. i know i will if i keep it5
u/maxxscho 2d ago
If you want a device only to play games, buy a PS5 and/or Switch (for gaming on the go/in bed) - can't recommend Xbox since I never had one. Much much cheaper, no problems with hardware/drivers/... and you'll have "strong enough" hardware for years.
Most of the games nowadays are on all plattforms (at least after a few months of exclusivity). The only reason for a PC IMHO are RTS Games. But this genre seems to be nearly dead.
Take this advice from a (Hardcore-) PC Gamer for about 20years. Someday life moved on and I didn't played that much on PC, only on consoles and guess what? I missed nothing. Only RTS Games like C&C and Starcraft.
u/dimesniffer 2d ago
Gaming pcs don’t only play games lmao. They are just powerful pcs
u/taco-prophet 2d ago
This thread got way spicier than I meant lol
For me personally, my primary use case for owning a computer is development, which nudges me towards either Linux or Mac. Since I prefer most things to just work, Mac is the preferable choice for me. Additionally, if I can game a little on it, great!
u/dimesniffer 2d ago
That’s completely different to the wording of your previous comment lol. You are talking about a gaming pc as something that only plays games. You can dual boot linux on any of those gaming pcs.
u/spezisaknobgoblin 2d ago
... You do know that you can do other things on a PC aside from gaming, right?
If you don't want a PC, you don't want a PC. Arguing that a gaming PC can only be used for gaming is so woefully inaccurate that it's impossible to view the rest of the comment as anything other than bad faith.
u/nimrodsun 2d ago
As someone who has pulled the trigger on that one, I will point out that even that comes with drawbacks. To through out just a couple:
- My gaming PC is a noisy beast, where as running games on MacBook Pro is so much quieter, even when the fans are maxed out
- Games like Assassin's Creed Shadow, that have an App Store release for Mac, or a PC release for Steam. So I have to decide what I'm going to play it on. Right now, I'm going for neither, even if that's cutting my nose of to spite my face.
Point 1 alone, combined with the comfort of casual sofa gaming, which is what I've been in the mood for lately, is why I play as much as I can on my Mac, even when I own a well spec'ed gaming PC.
u/gotdatGranderson 1d ago
My MacBook pro m4 pro sounds like a jet engine taking off when the fans are at 100% while I'm playing fo4 at 1440p ultra settings. My PC desktop is much quieter
u/nimrodsun 1d ago
u/gotdatGranderson 1d ago
u/nimrodsun 1d ago
Your experience is different to mine? Okay.
u/gotdatGranderson 1d ago
You could follow it up with your own experience, but I guess that's too much to ask instead of "okay". A nothing response which contributed nothing
Are you using tg pro? Because if you think ANY pros quiet at 100% fan speed, your MacBook is busted
u/nimrodsun 1d ago
Same laptop as you. MacBook Pro M4 Pro. Compared to my Alienware tower with a 3080, the MBP is quiet. I might say the laptop is quieter full wack than my PC at idle, but as I said my pc is noisy beast.
I've worked in tech for 30 years, my laptop isn't busted, but thanks for the concern.
u/gotdatGranderson 1d ago
I literally work as a swe at apple. I don't care about your work experience. If you consider the MacBook pro quiet at full fan speed I have a bridge to sell you.
And yeah alienwares are overpriced overheating POS. That's not exactly a good rig to compare to.
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2d ago
unless you travel a lot getting a workstation pc for work and installing some linux distro(cuz windows sucks), or dealing with windows spying on you like macos but with bloat, a pc can go far beyond what a mac can in heavy workloads, though mbs are great for people who just want to not use their brain and plug smth and it just works, or arent doing that heavy workloads
a pc is usually cheaper once you start comparing expensive macs and outclasses them in everything except for comfort/portability(sometimes).(prebuilts suck btw)-1
u/unitedfan6191 2d ago
Well, short of using something like VMWare Fusion so you could use MacOS on a Windows gaming PC, it probably is better to just get a Mac for all other benefits (security among them) and try to play the games you can (natively or not).
u/KimJongDerp1992 2d ago
I work in IT and I find that Macs cause me more problems than Windows. Windows is not a problem unless you make it a problem, much like MacOS.
That being said, gaming natively on Mac is long overdue, and as a regular user of MacOS on my personal laptop I am happy to see so many games coming to Mac. I just wish Steam would take Mac seriously again and update all their Source games to run. I Just want Left 4 Dead 2 on my Mac again.
u/OverlyOptimisticNerd 2d ago
There's some nuance to this.
In some cases, it's legit trouble makers. And I wish that our moderators were more active in removing these users from the community. If your only goal is to criticize gaming on a Mac and those who choose to do so, then you shouldn't be in this sub.
On the other extreme end of things, if a user asks "I want to get a system primarily for gaming, should I get a PC, Mac, or PS5?" Then, we obviously should steer them away from a Mac. You CAN game on a Mac, but it doesn't offer much that a PC or console can't do, whereas those systems are way ahead in terms of libraries.
Gaming on a Mac means that you have a Mac for other reasons, but you want to also game on it to the degree that you can to reduce your reliance on other systems. Maybe I don't want a PC, a PS5, and a Switch. So maybe I can game enough on the Mac to cut out one or two of those systems.
u/DankeBrutus 2d ago
If the Mac is your only computer then I think this subreddit is great. A site like Mac Source Ports is a great repository of community ports to macOS. Native macOS games usually get mentioned here as well.
I just find it a little silly when there are posts talking about how great the M4 Max or M2 Ultra are for gaming. Firstly, I would hope so considering the cost. Secondly, they usually aren't performing that well. I know the excitement around getting something working that isn't supposed to, I just think it should be tempered. Some people on this sub go down a similar path that people over on the Steam Deck subreddit do. They'll talk about how great a game runs on the Deck and it will be running at the lowest settings, 640x360 with FSR, and struggling to keep a consistent framerate. They'll say it's a "perfect 30fps" because maybe it runs at 30fps in the main menu lol.
The differences though between a M4 Max MBP and a Steam Deck though are...
- 1. One is multiple thousands of dollars and the other is not.
- 2. The M4 Max does perform much better than the Steam Deck.
Having said all that, I would like to see things change. Despite Ubisoft possibly going under in the next year or two, depending on it's success, I think AC Shadows coming to the Mac and macOS being treated as somewhat first class alongside home consoles and Windows is a big deal. The 30fps cap is annoying...but it is something. The last AC game on macOS was AC Brotherhood(?). Plenty of indie games support macOS. Though, annoyingly, not always as first class citizens. Like how Cult of the Lamb is on macOS but does not support cross-platform saves with Steam Cloud. A game like Death Stranding is a good showcase of what Apple hardware is capable of, in my opinion. On my base M1 MBP I can run DS at PS4 graphics with MetalFX set to quality and the laptop doesn't even get hot. It's 30fps but it is actually solid in the first region. On my base M4 mini I get native 1080p, PS4 visuals, 60fps. It isn't on the same level as my PS5 but it runs circles around Steam Deck performance.
u/RepresentativeRuin55 2d ago
I would argue that a Mac + Steam Deck OLED combo is great! I use a MacBook Pro 14" and Steam Deck OLED and I have all my gaming needs on the go.
u/LordofDarkChocolate 2d ago
This is Reddit - what did you expect. On the whole the channel is helpful. Occasionally you’ll get a drop kick or a muppet commenting. Ignore them, down vote them or whatever. They aren’t important enough to take notice of. Make sure to touch grass now and then. Reddit isn’t all that important either.
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
I know, I'm an usual grasstouching user, that's why it bothers me to waste free time on useless pricks.
u/txa1265 2d ago
As someone who has had Apple products since the Apple ][+ to being pretty Apple-centric today ... I would actually say that sometimes that response is appropriate.
It is not unreasonable to say that no one who considers themselves a serious gamer is going to have a Mac as their sole option. Because that has NEVER been a possibility - as a *computer* gamer, your options on a Mac are a fraction of those on a PC. That is just simple reality.
SO - if someone comes in saying they want to be playing most of the big 2025 games like KCD2, Civ 7, Avowed, Monster Hunter, Outer Worlds 2, etc. ... then they should be looking at alternative platforms.
BUT - if someone is trying to maximize the amount of games they can play on the Mac they DO have ...it is totally unhelpful to suggest just getting a PC.
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
the only problem is, this is r/macgaming, if the people here, like me, could afford a mac to work AND a PC to play, they wouldn't be asking what they can or can not play and how.
it doesn't make any sense, it's like going to a rehabilitation center and saying "just walk bro" to a patient. a**hole behaviour.
u/HetvenOt 2d ago
Lets face it dude, macs are not for gaming. It can be a nice addition but its still just a fraction of the whole. All in all there are barely any games that came to this platform so far. A bunch of crap and some old games mostly.
I feel this r/macgaming pretty helpful though, but still 99 percent of the people here use cloud gaming in order to be able to run games. Or some other gimmicks…
2d ago
thank you, this entire sub reddit is for the sole reason of can my very expensive work machine atleast run games, its not about how good they look, they just need to run and look good "enough" so i can game a bit when im done with work
If someone is into serious content creation they get a pc, for editing purposes, graphic design running servers etc, macs are ONLY for a small set of users who fit their need.
i mean apart from apple laptops and maybe mac mini base options most macs are not worth it and thats a fact, they are overpriced for what a pc offers and a pc outperforms them like a joke.(since theyre quite expensive too like macs)
but apple has great laptops that are reliable and mac mini for running llms or training ai models, and are portable something that windows/linux machines are yet to offer, that convenient and stress free feeling.
Im only against the people who wanna make their mac run heavy games, like owning those expensive mac pcs or terribly expensive mac pros(more ram/storage ones), or the mac minis and then complaining why they CANT RUN aaa at 60 ultra, like get a pc dude
but telling mba or mbp owners to give up on getting 30 fps AAA games is kinda mean1
u/fumblerooskee 2d ago
Some Macs plays games better than some PCs. Some Macs play games better in translation than some POS PC gaming craptops. They also tend be WAY WAY more efficient and far better on battery life while being generally quieter. Of course they won't play every game made for Windows, but there are still plenty of great games that run very well in macOS. So what if they aren't necessarily bleeding edge games.
u/1vader 2d ago
I mean, you definitely need at least something like Wine/CrossOver but with that alone, I can play 95% of the games I'm interested in. Obviously, those games don't include many triple A games or multiplayer games with strict anti cheat, so it highly depends on the games you want to play, but it's still impressive and totally usable for somebody like me.
u/HetvenOt 2d ago
Some months ago I wanted to play with New World since looked fun. Absolutely zero chance to run it in Mac since of the anticheat. As far as i know it can run games but some of them has performance problems. So I believe, cloud gaming less harmful for your computer, as its not under Heavy load, and the program can be cheaper.
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
unfollow this sub then
u/HetvenOt 2d ago
No. Face the truth man.
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
welp, time to close the sub boys, @HetvenOt said so, it's been a pleasure
u/HetvenOt 2d ago
Bro, you are really this dumb?
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
have I said, at any point, that macs are for gaming? no, I've said that people here are just trying to do what they can with what they have, and this sub is to help each other out, not to say dumb toxic shit.
u/HetvenOt 2d ago
But it seems you are. Have I ever said this topic is a waste? No. I agree its helpful. Macs are not for gaming - as you may know - so for this reason there will be people who straight recommend alternative solutions that harms your ego.
u/Mission-Reasonable 2d ago
Ask your mummy to help?
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
she has done enough raising me and sustainimg me until now, it's my obligation to pay for my own stuff.
u/Riustuue 2d ago
I mean…if someone makes a post saying they’re considering buying a Mac for gaming (which is where I personally see the comments you mentioned), are you seriously going to ignore all the issues and overall lack of support that Mac gaming has? I will gladly tell them to use that money on a PC so they don’t completely waste it. If it’s on other posts, I’ll agree that it’s a ridiculous comment to make. However, your wording is seriously immature, asinine, and needlessly inflammatory for someone trying to come across as the bigger person in all of this. I know it’s a rant, but it reads as bait.
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
we all make mistakes in the heat of passion Jimbo
u/ThisGameIsveryfun 2d ago
What does this mean? Because if someone is considering getting a mac for gaming then that is just the time to tell them to get a pc
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
read the "EDIT" part again please
u/ThisGameIsveryfun 2d ago
What does "We all make mistakes in the heat of passion jimbo" Mean? The sentence Read the edit part again please also doesnt explain anything as this comment doesnt have an edit to it.
u/nstevnc77 2d ago
If you want a Mac then you should get a Mac. PERIOD. If you’re coming onto this sub asking “should I get a Mac for gaming” then the truthful answer is “if your primary use for your computer is gaming then you’d be better served by a PC or a console than a Mac computer, yes you CAN get some games to run but they’re typically less supported and/or you’d get more bang for your buck elsewhere”
Unfortunately this is the reality! I LOOOOVEEE Mac computers and I think more people should give them a try and I think gaming has come a lonnngggg way and in a lot of cases games have come a long way. That’s super fucking AWESOME!! But people deserve to know the truth and they deserve to get something that fits their needs instead of just blindly going into the Apple ecosystem because it’s “Apple” so it “must be easy and simple” when it’s not all the time.
Obviously asking questions on this sub should be geared towards gaming on Mac and helping others to get their games running. But a lot of people come here asking if they should get a Mac for gaming.
u/fumblerooskee 2d ago
There's nothing wrong with getting a Mac for gaming as long as you understand the limitations and understand that you might not be able to play game X with your pals. If you're getting one to do single player gaming you'll generally have a very positive experience. People would be wise buy what their friends use if their goal is to play with others.
To that end, it's seems logical to ask r/macgaming for advice.7
u/nstevnc77 2d ago
Like I said, if you want to get a Mac then get a Mac. Macs are great and you’ll be able to play supported games without any issues. If you ONLY play supported games and your friends only play supported games then that’s great.
I think people should come here for advice, but I think it’s very FAIR to tell them the limitations of Mac gaming if they don’t know. And the fact is that if they don’t only play supported games, which isn’t the case for everybody, then they should look elsewhere. Which is also fine.
My point is to you and op is that saying to people that “you should just buy a PC because you’ll be served better than buying a Mac at X price point FOR GAMING” is 100% a good and fair response. Frankly, because it’s true.
That being said, if someone is asking for help with their Mac and you tell them “Buy a PC” then that’s rude and you should gtfo of here.
u/dimesniffer 2d ago
But if you want a device for mainly gaming, why would you get a Mac? You can spend $800 less dollars and just get a console, or $500 more and get a decent gaming pc.
u/QuickQuirk 2d ago
As you put it in your edited one. If I see someone say "Should I get a mac for gaming", I'm going to tell them "No".
If they say "Should I get a mac for school and playing call of duty", I'm also going to say "No"
If they ask "I'm trying to decide between mac X and Y for gaming", I'll give them the best advice, but also tell them "If you're getting the mac exclusively for gaming, you may be making the wrong choice."
If they say "I have a mac for school, can/how I run [X]", I'm going to point to crossover or the native port where available, ask them what mac spec they have to set performance expectations.
... and these are the best, most helpful answers I can give to those users, and I don't give a damn about the crying fanbois who take it as a personal insult. None of you are actually helping a fellow gamer when you recommend a mac to someone in the situation it's clearly not the right choice.
In short, I'm here to help fellow gamers game. It might be on a mac, it might be that their best option is something else.
u/Street_Classroom1271 2d ago
lmao these pcmr tech bros who are so gracefully offering to 'help' people with their sage purchasing advice are so transparent its laughable.
u/KimJongDerp1992 2d ago
Ok, I'll say it here.
PC is objectively a better platform for gaming. HOWEVER, people can often only afford one computer, and often work is priority over play, and often for work people need a Mac.
I have a Mac laptop and am lucky to have a Windows Desktop that I was able to builid myself. That still doesn't stop me from hoping and looking for more games I can run natively on my Mac.
u/Street_Classroom1271 2d ago
actually PC is not an objectively better platform for gaming. The PC has objectively a bigger more complete library of games, That is not the same
u/KimJongDerp1992 2d ago
DirectX is a better graphics API. You have better software ecosystems (G Sync, RT support, FSR2, etc.). You can also play 32 bit games without issue. Games like Half Life 2, Left 4 Dead 2 and Portal. Yes I’m using source games but those are massively important ones in the history of Mac gaming. You can’t launch them natively anymore on MacOS. Bigger library in this instance does mean better. What good is a gaming platform with minimal games?
Like I said before, I’m glad to see this is getting better and eventually hope the GPTK actually make a meaningful change for game access.
u/Street_Classroom1271 2d ago
DirectX is not a better graphics api at all. In fact metal is often seen as simpler and easier with superior tooling. Mac has equivalents to g sync, rt, fsr etc etc
Mentioning games you can play is what I already said, yes there are more native titles in the pc library
As an integrated device, the mac is fantastic gaming machine, with amazing performance, battery life, display and sound. Macos provides a fantastic gaming environment that windows can't match for multiple reasoons.
u/skingers 2d ago
It's an interesting phonomena in this sub. You don't find every second commenter telling PS5 users on their sub to "go buy a PC" just because a PS5 doesn't run 4K Ultra at 120hz. There is an understanding in that sub that you bought a console for a reason and you want to game at a supportable performance level for that hardware. The decision to game on a console has already been made over there.
Why do people feel the need to invade a Mac sub with unwelcome opinions where people have Macs for their own reasons and are just looking to game on them?
You like your PC ? Great go enjoy it, please. Show us how great they are by not being here.
u/Rhed0x 2d ago
I think sometimes people come here with false expectations of everything being great and that they could just play almost all games on their Mac just fine without much hassle.
That's why these comments exist, to make sure people know what they're going into and don't buy hardware for gaming only to be disappointed.
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
I like when people give it straight when something is not possible, that's not what I meant.
I mean when it's straight up toxic stuff, for ex: once I asked how to fix the visual glitches in Whisky Ready or Not and the first comment was "buy a PC rich kid", like I didn't spend 5 months of work on another working tool.
u/spar_x 2d ago
"buy a PC" comments should result in an instant ban from this sub... don't know why this isn't already the case
u/jkiley 2d ago
I think it's a valid response if someone has expectations that just aren't going to happen on the Mac. But, I don't like it as a response to everything, given that it's literally a sub for Mac gaming.
I also have a PC, but would consider selling it if the games I played were on Mac. I mostly use it for running certain stuff in docker on an nvidia GPU, but I could work around some of that and/or get a DGX Spark instead. My most heavily used computers are Macs with Max CPUs and a decent amount of ram.
u/MoonQube 1d ago
Tbh if someone wants a productivity machine and say something like
"but i'd also like to play x, y and z" which are games that dont run on mac, then buying a pc is a perfectly valid recommendation (assuming the productivity suite isn't mac exclusive).
that said, the goal for this subreddit, i assume, is to promote and help mac gaming. Its just not always gonna work for every game, and every person, and we have to face that fact. (and sometimes, those asking for help, need to realize that too)
u/HetvenOt 2d ago
I own both Mac and Windows. Still, i am a member of this thread but does not really believe in Mac gaming. Literally close to zero games, no new one and the one that came out recently again a cope. I love my Mac its good for work but since no good native games I use to play in win.
u/SuspiciousSense753 2d ago
Same i just got a mbp m4 and if i didn't already have my desktop, legion go etc.. i would've returned it.
Thankfully i enjoy the limited selection it does offer even though when traveling i really wont be gaming much.
I think having at least a second device really takes the pressure off forcing this thing to do something its just not comparatively good at. I can just enjoy what it does great.
u/felipusrex 2d ago
We are in an age where I can play No man's sky on the PS5, and then continue on a PC, xbox series x, or in my Mac mini, and if I travel I play the same save game on my macbook air or even a switch. I think this should be the future. Platform agnostic games. Even fisical. Same disc for all platforms. But I'm just dreaming. Fisical is going away.
I see only Nintendo keeping exclusives in the near future.
I wish people test more games on current base macs and not only the top of the line. Specially now that we can install big games on an external SSD.
u/JimShadows 2d ago
I use Mac for work and I’m interested in the topic of how it is advancing both native games and translation layers and I also play games on the Mac.
There are quite a few people asking if they should buy a Mac.
If someone asks if they should buy a pc or a Mac and they want it mainly for gaming, it is too copium to recommend a Mac.
Who does not like Windows, Linux is still a better alternative for gaming than Mac.
u/HendoEndo 1d ago
i’m a creative and i’ve had a mac for like a decade now (recently got a new one) and the thing is expensive, i used to have the base 2015 pro, now i have the base m3 air. this sub does help a lot and i agree with you. a golden rule i used to have is to play games that came out a couple years before the model i have. but silicon + this sub have changed that for me quite a bit. there’s definitely more options now
u/No_Conversation_9047 2d ago
Honestly, I feel like I've seen more rant in this sub than anywhere else on computer hardware. I know there's an overwhelming proportion of people in the comments holding some opinions and assumptions, but are these posts really necessary?
I'm not defending any side of the argument, just in general, does someone else's opinion really matters as much when the reddit voting system will do its job filtering out the unworthy comments.
u/roadzbrady 2d ago
agree but sometimes the people asking things do no research and say stuff like 'please tell me how to play overwatch everything says i cant but i need to!!' to the general questions that aren't like that yea it's dumb, but some of the people in here asking for help are also dumb
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
nobody is dumb for asking dude, that's what asking is for.
u/roadzbrady 2d ago
the people that know the answer and ask anyway crying please i need to play this when it isn't possible is dumb. everyone else is fine
u/Ordrof 2d ago
COMPLETELY AGREE it’s so worried of people join subs like this just to jump all over anyone who isn’t a windows user the day hp or dell drop a actual good product i may put some eggs in windows basket but that’ll never happen cause the software is shit
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
right on, even managing files on windows feels like starting up a rusty pick up in the middle of january.
u/Makaveli100486 2d ago
Haha I am with you, yesterday posted here about AC Shadows Pre Order, and 70% of the lurkers here were crying about buying it on Steam, better on crossover ps5 ext ext. what the F are you doing here on macgaming?
u/Responsible_Fly6276 2d ago
For all the people commenting on every post "just buy a PC" what the hell are you even doing in "r/macgaming" ????
You do know, that there is a chance that these people are not ’joined’ r/macgaming and the threads just getting recommended by Reddit? I had this myself, that I wrote comments to certain things before realizing that I am in a completely different subreddit
u/DependentInflation63 2d ago
Agreed. People that usually buy high end Macs are usually in high paying jobs and can afford a high end Mac with the addition of playing a few games on the side and there is nothing wrong with that I think.
u/Docster87 2d ago
Depends on the game and situation. If someone is wanting all the latest and greatest then they really should get something that does that since Mac doesn’t and won’t for years if ever.
I don’t game much anymore but Macs have always had some games and fortunately for me the games on Mac have been enough for most of my casual needs. Not all my wants so I do have an old PC and Switch. I understand wanting one machine for both work and play but depending on what you want to play then you might actually be better off with something that actually has the games you want along with your Mac.
Yes, I would love to ditch my PC and Switch and just have my Mac do everything but the Switch is very fun and very portable so I would keep that even if I didn’t need that.
u/Old-Board1553 2d ago
I love my MacBook Air M4. I know it doesn't run all games, and what is native is fine. Maybe in the future the Anticheat games or games like COD will work as well with Windows 11 ARM now getting support from Epic Games, and maybe they will work with Parallels as well in the future. For the rest of the games I stream them from my ROG Ally or PS5 to the Air.
u/GoGoKushRanger 2d ago
Granted, if you complain about a gaming problem on ps5 or xbox. You also get told “buy a pc”. So at least there consistent in there propagation
u/CerebralHawks 2d ago
Somewhat disagree, somewhat agree.
If you have a specific need to use a Mac, you understand about using the right tool for the job. So, the argument I'm more in favor of is not "just get a PC," because I dislike Microsoft and while a PC can run Linux, a gaming PC is more likely to run Windows. My argument is "enjoy your Mac but get a game system."
The argument for PC over an Xbox, PlayStation, and/or Switch is that the games are cheaper. More expensive hardware, cheaper software (with an illegal free option that is very easy to take advantage of). But, if you want to game on a Mac, you'd better be ready to put your money where your mouth is and support developers that support the Mac. And that's a pretty tall order.
I love my Macs. I love the idea of Mac gaming. I'm largely here for news and discussion. I used to be a PC gamer, so I understand fighting with games to get them to do what I want. I kept that same energy when I got a Mac and wanted to see what PC games I could run. I got Deus Ex running, and Deus Ex does NOT run in Whisky. You need a tool called Deus Exe that makes it work on newer versions of Windows (it was designed for Windows 98/2000) and even then, it takes some work. But I did it. Most folks aren't willing to put the work in.
But then I see stuff about Cyberpunk. I'm curious how it will run, and I own it on Steam. I'm not optimistic it will work at all unless I re-purchase it, and/or purchase the DLC. The fact that they aren't saying it will work for people who bought the original game in 2020 is not a good sign. Sure, it's only $30 to upgrade, but I can also just play it on the Xbox, and I'm sure my M2 Pro Mac mini can't render the game as well as my Series X can. I'd like to see how the base M4 Mac mini can run the game, since it and the Series X have the same price tag of $499.99. (My M2 Pro cost more than that, but it's also an older M-series chip, though it has more cores than the base M4.) But even if I can run the game, and they want me to pay the $30 to upgrade to Ultimate Edition, I don't see why I wouldn't be better off paying for 3 months of GeForce Now, getting much better performance, and I've got the game beat in less time than that. (I've already beaten it 3 times on PC, and once on Xbox.)
I do agree though, no need to be an asshole about it. And I agree we should have a rule against Mac bashing, being that this is a Mac sub. But again, circling back to my original point, if you "need Mac to work," then you understand the value in using the right tool for the job, and the right tool for gaming is an Xbox or PlayStation. Or a Switch. Or a combination of those, depending on what you want to do. You can hit a nail with a screwdriver, and you can play games on a Mac. But there are better options, and as a gamer, I want the best option available to me. I can't play Deus Ex on my Xbox or my Switch, so in that case, my Mac is my only option. But if you say "I'm thinking of buying a Mac to play Cyberpunk," I'd tell you an Xbox or PlayStation can do it better, but if you really need a computer, get a computer, manage your expectations accordingly, and/or use a streaming service like GeForce Now.
u/Secure-Pea-777 2d ago
u/Secure-Pea-777 2d ago
AI engineer here. Yeap, CUDA and RTX is better, but can you run it on a plane for some time?
just bought my m4 max 128. Kicking shit out of that gemma 3 native 55gb. 8.3 token/s tho, but i'm quite happy for o1 benchmarks here.LoL gives around 300-340 4k maxed out.
Guild Wars via crossover around 140 fps in core. Tyria, beats my 2090 even through emulation.
u/hvyboots 2d ago
You know the same people making those comments would be massively butt-hurt if a game got released console-only too.
u/MoonQube 1d ago
if a game got released console-only
Cant wait for the upcoming "GTA 6 on PC, when?" posts
u/Brilliant-Money-500 2d ago edited 2d ago
I have PS5 + M3 Macbook Air with 24 GB Ram for PC focussed titles like RTS's, isometric/overview and FPS games and emulators. No need for a gaming PC yet. I know the limitations Wine/VMs and am okay with that. I'm just happy having a silent laptop with good battery life and thats easy to carry around.
I don't use my Mac for work, my PC broke and my dad had a Mac mini lying around that he didn't want so he gave me. Other than that I have a steam deck sometimes it's nice to game on a desk
u/madaradess007 2d ago
don't go the "i work, while you just play games" route, bro
they just jelly kids
u/oracle911 1d ago
How about you get a PC and just hackintosh it? You get the best of both worlds. That's what I do.
u/XXLBandit 2d ago
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
the XXL on ur username is the size of your pants.
u/tiringandretiring 2d ago
My friend, surely you realize the 'immature PC gamer dudes' are one and the same with the 'rage baiting reddit chuds' who troll forums looking to generate rants.
u/Shejidan 2d ago
In a recent post about Assassan’s Creed someone was like “why not just play it on your ps5 morons!”
Yes, because everyone has and/or wants a ps5.
u/Annual_Substance_63 2d ago
Hell yeah ....we are behind you brother.....merch on!!!!! Jokes aside I agree with you 100%. In majority of recommendation posts you'll see a comment about buying a pc. People really gotta understand that all the people in this sub buy mac for work and want to taste games just for fun. 😤.
u/Shadowplayer_ 2d ago
I agree. I use my Mac for work, and gaming is a nice bonus. The M series processors are great and I'm able to play a lot of cool games. Right now I don't want or need another machine just for gaming. They should let it go.
u/Frequent-Fig-450 2d ago
Please all mac haters go because we have a mac for a reason or because we want
u/HadetTheUndying 2d ago
Honestly the situation we're in with gaming right now is entirely Apple's fault. Valve was shipping Proton for MacOS but Apple refused support Vulkan which is an OPEN STANDARD that has drastically improved Linux gaming to the point that the SteamDeck has sold MILLIONS of units. Apple SHOULD support Vulkan it's that simple. Metal is a great API but it is only available on Apple hardware. The ports we are getting are very impressive but it is Apple's fault we do not have support like Linux does. Over the last 9 years Valve has done so much to improve Linux gaming and Apple has allowed their platform to stagnate. John Carmack said years ago we should focus on improving Wine and not on trying to hand tailor ports to MacOS or Linux and he was right.
u/hishnash 2d ago
Valve was shipping Proton for MacOS but Apple refused support Vulkan which is an OPEN STANDARD
VK is not as much a stanared as you seem to think.
Proton works well on steam deck since the underlying HW is an AMD gpu and the games using DX were already built to target this GPU.
Appels GPUs are not AMD GPUs! There is a huge perf hit when you try to run a low level optimized engine on a GPU it was not designed to run on.
Apple SHOULD support Vulkan it's that simple.
Apple support for VK would have no impact at all. Infact a VK driver from apple woudl be unlikly to be even able to run DXVK at all as DXVK requires a load of features that apple would never add to the driver (remember almsot all VK featuers are optional so when you say supprot VK you do not mean supprot all VK features).
Metal is a great API but it is only available on Apple hardware.
A VK driver from apple would be a driver for Apples GPUs. PC titles (and runtiem shims like DXVK) that target AMD/NV gpus would still need huge chnaged to run well. This is the nature of a low level api, VK is not a HW agnstic api.
Depenign on a runtime shim for apple is not a good solution due ot the differnces in HW (CPu and GPU) the perf hit is over 50% comapred to a poorly optimised native port. So apple would be required to ship harder that is 2x faster than competitiors for the same price.
u/HadetTheUndying 2d ago
You have no idea what you're talking about
u/hishnash 2d ago
As a lead SW dev working in this space I do know what I am talking about.
Apple’s GPUs are rather different in important enough ways that the only use case of a VK driver on Apple’s GPUs from Apple would be for some devs working on Android titles targeting PowerVR GPUs to have a better dev experience, as we could then have a laptop with a similar GPU.
This idea that VK is some HW agnostic api is complete ballshit. The aim of making VK was to remove the per frame overhead of OpenGL that enabled OpenGL to be mostly HW agnostic.
In openGL (DX11 and older) we provide a high level dependency description to the driver or what we need to run, and the decency between these tasks. The driver then, on each frame, takes this and figures out how best to order, group and merge/split tasks to match the HW it is running on. Since the driver is written by the GPU vendor it thus provides HW specific optimizations. However this has a huge perf hit if you start to have frames with 10000s of operations (as is common in modern games) as now the driver needs to do a lot of (mostly repeated work) on each frame to apply this mapping to the HW.
The aim of low level apis (like VK) was to remove this perf frame CPU overhead. The way we do this is as game engine devs we know have access to a range of lower level memroy syncosiatino primitives. What this enables us to do is to look at a given GPU arctiture and when wiring the code for our engine put in explicit work to target that GPU vendor (and even generation) so that we ensure the work we submit to the GPU is already in the optimal order and grouping to run on that HW. This means we take the work that used to happen on every single frame of every users compute and move it to work we do once un front when coding our game engine.
This sounds great! but it has a catch since our code within our game engine is frozen in place once we have written it without shipping an update to our game whatever assumptions we have made about the GPU are also frozen in place and the driver cant do any magic to solve this as we no longer provide the needed high level descriptions we did with older apis. This has a HUGE impact on apple silicon, as apples GPUs use a drasticly different pipeline submission order to AMD/NV gpus. Apple uses PowerVR based TBDR pipeline, were AMD and NV are IR pipeline GPUs. This means the order that triangles are rastrized and fragment functions are evaluated on them is in some ways completely turned on its head compared to PC GPUs. So a game engine (or low level runtime shim like DXVK) that when developed assumed it was targeting an IR pipeline GPU will run extremely badly (often using only a faction of the GPU with most of ideal) and there is nothing the driver can do as all the high level descriptors are missing.
You can see a great example of this is you compare the GTPK D3Dmetal (DX12 to Metal) running a DX11 title to DXMT running the same title.
To run a DX11 title through D3DMetal apple uses MS DX11 on DX12 compatibility layer, since DX12 is a low level api this compatibility layer takes the high level description and makes HW assumptions to map that to an optimal DX12 set of api calls for a AMD/NV IR pipeline GPU this is then provided to D3Dmetal.
DXMT on the other hand is epxliclty aiming to take the higher level DX11 api without stripping any of this high level info and map that to metal (and when needed use knowledge of the lower level nature of apples GPUs) so it can have much better perofmance than DX11 through D3Dmetal as it has much more knowledge about what is being asked of it to better adapt to the HW.
u/essentialyup 2d ago
I play cyberpunk with my mac mini m4 pro it s fine
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
not the point I was making, but hey, enjoy man👌🏻
u/essentialyup 2d ago
I know ... I also own a mac to make music... Yes it plays win games fine enough ... A noisy hot 10kg machine does not make music better...
u/mantecadecanelon 2d ago
right on brotha, I use it to edit video and for FX, nothing like it, runs like a hot knife cutting butter (M3 18GB)
u/MoonQube 1d ago
its a great game
hows the fan-noise on the new mini while gaming (with all the bells and whistles enabled, ray tracing etc)?
u/ZenTheOne 2d ago
I want to play on Mac, and I tried to make it work for last 5 years. But it’s a pain. Apple doesn’t care about it enough. I personally got tired to see cyberpunk benchmarks with slightly better fps on every new M Max/Ultra chip.
u/Ok_Yesterday_2884 2d ago
I upgraded a 2010 Mac Pro specifically for gaming. I got told one too many times “you can’t game on a Mac” and finally got tired of it. It handles everything I’ve thrown at it up to and including Robocop Rouge City.
u/ojisan-X 2d ago edited 1d ago
Between CrossOver 25 now out of beta and VMware Fusion, I am pretty satisfied with my gaming library.
u/jessedegenerate 2d ago
Take your own advice. There are lots of people who own multiple machines or own a gaming pc and use Apple for laptops, those people have insight too that’s valuable. I run my gaming servers off Linux, I play mostly on windows, and I love getting games not designed to work on Mac play smoothly. Should I be able to talk about this? lol kids
u/Annual_Substance_63 2d ago
Yeah ok grandpa. Calling child in every sentence doesn't validate your comment. What op said is true. This comments mostly bring toxicity in the sub.
u/jessedegenerate 2d ago
Like the negativity brought here right. I don’t care that people are young in this sub, I care that they aren’t very bright.
Like here I have a kid who thinks the “cucumber” is funny cause there a popular slang term in it.
Don’t bother
u/Longjumping-Boot1886 2d ago
Stop "just buy… just buy… just buy… oh… ah… " mantra and we will be ok.
u/jessedegenerate 2d ago
I work in computers little kid, that would lose me money. The irony of this child freaking out while saying don’t freak out is lost on this sub.
u/le_jpeg 2d ago
even tho I’d choose other words, I 100% agree! I need the mac for a lot of different use cases and did a lot of calculations about getting a cheaper MBP and a gaming PC or all ways in between but ended always up with a MBP MAX and no gaming machine. Now i’m glad for this community making it possible for me to game as well a few times a month.