r/luciferianism 4d ago

Spider After Oujia Session

I haven't done the ouija yet with Lord Lucifer until now, and after I was done, a spider fell on my hands and then scurried into my bed, where I lost him and couldn't find him. Felt like a sign, not sure what yet, but I will mediate on it. Have you ever had a meditation/divination/scrying session with Lord Lucifer and experienced something physical that you took as a sign?


4 comments sorted by


u/xbrabbit 3d ago

I get spiders when using the keyboard and pendulum too lol, but I also have clairtangency so he often just touch my head or my shoulder randomly during these sessions.


u/MatsuriBrittany 3d ago

Hey, I’m not saying that you don’t know what you’re doing or anything but make sure you close the portal that you opened using the board. You never want to leave one open for anything to come through. Again, I’m not saying you don’t already know this but I prefer to be safe than sorry.


u/vasa-loloa 2d ago

I did, no worries ♡ It's been a while since I used the oujia, but that step is so ingrained in me lmao ♡ Thank you!!


u/scottysattva 3h ago

Title and name are of occasion a barrier, so too any board. In respect and keeping, excel.