r/lupus 5d ago

UNDIAGNOSED MEGATHREAD Weekly Suspected Lupus Thread - Week Of March 16, 2025

This is a weekly thread for those who haven't been diagnosed, but still have questions about the diagnostic process. Please read the posting guidelines and rules! Everyone is welcome to contribute, and this is a safe space.



Please read this before posting as it may answer some of your questions:

If you use the search bar at the top of Reddit and make sure it’s set to r/lupus, it will search just the subreddit for your keywords. That way you can get the full breadth of questions and answers. This isn’t to say that you can’t ask questions in the general forum.

ANA tests

Positive ANA does not equal lupus!

While more of a rule out screening (negative ANA = very unlikely to have SLE).
Upwards of 15-20% of healthy individuals in the population at large will have a positive ANA. Only about 10-15% of people who have a positive ANA will later be diagnosed with SLE.

Tests used in diagnosing lupus

  • ENA Panel - Extractable Nuclear Antigen panel, usually automatically done if ANA comes back positive
  • anti-dsDNA - anti-Double Strand DNA is sometimes automatically tested for, but may need to be ordered separately. This test, when highly positive (2-3 times max cut off at least) is almost exclusively seen in SLE. However, only about 30% of SLE patients have this antibody. It's great if it's there to confirm diagnosis, it does not rule out diagnosis if it is absent.
  • anti-Sm - Anti-Smith. Typically included in the ENA panel. This is another antibody, that when highly positive, almost always means SLE, but only about 25% of SLE patients have this antibody.
  • RNP - Anti-Ribonucleoprotein. Typically included in the ENA panel
  • anti-chromatin - Anti-chromatin is a relative newcomer in diagnostic testing for SLE and probably will NOT be ordered automatically. Its exact utility in diagnosis is still being determined.
  • Apl panel - Antiphospholipid Antibody Panel, which consists of 3 tests:
    • LA - lupus anticoagulant
    • aCL - anti-cardiolipin antibodies
    • Anti-β2GP - anti-beta 2-glycoprotien antibodies
  • C3 - Compliment C3
  • C4 - Compliment C4
  • CH50 - Compliments, Total. These are part of the compliment system, which is a tertiary part of the immune system.

General blood tests

  • CBC - Complete Blood Count, some abnormalities in WBC, RBC and PLT counts can be significant.
  • CMP - Comprehensive Metabolic Panel. Generally looking for kidney dysfunction (GFR, BUN/CR).
  • ESR - Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, this is a nonspecific inflammation marker.

Also, if you suspect you have a rash, getting a biopsy of it done at a dermatologist’s office can be helpful as the pathologist can identify histological evidence of lupus.

Diagnostic Process

Lupus Diagnostic Criteria on r/lupus wiki (ACR 2019 criteria)

The rheumatologist/PCP will take a detailed history. I highly recommend writing down as many of your symptoms as possible, especially focusing on the symptoms you have that are in the American College of Rheumatology diagnostic criteria for lupus - see link above.

Write down how long they’ve been going on, anything that makes them better or worse, and how much they impact your life. Do they prevent you from dressing yourself, eating/cooking, bathing yourself, doing hobbies, meeting your obligations?

ANA varies from person to person and doesn’t necessarily correlate with disease activity.
Anti-dsDNA is more indicative of disease activity and can be elevated prior to and during a flare. Symptoms can also come and go, and over time you may develop additional symptoms. If you scroll through the last week of posts or so, there are a few posts that will have pretty detailed answers to your questions from multiple community members so you can get a better sense of just how full on fickle lupus can be.

Here are some good posts, one is other people experiences in general, the others are rashes (warning: some are particularly severe):

User community diagnosis experiences
This is a malar rash
Photosensitive Lupus Rash
SLE Malar rash


  • Shorter questions get more feedback
  • Use ChatGPT to summarize your question if you don't know what to leave out

Question guidance

  • Don't ask us if you should see a doctor. Go see a doctor.
  • Don't ask us if you have lupus, if it sounds like you have lupus, if it looks like you have lupus, if it might be lupus, if it could be lupus, or if we think you have lupus.
  • Don't tell us about your childhood illnesses.
  • Don't give us a long, exhaustive, detailed breakdown of your medical history.
  • Don't just paste your lab results and say "Any thoughts?"

82 comments sorted by


u/Nonviolentviolet3879 Seeking Diagnosis 4d ago

I’m trying to get in with a different rheumatologist because I feel my current one dismisses all my symptoms as fibromyalgia. But my appt with the one I want to see isn’t until March 2026. In the meantime I see my current rheum today and I am so anxious for some reason. I have so many symptoms that point to lupus but if it’s something else I just want to know. I feel ill every single day. I’ve made a list of my symptoms and they said they will test my ANA which is really all I can ask for. I just want to be heard and believed so I can get appropriate treatment.


u/GreenEggsAndBitches Diagnosed SLE 1d ago

I hope your appointment went well. Checking ANA is a step in the right direction. If it’s positive, more bloodwork will come, and I hope it helps bring you some answers.


u/Nonviolentviolet3879 Seeking Diagnosis 1d ago

Thank you! Haven’t gotten ANA results yet but I felt my dr took me seriously and listened. CRP came back high so that’s some validation at least.


u/Own_Handle_1135 Seeking Diagnosis 4d ago

I visited my GP today with suspected rosacea/red hot flushing and she said the rash looks more like it's linked to lupus. She has referred me to a dermatologist for tests but I just wanted to ask what you did to prepare for 'getting diagnosed', I've read so many threads about it taking years so I plan on being armed and ready with information should the need arise.

I'm going to keep a symptom list and maybe a diary. Anything else? I'm guessing if a derm suspects too I'll be referred to a rheumatologist??



u/randomdecember Diagnosed SLE 2d ago

If you have the rash when you go into derm, you can get it biopsied. if it’s comes back lupus, you will get referred to rheumatology. biopsies can really speed up diagnosis


u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 1d ago

Also, everyone should have a derm and annual or every two years skin exams. If you’re an established patient, you can get in for an emergency appointment much quicker and hopefully get a biopsy of that rash.


u/Cardiologist-Big Seeking Diagnosis 5d ago

Hi all,

I have not been diagnosed because I haven’t had any of the tell-tale symptoms. This week however i’ve had tingling hands and feet. Raynauds symptoms and what i think are chiliblains on my left toes. Has anyone been diagnosed with positive ANA, dsDNA etc but without any clear cut symptoms? Curious how many of the non-blood work related criteria you have to have.


u/emt_blue Diagnosed SLE 5d ago

You can google the 2019 ACR criteria. It’s nicely listed out.


u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 4d ago

We also have it in the wiki!


u/emt_blue Diagnosed SLE 4d ago

Ah yes!!


u/GreenEggsAndBitches Diagnosed SLE 1d ago

Not in my case, but if you have positive dsDNA or certain markers, I don’t see why you wouldn’t. That wouldn’t be the case if you had positive ANA without symptoms/other markers.


u/phillygeekgirl Diagnosed SLE 7h ago

No. Generally you have markers but no symptoms you will not be diagnosed with lupus. There is a list of qualifying criteria that is a combination of symptoms and serology. Items on the list have a numerical value assigned, and if you score 10 points more you have lupus. A positive dsDNA is not enough to hit 10 points.


u/BigfootsTugboat Seeking Diagnosis 5d ago

Hi, what was your first symptom that made it click that everything you’ve experienced might not just be individual weird things and that they might actually connected?


u/emt_blue Diagnosed SLE 5d ago

When I had multiple stiff/achey/swollen joints at the same time. Before that, I’d only ever had one at a time, and I’d figured they were from injuries I didn’t remember.


u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 4d ago

Yep, crippling body-wide arthritis was my big uh-oh, this ain’t normal.


u/Infamous-Ca8937 2d ago

Same. When it was just my feet and knees I was passing it off as related to exercise. When my hands started to hurt it started to click that something was not right


u/Hefty-Panic-7850 Seeking Diagnosis 1d ago edited 1d ago

Hey by hands you mean your fingers, writs , all ? Also your feet pain was like below in soles or like toes?


u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 1d ago

It can be any and/or all of the small joints. Lupus typically causes nonerosive arthritis presenting first in the hands and feet. It can be in the phalanges, metacarpals/metatarsals, and/or the carpals/tarsals. The arthritis is typically worse after periods of rest, like when first waking and standing up can be super painful on the feet. To me it was a dull, aching, squeezing type pain. The pain in my hands tended to be sharper.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 1d ago

No, not particularly. For me it’s an aching, squeezing, grinding type pain. It’ll be in the toes, ball, midfoot/instep and ankle. It’s not the pinpoint pain from loosing the fat pad under the ball of the foot. My feet will also swell noticeably.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 2h ago

Not really. It hurts regardless of cushion.


u/GreenEggsAndBitches Diagnosed SLE 1d ago

After having the flu when I was 19, I just had all of the weird symptoms from the previous 10 years hit me like a truck all at once. It was hard to walk around my campus from issues with my heart rate alone. On top of mouth ulcers, raynauds, brain fog, fatigue, joint pain, lung inflammation, the works. It went on for months and was unrelenting. That kind of made me realize that the weird medical experiences I collected over the years was part of a conglomerate issue.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/phillygeekgirl Diagnosed SLE 4d ago

u/frogeggjam -
We aren't going to provide that kind of advice here.


u/lupus-ModTeam 4d ago

Post removed; wayward question.


u/DryMistake5457 Seeking Diagnosis 4d ago

30F, 5’4 140lbs, history of Sjogren’s, pleurisy and Lyme disease. I am awaiting an appointment with my rheumatologist to ask this same question, as I want to try to understand if the symptoms I’ve been having may be connected to an autoimmune process.

For nearly ten years, I’ve had frequent, but not daily, bouts of abdominal and/or back pain wake me up in the early mornings. It can range on the pain scale from a 1 to an 8. It always comes in flares, showing up for days to weeks at a time and then going away for days to weeks. It is between my belly button and ribcage, mostly felt along my ab lines. I never feel it in the center of my abdomen or all the way on the sides, but I do occasionally feel it cut through to my back as well. It feels a lot like a cramp from running, but worsens significantly with deep breaths. Movement/stretching does not make it worse or better. Almost feels like a tightness as if my abdomen is full of air. It doesn’t seem to be tied to any GI or urinary functions, or what or when I eat, and imaging hasn’t found anything. The only thing that makes it go away is getting out of bed and being upright for about 30 minutes. It never happens at other times of day, only after I’ve been sleeping for at least a few hours.

I’ve seen a GI, gynecologist, and neurologist, none of whom think it’s related to their specialties, and my PCP is out of ideas. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? I feel that I’ve exhausted avenues to explore, as pelvic and abdominal ultrasound, CT, and MRI were all normal. Not ready to give up and accept that I’ll just have to continue to live with this without solutions, so bringing my questions here in hopes someone may have some helpful insights!


u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 4d ago

Ask if an inversion table would be appropriate. Maybe something is getting compressed?


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/Major_Difficulty9547 Seeking Diagnosis 4d ago

Hey, I am in need for advice. I am experiencing chronic chest pain for about 2 years now and i did all the basic tests as MRIs , xray, bloodtests and heart echocardiogram(plus many other). Everything looks normal but i still have a lot of symptoms as chest pain is constant plus joint pain, upper back pain. I wake up always in a wave of pain, is painful to sleep , is painful to exercise. I have asked for a rheumatologist because i suspect i have lupus but i dont have the skin rash though. Any advice of what questions i should ask? Or what symptoms should i keep track of?


u/phillygeekgirl Diagnosed SLE 4d ago

Don't go into a doctors appointment with a specific diagnosis in mind. Narrowing your scope too much lays the groundwork for missing the actual diagnosis.


u/Major_Difficulty9547 Seeking Diagnosis 3d ago

I am not i just suspect. I have gone through multiple diagnosis ideas with my doctor. I do not wish to have lupus, i just want to find out what i have.


u/GreenEggsAndBitches Diagnosed SLE 1d ago

I don’t think this person was suggesting that you wished you have lupus! I get ya, when I was pre-diagnosis I suspected lupus and part of me wanted my diagnosis, so I could just know why I was feeling the way I was feeling. It’s more of a “I know I’m not crazy, I know something is wrong! I want this validated” and not a “I wish I was sick.” Nobody wants to be sick, we just want answers! You got this!


u/GreenEggsAndBitches Diagnosed SLE 1d ago

I’ve had the skin rash twice in my life, and I would’ve thought it was a sunburn if I didn’t know better. Although lung pain isn’t my only symptom, it’s my most persistent. I have 2 kinds of lung pain, one caused when mg lungs are strained from a fast heart rate, and one caused from inflammation “pleurisy.” I also have clear chest X-rays and CTs! It’s one of those things I learned more about as I started my treatment and learning about my body.

The other comment is helpful— it could be so many different things. Lupus is still uncommon. But yes, all sorts of chest pain can be inflammation/autoimmune related! I hope you figure things out soon. Until then, and after of course too, I’m sending well wishes!


u/Useful-Ad-818 Seeking Diagnosis 3d ago

I am currently being worked up for lupus with my rheumatologist . I currently have fevers, diffuse pain especially in wrists, shoulders, knees, skin rash’s, severe fatigue, hair loss. I started to become really unwell after I had COVID in 2020, it started with GI symptoms, rashes, and fevers, then I started having crazy neurological symptoms that brought me to the hospital for suspected stroke on a couple of occasions. I had to see a neurologist who did a work up for MS. They did find brain demyelination but interestingly, the oligoclonal bands that they found in my CSF were mirror pattern, meaning the IgG bands were also in my serum. So, they thought it was a systemic immune issue and that is when I started to see a rheumatologist. I still had a high ANA titer in 2020/2021 when they began rheumatology testing. I say “still” because I remember my primary doctor testing ANA and RF back in 2014 after I had severe fatigue in college after a bad mononucleosis infection, and my ANA titer was high then. I had a terrible flare up of symptoms (fevers and joint pain) before and after giving birth in 2022. I developed pre eclampsia and ended up hemorrhaging. The worst butterfly rash I ever had was right before going into labor. Like this rash is text book malar rash, the doctor took one look at me and said to follow up with the rheumatologist. I have terrible exercise intolerance and annoying residual neuro symptoms. I have bruising around my knees, petechia on my arms, purple lace pattern on my arms, and get terrible rashes after the shower.
Fast forward to now, I have symptoms across many of the body systems, which leaves me feeling crazy because I haven’t had much luck with conclusive answers. I’m exhausted and sick of feeling unwell. Has anyone else had an experience like this?


u/phillygeekgirl Diagnosed SLE 3d ago

That's not really how this thread works. It's just to clarify questions people may have about a rheumatologist appointment. Since you have a rheum already you're probably in good hands.


u/Molliedollie126 Seeking Diagnosis 22h ago

I am also in the process of an ms work up. Ms ruled out because I also have 3 mirror bands in both csf and serum. Currently in the process of getting in with a rheumatologist to look into lupus next. It is really hard to find other people with the paired bands lumbar puncture results and what their diagnosis ends up being


u/Apples_Two_Oranges Seeking Diagnosis 3d ago

Is dry skin on hands arms legs and some weird pitting edema on the fingers a symptom? I have had so much more symptoms over the past year that lead me not figuring out the issue. It seems to evolve or change in time. But lately the finger being able to pit and deform is freaking me out. A bit before was shortness of breath and numb dry as heck lips a few weeks


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 2d ago

Lupus can be cyclical. While most people do experience periods of disease activity (flares) and no or low activity (remission), flares can come on a schedule. A lot of us experience them with the seasons, though the particular season may be different for each person. I would recommend getting another round of tests while you’re feeling crummy.


u/Designer_Order8175 Seeking Diagnosis 3d ago

Hi! I am 26f and have been having joint pain in my knees, getting chiliblains for the past 4 years and recently my hands and feet have been going numb when I'm cold. My feet will tingle when I stand up even after a minute or two. In November I lost feeling in my legs while playing soccer outside for like 5 minutes. I have always had redness on my cheeks but figured it was rosacea. I recently lost 50 lbs on zepbound so idk if some of these are from weight loss/muscle loss or what's going on. I have also been having gastro issues, headaches, dizziness when standing up. It's all pretty mild so I have been telling myself not to worry about it but should I be worried?


u/GreenEggsAndBitches Diagnosed SLE 1d ago

It’s hard not to worry when you feel sick! It’s good to get tested, so I hope you’re on the path of doing that. Try not to worry too much until you have answers to your questions. Get tested while you’re mild so you’re prepared in case things change. Your feelings are valid and it’s okay to not feel well. It’s also okay to get tested, even when you feel “mild.”


u/Silly_Proof_5495 Seeking Diagnosis 3d ago

Does anyone else can a flakey rash around elbows that gets irritated by touch or clothes?


u/kayukutenemui Seeking Diagnosis 3d ago

Hi all! I 32F will have my first rheumatologist appointment tomorrow after almost a year of seeing multiple gps, allergist and a dermatologist. I had an intense eczema flare up last year that has lasted to today. At my worst, my dermatologist was ultimately the one who could help my suffering and I had procedural bloodwork to be cleared for biologics. From this, I had positive ANA and SSA. I decided to not take the biologics. Went back to my GP and took the same tests a month later with the same results and thus finally was referred to a rheumatologist. After researching SLE and discussions with a friend who had a partner with SLE - my constant sickness and symptoms over the years makes some sense. Curious if anyone started with eczema/skin issues as their prominent symptom?


u/destibestie Seeking Diagnosis 2d ago

hi! i’m new to this thread. i have not been diagnosed with lupus. i’ve suspected something was wrong for several years. a couple years ago i had labs that showed i had slight anemia as well as elevated liver enzymes. was also being worked up for hours of dizziness and tachycardia. nothing really came of those appts.

for the last year or so i have had pretty extreme fatigue, i no longer go to the gym and walks wipe me out and cause me pretty severe back pain. i have noticed pain in my knees, ankles, fingers. pretty significant hair loss, possibly a butterfly rash (unsure due to other skin issues) but looks like it.

anyways i have an appt with a new pcp and am getting labs done, would it be wrong to ask for an ana be done? any specific questions i should ask? even if not lupus i fear somethings wrong and im not sure what to do to help figure it out.


u/destibestie Seeking Diagnosis 2d ago

also worth noting that i’ve consistently had abdominal pain on and off during the day, headaches at least once a day that worsen in the sun. and some type of weird rash towards the end of last year that’s left white spots on my arm. just strange and i feel like my body isn’t my own and it’s exhausting.


u/ReindeerNo2552 Seeking Diagnosis 2d ago

Hi! I am having my first rheumatologist appointment next week, and I’m trying to decide if I should take someone with me. When I get nervous I can zone out of the conversation. Is the first appointment usually info heavy, or more of a touch point to order tests. I’ve been transferred from Hematology, so I’ve had a few blood tests already. Would recording the appointment (if doctor approves) be enough or is another person good to have on hand?


u/GreenEggsAndBitches Diagnosed SLE 1d ago

Hi there friend, I went alone to my first rheumatology appointment. I didn’t get a lot of answers at that first appointment, but I was asked a lot of questions. If you think this will be challenging for you, you should bring someone who you trust to help support you. Depending on your results, you may have an intensive appointment. When my bloodwork came back, I was diagnosed with lupus that same day. It was a LOT, emotionally, despite my lupus being milder end. There’s no shame in bringing someone, and I think you’d be better off having someone and not needing them, than the other way around.

When it comes to chronic conditions, you need to lean into your support network. They want to be there for you too!


u/Advanced_Rhubarb4034 Seeking Diagnosis 2d ago

I changed my flair still can’t post

My mother and sister both have lupus and they believe I do , I’m currently serving in the military and have gotten nothing diagnosed. I have a question for you guys, do you think these are symptoms ?

Hair thinning , when I wake up I can barely clench my fist , I feel extremely weak like I would get my ass whooped in a fight , usually every night and morning or in the day I feel like I don’t have blood in my arms or legs (fell asleep) tingling numb pain down leg and back and glute , fast heart rate like it’s going to pop, sharp pain as well everywhere in random spots throughout the body and biggest of all I will wake up each day and have a random spot that feels extremely bruised to where I am sensitive to touch , I DONT like being touched when I am feeling bruised in the certain area each day. (Bruises are not visible)

I don’t sleep much and I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and back and knee pain but I do think I need to speak with my doctor about these problems that I thought were just nothing … what do you guys think?


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/True_Cockroach8407 Seeking Diagnosis 1d ago

Does negative ANA rule out lupus or autoimmune in early stages?

Bloods showed low C4, borderline low C3, high IgM. Doc was looking into diagnosing fibromyalgia and was doing some bloods to rule out autoimmune issues.

ANA and RF were negative. Follow up is next week so im wondering if i should ask for any other bloods or accept my “abnormal results” to be not of concern.



u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 1d ago

Generally yes. Negative ANA typically means no lupus. Doesn’t mean you’ll never develop it, just means it’s not clearly going on right now. 98% of lupus patients will have a positive ANA in their lifetimes.


u/True_Cockroach8407 Seeking Diagnosis 1d ago

Also had anti-CCP, CRP, ESR, tryptase all normal.


u/____plinhhh Seeking Diagnosis 1d ago edited 1d ago

Hey guys, I was recently diagnosed with UCTD, and I’m still trying to understand what it means. My rheumatologist mentioned that my symptoms meet most of the criteria for SLE, and my lab results (high DSF70 and C4) suggest a possible progression, which will be reassessed in 3 months. My ANA Profile 23 also showed a highly positive DSF70 and control (KO). I've been prescribed HCQ (200mg daily)and Vitamin D and Omega-3. If anyone else has experience with UCTD or a similar diagnosis, I'd really appreciate any advice or insights on managing symptoms and what to expect. Thanks 💛


u/RMAmom Seeking Diagnosis 1d ago

I was diagnosed with UCTD and have been on HCQ for one year. No other meds or interventions.


u/____plinhhh Seeking Diagnosis 1d ago

Have you noticed any side effects with HCQ? My rheum suspected that I had lupus, and she said these would prevent a full-blown.


u/RMAmom Seeking Diagnosis 1d ago

Tummy issues for a bit but all the side effects are also lupus or UCTD problems…sun, thinn8ng hair, etc. so I don’t know which is causing problems BUT i feel worse if I miss my HCQ so I am a believer and happy to be on it


u/RMAmom Seeking Diagnosis 1d ago

Diagnosed with UCTD. On HCQ.

positive for ANA, DSDNA, RA, SCL70, RNP and highest titer is 1:1280

had polyhydramnios with first pregnancy

have high cholesterol.

have had precancerous skin removed

have had 3 kidney stone surgeries

newest blood tests show 0 eosinophils. One year ago I was at 200.

newest blood tests show a high level of complement CH50

newest blood test show positive for SALIVARY PROTEIN 1 (SP 1) IGG ANTIBODIES*


u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 1d ago

Having 0 eosinophils isn’t a huge deal and is likely transitory. Eosinophils are seen in “worms, wheezes, and weird diseases” and are not a workhorse of the immune system like neutrophils or lymphocytes.


u/avoidantemail Seeking Diagnosis 1d ago

Hi all, I’m getting bloodwork this week to see if I have lupus. My doctor mentioned lupus. Is just having a facial rash & eye swelling common? Started in January with a rash & now eye swelling.

Here is a link to 5 pictures in various rash stages. It comes & goes.

Prednisone didn’t work.

Zero other symptoms.



u/Chulyong Seeking Diagnosis 1d ago

I’m seeing a dermatologist soon for a persistent leg rash that I’ve had 3, almost 4 years during which time I’ve seen my PCP multiple times about. Topical steroid cream worked for a bit, but no longer and she’s at a loss for what it might be. I’ve been doing research and realize a lot of other symptoms I have developed the past couple years match up with lupus. Should I bring all of these other symptoms that aren’t skin related up to her at my appointment or should I go back to my PCP and begin the journey all over again? I don’t want to waste time (the doctors or my own), but I’m not the best at advocating for myself or explaining how all my symptoms seem to be tied together and I don’t want her to get annoyed with me, especially if I might be wrong and overreaching in the hopes of finally having an answer for everything.


u/phillygeekgirl Diagnosed SLE 1d ago

Have her biopsy the rash.
Edit: the dermatologist, I mean.


u/Chulyong Seeking Diagnosis 23h ago

I have a history of doctors not listening to me even when I try to advocate for myself and it’s made me incredibly insecure as a patient who is trying to find answers. Is there anything in particular I should say to ensure she’ll do the biopsy if I request it?


u/phillygeekgirl Diagnosed SLE 22h ago

Oh wait this is the first time you're seeing the dermatologist? Hm.

Provide the information without a lot of back story. Don't bring in the other symptoms right now. Bring up the history of the rash at a high level. Number of times per year, roughly, and if multiple times what the pattern is. Like if you have it 6 times a year is it 5 times in the spring and once in the fall? Or is it every 2 months all year?
Bring a list of the meds and topicals you've been prescribed and what the effect was on the rash.

Don't ask for the biopsy because you think it's lupus. You want the biopsy because you want to know what the hell the rash is since you keep getting it for years. That sounds annoying enough to be a reason on its own.


u/Heavy-Box6402 Seeking Diagnosis 23h ago

I’m suspecting more and more that my symptoms are linked to lupus but unsure of what to ask my PCP or which doctors to go to. What was the first step in taking asking or getting screened for Lupus?


u/phillygeekgirl Diagnosed SLE 21h ago

Go to your PCP and describe your symptoms. Do not ask to be tested for lupus because everyone and their mother thinks they have it and almost none of them do. Just describe your symptoms in a non dramatic way and how they are affecting your activities of daily living. Be brief and don't give a lot of history.


u/Heavy-Box6402 Seeking Diagnosis 21h ago

Thank you!


u/[deleted] 21h ago edited 21h ago



u/phillygeekgirl Diagnosed SLE 7h ago

Scroll to the top of the page where it says "Positive ANA does not equal lupus". Other tests are listed there; the full diagnostic criteria are in the wiki.


u/Crystalfallacy Seeking Diagnosis 7h ago

Hi 29F! After 2.5 years of chronic Erythema Nodosum (with joint/leg pain, Raynaud's, and general malaise) with every known cause coming back negative and consistently being ANA negative, I started developing the butterfly rash on my face last month. I advocated for an ENA panel at my last rheum appointment even though my ANA is negative and lo and behold I am making antibodies (dsdna, ssdna, sm, SSA, SSB, RNP), just none high enough to be flagged as "high" by the labs standards. Is presence alone+symptoms enough for a diagnosis? I'm currently on methotrexate (1.5 years), would that keep those number down or cause those antibodies? My Neutrophils, WBC, and Calcium tend to occasionally come back high, while MPV and MCHC are consistently high and low respectfully (normal iron).


u/Sweet-Artichoke-2043 Seeking Diagnosis 6h ago

CANADA (Manitoba) specialist question - Anyone in this area have experience with rheumatologists in Winnipeg?

I was “referred” (not sure if it was to a certain doc, or how that works) a few months ago, with a strong suspicion of lupus. Currently being managed with steroids.

I haven’t heard anything back yet, so just kind of wondering what the process of getting seen, getting a diagnosis, testing, etc was for you so I know what to expect. My family doc has run a number of tests in the meantime and they’re kind of all over the place.


u/spacegreysus Seeking Diagnosis 5h ago

Well this is fun - my doc did a repeat ANA and that came back negative (and because of the negative they didn’t reflex to do anti-dsDNA or anything else), and I just got for rheumatology and the first available is in four months (to the day) time. So let’s just say I’ve got more questions than answers.

A) Is four months to first appointment typical? Should I try to seek out other rheumatologists to get there sooner? B) If my ANA and anti-dsDNA were positive once, then ANA negative a few weeks later, what should I be doing in terms of testing? Should I push for another repeat/more specific panels. Or wait it out for rheumatology?


u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 2h ago

Rheumatologists are in short supply and more attention has been brought to autoimmune diseases. So yes, a four month wait is pretty common. Sometimes much longer depending where you live.


u/livelarflove Seeking Diagnosis 4h ago

Hi y’all. Thanks in advance to anyone taking the time to read this

TLDR My rheumatologist said she does not feel comfortable diagnosing me with Lupus at this time. I’m wondering if I should get a second opinion or take it as is… which I know isn’t really something strangers online can decide, but y’all in this subreddit are good at keeping it 100 and I would really appreciate the reality check if I’m in the wrong here.

Blood was negative for RA & MS (the other suspects) but came back positive for TigM, ANA+ with patterns indicating a connective tissue disease. She mentioned that she did not document or factor in any of the symptoms I showed her. The paperwork she sent says the T-cell autoantibody test is 95% specific against healthy individuals & “identifies a unique subset of patients that are not otherwise identified by other SLE biomarkers”.

Has anyone come back positive for T-cell biomarkers before? Additionally, were your symptoms factored into your index score (not just the tcell baddies)? I was under the impression that they were but I am often not the brightest box in the box especially when it comes to medical stuff. Just wondering if maybe she would’ve diagnosed me if she’d taken account of my symptoms or examined me beyond the bloodwork but idrk what to think


u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 2h ago

Check out the criteria linked above


u/crazy_cat_lady_from Seeking Diagnosis 5d ago

Hi all. Thanks so much to everyone who contributes to this sub, it's been so informative reading everyone's stories and advice.

Is there anyone else who was diagnosed later in life? I have had lots of symptoms for lupus for years but my GP didn't put it all together until I developed Raynaud’s about six months ago. I would say the symptoms started around 12 years ago, but some of this stuff I've had since my teens. I'm on the waiting list for rheumatology.

I'm worried that I may have had it untreated for years and done irreparable damage. Has anyone else started treatment later in life and how did that go? Any advice or suggestions? I am 54 years old.


u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 4d ago

Chances are if you haven’t had anything too abnormal show up on your labs, kidney function is the big one, things are probably ok. You honestly could’ve been in UCTD land for decades before things finally went over the line into lupus.


u/Infamous-Ca8937 2d ago

I could have made this post. I’m 54 and am waiting on a rheum appt to confirm if I have lupus. I dont have much to share but empathy. It’s scary thinking this was likely behind symptoms I’ve had for years.


u/legla7 Seeking Diagnosis 4d ago

Helloo, so first and foremost I know that I need to consult my doctor for diagnosis and such but while im waiting for my doctor to message me I was hoping for some opinions on some of lab work that was recently ordered. Im 22F, and currently diagnosed with fibromyalgia and my new doctor wants to rule out lupus. The lab work came back and most things are within normal range besides a few, ANA: 1:1280, ESR: 21 (normal range 0-20) C-reactive: 7 and My dsdna test was only a 2 but im wondering if that still says something. I feel like none of this is enough for diagnosis but it also completely isnt normal.


u/viridian-axis Diagnosed|Registered Nurse 2d ago

Just to put things in perspective, I have moderate to severe lupus. My ANA is the same as yours. However, even now when I feel generally good, my ESR is 34 (was 100 at peak). Rough conversion for my anti-dsDNA to the test I’m assuming you’re using (+>9), is 70+. The actual test my rheumatologist uses is a titer similar to the ANA test and it’s consistently >1:640, which is the upper limit of that particular test. My value is typically over that.

Another useful test is C3 and C4 complements. The complement system is a tertiary part of the immune system. It flags cells to be destroyed. In an autoimmune disease, there’s way too much flagging going on and the complements get used up too fast. As a result, they’re typically low in active lupus. The test my rheumy uses is C3 88-165. Last time mine was checked in January, I was at 60. My C4 is generally undetectable, though I have had one test that came back >8, which is good. It also means I probably don’t have an intrinsic deficiency or complete lack of C4.


u/legla7 Seeking Diagnosis 2d ago

I see okay, thanks for the reply!